Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - RESULTS POSTED

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Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - RESULTS POSTED

Post by Anna »


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the fiercest competition in BSF where not a single shot is fired. That's right, it's that time again, time for the BSF Beauty Pageant, sponsored by... okay, we don't have any sponsors, that's besides the point. I'll be your Host and Master of Ceremonies, Anna.

What's all this then?

What, is the name not descriptive enough for you? It's a Beauty Pageant! For ships, not for you. You make pretty ships, you post them here and we judge them. Prettiest, most unique and most well crafted ship wins. Sounds pretty simple, right?

Can I be a judge?

Judging positions are open to everyone, though of course I will screen the volunteers and reserve the right to reject or accept any submission to be a Judge, based on a variety of factors that aren't worth discussing here. Put it simply, if you want to be a judge, just say so. There's a good chance you'll get the job.

Well, what do I have to do then?

I'm glad you asked, big blue text!

Okay folks, there's three brand spanking new categories to the Beauty Pageant, and one old one. If you've read the proposal thread, you probably know what they are, but in case you don't, I'll outline each here.


Limited Stock:

Do you like stock-like sections? Are you annoyed with all this SWA and Shiny stuff and want to go back to the Warning Forever style of shipbuilding, when times were simpler and I had less reasons to yell at you? This is probably the category for you! The rules for entry are as follows.
  • Permitted Sections: Sections that come with the game only.
  • Custom Section Allowance: None. No custom sections what-so-ever. The stuff that comes in the Custom sprites folder is pretty much all fair game, but no other sections are to be downloaded or used.
  • Fleets: You may submit a single ship, or a fleet of ships. Your over-all score will be based on the whole fleet, so a fleet with a few bad ships can lower your score.
Pretty simple, right? Moving on.

Limited Realism:
  • Permitted Sections: The following section packs are allowed
  • Custom Section Allowance: Custom weapon, projectile, engine flare and doodad/glow sprites allowed. Attempts to abuse this rule to make a ship made out of custom doodads will upset me greatly.
  • Fleets: Same as Limited Stock, except fleet size is limited to five ships or less to prevent bloating.
  • Permitted Sections: Anything goes.
  • Custom Section Allowance: Pretty much anything, though if you take a picture (whether a pre-existing one or one you drew yourself) and chop it up into sprites and build a ship entirely out of that, not only will you be banned from this competition, you will be banned from my life.
  • Fleets: No fleets. Single ships only.
  • Permitted Sections: Anything goes.
  • Custom Section Allowance: Pretty much anything, though if you take a picture (whether a pre-existing one or one you drew yourself) and chop it up into sprites and build a ship entirely out of that, not only will you be banned from this competition, you will be banned from my life.
  • Fleets: No fleets. Single ships only.
  • Other Rules: Fanships are ships based on ships from another medium, be it novels, television, film or videogames. The name of the ship, a picture of the ship, and the name of the source material must be included in submissions.
It goes without saying that if you submit a ship to one of the first two categories, you cannot then submit it to the Freeform Category or Fanships Category. Please include which Category you are submitting to with your submission. You can make one submission for each Category and no more.

What are ships judged on?

That's another good question. There are several criteria, which I will outline here, so you can know what we'll be looking for in each ship, and to minimise confusion.

Limited Stock, Limited Realism and Freeform Criteria:
  • Aesthetics: A simple one. How pretty the ship looks. Largely subjective. - Rating from 1 to 10
  • Originality: To be clear, this is about the originality of the design, not the originality of the concept. An original looking design should score highly here even if the concept (i.e. Hulking Terran Ship, Sleek Curvy Alien Ship, etc.) is not. - Rating from 1 to 10
  • Creative Section Usage: Creative use of sections to create shapes or designs. More original and inventive use of sections will score highly here. - Rating from 1 to 10
  • Functional Appearance: This is not a judgement of how your ship functions in the game, it's a judgement of how functional it appears. This is not to say how realistic it looks. You can make ships that have unique, strange shapes and still score highly here. What matters for this criteria is the illusion of realism and details. Internal details, engines and weapon placement, reactors, how seemlessly the sections melt together to make a convincing looking ship, those are what matter here, as do animations and triggers. - Rating from 1 to 10
  • Playability: This is a new Criteria. All the others above existed in the previous Beauty Pageants, albeit in a less clear and concise form. This criteria judges how your ship plays in the game. How it handles, how the weapons look and act, etc. Ships that are fun to play with and look at matter here. Note that weapon balance IS slightly covered here, but should never be the sole determining factor in this criteria. - Rating from 1 to 10
Fanships Criteria:
  • Aesthetics: As above.
  • Accuracy: How accurate it is to the source materials. This covers both appearance and weapons placement and the like. If you make the Firefly and cover it in weapons, or make a Battlestar and give it giant lasers, you'll score poorly here. Basically, staying true to the ship your making matters a lot here. - Rating from 1 to 10
  • Creative Section Usage: As above.
  • Functional Appearance: As above. As mentioned, weapon placement and appearance and accuracy will also matter here.
  • Playability: As above.

Well, is that everything?

I do believe it is! Well, almost everything. There are some other rules that I'll include at the very bottom of the post.

How long do I have to submit my ship?

Submissions close and judging will start October 1st. This may be subject to change or extension, so you have at least a month to build your ships.

Okay then, that's pretty much everything. If you have any questions, ask them in the thread and I'll answer them and include them in the first post. Here are the additional rules that cover absolutely everything in the entire contest.

Rules for Participants:
1. Ships must not have already been posted on this forum: This isn't a hard and fast rule, but is is prefered. I would rather that people create new ships for this competition, instead of just handing in old ones that they made in the past.
2. Judges cannot submit ships: This is an obvious one. Judges cannot also enter ships in the competition.
3. No plagiarism: This is an obvious one too, but I feel it needs to be stated anyway. Ships entered by you, must have been made by you. No exceptions. If you submit a ship made by someone else, and you're found out, you will be disqualified, on the spot, no questions about it. NO EXCEPTIONS.
4. Be Polite: If you're not one of the Judges, you do not judge anyone's ship. You do not make insulting remarks to other contestants, and you do not abuse the Judges, if they do something you dislike, or give you a bad score. Failure to comply with this rule will likely result in disqualification.
5. Submissions: Must include an image taken in Shipmaker at default zoom, and a download containing the .shp AND the .sb4.
6. Custom Sections: Any custom sprites used in the construction of your ship that aren't on the approved sections list must be included in your download, and be packaged properly and in the correctly named folders. Failure to do this will result in one warning. If it is not fixed, disqualification will follow.
Rules for Judges:
1. Seniority: The first four people to ask for the job will get it, with a few exceptions. I will reject people who I believe will be unsuited to the task, but there aren't many people who would
2. English: All Judges must be able to use proper spelling and grammar. Comments on ships in the judging phase should be at least two or three sentences long.
3. Getting the Job Done: If you will not be able to Judge the ships properly for any reason (i.e. school, work, a download or image filter that prevents you from testing the ships out, etc.) then do not apply for the position.
4. Making it Personal: Judges must be impartial. You cannot give someone a low score because you dislike them. If their ship is bad, score it on that, if not, score it appropriately, instead of decreasing the score because you dislike the person submitting it. Also, keep in mind that this is an aesthetics contest. Regardless of your opinion of ship power, you judge a ship by its appearance, not by how powerful its guns are.
That looks like everything.

Let the Beauty Pageant begin!

Made it a global topic, I think it deserves that. Also put up an announcement on the front page. - th15
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Closed

Post by Anna »

--- Competition Entrants ---

Limited Stock:
--- RSP/K-9 Sakuri by STARSTRUCK [Download Link]
--- The Anabrou by Doogie12 [Download Link]
--- X-210 Loki Beam Destroyer by Icy [Download Link]
--- Bufo-Bufo by Son Tzu [Download Link]
--- Delta Executor by Arcalane [Download Link]
--- ADY-001 Heavy Leading Cruiser by Deltaflyer [Download Link]
--- Earth Coalition EC-HC99 Dawnspark-class Heavy Bombardment Cruiser by CheesyErwin [Download Link]
--- Shield Runner by Destroyer #1 [Download From Post]

Limited Realism:
--- Guardian Mechs by Doogie12 [Download Link]
--- Yeoma Class Battleship by Icy [Download Link]
--- Iris-class Beam Cruiser by STARSTRUCK [Download Link]
--- Netharis - Heavy destroyer by Crimsonflame [Download Link] - Disqualified
--- JS-01 Jiangsu-class Long Range Support Cruiser by CheesyErwin [Download Link]
--- 'Clear Sky' Vectoring Destroyer by Rugdumph [Download Link]
--- Syracuse-class Beam Cruiser by Water_and_Wind [Download Link]
--- Maedhros-class Fast Attack Destroyer by ArcaneDude [Download Link]
--- FireFlower by Son Tzu [Download Link]
--- Cumulonimbus by Ryen [Download Link]
--- Fleet With A Long-Winded Name by deltaflyer [Download Link] - Disqualified
--- Gaia by jwa8402 [Download Link] - [Sprites]
--- ICM Battleship by Raul [Download Link]

--- Omaha by thenoobiebuilder [Download Link] - Disqualified
--- The Crawler by Doogie12 [Download Link] - Disqualified
--- Iron Mountain: Susini Class by Preacher [Download Link] - [.sb4] - [Sprites]
--- Vereor Messor - Cruiser by MuhhammedJihad [Download Link]
--- Qui'zenon IV by Lord Aries Greymon [Download Link] - [Sprites]
--- Qohelet by jwa8402 [Download Link] - [Sprites] - Disqualified
--- Sweet Coronet SR2 by STARSTRUCK [Download Link]
--- Capellan Titan by calvin1211 [Download Link]
--- Angreb-Class Gharvengei Dreadnought by Areze [Download Link] - Disqualified
--- Warship by Destroyer #1 [Download From Post]

--- Minmatar HURRICANE-class Battlecruiser (EVE Online) by ArcaneDude [Download Link]
--- Imperial Centurion class cruiser (Gratuitous Space Battles) by jwa8402 [Download Link]
--- Scimitar (Star Trek: Nemesis) by Doogie12 [Download Link]

--- Judges ---
--- Anna
--- guilee186
--- LactoseTolerant
--- Kiltric
--- Noctis
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by guilee186 »

I'd like to apply for a judging position, Anna.
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by vidboi »

i'd like to apply for a judging role as well. my main computer died on tuesday so no shipbuilding for me for quite some time =/
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by Anna »

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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by LactoseTolerant »

I think i'll sign up for judging, if that's possible.
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by thenoobiebuilder »

*Lurk mode off*
Freeform mode selected

Ship name:

Class: battleship

World of origin: Earth

Faction: United Earth Defence Corps. (UEDC)

Size: 245

Armorment: 12x24" Magneticly fired main cannons in 4x500ton turrets firing 10KT nuclear HE shell
6x6" pom-pom(high fire rate) cannons in defence mounts
6x130MM 100Tw auto targeting defence lasers

Propulsion: 3 particle drive engines rated at 5000Tw
5x 5 bladed retractable propellers for on earth propulsion
who knows how many thrusters for manuvering

Power: 4x1000Tw 4x10000Tw antimater reactors,
20x1000Tw backup nuclear reacors
For on earth Power: 5x Good old fashon jet turbines creating aprox. 2 Millon HP and 'bout 8500Tw each

Armor: waaaaayyyyy to much for its size

Omaha for the people with bad imagination
Omaha for the people with bad imagination
All in all if overkill had a picture this is it

Hope I do well :D

*Lurk mode on*

EDIT:ship updated

EDIT: although no one cares this is the updated page
I added the fixed omaha here too
main guns dmg lowered to 1500 each
spirits fixed
fixed bug were engines could be destroyed and the ship will still move
fix omaha for all who care
(438.73 KiB) Downloaded 5545 times
Last edited by thenoobiebuilder on Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I am a fan of the "Push F to fire everything" idea.

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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by vidboi »

i think you'll be needing a download with that if you're going to enter it. note to everyone, can you please include sprites in the download, it'd be very helpful and time saving - just pack them up in a .zip file
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by Anna »

vidboi wrote:i think you'll be needing a download with that if you're going to enter it. note to everyone, can you please include sprites in the download, it'd be very helpful and time saving - just pack them up in a .zip file
That is actually in the rules, you know. No need to repeat it.

The need for a download is also mentioned. The entry is ignored until that is added.
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by Anna »

LactoseTolerant wrote:I think i'll sign up for judging, if that's possible.
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by thenoobiebuilder »

This post is no longer needed.

I would normally delete it but instead I'm going to use it to tell all who care that the download is on my earlier post
Last edited by thenoobiebuilder on Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by Anna »


I know judging hasn't officially started yet.

And I know this is really bad form.

But TNB? You might want to consider making something with some actual effort put into it. And why should we be anything but annoyed by your wanked out high-powered guns. It certainly doesn't impress anyone, it just makes it look like you're trying to make up for something.

If this is what you really choose to submit though, so be it.
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by vidboi »

Anna wrote:
vidboi wrote:i think you'll be needing a download with that if you're going to enter it. note to everyone, can you please include sprites in the download, it'd be very helpful and time saving - just pack them up in a .zip file
That is actually in the rules, you know. No need to repeat it.

The need for a download is also mentioned. The entry is ignored until that is added.
ah yeah, sorry misinterpreted that bit. the first time i looked at it i though by 'custom sprites' it meant sprites made specifically by the entrant for their ship, not sprites in general.

@TNB. i like lists
a. it's a phallic brick
b. check your backstory figures. how can a 4000TW powerplant provide 15000TW for the engines, let alone power any other systems?
c. you've got a month for the competition. if i was going to take part i'd spend a lot more time on deciding what to make and titillating it before i submitted it, as there's no bonus for being first to enter

good night and good luck
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by Da_Dooley »

Just for the fucking hell of it...

*braces self*

I'd like to be a judge.
I know that there is virtually no background on me, and there is no reason whatsoever for you to accept me, but I would really like to have this opportunity.

*releases held-breath*
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Re: Fifth Official BSF Beauty Pageant - STARTS NOW

Post by Lizzie »

Da_Dooley wrote:Just for the fucking hell of it...

*braces self*

I'd like to be a judge.
I know that there is virtually no background on me, and there is no reason whatsoever for you to accept me, but I would really like to have this opportunity.

*releases held-breath*
You do realize it's a lot more work then you think? Making a ship is actually easier. There's a couple of members who signed up for judging and just couldn't do it in the end.
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