The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

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The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

<-The Novians->

[attachment=5]Novian icon.jpg[/attachment]

The Novian history database
The Novian species evolved from aquatic lizards in the helium rich sea's of the planet 'Nove' in the 'N'gan' Binary System. Nove is covered in ocean and is characterized by its 576 Terran-year orbit. Novians developed into a civilized race at an alarming rate due to their incredibly fast ability to think, complex Novian language was formed in under 1 Nove-year. The Novian people grew to appreciate and celebrate knowledge. The most important people in their society were respected for their vast wisdom, not wealth. Everyone was striven to learn more, to have a greater understanding of the Universe. This eagerness was what drove the species to progress so fast. Nove developed space travel soon after the planets population reached 17bln to escape the over filling city's. Noves' closest neighbour 'Aege' became the first Novian colony despite being only 0.06% water. Space faring Novians often wear 'Cilipad' Suite's to survive outside water. But over the few thousand years the species has spent away from their home planet, they have grown accustomed to walking on land and breathing humidified air.
Aege also became a hot-spot for industrial groups and a dry-dock for the new 'Voidships'. Mines were dug into Aeges' mineral rich crust to fuel the huge ship-yards. Within a month of the first Voidship launch a Corporation called Mevec designed a ship series with a drive capable of inter-stellar travel. Most Novian ships are now produced by Mevec corp.

The age of understanding - "Annis Scientiae"
The galaxy was now their treasure chest as Voidships became capable of travelling ever further distances, new planets to study new life forms to encounter. The Novians entrepreneurial ability bloomed in the opportunity's opened out to them. 'Explorator fleets' voyaged on huge expeditions to fill Noves' data banks. Millions joined the Navy to experience the galaxy's wonders for themselves and the economy exploded. Huge conquests to establish new colonies throughout and beyond the sector were launched. Lesser beings who stood in the way of this huge show of martial might were utterly crushed. This age would later be known as "Annis Scientiae" or "The years of Understanding".

The Fall - "Aetate Fames"
During the last few thousand years the Novian people have undergone a change. A glitch in their evolution has formed them into a vicious and spiteful race. Each new discovery they made entertained them less and less, they were always left wanting. One year, the 'Explorator fleet' tasked with finding new alien techs came back empty. The populace groaned in depression and the famous Novian working efficiency dropped by 30%. Planet wide riots broke out as the people sought to escape and pirates plagued the overwhelmed defense forces. Millions died and whole systems where lost when their governing body's where overthrown or corrupted. They were familiar to the excitement of new discovery's but when their sources of free, new tech ran gradually dry it came as a shock. Their brains had developed to be constantly growing with the massive data input fed to them by the plentiful media and their diverse manufactoriums, but when the new parts of the brain were no longer being used it had a very negative effect. The counsel soon realized that the Empire would collapse if they were starved of knowledge for much longer. They stole. A little at first but over time the targets got bigger. The whole empire lashed out at their galactic neighbors in feral desperation and lust. In the back of every Novian mind, there is the same hunger slowly eating away at their soul that cannot be sated. Those that go malnourished will fall into the abyss of delusion and madness.

The Thirst
"The Thirst", "The Hunger", "Infliction". There are many names for the great bane under which the Nove suffer. The first recorded cases were documented nearing the end of the Explorator missions. Novian race had developed a highly complex brain over "The age of understanding" to store the vast data in-load. Thousands of tiny packets capable for holding huge amounts of information cover (what would be on a human) the frontal lobe. When the data stopped these packets died. The dead tissue collapsed onto the rest of the still functioning lobes. The subject would at first experience headaches that would gradually increase in frequency and severity. Next the subject seeks seclusion and collects objects at random. By this point the subject is hallucinating, has violent mood swings. finally, it is thought that all semblance of the subjects mind has been destroyed. Attempts to track such creatures further have so far failed, although some reports suggest cannibalism. After this last stage the subject is only expected to live for up to one Terran week. So far permanent cures are yet to be realized.

The once perfect cerulean sphere of the Novian homeworld drifts on a slightly irregular orbit around the twin N'gan stars. This orbit takes Nove onto the very edge of the inhabitable zone resulting in winters reaching temperatures of only 34.2K. This would naturally kill off all but the most steadfast species, until the erection of the first rad-shields. Nove is a tier 1 ocean planet with only the smallest natural archipelago's breaking the surface, today the horizon is punctured by millions of habitation blocks, comm. towers and docking stations. A thick black scum of debris now floats on the surface water, a grim reminder of 'The Fall' and its subsequent terror attacks and purges.

The Edict
The 'Edict' is the oldest piece of evidence of Novian unity on the homeworld. It consists of a large engraved text in the hall of what is believed to be the first council. The hall and the city around it were flattened in the last unification war by an early mass explosive device; the ruins were only uncovered the next Novian year. The 'Edict' itself was written by the first council and contains tactical guidelines, sustainable knowledge harvesting methods and instructions to "enlighten" the ignorant. These early ideas merged with the already solidifying Novian culture. Now the Edict serves as a guiding set of rules
for the contemporary Novian to follow as a philosophy.

Noves' friends and foes:
Heavens grace
The Judin

The Ratai Armada
The Miora colonies
The Novian Fleet:

Unique devices:
Nove has acquired many technologies and weapons in its conquests but not all of them are stolen. In the manufactorums of the empires forge worlds, experiments with exotic new weapons take place. Most tests are failures but now and again a successful device is created and mass produced. Trade within the alliances often provides new techs too and the Empire has had its fair share of weapon deals.

The Photon Lance

The 'Photon lance' is a heavy beam weapon capable of rending sections and plating from enemy vessels with every shot. The weapon was first produced by 'Mevec Corp.' as a powerful mining beam for cutting the titanium cores from asteroids back in 'The age of Understanding' but was often utilized as a strong pirate killer. Mevec saw it's advantages as a weapon and enhanced the product to fit the new use. It is now fitted as standard to most Novian Naval ships. The 'Photon Lance' comes in 5 different frequency's, 1 being the most damaging and 5 being the weakest. Most Novian ships don't bother using anything below frequency 3. Other variants include:

Frequency 1S
Frequency 2S
'Secular' Frequency 1 Photon lance array

These weapons are either experimental or require a priority 1 clearance code.

The Jurisdiction auto-cannon:

The 'Jurisdiction' auto-cannon was received through Noves fragile alliance with 'Heavens grace'. The device was originally called 'Faith' but the Novian counsel were worried that the term would be adopted into the strictly atheist society. The weapon is capable of firing powerful and precise plasma bolts at a high velocity and rate, designed to strip an enemy ship of its armor.

Photon storm cannons

No energy is simply discarded on Novian ships, all waste from the plasma drives to the humidifiers is reused one way or another. The 'Photon storm cannon' is an example of plasma recycling. Excess plasma from the ships core can be collected and expelled through vents, but can be severely damaging. This was discovered by accident when a Novian weapons specialist noticed that when travelling in a convoy, the ships in the back of the group had pitted or torn armor. The particles of plasma were causing fleets to be weakened before reaching a battle zone. He experimented with angling the vents to launch the plasma away from the convoy and found that it was very useful at deterring pirates too. It was put into mass production soon after for asteroid field clearing.

Plasma dispersion cannons

These devices are essentially a souped-up version of the 'Photon storm cannon'. They spread large amounts of plasma at a time like a shot cannon weapon but take longer the accumulate the plasma from the core.

Novian ships are coloured by the rich metals dug from Aege to form their strong carapace like void-armor. Mevec corp. owns half the mines on Aege and uses their materials in abundance. Mevec also specializes in missile tech for the Novian navy appearing in most ship designs. But Mevec has recently been under scrutiny for building ships with a distinct lack of defensive turrets. The style seen in many Novian ship designs closely replicates the forms of aquatic life found on Nove. While the long 'tentacle' like fronds may seem to be an inefficient use of materials, they actually tightly house the many sensory apparatus and equipment used to monitor the range of exotic radiations in the void.

Bomber. Dangerous payload.

Zoomed in:

Speed: 7
Turning: 3
Accel: 0.5
AI: flanking

4x Exterminatus missile pods

A lil' fighter.
Zoomed in:

HP: 25
Speed: 8
Turning: 2
Accel: 0.5
AI: Flanking


1x minimac gun
1x Voidlock missile pod

Fleet command realized that the bomber squadrens sent on their own rarely made it to their target. Enemy interceptors proved to be the problem, eliminating the 'Legacy' bombers before they were even in range. So a solution was formed: the 'Unity'.

Agile support craft, dangerous in numbers.

HP: 50
Speed: 6
Turning: 3
Accel: 0.25
AI: Normal

2x Gatling guns

A little support ship with a punch!

HP: 50
Speed: 4.5
Turning: 2
Accel: 0.5
AI: Flanking

4x Voidlock Ripper missile batteries

TD24 - 'Particula'
Fast attack, Corvette
Image Image Image

HP: 150
Speed: 3.5
Turning: 1
Accel: 0.05
AI: flanking


I Type
-2x Plasma dispersion cannons
-6x Photon storm cannons

C Type
-2x Plasma dispersion cannons
-2x Photon storm cannons
-2x Voidlock missile batteries

M Type
-1x Plasma charge mines [Detonate upon proximity detection. Radiation from the charge disrupts most scanners so the mine is invisible to enemy ships]
-2x Plasma dispersion cannons
-2x Photon storm cannons

The 'Particula' is a small but reliable swarm killer. It was originally 3 classes of ship using the same core to bear different ordinances. Now the variants all come under the same class but still retain their weapons: I-Types are tasked with shredding enemy armor with their many Photon cannons to scatter the fleet for larger ships to pick off. C-Types are mostly just general purpose corvettes used to escort most fleets. M-Type is the designation given to the heavily modified Particula modals used for mine laying, these ships often carry Plasma charges.

medium Frigate

Speed: 2.5
Turning: 0.5
AI: Flanking

2x Bloodline torpedoe batteries
1x Frequency 5 Photon lance

TD19 - 'Progression'
Fast assault Destroyer.

HP: 300
Speed: 2
Turning: 1.5
Accel: 0.5
AI: Flanking


2x Exterminatus missile pods
1x Frequancy 3 Photon lance

First of the Novian fleet to be fitted with 1/3 'Deiterling' device's discovered within the wreak of an ancient.

TD27 - Consérvet
Medium Destroyer

HP: 300
Speed: 2.25
Turning: 0.75
Accel: 0.05
AI: Normal


4x Photon storm cannons
2x Shredder missile batteries

TD28 - Perspicientia
Beam cruiser

HP: 500
Speed: 1.5
Turning: 0.75
Accel: 0.05
AI: normal

6x Frequency 3 photon lance
1x Frequency 2 photon lance

Medium Cruiser.

HP: 200
Speed: 2
Turning: 0.5
Accel: 0.25
AI: Normal

4x Shredder Torpedoe batteries
1x Frequency 3 Photon lance

Heavy Cruiser. Laser may be overpowered.

HP: 300
Speed: 2
Turning: 0.5
Accel: 0.05
AI: Normal

2x Shredder Torpedoe batteries
2x Deathknell missile batteries
1x Frequency 1 Photon lance
6x Las guns

TD20 - 'Clarity'
Fast attack Battlecruiser, heavy armour.

HP: 300
Speed: 2
Turning: 2.25
Accel: 0.05
AI: Flanking

4x 'Jurisdiction'
1x Frequency 2 photon lance
1x shredder missile battery

TD14 - Redemptor
Experimental Battleship (speed and agility)
HP: 400
Speed: 2.25
Accel: 0.5
AI: Normal

4x Shredder missile batteries
2x ripper missile batteries
6x Las gun's
1x Frequency 3 photon lance

TD21 - 'Scientia'
Long distance carrier

HP: 300
Speed: 1
Turning: 0.75
Accel: 0.05
AI: Normal

2x 'Jurisdiction'
2x Voidlock missile batteries

Battle-carrier. Heavy armour.

HP: 500
Speed: 1
Turning: 0.75
Accel: 0.5
AI: normal

4x Bloodline missile batteries
4x Las guns
1x Frequancy 1 Photon lance

-2x hangers (Novian Legacy's)-

As the Novian colony's grew and the territory expanded, Nove soon realized that their fleets were insufficient to deal with the new threats that the galaxy had to offer. Technological efforts went towards the production of a new naval vessel, one capable of delivering firepower, support and enlightenment to the front lines. The 'Atheist' class battle-carrier was born.

TD15 - 'Eternity'
Big superheavy armoured dreadnaught.

HP: 700
Speed: 0.75
Turning: 0.75
Accel: 0.2
AI: normal


4x shredder missile batteries
4x Photon storm cannons
1x Frequency 2S Photon lance

Civilian and Freelance ships

TDC-01 - Novian Freighter
Complacently unarmed but for one defensive turret. also is equipped with the most technologically advanced shield available from 'Mevec corp.' Often used to carry munitions to war-zones.

HP: 300
Speed: 3
Turning: 0.5
Accel: 0.5

TDC-17 Novian Miner
Civi's with attitude!

HP: 300
Speed: 3.5
Turning: 0.75
Accel: 0.05

2x Heavy duty mining lasers

TD25 - 'Notitia'
Data transference ship

HP: 200
Speed: 1.25
Turning: 0.75
Accel: 0.05
AI: normal


1x Las cannon emplacement

TDC-18 Novian station
Heavily armored and armed

HP: 1000
Average armor HP: 1600

4x frequency 1 photon lances
4x Bombardment cannons

The Novian army
SBR - Prosperis
Elite bi-ped walker

1x heavy-mac cannon

SBR - Moralitas
Image Image
Infantry bi-ped walker

1x Las cannon (Light)
1x Bloodline missile launcher (Heavy)

TD14 - Unity
In atmosphere fighter
1x minimac gun
2x Voidlock missile pods

Fleet downloads:
Fleet download 1.5:
Novian fleet
Un-finished 'Neuron' included.
(75.72 KiB) Downloaded 861 times
Fleet download 1.6:
Novian fleet
Complete beam weapon strip down on all ships.
Neuron still unfinished
(76.25 KiB) Downloaded 822 times
Fleet download 1.7:
Novian fleet
More ship balancing (to SAR) - still incomplete
Ground units added
(106.75 KiB) Downloaded 822 times
Fleet download 1.7.5:
Novian fleet
Balancing to Doogies ships now. although I lost count of which ships were done (please report strays).
(115.15 KiB) Downloaded 853 times
Fleet download 1.8:
Novian fleet
.All ships weapons damage cut by 50%
.Unity and Legacy to be remodeled and re-purposed
.Neuron still unfinished
(115.21 KiB) Downloaded 941 times
[For previous versions, go here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6970 ]
Battle of 'Soluoka' (un-official): viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6992
The attempted battle of 'Daike':viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7010
Ratai counter attack, Nove sector: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7012
Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship, Grawl sector: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7044
The Novian Icon
The Novian Icon
Last edited by Necrontyr1998 on Tue May 20, 2014 2:57 am, edited 32 times in total.
Deus Est Mechanicus

Owner of 'The Novian Empire', a Delphinius Gulf Wars faction.
Fleet Version 1.8 is finally available for download!
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Re: The Novian Empire

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Planning and extra download space:

Planned ships

1/1 super-dreadnaught
1/2 dreadnaught
1/2 battle-carrier
1/1 carrier
1/3 battleship
1/3 battlecruiser
0/1 pocket battleship
2/3 cruiser
2/3 destroyer
1/3 frigate
1/3 corvette
2/2 support ships

Also: Adding more detailed descriptions for current ships (History, numbers, ect...).

Major re-balancing following ship re-classifications.

Planned names:
False Apostle
Damnatio Memoriae
Last edited by Necrontyr1998 on Wed May 01, 2013 5:26 am, edited 5 times in total.
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: The Novian Empire

Post by calvin1211 »

The speed on the battleships is absolutely ludicrous. Why is the Eternity faster than most destroyers. Why do all the other battleships have EVEN MORE SPEED. Seriously, 3.00 speed is fast by destroyer standards, let alone BATTLESHIPS.
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Re: The Novian Empire

Post by Anna »

Also, on a side note, you are in need of this:

EDIT: Christ, did you even try to balance your fleet? Really, did you even try?
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Re: The Novian Empire

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

I'm working on it, jeez. I've got a lot of stuff on IRL, I can't spend ages balencing ships.
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: The Novian Empire

Post by Anna »

Alright, if it's still in progress then I understand. My apologies for the harshness.
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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Ship speeds fixed, missile balancing in progress.

My fleet has a distinct lack of destroyer class ships, so...

TD21 - 'Memoria'
Mine layer, Destroyer

HP: 150
Speed: 3
Turning: 1
Accel: 0.05
AI: flanking

1x Plasma charge mines [Detonate upon proximity detection. Radiation from the charge disrupts most scanners so the mine is invisible to enemy ships]
2x Plasma dispersion cannons

A download update will be provided following the creation of two more destroyers and further balancing.
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by Miram »

Miram: Finally I'm finished my new ship I wanna post in forums
*5 Segunds later*
Necro post him ship too
Anyway its a good ship I'm really liked it.
I'm rare akuma you argument is invalid.
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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Another destroyer variant

TD22 - 'Cito'
Fast attack, destroyer

HP: 150
Speed: 3.5
Turning: 1
Accel: 0.05
AI: flanking

2x Plasma dispersion cannons
2x Photon storm cannons
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by R0ni »

Your newly balanced ships are quite well done so. No more white stars blowing up with one shot and stuff. I am still redoing much of the Ratai fleet - so our battle is gonna have to wait for a moment. Would you like to make short RP with maybe Novian captive being interrigated onboard Ratai vessel (after the battle - assuming Ratai win). Im sure it could make interesting dialog.
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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Sure, that could be quite fun and a good insight for our factions. I was also thinking of some how combining all our battle dialog into a kind of storyline.
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by R0ni »

Not a bad idea.
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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

-Added more history and depth into the Novian way of life (see "The Novian species" section).
Its almost enough for you to feel sorry for them.
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by CryoSleep »

So......even now they are still hungry? what kind of mistake happened for them to be such knowledge gluttons?
I also noticed that you Mistake the acronym of Terran Star Empire.
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Re: The Novian Empire (undergoing maintenance)

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Well, it wasn't just one event. They were used to the excitement of new discoverys and when their sources of free tech ran gradualy dry it came as a bit of a shock. Their brains had developed to be constantly growing with the massive data input, but when the new parts of the brain were no longer being used it had a very negative effect.

Yes TSE, not TSA.
Deus Est Mechanicus

Owner of 'The Novian Empire', a Delphinius Gulf Wars faction.
Fleet Version 1.8 is finally available for download!
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