Beginnings of a fleet

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Beginnings of a fleet

Post by Wolfbrother »

Lone Wolf Alliance

Lone Wolf Alliance Official Document
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1) The Joining of the Isolationists

2) The Expansion Age

3) The Deprivation Issue

4) In The Nick of Time (Travelling to and fro through the galaxy)

5) Notable Pack Leaders of the Great Hunt and Other Figures of Importance

6) The Great Hunt
a. The Ranks of the LWA
b. Fleet organisation of the LWA

The hunt. Glorious and fulfilling. A primeval action. A natural instinct. A way of life.

The Joining of Isolationists

Denerous, a small planet in extremely crowded system; home to the Lone Wolf Alliance. The people of Denerous are extremely intelligent and have reflexes and agility in extreme capacity, they tend to group together in groups of thirty or so and these groups are lead by one of the groups most intelligent and physically able, s/he is called a Pack leader and the group is a Pack. These Packs were the original communities of Denerous they would fight to control settlements and hunting grounds. This was they way of life for the Denerians for hundreds of years; this kept the populace of the planet limited but due to their intelligence the Denerians realised they could create betters ways too fight each other and resulted in an imbalance and thus the population decreased.

Cronus the White Wolves Pack leader realised this would lead to the demise of the people of Denerous and saw that something had to be done using his alliances with other Packs; he created the Council of Eleven a group of Pack leaders who aimed to make peace and reach to the bright stars in the sky. The Council was barely recognised as a power at first and the Packs uninvolved saw little reason to heed the warnings of the Eleven so Cronus gathered the Packs of the Eleven to fight the Denerians and show them the power of banding together.

At first Cronus swept through settlement after settlement showing the way to work as a team his armies were nigh unstoppable until they reached the Van Lorthi settlement the last defence of the Red Claw Pack; the defences of the settlement repelled the attackers for three years until Cronus finally agreed to join in a meeting with the Red Claws Leader, Graft, Cronus proceeded on to bringing the full Council to Van Lorthi and the Eleven members showed Graft the benefits of being joined together. Graft then went onto explain how he thought Cronus had taken control and how the power of each member should be equal instead of Cronus leading to make it work. When the negotiations finished half a year later the Lone Wolf Alliance was formed with thirteen seats but with twelve Pack Leaders as the Council the final seat was left for the Outsider, the aid to the Great Hunt of the Stars. The twelve Pack Leaders would be like countries with the smaller Packs selecting the best to serve as their leader through a vote and rigorous testing. This was the Joining of the Isolationists and would forever change the fate of the Denerians.

The Expansion Age

With the LWA formed the people of Denerous pooled their intelligence and went through a huge technological leap. They had reached their moon in three hundred years and were already developing orbital stations and colonies. This was when they first encountered the Qroy a reptilian race who were spreading across the stars like a disease they used a simple technology and were quickly forced back by the Denerians. Using studies of long-range telescopic of black holes the Denerians began developing inter-stellar drives on highly isolated research stations away from the planet.

Eventually the scientists created the Sub-space Galactic Drive or SGD, which allowed them to travel in the space between parallel universes at incredibly fast speeds. The first colony fleets encountered little trouble with the remainder of the Qroy and quickly claimed control of their home planet wiping all traces of them forever.

More and more colonies were claimed and the LWA was truly a power to behold and each Pack Leader was given governorship of groups of planets but still the thirteenth member was missing, none of the Qroy were suitable and they were obliterated anyway. Denerous is the capital of all that goes on in the LWA and Van Lothi has become the capital’s centre. The repercussions of the exponential growth of the LWA lead to the Deprivation Issue.

The Deprivation Issue
Once the LWA had settled and developed every planet possible in their cluster they realised one thing they didn’t have enough resources even the major farming worlds were highly incapable of sustaining what the LWA was doing. The Council joined and discussed what to do; their seemed to be only one choice expand again the LWA joined built massive armadas of colony ships and set forth towards the ever distant stars and started the Great Hunt, this lead to the discovery of more races and more trouble.

In The Nick Of Time
The Sub-space Galactic Drive allowed the fleets of the LWA to travel across the vast distances between stars. It consists of a metamorphic element called Kraktium and a Blood-ray generator, the Kraktium becomes extremely dense when heated and cooled rapidly this results in an implosion of powerful but small proportions this is then used to pull the ship into the Wolf Dream, this is the gap between universes and where the impossible can happen. Ships in the Wolf Dream accelerate to impossible speeds without consequence and when the ship reaches its mathematically calculated destination, the Kraktium is then liquefied by extreme heat coming from the Blood-ray beam resulting in an implosion, which launches the ship back into the galaxy. The Blood-ray generator is a complex machine which can carry anything along it’s beam i.e. heat, Kraktium, light etc this allows it to heat the Kraktium as it picks it up and then is reflected to it’s origin using mirrors with hardened covers dropping off the heated Kraktium leaving it to cool; this process allows Denerian ships to travel the galaxy in a few short hours and is extremely safe providing the calculations are done correctly which is where the plotting computers come in and complete the meticulous calculations to ensure the ships turn up in the right spot.

Notable Pack Leaders of the Great Hunt and Other Figures of Importance

Cronus, political leader, founder of the Council of Eleven and co-founder of the LWA

Graft, master tactician and co-founder of the LWA

Calcut, developer of the SGD

Great Wolf Jamie ‘Wrath’ Poole

Wolfbrother General Harris ‘Devilsbane’ Elijah

Wolfbrother General Ben ‘Hammer’ Lewis

Wolfbrother General Lewtin ‘Giant’ Gratian

Pack Leader Alexus ‘Swifty’ Jofian

Pack Leader Laura ‘Guardian’ Qist

Grey Wolf Huther ‘Iron Jaw’ Hasti

Red Wolf Pruth ‘Canine’ Birtu

Great Wolf – Leaders of the Alliance
Wolfbrother General – Ultimate rank achievable by a serving officer
Wolfbrother Commander – Subordinate of Wolfbrother General
Claw Commander – Section Commander
Incisor – Intelligence Officer
Lone Hunter- Captain (first rank that allows a LWA member to address commanders and counter-act orders with small reprimands)
Pack Leader – Squadron Commander
Grey Wolf - Lieutenant
Red Wolf - Sergeant

“Our Enemy is confused by two planes of attack, lets give them four to worry about, begin flanking manoeuvres!” Attr. Great Wolf Wrath – battle of the Rusted Moon

The Great Hunt (Fleet Organisation)

The fleets of the LWA are extremely large but consist of mainly smaller ships such as frigates, destroyers and light cruisers. The larger ships are mainly used as a main attack force while the smallest ships make a small SGD jump behind the enemy and flank them. Each fleet consists of up to one thousand five hundred individual ships (not including starfighters) but most are around the five hundred mark. Each fleet is then divided into sub-groups. A common set-up for a fleet is:

50 Cruisers (of any type)
80 Destroyers (of any type)
125 Frigates (of any type)
175 Escorts (of any type)
30 Colony ships (of any type)
10 Tankers
15 Carriers (of any type)
15 Probes

Each Sub-group is then assigned enough ships to complete its job usually a fleet consists of three or four different sub-groups. The elite crews of the LWA are combined to form Wolfbrother sections; these are extremely well equipped and are expected to uphold the Council Laws with extreme accuracy.

The 1st Fleet is commanded by the Great Wolf Jamie ‘Wrath’ Poole; he is the most distinguished commander and an excellent tactician, he is Pack Leader of the White Wolves system, a grouping of more than thirty planets, and is on the Council of Thirteen. When the Denerians first encounter the OTC, Great Wolf Wrath is the one to realise Grand Admiral Chris could be the last Pack Leader and the thirteenth Council Member. The 1st Fleet is the best equipped and consists of mainly Wolfbrothers and their counterpart ships; it is a large fleet numbering of over one thousand ships.

The 2nd Fleet is commanded by Wolfbrother Harris ‘Devilbane’ Elijah; he has extremely fast reflexes and his tactical battles reflect this, they consist of lightning arrays against the enemy and quick reactions to each threat, this fleet has frigates in a much higher quantity than any other to allow Wolfbrother Devilsbane to use his reflexes to his utmost ability.

Wolfbrother Ben ‘Hammer’ Lewis commands the 3rd Fleet; he is extremely strong for a Denerian and uses his brawn to overcome difficult situations. The third fleet is usually the first into the foray striking right at the heart of the enemy. This has lead to a larger number of cruisers being used and an iron hard will from the crews of the 3rd Fleet.

“Master your mind and any battle will be easy to overcome.” Attr. Wolfbrother Devilsbane

Battle Carrier(WIP)
Not entirely happy with this at all but oh well. It's something to post. I'm up for any suggestions so comment away. So far this is the largest ship in the fleet but cruisers are only slightly smaller. There is one larger ship I have planned a worldship that carries most of the LWA's people through the galaxy.

Any better? this was something quick I did while not very sober so apologies for the bad quality but the idea sparked on me and well I had to see what it would look like.

This a cruiser that was designed before I finished the battle carrier

Another type of cruiser desinged at the same time

A destroyer

A frigate

A escort

The WIP inner core of my worldship

These all need colour schemes and weapons etc and are very much WIP but I haven't updated this in a while due to getting distracted by my second fleet the IXO and work.
Last edited by Wolfbrother on Mon May 19, 2008 7:21 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by AidanAdv »

Well, points for the backstory. I hope the ships are as good it is.
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Post by XxKiraYamatoxX »

That's a lot of repetition. =X
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Post by Commodore111 »

XxKiraYamatoxX wrote:That's a lot of repetition. =X
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Post by jwa8402 »

Commodore111 wrote:
XxKiraYamatoxX wrote:That's a lot of repetition. =X
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Post by AidanAdv »

jwa8402 wrote:
Commodore111 wrote:
XxKiraYamatoxX wrote:That's a lot of repetition. =X
Yes it does.
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Post by falco1029 »

jwa8402 wrote:
Commodore111 wrote:
XxKiraYamatoxX wrote:That's a lot of repetition. =X
IIIIIroooony XD

I think it looks fine.

Or is the only acceptable response OMG THERES TWO PIECES BACK TO BACKT HAT ARE THE SAME WTF BBQ PDQ 789.

Seriously, it looks good, that's all that matters. Especially considering it's the same repetition most of them use but without weapons and such yet. Sheesh
Last edited by falco1029 on Mon May 05, 2008 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Water_and_Wind »

The repetition's not too jarring, but the core seems to be too far to the front methinks. Good backstory.
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Post by Arcalane »

Water_and_Wind wrote:The repetition's not too jarring, but the core seems to be too far to the front methinks. Good backstory.
Indeed. You could probably do with easing off the reptition a bit along the back sides and nose, as well as the considerable Section 22 abuse in the center area. Try using some of the others for variety.
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Post by Bad Boy »

Repetitive but not bad. I agree with Arc about the section 22s. The backstory is great (and extensive). Have you made any other ships for this fleet? If so, can you post some pics of them?
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Post by Wolfbrother »

More will come once I sort out the problems. I've got plenty more in my head and a few on paper.
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Post by mtheminja »

I think the biggest problem is that none of those pieces have been rotated, which emphasizes the repetition. Especially at the back, rotating things a bit should make it look better.
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Post by T-002 »

falco1029 wrote:Or is the only acceptable response OMG THERES TWO PIECES BACK TO BACKT HAT ARE THE SAME WTF BBQ PDQ 789.
Dude, you are quite literally, one of the... maybe three people who've ever made me LOL. Really, I burst out in laughter.

That is one massive backstory. Will read when interested. The ship, so far, is quite good. Nice overall shape. I'm waiting to see the rest.
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Post by Darksoul »

i like the history you have although that ship needs to have alot less repitition( as the people above have said clearly :lol: ) but other then that looks nice keep it coming :D
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Post by Wolfbrother »

This is along term project and I've got about 30 ships already written down but pre-BSf stats as me and my friend are trying to create a game ourselves I just thought it would be interesting to model them on here. Any preferences for a class of ship next?