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Carpe Universum is an intense Shoot 'em Up (SHMUP) game that features a music driven spawning system.

Carpe Universum Screenshot

Carpe Universum Screenshot Carpe Universum Screenshot

Carpe Universum Screenshot Carpe Universum Screenshot

Gameplay Video

Also, you will be able to roll to dodge bullets. This means that you will never be hemmed in by bullets, if you die, you'll only ever have yourself to blame.

My objective with this game is to build a very intense shooter by encouraging aggressive play through the way the gun works and with the shield charge. The gun only fires if there's less than a certain number of shots already in existence, so if you approach really close to a target it fires a whole lot faster. The shield charge destroys bullets and enemies in your way but retreating from that position is much slower.

However, you can roll to the left and right at any time and you are completely invulnerable while rolling. This allows you to stay mobile.

The aim of all this is to encourage very dynamic play where the player roams around the entire play field rather than just sticking to the bottom of the screen all the time.


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