MRA; Second Gen on page 21

Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by Venator »

Sweet, I'll take the opportunity to expand some of the abandoned/delayed concepts I've got on the back burner.
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Post by Lizzie »

*As the empress reads over the latest developments for the day on her laptop, a high priority message containing the recording of the summons with the alliance and pictures of the Technocracy Juggernaut. As she reads over this information her face slowly turns a ghostly white*

Elizabeth" So this is what they feared, what they wanted our support for, what they are attempting to forge an alliance from the whole galaxy for. And this is only one ship.

*The empress summons her secretary*

Secretary Browan: Yes ma'am?

Elizabeth: Summon the entire military cabinet. I want them in the palace war room within 15 minutes.

Secretary Browan: Yes ma'am I'll get right on that.

*The secretary leaves*

Elizabeth: A dark shadow descends upon those poor souls and from what I understand of these fiends, they won't stop with the alliance. They will do their best to purge or enslave us all. May fortune smile upon us these coming months, we will need it.

Plans are to be made and pacts of blood signed. Never would I thought I'd see a war such as this in my life time.

*The empress chimes in for her courier*

Elizabeth: Send the following message to the MRA: The IVL wishes to re-discuss our prior alliance with you. From here on in, you can count on our full military and logistical support. May we drive these fiends back into the hell they came from, together.
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Post by Scorpia »

Okay, I finally found my backed-up BSF ship files. I upped the HP and I present you one more ship. :P

The Cormorant:

HP: 1700
Speed: 0.35
Turning: 0.20
Acceleration: 0.05

The Goshawk (Updated):

HP: 1500
Speed: 0.50
Turning: 0.15
Acceleration: 0.05

DL: ...

The weapons on the ships are modified, so they might be a bit too strong...As for the Rigor Mortis, I decided not to add it to the submission, since it's small. The weasel guns on it can make a Cronus go boom then bang in less than a minute, so it might be too strong, since the shots are actually chain shots.

On a side note: the Vanguard is full of win.
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Post by Darkship »

Subspace Transmission to the Movement

This is Director Tavius of Imperial Technologies' Paramilitary Branch, we have received word of the arrival of the Technocracy abominations into Alliance space. In response to this inbound threat, our parent company, Imperial Technologies, has authorized the deployment of the Erinyes and the Telemachus as well as a detachment of replica Alastor Cruisers to be placed under the Movements' fleet command. Both the Erinyes and the Telemachus are both dreadnought class ships, however both have not been put through combat trials as they both have only just passed prototype stages. Fear not for their safety, as these ships are equipped with the most cutting edge and in some cases experimental technologies, there is little doubt that they will perform as well as any military vessel in service.

With Regards
Andronicus Tavius
Director of I.Tech. PM Branch
---------------------[Transmission end]---------------------------


note: i think this is the biggest ship i have made yet (if only by a bit), also want the ship's backstory as well?
[url=][color=BLACK][b]Assorted Randomness[/b][/color][/url]
[url=][color=Red][b]The Tal'Vorah Fleet[/b][/color][/url]
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Post by ArcaneDude »

In response to the IVL communiqué

---Personal message from President Haesrin Sytheusen to Empress Elizabeth Alexandria Brewster---

At first, you have my greatest thanks for this. A fully fledged alliance will give us much more of a fighting chance. This is a paramount moment for both our nations.

Setting aside my joy urges me to do something. Warn you. The To'Hol Venaari are the most powerful race we have ever encountered. They are the ones who devised a way to defeat the old alliance, and they are most certainly devising ways to defeat us as we speak. In order to defeat this monstrosity, sacrifices must be made. From the moment the To'Hol Venaari notice your ships fighting amongst ours, they will not stop before the IVL lies in ruin, or they will die trying.

Up to us now to make sure they do the latter.

---message ends---
Check out The Star Wreck project!
Check out the Epic Music Library
And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by Lizzie »

--Counter response from the Empress--

"They may burn our worlds but we can just move elsewhere and lick our wounds. The only thing that has threatened the Antarian empire is itself. I invite these bastards to try to do something even we could not finish."
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Post by BoVinE »

The Union of the Creld regrets their inability to send support to their allies, as their mobile fleet is still under construction, although nearing completion. Please stand by.
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Post by Bad Boy »

From what I can see of it on this tiny screen, the ship looks awesome. May I ask how many pieces it is? Terribly sorry AD I didn`t know mods could hide next time I`ll look before I leap.

Mod Edit: Wow, first meaningless thread bumping and now derailing AD's thread, when he wasn't even the one who did it? Guess what? I'm giving you a warning for this. You should have taken it to PM instead of pursuing it publicly, if you had a problem. :) Have a nice day.

Last edited by Bad Boy on Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by BoVinE »

Bad Boy wrote:On another note, was it you who gave me a mod edit (I ask this because as far as I could see, you were the only mod online at the time)? If so I wish to question the validity of your complaint, nowhere in the forum rules and ettiquette does it say no triple posting, and, although it is generally disliked, there are no official sanctions against it. Sorry for possibly derailing your thread, but I don`t want to triple post and get a warning for it (although I doubt you or any other mod would do that, better safe than sorry). Once more sorry for possibly derailing your thread.
Shut the fuck up. There are several active moderators, and I know a few of them use the hide function. All of them can use their power at their discretion, and there is an entry in the rule list saying
Please merge your posts whenever possible. There is an edit button, so please use it instead of posting multiple times one after another.
IF you have a problem with it, PM someone, and don't bitch about it in their thread, because derailing is another rule.
Last edited by BoVinE on Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DoubleThink »

----Message from J. Anderson----

----Encryption: Teutonic Diplomatic Standard----

Message Decrypted


Translation Complete.

From: J. Anderson, Fuhrer der Teutonische Republik
Subject: Technocracy Wars

The recent development of events has attracted the attention of higher ups in the Teutonic Republic. Unfortunately, the public is generally disapproving of any major military operations at the moment, neutrality is the zeitgeist. However, while the public may disapprove, it is very possible that we may be able, ahem, lend some military ships, as well as provide training in their use. Also, while we technically are not able to go to war for the aforementioned political reasons, the Raumwaffe is currently being mobilized for action, and Raumwehr units are being recommissioned. Several outdated ships are available for sale at immense discount, if you catch my drift. while I am sad that I cannot offer immediate assistance, I am confident that the public of the Teutonic Republic will give the utmost support to the war effort once the threat is seen.
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Post by Swamp Fox »

The following is a transmission from Fleet Admiral Kailin, primary commander of the First Draconian Defense Fleet to the leaders of the MRA:
Fleet Admiral Kailin wrote:Word of your... situation with the To'Hol Venaari has been reported by our outposts in your galaxy. While we prefer not to interfere too much in the affairs of other political entities, the actions of the To'Hol Venaari Technocracy are inexcusable. The Draconian Alliance cannot stand idly by while another entity commits such atrocities. To that end, I have been authorized to send our new cruiser, the DDF1-605 Dionysus class. It has been outfitted with navigational lights for your convenience. Due in part to its experimental nature, but mostly because of the sheer distance to your galaxy, we can only send one squadron at this time. Still, even a mere 21 ships should be of some aid. Also, if you are still suffering from that curious plague, we would be willing to permit your study of our anatomy, as none of our scouts in your region have suffered any ill effects. Our medical science is not as advanced as yours due to our small need, so you might be able to figure out something which we could not. Also, we regret that we cannot send any of our older, more formidable ships. They would find that... thing easy prey, but are currently involved in a matter of a more... personal nature. We wish you good fortune, and sincerely hope you survive without too many losses. We will provide you with technical specifications (download) on the Dionysus so you may educate yourselves in case any of your forces desire experience on a Draconian cruiser.
Image ... 1fixed.shp
Sorry it's still red, I couldn't find another color that didn't get completely screwed up.
EDIT: I just remembered it isn't custom colored, let me fix that.
EDIT2: Link fixed
"Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?"
"You're gonna have to answer to the Coca Cola company."
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Okay, folks, this is it. A preliminary DL of ALL MRA ships untill now, excluding the community fleet.

- VSE ships and weapons have been altered and are far more balanced.
- RAN AI ranges fixed (alterations still need to be made).
- ALL sb3's. included.

Have fun, folks.
Check out The Star Wreck project!
Check out the Epic Music Library
And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush
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Post by Venator »

** System monitor's note. Approximately twelve hours ago an unidentified vessel terminated an FTL jump in-system. The spacecraft was identified as one of the Ormyryn Diarchy, due to it's bizarre construction; partially crystaline and partially dense metals.**

** Translator's Note: Due to the major linguistic disparity between the Ormyryn peoples and ourselves, this translation is general, rather than verbatim. The ritualized form of address contains many rhetorical questions and philosophical proposals, so the translated version displayed here is trimmed, although still somewhat convoluted. **

------- Transmission Begins -------

"What is the sound that heralds the fall of an empire?"

When asked this, the great philosopher Riun Gollos answered that it was the soft sound of endless peace and stagnation that brought about the fall of great civilizations. Ironic but perhaps fitting, then, that he fell at the point of a blade.

Civilizations may suffer from peace, but they perish in warfare. Such as that which threatens to consume all the free peoples that were once united by a grand "Alliance".

We of the Ormyryn stood by the wayside of your federation, and watched it fall with similar indifference. But while the Diarchs, my progenitors, would stand idle while doom comes once again, I, prince Tyrriyn Rovyos, will not contemplate such inaction.

"What is the measure of a sapient?"

Asked this, the philosopher Gollos answered truly - the worth of a being of thought is measured in how much it will give in the defense of another, beyond his kin.

I will not watch while freedom's flame is extinguished. I will prove my right to existence, and in that cause I gift to your "Movement" the crown vessel of the Ormyryn Celestial Armada.

I give to you, the
Illuminating Ascendancy!

I can bestow no guarantee of reinforcements. As like as otherwise, a fleet of the Diarchy may come to shackle me rather than assist my cause.

But nonetheless, I will stand by your side.

Dusk may come.

But together, I swear by my life-ichor, we will be the dawn!"

------- Transmission Ends -------


I had a concept, ran with it, and the result is far beyond my expectations. DL pending on balancing. Enjoy!
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Post by jwa8402 »

Wow, thats incredible! The shape didn't so much initially appeal to me but all the detail, all the color and patterns are beautiful. I imagine its fearsome in combat as well.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Wow...that is...niiiiiiiiice. You really put some work in it. Great job, Venator. Tiny nitpick, though; since it only has two colors, it seems a bit flat in some places. Otherwise, it's great!


---Holonet Broadcast_MRA council---

It is with great thanks that we accept the help offered to us by Price Rovyos. The Illuminating Ascendancy alone gives us a fighting chance against the single Juggernaught they sent untill now.

But a single ship cannot win a war.

Since the request for ship designs and the arrival of their vanguard vessel, we have almost doubled our fleet's numbers and firepower. But will that be enough? We fear not.

To the end of gaining more aid, we have sent scouts to the outskirts of our galaxy, and outside of it, to the six other galaxies that were once the territory of the old Alliance. The purpose of this mission is to seek for a remnant. A remnant of the Alliance, perhaps a group of worlds still loyal to the old ways, or starships, military bases, and other things left behind after the Dissolving.

After the Dissolving, stories began to form. Whispers and rumors of leftover Alliance ships. But most importantly, one of those rumors states that the legendary Grand Admiral of the Alliance, Victoria de l'Oradore-Renaldi, is still alive and out their, together with her ship, the Forge of Destiny, and probably other Alliance ships.

We do not know whether we will find her and her battleforce. But we have hope in doing so.

---Transmission Ends----
Check out The Star Wreck project!
Check out the Epic Music Library
And in this Alliance we bestow our hope and will, that the Dogs of War may never harass the people of our homes again, and that it will bring peace, equality and liberty for all in need and despair. One Universe, One Goal. By the Manifest we command this.~ Saren Vil Ush