The Third BSF Beauty Pageant - FINISHED!

Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by Anna »

Okay, boys and girls. I already have all 26 original ships entries completed. Not bad for a bit over two hours of work. Here it goes.

Original Ships Category:
Cataclysm-class Mothership by Arcalane
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 4/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 4/5
--- Backstory: 4/5
Total: 24/40
Comments: Interesting design, if slightly dull or cliched in appearance. The shieldwalls are simultaneously kind of pretty, and yet something of an eyesore in comparison to the rest of the ship. When the Cataclysm starts firing its weapons, it really is a sight to behold, and the backstory is quite well written and interesting. I am slightly irritated by the lack of thrusters at the rear of the ship, when it has some on the sides, though. It seems... wrong.

Hysteria by JaffaJoke91
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creativity: 3/10
--- Functionality: 2/5
--- Backstory: 1/5
Total: 16/40
Comments: This ship has a fairly unique and distinctive look, but at the same time, the use of sections is far from ideal, with lots of repetition and some ugly crossover parts that just ruin the appearance of the ship. Funtionality is low due to... well, it barely looks like a ship, let alone a very functional one, and its hull looks like it would buckle easily under even moderate firepower. Minimal backstory score for a minimal quality backstory.

Eye of Harmony by condorc3
--- Aesthetics: 1/10
--- Originality: 3/10
--- Creativity: 2/10
--- Functionality: 0/5
--- Backstory: 1/5
Total: 7/40
Comments: Now, normally in this situation, I'd say "where do I start with this thing?", but in this case, I know exactly where to start. It's fucking hideous. Section placement is horrendous, with lots of ugly stretching and repetition, the over all shape of the ship is both boring and uninspired, and it DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE A SHIP. Hence the functionality score of zero. The backstory is so silly that I'd almost call it a joke, but I doubt it was intended as one.

Eteru Starbase by Anty
--- Aesthetics: 8/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creativity: 8/10
--- Functionality: 4/5
--- Backstory: 2/5
Total: 29/40
Comments: This Starbase is beautiful. Not perfect, as the over-all structure could definitely benefit from more detailing and perhaps an added sense of depth, but it is damn close to it in many respects. The domes are wonderfully done, and the whole thing is a work of art, really. Sadly, the backstory is rather lacking.

Tristifal by Normandy
--- Aesthetics: 5/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creativity: 6/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 22/40
Comments: The Tristifal, while not really the sort of thing I expect to see in this competition, is still a fairly solidly built ship. Normandy managed to make an almost stock-green ship look quite interesting and detailed, despite being small in size. More over, it looks like it could fit into a fleet of almost any size, being anything from a large, chunky battleship or a tough and stocky little frigate. Surprisingly well done, and a solid all-rounder.

CRS Valshamr by Strideo
--- Aesthetics: 8/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creativity: 7/10
--- Functionality: 4/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 29/40
Comments: The Valshamr is a very, very nice ship, with plenty of details, and interesting colourscheme, and a fairly unique and well thought out design. I really must commend Strideo, as this is one of the best ships in the competition. Everything is excellent, from the detailing to the weapons layout, and the over all shape.

Davey Jones' Locker by ArcaneDude
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creativity: 4/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 19/40
Comments: This ship really is a testament to how quickly ArcaneDude's shipbuilding skills are improving. It was made slightly more than a month ago, and now look at the ships he's creating. They're vastly superior. This ship just... really doesn't do it for me. I won't exactly call it outright ugly, but it's just not very appealing to look at. The internal structures look sloppy and messy. The weapon's placement seems somewhat awkward, and the over-all design is fairly poor

Leviathan by See317
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 4/10
--- Creativity: 2/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 18/40
Comments: A somewhat interesting and moderatey original design ruined by an excess amount of section repetion and poor detailing, that makes large parts of this supposedly entirely organic creature look distinctly mechanical in nature. I believe the whole structure would also look a lot nicer if it faced in the opposite direction. It's a decent attempt at an organic ship, but it falls fairly short in the execution.

BC.Focalon by reven1231
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 4/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 1/5
Total: 19/40
Comments: It's rather small, and in many ways lacking in detail, but this is one fierce and mean looking little bugger, with plenty of spikey goodness and a decent colour scheme. The engine exhaust is interesting and adds extra character to the ship, however the weapon details are somewhat dull in comparison. Still, a good job.

Synapse by ChaosTheory
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creativity: 4/10
--- Functionality: 4/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 22/40
Comments: An interesting design that looks fairly interesting with just about any colour scheme. The weapon placement is interesting, but in many ways the ship feels slightly underarmed, but then again, it's not intentioned to be a warship. All in all, it's a good ship, but not great.

Transit Gloria by Daxx
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creativity: 6/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 0/5
Total: 19/40
Comments: I'm really conflicted about this ship. In some ways, I find the over-all design rather primitive and lacking in depth, but in other aspects, there are many unique and interesting features on this ship that make me think "hey, that's kind of cool". Ultimately, however, they don't save this ship, which ranks as an average competitor.

Incendrius by Perturabo
--- Aesthetics: 5/10
--- Originality: 3/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 5/5
--- Backstory: 0/5
Total: 18/40
Comments: This ship is quite detailed, and very functional in appearance, but it's lacking severely in originality, looking very similar to many other designs before it, and scores only averagely in Creativity and Aesthetics. It looks decent, but it doesn't have the sort of appeal that I look for. Still, I am fairly fond of it, and I might mess around with it in the future.

Templar Knight by Malahite
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 2/5
Total: 21/40
Comments: Quite an original design in concept, but the execution, however, leaves much to be desired. The inner portions of the ship look sloppy and awkward, lacking in any sort of cohesive structure or purpose. One thing that many shipbuilders seem to forget is that the internal parts of your ship are just as important as the outline. A ship with excellent internal structure and an average outer hull shape looks much nicer than a poor internal structure and an excellent outer hull shape.

Alpharia by bl3d4
--- Aesthetics: 1/10
--- Originality: 3/10
--- Creativity: 1/10
--- Functionality: 0/5
--- Backstory: 0/5
Total: 5/40
Comments: What the hell can I say about this thing? Seriously, this isn't a ship, this is a goddamn monstrosity. A hull so dark you can barely make out its outline on a blank map, weapons covering every single inch of its surface, and bright, glowing, multicoloured chunks of aegis all over the damn thing. It makes me want to gag. This is an affront to good shipbuilding, and dare I say, a stain against these forums.

Nor Creature Carrier by Auriak
--- Aesthetics: 8/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 4/5
--- Backstory: 4/5
Total: 27/40
Comments: It's small, but it's also a really fine piece of work, and an excellent example for anyone who wants to try and make organic-looking ships. The weapons work well, too, convincingly portraying the idea that they're swarms of hungry little symbiotic creatures, ready to chow down on their unsuspecting metallic prey.

Kareem Heavy Lifter by M123
--- Aesthetics: 3/10
--- Originality: 4/10
--- Creativity: 2/10
--- Functionality: 2/5
--- Backstory: 2/5
Total: 13/40
Comments: Not much to say about this ship. It's fairly dull in every respect, lacking any interesting, memorable or defining characteristics except for just how bland it is. Definitely not Beauty Pageant material.

Phlogiston by Water_and_Wind
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 2/10
--- Creativity: 2/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 14/40
Comments: This is a stock-like ship. It really doesn't belong in this competition, as it's hard to compare this small little thing, lacking in both section numbers and details, to some of the other entries. On the other hand, though, it's still better than the things made by condorc3 and bl3d4.

IVL-A-Hades class Man'o'War by _Lizzie_
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creativity: 6/10
--- Functionality: 5/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 26/40
Comments: Very similar in many ways to Lizzie's old designs, and to Aralonian style ships, it brings enough of its own unique flavour to the table that it doesn't get penalised for a lack of originality. The colour scheme is nice, with the yellows and blues offering an interesting contrast to the grey. They weapons loadout is interesting, and in action, these things are fearsome to behold. I really like this ship, but I'd like to see Lizzie expand her style a little.

Argonaut by Raul
--- Aesthetics: 3/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 1/5
Total: 18/40
Comments: I really don't like this ship. The design is somewhat original, but it's also as ugly as sin. Functionally, the ship is okay, but aesthetically, it just leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I'm really not touching this thing again.

Soma by BoVinE
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creativity: 6/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 25/40
Comments: This ship feels... awkward. It's got its good points, but it feels almost like BoVinE was just trying to mimic some of the better known ship builders, in way, because the entire ship seems sort of forced, rather than a natural progression of section placement. It's nice, with good detailing and being slightly above average in every respect. But something about it bugs me.

Armageddon's Scribe by BadBoy
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 3/10
--- Creativity: 6/10
--- Functionality: 1/5
--- Backstory: 1/5
Total: 15/40
Comments: I really want to try and give constructive, or at least not complete retarded points on this ship, but I'm just gonna go ahead and let this out right now. It's a giant purple dick. It's also really fucking ugly to look at. The internal structuring is great, if a little over done, which makes it all the more disappointing that the over all shape is just so abysmally bad. For futher (and far less constructive) commentary on this ship, look here.

Midboss by DarthMetool
--- Aesthetics: 2/10
--- Originality: 3/10
--- Creativity: 2/10
--- Functionality: 2/5
--- Backstory: 1/5
Total: 10/40
Comments: Not the sort of ship we're looking for. Fairly boring. Certainly not aesthetically pleasing, in comparison to the competition.

Canute class Battlecruiser by Exethalion
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 3/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 3/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 18/40
Comments: This ship has potential, but it's not really there. The parts that would look good with additional details lack them, and the parts that do have additional details seem rather redundant and frivolous. The addition of static doodads to represent lights on the inside of the ship is interesting, but ultimately falls short, and only serves to make the ship look less pleasing to the eye.

UFS All Under Heaven by Master Chief
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 4/10
--- Creativity: 5/10
--- Functionality: 4/5
--- Backstory: 3/5
Total: 22/40
Comments: This ship is fairly impressive, and certainly better than I expected from Master Chief. Some aspects of the ship are somewhat unoriginal, and the one-colour colourscheme is rather disappointing, but on the whole it's an interesting ship, with a good shape, and pitting one of these against an IVL-A-Hades makes for an entertaining - and surprisingly balanced - fight to watch.

Incursus Heavy Battlecruiser by Wicky_42
--- Aesthetics: 5/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creativity: 6/10
--- Functionality: 2/5
--- Backstory: 2/5
Total: 21/40
Comments: An interesting design marred only by inexperience and poor structurisation. It seems almost like a more alien version of Master Chief's ship, in many respects, and I quite like the over all feel of it. I have the feeling that Wicky might start really impressing us, when he gets the hang of things.

The Cathedral of Stars by Kazuael
--- Aesthetics: 9/10
--- Originality: 8/10
--- Creativity: 8/10
--- Functionality: 4/5
--- Backstory: 4/5
Total: 33/40
Comments: And here it is, ladies and gentlemen. The reason why none of you has any chance of winning the Original Ships category. What needs to be said about this ship? Very little. Its design is very original, the use of aegis for aesthetic purposes is excellent, the whole thing looks absolutely gorgeous. The weapons fit the ship, and the whole thing feels downright fucking magnificent. This truly is a Master Piece, and I hope MIM can do it justice, if he does try to render it in 3d. :lol:
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Post by Anty »

wohoo im second!

I know I can't write >_>
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Post by BoVinE »

hmmm. 5th by Anna, and I did better than designs I liked better than my own. Still not sure who I was supposed to be imitating.
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Post by Normandy »

Eh. Did better than I expected, after I saw the other entries. Subtle shading doesn't really help against an awesome glowstick (in lack of a better word) on a ship :cry: .

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Post by condorc3 »

Yay didnt come last!
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Post by DarthMetool »

10 outta 40 is better than nothing at all. I was expecting to be in dead last with my ship.
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Post by Raul »

Hm, some actual description of what made it ugly in your eyes would have been helpful. Not disagreeing but its my first titan and one of my first few ships so something more would have been helpful. That said, probably shouldn't have entered anything yet anyway. Thanks for even looking.
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Post by Anty »

personally I think it are the colours
Bad Boy
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Post by Bad Boy »

Well, if my design hurts that much, I suppose I'll do some more work on it, and change the shape. I didn't expect to win (or come anywhere close), but I didn't expect to fail so badly either.
Seriously though, when I posted the final version, I was amazed (and quite happy) at the lack of phallic shape comments (in the ship thread), to get them from the judge kind of bugs me.
Last edited by Bad Boy on Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wicky_42 »

Well, i'm happy with my result - over half marks *glee*... though i'd like some pointers on what constitutes poor internal construction to help with future projects - or is that a more subjective aspect of ship building?
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Post by Daxx »

Bad Boy wrote:Seriously though, when I posted the final version, I was amazed (and quite happy) at the lack of phallic shape comments
We were all talking about your butt plug in IRC, I think.

So, when can we expect the other judges to start delivering? No rush, of course.
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Post by Bad Boy »

Daxx wrote:We were all talking about your butt plug in IRC, I think.
I meant in the thread for the ship, seeing as I don't really go on IRC.

Also, as Daxx said, "when can we expect the other judges to start delivering?"
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Post by Siber »

Been working on it. Not making headway extremely fast, but I am working on it.
seriously Anna. seriously oh my gawd seriously.

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Post by Talhydras »

Summary of scores. Explanations in depth are in following megapost.

1. Synapse by ChaosTheory with 31/40
2. Cathedral of the Stars by Kazuael and IVL-A-Hades-class Man o War by Lizzie with 29/40
3. Cataclysm-class Mothership by Arcalane with 27/40

Honorable mention to Exethalion for his Canute-class, prettiest gunfire.

UFS All Under Heaven by Master Chef:
Aesthetics: 6/10.
Originality: 4/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 3/5.

Alpharia by bl3d4:
Aesthetics: 6/10.
Originality: 4/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 1/5.
Backstory: 0/5.

Argonaut by Raul:
Aesthetics: 4/10.
Originality: 6/10.
Creativity: 3/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 1/5.

Armageddon's Scribe by Bad Boy:
Aesthetics: 3/10
Originality: 6/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 1/5.

Canute-class Fast Battlecruiser by Exethalion:
Aesthetics: 7/10.
Originality: 6/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 4/5.
Backstory: 2/5.

Cataclysm-class Mothership by Arcalane:
Aesthetics: 6/10.
Originality: 5/10.
Creativity: 7/10.
Functionality: 5/5.
Backstory: 4/5.

Cathedral of the Stars by Kazuael:
Aesthetics: 10/10.
Originality: 5/10.
Creativity: 8/10.
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 3/5.

CRS Valshamr by Strideo:
Aesthetics: 5/10.
Originality: 6/10.
Creativity: 4/10.
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 2/5.

Davy Jones's Locker by ArcaneDude:
Aesthetics: 7/10.
Originality: 6/10.
Creativity: 3/10.
Functionality: 4/5.
Backstory: 3/5.

Eteru Starbase by Anty:
Aesthetics: 3/10.
Originality: 5/10.
Creativity: 4/10.
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 1/5.

Eye of Harmony by condorc3:
Aesthetics: 3/10.
Originality: 8/10
Creativity: 8/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 2/5.

Focalon Battlecruiser by reven1231:
Aesthetics: 6/10.
Originality: 3/10.
Creativity: 1/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 1/5

IVL-A-Hades class Man o War by Lizzie:
Aesthetics: 7/10
Originality: 8/10.
Creativity: 7/10.
Functionality: 5/5.
Backstory: 2/5.

Hysteria by JaffaJoke91:
Aesthetics: 7/10.
Originality: 8/10.
Creativity: 2/10.
Functionality: 1/5.
Backstory: 1/5.

Incendrius by Perturabo:
Aesthetics: 2/10.
Originality: 4/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 0/5.

Incursus-class Heavy Battlecruiser by Wicky_42:
Aesthetics: 3/10.
Originality: 6/10.
Creativity: 3/10
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 4/5.

Kareem Heavy Lifter by M123:
Aesthetics: 2/10.
Originality: 4/10.
Creativity: 4/10.
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 3/5.

Leviathan by See317:
Aesthetics: 6/10.
Originality: 4/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 4/5 points.

Midboss by DarthMetool:
Aesthetics: 4/10.
Originality: 4/10.
Creativity: 2/10
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 1/5.

Nor Creature Carrier by Auriak:
Aesthetics: 7/10.
Originality: 6/10
Creativity: 6/10.
Functionality: 4/5.
Backstory: 3/5.

Phlogiston by Water_and_Wind:
Aesthetics: 4/10.
Originality: 4/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 4/5.
Backstory: 3/5.
PHLOGISTON FINAL SCORE: 20/40 because I'm a huge softie.

Soma by BoVinE:
Aesthetics: 4/10.
Originality: 8/10.
Creativity: 4/10
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 2/5.

Synapse by ChaosTheory:
Aesthetics: 7/10.
Originality: 9/10.
Creativity: 8/10.
Functionality: 3/5.
Backstory: 4/5.

Templar Knight by Malahite:
Aesthetics: 4/10.
Originality: 7/10.
Creativity: 5/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 1/5.

LCSS Transit Gloria by Daxx:
Aesthetics: 6/10.
Originality: 7/10.
Creativity: 6/10.
Functionality: 4/5.
Backstory: 0/5.

Tristifal by Normandy:
Aesthetics: 4/10.
Originality: 6/10.
Creativity: 4/10.
Functionality: 2/5.
Backstory: 1/5.
Last edited by Talhydras on Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Talhydras »

Incoming judging megapost.

UFS All Under Heaven by Master Chef:
Aesthetics: I'm not a fun of the monochromatic weapons, really, but at least you tried (+1 point). Too many special systems, too... The gluon bolters in particular really don't do it for me, and the ship has too many main guns and not enough secondary (or for that matter, point defense) weapons. That being said, at least All Under Heaven has a color scheme and weapons. Chunky, but not bad. Keep it up; a redesign of this ship would have potential; I like the lines. Reminds me of the Ur-Quan a bit. 6/10.

Originality: The midsection of this ship, indeed the central two thirds, reminds me quite a lot of Lizzie's Hades class ship. I'm just going to assume great minds think alike. Section repetition is a big issue, the rear looks like a huge pile of sec 23, 25, and 4. Then it turns to a huge pile of sec 2. And the front is a huge pile of sec 4. (-2 points). Outrigger design is fairly common, too, pal. Change up your sections. Good use of color to indicate relative altitude without getting totally wacky (+1 point). A third color would have helped. 4/10.

Creativity: Not exceptional, but passable. Decent ship, except for aforementioned repetition issues. I like the missile and railgun batteries, they're pretty neat. Otherwise, this is a well made ship, but nothing special. Good amount of armor, though if you'd made it a subtly different color to indicate ablative sections it'd be way better. 5/10.

Functionality: Use Aegis to simulate engines instead of Boosters, the computer will retarget boosters and so can the player (-1 point). I don't like how all the lasers have 360 degree arcs, that makes no sense (-1 point). Nicely defined turrets and engines, though (+1 point). Aforementioned total lack of secondary weaponry is a HUGE issue; perhaps the rest of the fleet covers its ass. 2/5.

Backstory: Geez, somebody watched Hero recently. And likes Halo... a cataclysmic space battle at Reach? Nuh-uh (-1 point). That being said, the ship has a nice chunk of history. It may be fairly derivative, but at least it's there, and while it is a ballcrushing super mega ship, it least it's a ballcrushing super mega ship that has taken a few scratches (+1 point). Come up with something more interesting next time, though. 3/5.


Alpharia by bl3d4:
Aesthetics: Once I squint past the tons and tons of utterly stock weapons, and imagine it not pitch black like in the screenie, I think this ship had a lot of potential. The rainbow effect is quite striking and gives it a kind of fishy or feathery look I can't quantify. I like it, and hate absolutely everything else about this ship. 6/10.

Originality: Unnecessarily huge. Nothing you did here with the size of the thing actually enhanced the composition at all (-1 point). Apart from that? Well, it's a big long ship... with some spikes. That's probably the second or third most common design, right after the wet navy battleship. 4/10.

Creativity: Layering error on one side just fore of the missile pile (-1 point). Why did you make giant rows of teeny weeny section 16s and aegis them? There's... there's no point at all, and all it accomplishes is making the section count more bigger (-1 point). That being said, the rainbow effect is unique and pretty, and masculinity be damned, I quite like it. It's not particularly combat effective, and it's only used on a few areas, and if you had just BOTHERED to use any section coloring this ship would be a lot better (+2 because I pity you). 5/10.

Functionality: Missile launchers should be fixed instead of in a pile (-1 point). Weapons are entirely stock which is entirely inappropriate for its HP (-1 point). Moving right along... 1/5.

Backstory: Excellent, well thought out backstory that is clear, concise, unique, interesting, and has grains of hard sci-fi in it. Bravo, sirrah, bravo! I congratulate you on an inspirational background for your submission! I can't wait to hear more from you...
*Tal snerks as he wakes up from his fantasy*
...Sigh. I want to give you negative points, but I won't. 0/5.


Argonaut by Raul:
Aesthetics: Very rainbowish color scheme doesn't do much for me, the brown and silver would have been nice, the red and blue would have been nice, but the red and yellow and blue and silver and brown and teal all together kinda look abit too crowded. This ship could have been really quite pretty if there was some sort of three dimensionality. 4/10 for kaleidoscopicness

Originality: The Argonaut was a very interesting layout, the combination of straight lines and regular curves was nice (+1 point). Too bad there was absolutely not a single hint of any kind of three dimensional construction except the dome in the middle (which, in addition to having a handful of symmetry issues, looks quite a bit like the main dome of Eteru starbase. Not saying anything bad, just noting a coincidence). There was a lot of potential here, the use of right angles was intriguing but generally seemed fairly random all told. Plus, for a ship with this many external curves, it seemed ultimately out of place. 6/10.

Creativity: Weakest area of the ship by far. Section abuse in order to fill in gaps is rampant (-2 points for making me sad). I can't think of anything else to say except "nice outline, come back again with a complete ship". 3/10.

Functionality: Way too much acceleration, causes some really wonky AI behaviour at times (-1 point). Think you have enough inhibitors?There are a handful of turrets, but they seem kinda spread across the ship fairly randomly. I'm quite taken with the little jets, they look like they're in little thruster banks kinda Star Trek style. I thought it looked good (+1 point). No freaking clue where the colony pod or nacelles mentioned in the wierd backstory would have been though (-1 point). 2/5.

Backstory: Perfunctory and strange, with the only real twist being the ... fishheads? I'm... so confused by this. 1/5 because of semi-incomprehensibility.


Armageddon's Scribe by Bad Boy:
Aesthetics: Hope you like purple. I wish you'd used color to give any sense of definition; as it is the color shades just confuse me (-1 point for confusing me you confusing confuser). Chunks of this ship are pretty cool, the floaty turrets ain't too bad, and the central area's kinda neat, too, but as a whole I can't think of a better word to describe this ship beside "forced" (-1 point). El sigh. 3/10

Originality: Looks like a cutaway, what with all those sec16s sticking out for no damn reason. Seriously, it's like you cut a real ship in half and I'm looking down on its interior. Too bad you didn't play that up, or I could give you points for it. The ship DOES have some 3d definition, sort of, I guess, maybe (+1 point). I mean, either that or it really is a cutaway and I don't know it. 6/10.

Creativity: Moderate section repetition throughout the ship, which makes me kinda sad (-1 point). Really, I can't find anything I really want to talk about good or bad on a small scale for the rest of the ship. The curves are kinda nice I guess... (+1 point). 5/10.

Functionality: Not a whole hell of a lot of rhyme or reason to this thing; there's a few fairly decent looking turrets I guess, though they don't seem to really have anything to do with where the gun can point (-1 point). My computer shits itself whenever it tries to fire, thanks for that. Why are those two big railgun turrets just floating there? 2/5.

Backstory: Oww, it hurts ... it hurts my brain so much... since your backstory exists, and does... well, almost make some sort of really silly sense, I can't give it zero, but... that was awful. 1/5.


Canute-class Fast Battlecruiser by Exethalion:
Aesthetics: Very, very impressive visual effect of the weaponry. Looks very much like a giant battleship; I'm reminded of both the new Galactica and the PDS mod for HW2. With surfaces off it actually looks better. Really, this is the best set of custom weapons I've seen in the entire BP... so far (+3 points). Static doodads across the center hull really don't do it for me, though. I was expecting a blinky sea of lights (-1 point). This is another ship I wouldn't call very pretty... not really (-1 point). That being said, the navlights are a nice touch (+1 points). 7/10.

Originality: Reminds me quite a bit of Aralonian designs, the traditional wet-navy ship in space, though there's been lots of additions. The ship reminds me of something, and I can't quite place my finger on it at the moment. There's a nice bit of layering; the doodaded structures are quite clearly the central command towers, and the blue antennae nicely serve to show off he shape there (+1 point). 6/10.

Creativity: I've never seen a weapons loadout quite like this; while they're not technically sections, I really like the look of the teeny weapons in combat, from the missiles to the blasters they're all quite distinctive (+1 point). Mild overlap error at the rear of the ship, not bad but still significant: two section 22s, one folded on top of the other (-1 point). Elsewise, not a whole hell of a lot to comment on here. Pretty straightforward. 5/10

Functionality: The flak could have a hair more range, I think. Nicely defined engine cluster (+1 point). It handles quite like a medium-large ship, which I appreciate (+1 point). I don't think the custom demeters do anything... (-1 point). 4/5.

Backstory: Uh... I... don't have a damn clue what an "astronomical gun" is or what a "compression gun" is, and it sounds really fishy. Also, while I get what you mean with "superfluous compression gun" I can't help but read "superfluous" and think "unnecessary". Really, if I were you, I would have just called the linear salvo cannons "mass drivers", the astronomical guns... something. "Particle guns" actually sounds fairly close to what you mean, and superfluous compression gun I'd replace with superfluid gun. In a nutshell, I think you're trying to hard to find wonky names for stuff (-1 point). I do appreciate that you renamed your deflectors though. On to your actual backstory... well, it's a ballsmasher, all right. At least you talk about the ship's gear. 2/5.


Cataclysm-class Mothership by Arcalane:
Aesthetics: Not particularly special, so you start with 5 points. It's a slick composition, though, with a rather nice color scheme. The yellow highlights in particular are quite striking to me (+1 point). The ship has a very good amount of weapons, still enough to put out a considerable amount of oomph but still showing off the shape of it (+1 point). I feel like the third color is a bit too close to the dark grey making up most of the hull, and the ship could have greatly benefited from a bit more customization of the weapon colors (-1 point). Final aesthetics score is 6/10

Originality: In overall construction it reminds me of an Aralonian ship, or rather, a long rectangular ship in the Aralonian style. Fairly safe, but well executed and far from a direct copy of any one of his ships if my memory serves me well. I'm calling it an average 5/10 for Originality.

Creativity: You start with an average of 5 points, though I'm immediately drawn to the shield generators. I'm not sure why, but I like the simplicity of this ship's construction and I think the shield generators are a nice example of it. They're easily visible, not overdone, and convey their functionality with a minimum of clutter and spectacle (+1 point). I think it's only fair to reward construction of logical and interesting shapes with the minimum required effort. I spot some nice main engines reminiscent of RRoan's ships (+1 point). The side mounted thrusters also are somewhat striking, though I have a hard time deciding exactly what to think of them... they're considerably more visible operating than the primary engines, which is a bit strange. While they're nifty, there's nothing in the backstory explaining why these lateral engines are so bright and the main engines produce no exhaust (no change). Tight execution of a standard-looking design gives you 7/10 points in Creativity.

Functionality: You start with 3 points, as it looks like a fairly well put together ship. The custom naming of as far as I can tell every weapon and special, combined with the strategic placement of nanomatrices and gravbeams make it seem quite accurate to its backstory (+1 point). It feels very large when it handles, which is something quite subtle. It's not actually a very large ship by the forum standards, but context is everything and by the way it turns, moves, and acts it feels much more like a mothership (+1 point). Also, due to outstanding repair capabilities the Cataclysm can't actually put a dent in itself beyond the nosecones, which are out of range of the nanos. While I'd like to dock a point here, really, the backstory kind of saves it. For example, these are all apparently resource collecting implements... who knows how effective the Cataclysm would be if it actually mounted a implement solely designed to put burning holes in other ships? While the phase torpedos do hurt, they're still pinpricks against another Cataclysm, which is kind of odd. Maybe it's a very specific kind of resourcing tool, or perhaps a light point defense weapon? Final functionality score, 5/5.

Backstory: You start with 3 points, because it's not just a ball-smashing megaship, but it's a factory ship as well and that's actually not too common around here. I like the multiple points of view on the whole story, and while it seems to me derivative of the stories of Freespace, Mass Effect, Homeworld, and the classic Berserkers, it's a fairly fresh and interesting take on the whole thing, and does a good job of depicting a similar situation. I'd call it a respectful homage, and think it deserves a bonus point. Final backstory score, 4/5


Cathedral of the Stars by Kazuael:
Aesthetics: Whoo-ee, there's a whole lot to be said about this ship. Really, I liked the Constellation a lot better. For one thing it didn't make my computer undergo spontaneous reality failure, and for another... well, I'll talk about that in Originality. What is there to say on Aesthetics? The Cathedral is damn artsy. The central structure reminds me a bit of a minaret, and the whole thing is very reminiscent of Gothic architecture. Nice color coordination and usage of negative space. The curves are quite nice. In my personal opinion, I think all the weapons on the rear areas should have been moved up a tier and the heavy armor trimmed away back there. The glowing blue effect is the icing on the cake, and the thing looks like something out of a big budget film. So who am I to argue? This is the prettiest ship in the competition. Have your 10/10.

Originality: You want to be Anna so bad, and I really, really wish you didn't. The outlining is incredibly excessive and pretty much doubles the peice count of this monstrosity, making something that's already huge into an utterly unplayable wreck. Did you really have to put it around every damn piece? Too much of a good thing is awesome, but too much of an awesome thing is really, really dumb. You could have made this ship with half the pieces and it would have been just as jaw dropping, and maybe you could actually play with it. This is an Anna ship from big to small; in the ships I've seen of his lately, he's favored a similar weapons loadout heavy on the drivers and pulsars. The tiling and such is pretty similar to his stuff, too. While your ability to ape his style is admirable, I don't like it. And I think you would have been better served with something like the Constellation, because I'll be damned if I see any of it in this monster. There's nothing besides the omnipresent outlining to indicate that this thing has any depth whatsoever. Pattern's nice, and the lighting is cool, and I can certainly imagine lots of interesting ships with this as their 2d plan, but you could have made this ship a lot more visually interesting with color variations. The Constellation uses a lot fewer pieces, but I think it's a much, much richer design. Sure, it's pretty much the same piece a hundred skillion times, but it's an intricate network. There are four clear layers to it. By contrast, the Cathedral is nowhere near as rich a design; wild outlining helps a bit, but it's just not in the same league as the Constellation. Its very flat, and when you get close the tiling gets pretty bad in sections. I feel quite justified giving a 5/10 for Originality.

Creativity: The front half of this ship is really quite exquisite. I love the junctions between the outer shell and the central... blue energy thing. Like I said, the ship is especially evocative of gothic architecture. Quite intentionally, I think. Mad props. I really like everything you did with section 16 here, and the Aegis is rather nice. In fact, I kinda wish you'd made aegis'd strips instead of using thrusters; it gives the whole thing a Star Trek feel. Very good, but not perfect; I feel like Sec 3 makes up something like 33% of the ship. 8/10, 'cause I can't give you 7.5.

Functionality: Congratulations, it runs at 2 spf. Seconds per frame. At least, when it's firing. No, I'm not going to be penalizing even this egregious abuse of my computer, but I've spent about forty five minutes with this thing in various stages of a simple skirmish to see if it's actually a functional ship, and this kind of thing wears heavily on the patience. I've said it before: less is more. A big ship is fine and dandy, but if you're going to make a colossal monster for god's sake make sure you use those pieces effectively. Adding sections for the sake of adding section is a waste of time. Ranting aside; it's a space ship. It's got engines, fiddly blue bits that look like some kind of force-field based structural support system (hope you don't run out of juice)... there's some turrets. While this is very very nice, it ain't perfect. I wish you had used maneuvering thrusters, that you had engines, and I think the weapons placement leaves much to be desired. I can't argue with a giant invulnerable energy prow, though. That's pretty damn effective. Shoulda named your weapons. I also think you should have used a different color for the heatsinks, that would have made them more obvious. 3/5.

Backstory: Not bad. A well written supership writeup, though I think you could have done MUCH more to capitalize on the lightened construction. A ship with a lightened skeleton can't afford to sustain a lot of shocks; concussions would still be sent down the solid support members and any translational shocks (like, from a glancing weapon hit) would put pressure on said support member. Any ship that is sacrificing its skeleton is probably doing so because it only expects to sustain maximum damage from a single attack vector. So what am I getting at? The Cathedral's already got a big chunk of armor and a huge invulnerable wedge at its front. The rear armor should have been lightened and replaced with more heatsinks and perhaps missile batteries, and all but the lightest rear armaments removed. This ship should be a battering ram, something with an impregnable front and a vulnerable rear designed to dance around its foes. Because this is a cut above many of the other super duper mega ship writeups, have an average score. 3/5.


CRS Valshamr by Strideo:
Aesthetics: Start with 5 points. Reminds me of something I did ( ... reen07.png ). Immediately I am struck by the outlining. It seems highly unnecessary to have three layers, and blue is so dramatically different from the rest of the hull that it evokes a skin-tight energy shield, or bad color choice. I kind of think it's ultimately rather unnecessary and detracts from the organization of the ship (-1 point). I do rather like the mixture of straight lines with curves, particularly at the rear and front (+1 point). There is also a definite impression of three dimensional contouring (+1 point). Additionally, the weapons seem fairly weak; with a little effort you could have made them a bit more interesting and while the invisible beamers are pretty nifty in concept, in execution they look really freaking random (-1 point).
Final aesthetics score is 5/10.

Originality: Well, it's a catamaran hull which is pretty rare, so start with 6 points. I am struck by its similarity to my Kumbhakarna, but that's because I'm full of myself. I do quite like how it seems optimized for smooth sleekness along much of the surface, especially with the things on either wingtip that look like intakes, however I feel that is more covered by creativity. Far from unique, but interesting. Final originality score is 6/10

Creativity: Start with 5 points. The ship seems constructed in a fairly straightforward fashion, though there are some rather neat setups on the wingtips (+1 point). I kind of wish the turrets were a bit more consistently matched with weapons. The Section 26's with railguns mounted are especially poorly placed in my opinion, as are the Section 5's and 4's along the two hulls (-1 points). The curves in the two hulls are all very chunky (-1 point). Final Creativity score is 4/10.

Functionality: Mostly stock guns are fairly out of place for a ship this tough (-1 point). I do like the subdued aegis engines and engine-intake looking things, though (+1 point). Fairly meh in play. Functionality score is 3/5.

Backstory: 2 points to start with, as it's a ball-smashing experimental prototype megaship. 55 Cancri is actually a fairly decent choice for an earth-like planet to be, so you certainly did your research there (+1 point). You also made some spelling and grammatical errors, most notably in the last sentence (-1 point). Final backstory score is 2/5


Davy Jones's Locker by ArcaneDude:
Aesthetics: I REALLY like the shock beamers (+1 point). The rest of the weapons are all quite interesting and original I think, as well as visually varied and pretty (+1 point). Semi-patriotic colorscheme depending on where you are. I really, and I mean REALLY wish the section 16s didn't run the length of the ship. If they weren't there the colorscheme would be much more consistent and identifiable as a pattern (-1 point). Reminds me a bit of what I've imagined WH40k space battleships to behave like, which is interesting. Nice use of outlining to show off a central and heavily armored location, kinda does double-duty there (+1 point). I would have prefered fewer weapons, but since most of them are mounted on their own sections not much of the detail is obscured. Is there a reason why it's gray on the back half and white on the front half? Final Aesthetics score is 7/10.

Originality: Reminds me just a hair of the ol' Aralonian battlebarges, but only a bit. Otherwise, seems like a fairly safe exploration of the vaguely phallic/rectangular space wet-navy battleship. I could argue that those paired section 3s and 18s could be real big docking clamps, which would make it a bit more like a touristy ship (+1 point). Otherwise, 6/10 for a relatively safe overall concept.

Creativity: Serious mirroring error in the stern of the ship (-2 points). I feel like the very stretched rectangular sections give me a feeling of circular ribbing running the length of a cylindrical ship, but they're layered over so man times I can't really tell (-1 point). Good use of variety though, there's a large range of pieces used to make details both large and small (+1 point). Overall creativity score is 3/10, be careful about layering and mirroring!

Functionality: It certainly feels like a ship covered in guns. I can't put my finger on it, but the amount of weaponry is quite right, and the handling not far off. I do think it looks sorta piratey. I wish you'd added some gravbeams for grappling and boarding purposes, yargh matey! (+1 point). 4/5.

Backstory: Incarsican pirates? Had they... just escaped incarceration? Jones's, not Jones'. Apostraphe-no-s is for indicating that a plural object has possession I believe, though correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise, while reminding me somewhat of the backstory of the Ravana, it's nifty. It certainly isn't an experimental ballsmashing megaship, it's a stolen old junker that now is ballsmashing! And that's a nice change of pace. 3/5.


Eteru Starbase by Anty:
Aesthetics: No use of custom weapon colors wasn't that important, really... I have to say overall this station annoys me when I'm zoomed in. I feel like the two really stretched section 16s could have gone and it would have improved things (-1 point). Weaponfire is entirely unimpressive, and the color scheme is quite bland (-1 point). 3/10.

Originality: Some of the circles are well done, others... not so much. I kind of like the haphazard, distributed look it has, it looks nicely redundant, which is a key thing with a deep space habitat. Really, I can't say I have any strong feelings about the overarching design. Aside from the domes, the thing looks flat as a sheet of paper. 5/10.

Creativity: Parts of this are beautiful. The central dome is VERY nice, well done radial struts and a pretty damn good circle, too (+2 points because it's pretty). Unfortunately, sections 14, 10, 22, and 26 got kinda overworked. I'd like to draw attention to the double-dome piece... it looks utterly flat, and the filling looks rather haphazard, like a hodgepodge of sec22s (-1 point). Also, all the smaller circles have serious bulging issues, especially the ones that are pretty much just 4 sec 26s. In fact, their outline kinda oustrips the blue interior (-2 point). Not quite sure what the orange... things are with shrunk sec22s poking out. More widespread use of the color gradiant in the radial central dome struts would have MASSIVELY alleviated the piece repitition and given this thing much-needed definition. On a personal note, the teensy sec 16s floating on the thinnest radial bridge look very strange. The devil was in the details here. 4/10.

Functionality: Visible antennae are quite nicely done, the asymmetry is nice and it's not overdone. There are a handful of visible turrets and there's the primary weapon structure, too, that I can't argue with. The domes have pretty much no distinguishing features besides quality and size, which means you could tell me they were full of hookers and I'd have no real design evidence to back that... seemed pretty random to me. 3/5.

Backstory: Well, I can't argue that it IS a space station, so... you get one point. At least it isn't a super duper mega ship, otherwise... seems rather sparsely populated. See, at that rate of rotation with a central dome diameter of 12 km, you probably wouldn't have anything approaching gravity, so you'd have silly amounts of living space. Assuming the dome is in fact spherical, that means each inhabitant has about 3 million cubic meters of space... bah. Do a little more math next time you number drop. 1/5.


Eye of Harmony by condorc3:
Aesthetics: I think you could have really benefited by using defined colors and a range of grays to give shape to the central area of the ship and the wonderful tiling (-1 point). As it is, the ship is kind of a wall of white color-wise which is a bit blah. The eyelids don't quite tile in a few places; remember you can define custom angles in the SM now so I feel like you could have made the overlapping areas much tighter (-2 point). The iris and pupil suffer from similar issues. That being said, the ship's look in battle is very slick; the cascade of blasts is quite deadly and looks very wierd. I'd like to point out eyes don't generally cry from the pupil but it looks cool anyway. The white deflectors are a neat touch, though they don't quite go with any of the rest of the color scheme so no penalty or bonus there. I kinda like the long range flak, the effect really arrestingly points out that while the Eye has just a single major artillery piece it's still a large warship (+1 point). Overall Aesthetics score is 3/10.

Originality: I've never seen an eye-ship before. The central terraced area even still looks kinda like the heart of a space station (+1 point). I really have nothing else to say beyond that other than it was unique. Didn't quite knock my socks off to be sure, but I think it did a good job. Overall Originality score is, oh, 8/10

Creativity: Even though the interior is all the same color, the use of the different scaling gave a strong sense of detailing (+1 point). I really like the radial lines from the central eye, they make it look like a multi-tiered fortress (+1 point). Though I feel like the eight Section 11s on either side cried out for weapons to be mounted on them, they still again rather nicely broke up the interior. The space-filling in this ship looks just about top-notch in my opinion. Decent job on the Iris, though you should have used custom-color black for the pupil pieces. The lids look fairly bumpy too, I think using a few more piece types would have really helped out but overall this ship has a very nice construction to my eye (+1 point). Puns not intended. Final Creativity score is 8/10.

Functionality: A nice bombardment ship, although it's rather good at shutting itself down with the flak. I'm letting stock movement behaviour slide as it feels somewhat appropriate for a super-ship. The blaster certainly hurts over time, though I think you would have been better off without a quad blaster as this one just sort of twitches a whole lot and then sprays shots. Nice job, though not particularly like a space station or a ship at the moment; I would have appreciated an excuse for the apparent lack of propulsion systems (-1 point). Final Functionality score, 2/5.

Backstory: I'm giving you a point for "Darkest Empire". For some reason it gives me Buck Rogers vibes, and it's better than nothing. It amuses me that the Queen apparently is good enough at starship engineering to personally redesign the station into a combat worthy ship, and I'm kinda meh on the whole blue blaster for tears thing (-2 points). But, you made me smile. Overall Backstory score is 2/5.


Focalon Battlecruiser by reven1231:
Aesthetics: Nice job on the custom thruster, scatter beam, and deflector coloring. I think they're a rather nice color combo; the ghostly gray and dark blue is fun. I've not seen a lot of that (+2 points for a complete ensemble). Other than that, though, the Focalon occupies an uncomfortably bad design niche; it's just a hair too detailed to have that nice clean simple stock-ship look, and it's not built up enough to look like a monster megaship (-1 point). It'd go nice in a fleet if you cleaned it up, though. 6/10.

Originality: Not a whole lot to say. No real attemps at 3-d construction at all, and the wings look uncomfortably thick under all those spikes (-2 points). I thought this was a nice ship, I did, but technically it's just not much to talk about. 3/10.

Creativity: Sigh... lots of floating pieces on this one (-2 point, be consistent with parenting). Ugly overlapping section 18s and heavy piece repetition for the spiky look (-2 point). I enjoy this ship, but its really poorly put together. 1/10, c'mon man.

Functionality: Dunno why you didn't put the scatter-beams in the section24s. (-1 point). Apart from that, it functions pretty much like a stock destroyer on speed. The scatter beams hurt a lot, but hey. Feels kinda like a space fighter. Final Functionality score, 2/5.

Backstory: Yawn. Oh, you wrote some words... well, have a point for at least trying. 1/5


IVL-A-Hades class Bigass Facepunchership by Lizzie:
Aesthetics: Complete custom weapons and deflectors suite looks quite nice (+2 points) up until ENORMOUS LASERS. If they were, oh... half the radius I'd say they're one of the neater effects I've seen and give you more mad props for them. Unfortunately, they're one of the neater effects I've seen and too damn big (-1 point, sorry...). On a personal note, I think that you've rather nicely diversified the weapons color palette you use. I kind of wish the emphasis was less on the uber weapons batteries; slightly more accuracy, range, and power on all the interesting sub-guns would help make it a richer gameplay experience IMO. But that junk aside, the Hades has a very slick aesthetic and strikes a very nice balance between hull surface area and buckets o' guns (+1 point). I won't lie, I liked the occasional rounded surface present in the WCW 6 and 7 better, but this is a solid ship. 7/10

Originality: I kind of wish that there had been a bit more buildup in the middle of the ship, but from a pure functionality standpoint the current arrangement of bigass turrets works just fine. Some shading in the yellow would have really helped define the shape of the ship's hull a bit better, though there is plenty of 3-dimensionality evident just through nice layering (+2 points). Section 22 is out in force in this ship, but enough care's been taken to make sure it is far from obnoxious. Good job on the scaling in that respect, btw. I will say that I like how even on a relatively small scale it's a fairly significant departure frmo your first fleet of ships (+1 point). 8/10.

Creativity: I think the very large section 2s and 25s look kinda bad, I won't lie (-1 point). I really like the armor though; it's not quite Aralonian... at least, not to my eye as I look at it now, even though it is quite excellent (+1). I really like the sparing use of doodads, though I think it would be nifty to see this ship all a-glitter, as it stands it's still quite striking and distinctive, those side pods (+1). Very interesting laser effect, by the way; it's a small detail of construction so I don't know quite where else to put it (+1 point). I kinda wish the big lasers were either continuous, or fairly short duration. I dunno why, but it's not something I see a lot of. 7/10.

Functionality: For some odd reason those giant lasers nuke my framerate. Not gonna dock you for it though... Still think you could divide the damages and HP by 10 and get exactly the same result, but who am I to tell you what to do? Just FYI, the Ravana beats it by virtue of having a distributed deflector grid. That's a fun fight. 5/5.

Backstory: Not much to see here; the Hades is a nasty ass-pounding super megaship. I'd only note it's is possessive (-1 ... ah, I'm just kidding). But I do gotta get you for the fairly generic backstory. C'mon, I think you could have provided some more juicy details. 2/5.


Hysteria by JaffaJoke91:
Aesthetics: I'm kinda torn here. +1 for the flowing structure of the hull, I like it. The color scheme is fairly well implemented, too... at least, when I zoom out. (+1) The rear area is the bit that confuses me, because while it evokes a sort of beetle-like shell, it also gives the ship a big butt (-1 point). This is nicely symmetric with the front arms, though, so who knows... (+1 point). Weapon colors aren't that great, but I just don't have the heart to dock any more points from this ship. You'll see why in a minute. Overall Aesthetics score is 7/10, I liked it.

Originality: The layout I think is fairly unique. I really like the guns on the arcing buttresses, they looked quite graceful (+1). Additionally, while there was no outlining or coloration used to accentuate this, I felt a strong sense of 3-dimensionality (+2). Overall Originality score is 8/10.

Creativity: Now for the bad news. Excessive piece repitition (-1) on all the buttresses lent them an ugly blocky outline (-1). The ship's construction is essentially outline-and-fill, which looks really bad when you're zoomed in (-1). Instead of giving the ship form, it looks rather slapdash. And finally, the weapon placement is a little wierd at time, especially on the larger structures. Using weapon bases would have REALLY helped show off which arc of hull the weapons were intended to be on, and using a few different shades to show off higher or lower arcs would also have really helped. I really like the concept, but I have to say the execution was awful. Overall Creativity score 2/10.

Functionality: Low weapon range, stock weapon stats with no renames to fit the backstory (I was looking for refraction fields and devastator beams and fighter bays), and ridiculously huge section HP sure do make this thing no fun to play with (-1). It can't even fire it's main guns until it's physically grasping the target, which is really silly (-1). Nice engine placement though, but it doesn't save an otherwise poorly statted ship. Overall Functionality score 1/5.

Backstory: It's short, and that's all that's positive that I can say about it. I think you meant 48 fighters, not 18, but still: man, you freakin' made the ship! Shouldn't you know how much stuff it's got on it? Maybe there's some overarching reason to your madness, but I can't tell it. The warning about side attacks is kind of pointless too on account of the huge number of guns on the sides. 1/5.


Incendrius by Perturabo:
Aesthetics: It's a brick obscured by weapons (-4 points). Your ONLY saving grace is that you have custom weapon colors at all, and they look OK to my eyes (+1 point). 2/10.

Originality: Some shading and scaling for 3d effects. No doodads and the custom color is ... randomly distributed throughout the ship...? (-1 point). Not worth saying anything else, really... IMO, the original ships section is about original ships. Submitting something because it looks like a brick of a ship is therefore bound for dramatic failure. 4/10.

Creativity: Looking at this, I think it might have some pretty nice detailing under all those guns, so I'm going to let you get away with an average score. I hereby dub you "Sir WantstobeAraloniabutneverwillbe". 5/10.

Functionality: It runs fast, though. So... yay? The weapons have interesting behaviours; I wish you had custom named them, and given them a backstory so I knew what was up. Whatevs. 3/5.

Backstory: You make me sad. 0/5.


Incursus-class Heavy Battlecruiser by Wicky_42:
Aesthetics: This ship ain't pretty to my eyes; the aegis seems fairly haphazardly placed beyond the rear (-2 points). The rear engine sections look pretty good, actually, but the bit on the front not so much. The weapon colorscheme is fairly decent, if pretty blue-heavy. Dark blue missiles are a first, though. 3/10.

Originality: Say what you will about the rest of the ship, but there are three definite major tones showing elevation. Hooray for 3-d! (+1 point). the mandible/outrigger hull is probably going to be with us for the rest of time, but this is a fairly new look at it. 6/10.

Creativity: This is a very weak area for this ship, too; I feel like it would have been better to use sec16s to make articulated outrigger pods; as it is the scaling looks really kinda bad in my opinion. Outlining would have actually been better than all those mini section 4s. I can't find specific fault, but in general this is fairly bad. Too much of the triangular sections. I recommend taking a look at the higher scored ships, and seeing what suits you. 3/10

Functionality: Kinda wish the wings were articulated, or that you'd provided a shot of it folded in (-1 point). Next time you use aegis to make a glowy engine, I recommend putting the aegis on the section itself to get rid of those awful lines. Your ECM launchers remind me of the Decoy Launchers I had all over the old Faladhi fleet... man, now I'm going to go play with those ships. It's been a while, but I still love 'em. Oh right, judging... well; The ablative armor is all there, there's engine systems... not bad (+1 point). 3/5.

Backstory: Nebularrrrrgh, matey! (-1 point) Aside from that, I got to hand it to you, that's a pretty sweet backstory. I mean, sure, it's concise, but hell you did good, kid. Any serious spacefaring ship probably would have trashed a planet if it crashed into it, and it is fairly logical for them to take off and explore the cosmos from whence this disaster came. Reminds me of the Krikkits from Douglas Adams. Because your race isn't completely silly, I'm letting your quantum gravometric distortions and all that other bullshit you just said slide. 4/5.


Kareem Heavy Lifter by M123:
Aesthetics: Fairly squat and unambitious . There is a kind of prettiness in ugliness; I'd like to submit the Millennium Falcon as a prime example of this. Unfortunately, I don't think the Kareem Heavy Lifter as a whole is fun to look at (-3 points). Props for a unique idea though. Aesthetics is 2/10.

Originality: Absolutely no effort taken to make the ship 3-dimensional I felt, which is a shame. The coloring also seems... highly random. If you'd used the darker gray to show off lower-elevation areas, you'd really help the aesthetics of this beast. As it is, it's pretty dull. I really don't like the long flat bit at the edge of the engine pod, I feel like it's jarring as hell (-1 point for general genericness). 4/10.

Creativity: Heavy usage of sec22 makes me sad (-1 point, rotate those triangular sections to make flat lines). I kinda liked the clamp, but it just wasn't special enough to warrant any kind of point boost. Creativity score is 4/10.

Functionality: The lifter device indeed slings things around fairly well, which I guess makes sense (+1 point). Lose one engine cluster and acceleration drops pretty much to zero, leading to the ship bouncing around the map. Kinda a pet peeve (-1 point). For a ship that's a beefy tug, it should have tons of accel. But, it looks like it can tow some shit around, so... 3/5.

Backstory: I kinda like the idea of a civvie ship in the BP, even though it is not that grand. Otherwise, it's pretty freaking short. 3/5.


Leviathan by See317:
Aesthetics: Reminds me a bit of another thing I did once upon a time ( ... 055ct7.png ). I like the weapon colorscheme, it's very festive, and some other folk didn't bother with weapon colors (+1 point). Really, I don't have too much else to say about the overall aesthetic here... with the gradient on it looks better, but otherwise, eh. Custom colors, baby, use 'em. 6/10.

Originality: Y'know, this is a ship that could have REALLY benefited from some use of colors and scaling to make it seem less... flat. I hate to say it, but outside of the centermost regions of the ship the thing really does have no indications of height whatsoever (-1 point). 4/10.

Creativity: There's a lot to be said about the construction of this ship, but I feel like this is one of those designs that manages to make use of heavily repeated segments. I for one feel like the trailing edge of the outermost four arms manage to look quite like they're covered in interlocking armored plates. Overusing a piece, though, is pretty ugly, and the innermost arms on the rear are uuuugly. I feel like the Leviathan manages to come out even in those two respects. However, front-midships near the centerline there's a mirroring error (-1 point). I liked the joint structures, they're something I can't recall seeing (+1 point). Final Creativity score is 5/10.

Functionality: I hope Leviathans don't ever fight for territorial dominance, because it could take a while for one to make any headway... I really wish the guns did more damage or the hull was less tough (-1 point). The bore-wyrm colony launchers should have been fixed mount, and none of your weapons were custom-named (-1 point, be consistent). Nicely done mandibles and mouth (+1 point). Why does it have pointbeamers on its butt? Final Functionality score is 2/5.

Backstory: Well, organic ships are fairly rare... not a particularly unique interpretation of the idea, though, but hey, any originality is better than no originality (+1 point). I'll give you props for an interesting format, too (+1 point for original storytelling). Bio-plasma is bollocks, though (-1 point). Final Backstory score is 4/5 points.


Midboss by DarthMetool:
Aesthetics: Calling it a space station would have been kind of cool. I will say that this ship would have been a very nice space station in a stock-styled fleet, but otherwise it doesn't really move me. Hanging core bothers me (-1 point). 4/10.

Originality: Well... it's circular? Kinda? Sorta? Maybe... I mean, a little bit. Okay, here's what I'm trying to tell you. This ship has so few sections I can't really tell if it's original or not, except really, it's not particularly original. 4/10.

Creativity: Nothing to see here, move along, move along... Seriously speaking, the pieces seem to be used in pretty much their most obvious role. Not much to reward you for here. 2/10

Functionality: It's quite functional as an opponent, dunno about those floating thrusters and beamers. 2/5.

Backstory: It's sort of a backstory? 1/5.


Nor Creature Carrier by Auriak:
Aesthetics: Reminds me in coloration and to a lesser extent concept of Moya from Farscape, which is always nice. I'm kind of glad it isn't a huge squiddy monstrous thing, that's just a bit overdone (+1 point). Sure, it's not a technical reason for a point, but it's just sorta... nice. Weapons are quite snappy, and interestingly colored to boot (+1 point). 7/10.

Originality: Even though there's not a lot of shading that suggests it, when I try and imagine this ship in full 3d I imagine something with a nice dome like shape. Nothing particularly special here, but I appreciate that it's not enormous. There's good variation in the space you used, and you didn't just waste time by making it hunormous. I think it could have stood to be a tad larger though (+1 point for all that jazz). 6/10

Creativity: Good use of outlining to define structure! (+1 point) I also like the flattened circular sections, they remind me a bit of tympanic membranes, so I'm going to assume that's on purpose. Nice little ship. I hope to see another construction, larger. 6/10.

Functionality: AI behaviour is a bit foolish; for a very large ominous monster ship I would have expected a bit slower speeds, but you kinda addressed that in your backstory so I'll let it slide. Nice, nice job on the weapons (+1 point). They're doing a great job taking advantage of the naturally quirky behaviour of the Nanz weapons and justifying them using organic tech. 4/5.

Backstory: It's a superduper megaship, but it's an organic superduper megaship! And, you nicely talked about all of its features. 3/5.


Phlogiston by Water_and_Wind:
Aesthetics: I appreciate the sentiment. I like little ships too. Unfortunately, they're very, very, very hard to make especially sexy. And this is a beauty pageant. This ship is fun to play with, it really is, but in no way is it really suited for this category. If there was a fleet built around it, perhaps... Nice stock ship vibes, but I don't take too much of a shine to its shape. 4/10 because I'm a nice guy.

Originality: Nothing particularly original in its layout, and with a total of three whole pieces used to make it up... granted its a ten section ship, but still... Can't think of any reason to give you more than 4/10.

Creativity: Well, I kinda like the general construction, I think the rear pods could be attached in a much more interesting fashion. They look kinda slapdash right now, not sitting over any major detail of the light blue chunks. (-1 point). That being said, the armor plates are effective and kinda nice looking; I think certain Terran stock ships would look quite improved with a similar method (+1 point). Weapon placement is fairly meh as well... Can't give you more than a 5/10.

Functionality: Yay, you used custom HP on the ablative armor segments! (+1 point). Siber and I have made entire fleets where every section had custom HP, and I pretty much NEVER see anyone using it. They feel a bit sluggish in handling, but otherwise seem like nice little fast gunships. 4/5.

Backstory: OH MY GOD IT ISN'T A SUPER BATTLESHIP! Backstory is quite nice, and refreshingly well punctuated. 3/5.

PHLOGISTON FINAL SCORE: 20/40 because I'm a huge softie.

Soma by BoVinE:
Aesthetics: The first thing I thought of when I clapped eyes on this ship was "pregnant Supox". The second thing I thought of was, and I can't come up with a logical reason for this one, "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom". Anecdotes aside, custom colorscheme is fairly nice. I like the gold and blue, but I wish there was more of it (-1 point). 4/10.

Originality: Pretty good piece variety, actually... I'm fairly certain almost all of them are in there. Additionally, good use of outlining to give definition to the central structure (+1 point). Armor's nice, too, quite good; it's more regular than the hull but not monotonous (+1 point). If this ship were a girl, I'd not date her based on her looks, but it's a pretty nice composition technically speaking. I wish you'd done some more stuff like the bit at the rear, that seems very much like a 3-d object (+1 point). 8/10.

Creativity: There's some very odd small-scall details here, like the section 13s. I've found four so far, and they seem really inappropriately placed. Two of them are shrunk into the hole of a section 23 so bad you need to be zoomed in to max to even see 'em, and the others peek out awkwardly through a sec 10. Wieeerd (-1 point). Also, the lines of sec 4s and their outlining is almost impossible to see, and thus fairly pointless (-1 point). I quite like the engine vanes, they actually remind me of Zentraedi ships, which is awesome (+1 point). Why are two megatachs bigger than the others? They're exactly the same statwise. 4/10

Functionality: Big damn engines and some weapon turrets are nods towards secondary systems (+1 point). I really felt like the ship was a bit too short ranged; and had a bit of a point defense problem (-1 point). 3/5.

Backstory: Super duper mega ship GO! Nice names, though. 2/5.


Synapse by ChaosTheory:
Aesthetics: Good use of coloring; the custom gun color is kind of nice too (+1 point). I find it hard to think of too many things to talk about in this section that aren't talked about in other sections, so I'll say this. No two areas of the ship (beyond the mirrored bits obviously) look quite the same while still managing to be totally consistent (+1 point). The orange and grey is fetching too, while the dark green colorscheme is rather too dark. Overall Aesthetics score is 7/10.

Originality: This reminds me quite a bit in layout of Lizzie's War Clockwork series of battleships. It also reminds me quite a bit of the hybrid ships I made using her elements and my own. And for that matter of Anna' Mantis ship, a hybrid of his styles and my own. It even reminds me of my hindu-themed fleet. All that being said, I quite like the shape and hull. Good use of negative space in construction (+1 point). The angular structures around the core of the ship are nicely original (+1 point). There's refreshing and ubiquitous 3-dimensionality to this design as well, as evident really all over the hull through twisting and scaling (+2 point). Overall Originality score is 9/10.

Creativity: I'd be lying if I said I didn't see a lot of really familiar stuff in the piecework of this ship. I really like everything I see here, there's quite a lot of nice little details that lend an excellent sense of size to the ship. The outlining is both effective and used sparingly (+1 point for less is more). No one piece feels overused, and good scaling and shading gives the ship both consistency and 3-dimensionality, as mentioned earlier (+1 point). Smooth curves too, and the forward mandibles look nicely articulated (+1 point). The exposed struts could support the Synapse as a bare-bones testbed as opposed to a fully kitted out war machine. Final Creativity score is 8/10.

Functionality: Why do you hate my computer so much? I'm not docking any points for the absolutely inexplicable fighters of +5 to killing my framerate, but HONESTLY. Ask yourself: Was that REALLY necessary? The missiles seem almost entirely superfluous except at knife range, and since those blasters do a metric shit-ton of damage nothing's going to stay there, so they feel a bit unnecessary and said blasters weren't labelled Lumin Cannons (-1 point, be consistent). I'd just like to say that this has to be officially the first ship I've ever thought might benefit gameplay-wise from having deflectors, but I'm not going to penalize you for it. Very nicely defined engines and turrets (+1 point). Final Functionality score is 3/5.

Backstory: Not bad, not bad. I'm letting your hte slide, but spellchecking is your friend. The Lumin cannons seem a bit sketchy, but I think you mean that they rapidly transition the target into various and sundry dimensions, which is kind of cool. It's not quite a one-off ballsmashing experimental megaship, which I appreciate. While I'm surprised and alarmed that the Synapse didn't have its own onboard hydroponic gardens or whatnot, overall it's a refreshing story. Have a 4/5 backstory.


Templar Knight by Malahite:
Aesthetics: This ship isn't pretty. That doesn't count it out, but if there was ever a ship I'd use the adjectives "sexy" and "hot" on, this is not it. While you have got some custom weapon colors helping your aesthetic out, it's hard to fight the urge to say "ew". 4/10.

Originality: Radically offset hull is quite unusual and interesting (+2 point). Some use of color and scaling to give a sense of 3-dimensionality, but it's not particularly consistent. Well, at least you tried. 7/10.

Creativity: The rear of this thing is quite interestingly put together if you look past the thruster mosh pit. I like it, and think it looks nicely detailed (+1 point). Everything else is extremely meh (-1 point for boring me). 5/10.

Functionality: Engine cluster is offset on the logical center of gravity (+1 point, though I wish you'd updated your screenshot). Weapons are fairly haphazardly scattered around the countryside (-1 point, wtf?). Damn thing zips around at the speed of light and has weapons that it can't even dent its own armor with, which makes about as much sense as a crushed glass sandwich (-1 point). 2/5.

Backstory: Does anyone spellcheck? I know I sound anal, but I'm beginning to get to the mental state where I'm going to reward good grammar and penalize bad grammar. Well, you've got a backstory. It's a superduper ship, yes, yes. Last sentence makes my head explode (-1 point). 1/5.


LCSS Transit Gloria by Daxx:
Aesthetics: Slick custom weapon colors (+1 point). The heavily squished blaster shots don't look very good in my opinion (-1 point). The two engines, two fighter-launching outriggers and mandible-head reminds me of Lizzieships, as well as Galactica for that matter, but this ship is no copy. The fairly unique distributed construction also looks pretty good (+1 point). 6/10.

Originality: Very good composition; the design is executed with good detail without having to fill my entire sandbox, which is something I respect greatly (+1 point). Some attempts to make it less than entirely flat, though it still comes off that way... really, there wasn't too much you could do without going overboard on the outlining, and I'm grateful you didn't (+1 point). 7/10.

Creativity: Front can be detached from the core, parenting error, at least... I think so (-1 points, be consistent with parenting). Also, the little dark engine triangles aren't consistent in size (-1 point). Very, very nice use of defined colors to show off underlying structure (+1 point). Energy links look slick and aren't something I've seen a lot of (+1 point). Good layering, gives the color scheme consistency. Good use of outlining, too. (+1 point). Overall 6/10, make sure you look out for little errors.

Functionality: Very cool stuff, actually. The armoring does a good job of keeping the ship safe, and there's very well defined docking clamps for sublight parasites, as well as well defined sensors and engine modules. My only major gripe is that whenever the tachyon pulse thing fires my computer shits itself, and that's really not much of a complaint. I'm a little jarred by how nimble it is, but your not-backstory kind of justifies that. Not quite perfect, but quite close. Plays well, if a bit cautiously, and could use some forward scatter beams. 4/5.

Backstory: *Backstory points will only be given if you actually have a backstory.* 0/5.


Tristifal by Normandy:
Aesthetics: Seems designed to look like a stock ship with those greens. The missiles are reminiscent of Siber's Firestorm. The ship's quite crowded with guns and aegis generators, which I don't quite like (-1 point). Nose mounted maneuvering thrusters are a nice touch. This ship certainly is unique in its aesthetic, and the aegis are original (+1 point). While I've said less is more, this may be too little (-1 point). Aesthetics is 4/10.

Originality: I will say one thing. You've worked quite hard to make a stock-looking ship, and that's pretty rare, so I'll give you a point for that. Otherwise, this ship's fairly generic in its blockyness. Originality score is 6/10.

Creativity: Mirroring error on the nosecone (-1 point). Fairly good variety of piece usage, though no attempts made to use scaling or rotation to indicate 3-dimensional shape. Additionally, slight overusage of section 16 IMO. I suppose you could argue the colors make it look like a built-up battleship, but honestly I can't really get a glimpse under all the pulse guns and missile launchers. Creativity score is 4/10.

Functionality: Totally stock movement stats are a bit wierd, especially since it's apparently some sort of legendary supership. Maybe it's a nimble legendary supership? Oh, and kill one thruster and all acceleration dies, not cool (-1 point) Otherwise, since you use totally stock HP and generally stock weapons the ship is fairly well an "impregnable flying fortress" against stock ships. No particular other features were depicted. Final Functionality score is 2/5.

Backstory: Meh. It's a few lines, and it tells me it's a big bad ship. Okay. 1/5.

Last edited by Talhydras on Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.