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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by ArcaneDude »

The Perseus class Experimental Assault Carrier is one of the largest dedicated warships in the UNSC fleet. It carries several fighter wings and sports enough weapons to make even a Covenant cruiser yelp for it's mama. It also has enough armour to resist dozens of plasma impacts.

Disclaimer: Perseus class Experimental Assault Carrier is (c) chakotay02. Original design at http://chakotay02.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2nvmt5. I have been given permission from the rightful owner to use this design.


That wraps it up for the UNSC capital ships. Up next, Longsword and Sabre.


And that's that. This is the first release of the Star Wreck UNSC ships, it contains the Sabre Planetary Defense Fighter, the Longsword Space Superiority Fighter, the UNSC Frigate and Destroyer, the Halcyon class Cruiser, the Marathon class Cruiser, the Phoenix class Modified Colony Ship and the Perseus class Experimental Assault Carrier.
Star Wreck UNSC Ships.rar
(2.93 MiB) Downloaded 152 times
If there are any problems, let me know.
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by cubby989 »

I think I just went to heaven, time to set up covie vs. UNSC vs. curvy alien battles. ;o
Edit: I think I figured out the inactivity! They all have heart attacks from looking at these beautiful ships.
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by jwa8402 »

@AD: I honestly wouldn't have believed UNSC ships could be made interesting, nice.

Alright got a bit of a problem here. Getting this error and I'm not sure what it means. I've rebuilt the ship from scrap and still get it. Any ideas?
action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1016:

In script nSec2a:
Error in code at line 46:
l_section[j].l_colour = global.colour[round((l_colour mod 1) * 10),argument9];

at position 71: Negative array index
SMscreen013.png (7.41 KiB) Viewed 5336 times
ICC Heavy Cruiser.zip
Ship, sprites
(107 KiB) Downloaded 108 times
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by ArcaneDude »

The bit where it says 'global.colour' makes me suspect you've got something set to [0,0,0] black, but I'm not sure. If that's not the case, why don't you send me the .sb4 [EDIT herf derf it's right there I'm an idiot] and I'll try to figure it out for you.


I've encountered a problem with the UNSC/ Covenant ships: in large battles, the UNSC tends to win out with on equal footing. That's not quite the idea, so what I'm going to do is
- Nerf the UNSC health by a little
- Make the MAC guns much more powerful, and give the much higher reload. I'll also give them another projectile sprite so they're more pronounced.
- Make the Covenant Plasma Torpedoes lots more powerful, and give them much higher reload. This will make them powerful enough to shear off some armour with each shot.
- Give the Corvette a single Plasma Torpedo
- Make the Corvette's plasma cannons fire faster projectiles.
Expect a new Download for all Halo ships in a short while, probably today, and if not, tomorrow. I'm also going to post a teaser for another faction somewhere in the same timespan.

@jwa: in fact, it might be a good idea to make all projectiles faster. Right now most ships dodge even Turbolasers, and that can't be the idea.


This is working! I just watched a Marathon smash off the side of an unshielded CCS and still get it's huge butt kicked by that same ship. Download somewhere tomorrow, peeps. I'm also gonna do something about those OMGUB3RH4X0R starfighters. They're balanced to jwa's X-wing, but...well, try them out and you'll know what I mean. They're like bees with chainguns. Not good.
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by Deltaflyer »

That ICC Cruiser is quite a nice replica. One comment I would have on it is that all ICC ships to my knowledge have a slight blue tinge to the hull colour, apart from that, it's a really good replica.
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by jwa8402 »

@AD ya I've already worked on the weapons. I made projectiles much faster, like 28 cuz any faster skips sections. I also slowed down torpedoes but made them tougher to hit. I think I've fixed beams by ensuring the projectile size isn't less than 1. Ought to have a dl soon, just making sure I didn't miss anything.
As for starfighters, ya we need to figure out a balance with their weapons so they can't pwn capital ships. Let me know if you figure something out, and I'll balance all the other fighters to it. I like the UNSC ships though, they are incredibly tough!

@Deltaflyer: Thanks, I was using some questionable reference material since I can't load DS right now so I wasn't sure I had it. I like the bluish tint idea and it should drastically improve the look. I think if I manage a ugto ship it will probably use shiny sections but can't decide.
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by ArcaneDude »

I don't know if you've checked this, but it could be useful. http://www.darkspace.net/index.htm?modu ... &forum=134
I'll see what I can do about the starfighters. I'll probably distinguish between fighters and bombers as well, if you don't mind.


I've figured the fighters out. I gave them 20 HP in stead of 5, kept the speed, nerfed the guns and added a guided weapon. These are the weapon stats I'm using:
Standard fighter cannon:
Standard cannon.png
Standard cannon.png (5.42 KiB) Viewed 5275 times
Generic missile system for the longsword, limited amount of missiles:
Standard missile.png
And a plasma charge for the Seraph:
Seraph charge.png
Now, when it comes to bombers, I've reduced both speed and turning by 3, leaving them with 4, and raised the health by 10, counting from the 20 or 25 I gave them. I've also added a torpedo weapon with a limited number of shots, but that's not complete yet. Either way, both classes are now useful against capital ships, but won't kill them by themselves except in overwhelming numbers. Bombers are too slow to compete with fighters, but are capable of taking out small capital ships in groups of 5 or 6.
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by jwa8402 »

Sounds good, my computer isn't working atm but I'll mod the fighters to that. My only concern is that with too much health they end up as a core too small to shoot flying around lagging up the game. Was thinking maybe doing something with a critical module that destroys the core when the cockpit is hit or something...
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by Bad Boy »

Just popping in to say I'm liking the way things are looking, I'm not at all a halo player but it's nice to see some good ships from AD, particularly since they're balanced to the rest of this pack. I've been too busy (and apathetic about BSF) to test all/any of the stuff, but I will at some point.

I don't think Critical module would work, since as far as I know modules are still untriggerable. If I'm wrong about that I'd be very happy though, and this wouldn't be too hard, you'd just use eri's method of detecting if a section is destroyed and voila. But if it's a no go, you could parent one or some small (comparatively) high hp sections to the cockpit and put them right above the core, with some fiddling it should be able to kill itself without acting as a kkm. I can't say I've tested this though, so I may be wrong about it.

Anyway, keep up the awesome work both of you.
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by ArcaneDude »

I don't think making any other changes will be necessary. Fighters work fine now, and unless you're spamming them like pollen in the middle of summer the cores aren't going to matter much.

@BB: Thanks man, much appreciated.


v0.2 Star Wreck Halo Ships are up for DL. The Readme contains a changelog. There's also a teaser inside.
Star Wreck Halo Ships v0.2.rar
(2.9 MiB) Downloaded 144 times

@jwa: If it's not too much trouble, could you please change the thread title to include reference to this DL? Maybe we'll rouse more interest in that way. EDIT: Thank you!
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Post by Jafo »

ArcaneDude wrote:Maybe we'll rouse more interest in that way.
I am one of those lurkers, just my nature to be quiet. I always look forward eagerly to anything new added to this project. I love the ship renditions that have been done for this and for me the big selling point is the balancing that you are undertaking. Gorgeous and functional all in one package!

There, you actually made a very quiet lurker emerge to applaud your accomplishments, and to hope that you will continue to put out the effort required for such a project. Well done to both of you!
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Re: Star Wreck Halo v2 download pg 26

Post by ArcaneDude »

Thanks jafo, much appreciated.


New ship:
Forerunner Key Ship 2.png
Forerunner Key Ships were a special class of ships. Though technically not warships, they were extensively used in the Forerunner-Flood War as heavy warships. Only one known vessel survived that war, and was later used by the San' Shyuum in their war against the Sangheili, and even later as a power source for High Charity, the Covenant's planetoid Capital City. The Key Ship was capable of powering the entire city while operating far below it's full capabilities. Near the end of the Human-Covenant War, it was used by the Covenant Loyalists to overwhelm Earth's defenses.

At that point, it's second purpose was revealed. The Key Ship was a literal Key for the Portal, the only vessel capable of opening it and freeing the way to the Ark. It was there that the Forerunners had their last stand and activated the Halo system, and ended the threat of the Flood for a thousand generations to come, comitting mass suicide in the process.

After activating the Halo's, the Key Ships would fulfill their third and final purpose: they would reseed the galaxy with indexed lifeforms, thus repairing the damage done by the Halo system.


This ship is by far not finished. I'm not entirely happy with some parts, and I still haven't decided on a weapons loadout. Critisizm would be most welcome.


Fun fact: the Forerunner Key Ship was the first ship I ever tried to build several years ago. Too bad I don't have a picture of that first attempt, it would be fun to compare the two versions.


Okay so after much searching I actually found it. Sensitive viewers should cover their eyes.
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Re: Star Wreck Halo v2 download pg 26

Post by jwa8402 »

Damn. I should know better than to throw a challenge at you. Nice comparison with the classic; sprites aside you had the shape down. Didn't you have dedicated forerunner sprites at one point?

As far as weapons, I found this video. Mostly junk but at 0:45 seconds check out the nose weapon. Don't know if it would look decent but definitely doable in bsf. Also been a few years since I played halo but I recall forerunner drones using some long, raking lasers.

Of course if you want to make it give off an omni-directional pulse that destroys everything on the map, I won't hold it against you :lol:
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Re: Star Wreck Halo v2 download pg 26

Post by ArcaneDude »

I already have something similar installed, based on Eri's Lunar Blaster. Which is, by the way, much easier to do now due to absolute bullet speed values.
For secondaries I was thinking beams, yeah. High precision, low duration energy beams. Otherwise, the Covenant must've gotten their Plasma Torpedoes somewhere, so I guess the Forerunners used something similar as well. Thanks for the input.


I did have Forerunner sprites, or at least someting based on their architecture. But I can't be arsed to sw-ize those :p
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And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Re: Star Wreck Halo v2 download pg 26

Post by Bad Boy »

I do believe I remember when you first posted that ship, I almost want to look for the angel of whatever it was (merkabeh maybe) that you made in your first little while, see how it looks now :D

Oh the good old days, when everything was really quite awful looking.

Also, neat ship, etc. etc I'm not really a halo person though I'm sure it's very close to source.
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