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Col.Jason's 1st proper ship

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:55 am
by col.jason
Hi, i am jason, i am new here, and this is my first proper attempt at making a ship :)


feel free to suggest improvements or criticism as it will help me improve ships in the future, just remember tho, this is my first proper attempt at making a ship, meaning depth, colours, drivers, custom hp, damage, and ranges...

EDIT: also, guys what image host do you use, imagevenue isn't the best...

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:00 am
by Gkug
Number of weapons needs to be reduced, and colour scheme needs work, also i suggest using photobucket to upload images.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:02 am
by 25000st
Ok. The ship at the stage it's at right now is bad but you can make it better. The ship might be slightly too skinny but that's not the main problem.

The colors are plainly terrible. Try not to use more than three colors. Also don't put bright colored sections right next to dark sections. This causes something called "eyeburn".

I think you have too many weapons. I would advise removing some flak guns. Your auto-cannons on the other hand have been wisely placed.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:04 am
by col.jason
i was thinking about removing the green, i'll do that now...

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:09 am
by col.jason

I removed the green, and half the flaks...

i'm not sure what color to replace the yellow part of my turrets, or are they ok?

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:26 am
by col.jason
thought i'd say a bit about the design...

the built up area at the back is supposed to be the command centre, with the core jutting out the back slightly, you can hit it from the rear, but there are flaks to protect it, also this ship is supposed to be used in a broadside...

the chunky front is supposed to be like a weapons platform, 2 emmissiles and 2 torpedoes poke out the front, for when you are heading towards the enemy, hence the forward facing auto-cannons.

the thin middle is supposed to be a weak point, i wanted to balance it out by making it a main target, obviously when destroyed, the weapons platform part goes with it, thus makeing the ship severly weaker, but it has flak and twin auto cannons there to protect it.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:34 am
by dyoano
you should remove even more flak cannons. the amount you have right now is enough to effectively completely neutralize incoming fire from an enemy ship of the same class, as well as most other balanced ships (and definitely all the stock ones). usually, 6 cleverly placed flak turrets on a ship your size is more than enough - any more, and it'll usually be totally unscathed in battle :[

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:35 am
by 25000st
Your blue is still too dark but less flaks have made it better. After the blue is fixed you can move on to the next step. Clean up your section usage. Look at new section usage guide.

Keep up the good work!

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:38 am
by Homer
Ok, well first thing first; Welcome to the Forums :D .

Now about the ship you don't need a billion flak and autocannons everywhere :x . And you seriously need to work on color use like grey and som random color that complements it.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:49 am
by Swamp Fox
dyoano wrote:you should remove even more flak cannons. the amount you have right now is enough to effectively completely neutralize incoming fire from an enemy ship of the same class, as well as most other balanced ships (and definitely all the stock ones). usually, 6 cleverly placed flak turrets on a ship your size is more than enough - any more, and it'll usually be totally unscathed in battle :[
You, sir, are an idiot. Ever since the advent of customizable weapons, statements like this are completely ungrounded, unless the stats of every weapon are posted. How do you know the autocannons don't have a lower interceptibility, a higher rate of fire, faster bullets. The flak cannons could have low accuracy, they could be fixed emplacements, their range can be small enough to barely reach the edge of the ship, et cetera. In short, you have no knowledge to base your statement on. Besides, since "balance" is such an arbitrary term, it's pointless trying to argue for it unless it's been defined for the occasion. I will agree that there are too many flaks, but only from an aesthetic viewpoint, since there is not nearly enough information to effectively assume any other.

As for the ship itself, I don't really have much positive to say. It's hull consist mostly of a few sections tiled over and over. The colors are neither coherent nor well-matched, and there are so many weapons that it looks spammed. There are also unexplained holes about a third of the way up from the back that don't appear to serve any purpose and make that portion of the ship look very flimsy.
With a proper color scheme and better section usage this could be interesting, but as it is it needs improvement.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:23 am
by col.jason

I changed the shade of blue, changed the random hole area, seems i accidentally made that part transparent :(

you want stats
deviation=50 normal is 20
damage=1.50 same as normal
range=100 normal is 250

Deviation is same as normal
range is same as normal
damage has been increased to 300 from 100

deviation is same
range is same
damage is 500 from 100

4x forward facing auto cannons:
range 1000 from 700
damage 200 from 20
deviation is same

10x broadside auto cannons:
range is same
deviation is same
damage is 50 from 20

8x broadside twin auto cannons:
range is same
deviation is same
damage is 100 from 20 (since it is twin of the single ones)

5x turret twin auto cannons:
range is same
deviation is same
damage is 150 from 20 due to these being the 'HEAVY' guns...

8x machine guns:
all stats the same

there are a lot of flak at the back because the core is exposed at the back of the ship, it has 5000hp so it is fairly weak compared to other player's ships....

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:33 am
by Arcalane
The EMP Torpedo's damage field doesn't actually do anything, and it was never supposed to. I should tweak it so that the field doesn't appear for it.
SF wrote:some shit about modding weapons
No, you, sir, are the idiot. AC interceptability cannot be modded and flak cannons cannot be 'fixed'

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:37 am
by col.jason
Arcalane wrote:flak cannons cannot be 'fixed'
such a shame, i tried this many times and wondered why it didn't work :(

the rest of the weapons are fixed tho, except the turrets on top obviously :)

EDIT: smoothed off some edges :)


Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 8:56 am
by Swamp Fox
Arcalane wrote:No, you, sir, are the idiot. AC interceptability cannot be modded and flak cannons cannot be 'fixed'
I apologize. I should have thought that through better. I will admit that the examples were non-applicable in this case. In my haste I grabbed them off the top of my head. Regardless of the inaccurate examples, however, the core point of it all still stands, in that balance cannot be discussed without information.

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:46 am
by SHAD0Wdump
I'm usually not the one to point out such things,but the latest version is obnoxiously phallic.