
Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by Empty »

Hiya BSF Forums, I'm new here, and I've got some nice starcraft ships to share.

What I've Completed
BattleCruiser [Design by Question Mark, Weapons by Me] SB3 SHP
DropShip [Refitted for a Repair Role]
Carrier [Redone!]
Corsair [Design by Question Mark, Weapons by Me]
Scout [Design by Question Mark, Weapons by Me]

What I want to Complete

What I cannot Complete

So here they are:
A fleet after a scuffle with an enemy BattleCruiser, note the heavily damaged dropship on the far right.

An enemy [Blue] BattleCruiser under assault by a bunch of my own ships.
There's all the current and most updated ships, right there.

Protoss + Terrans defending against a hostile Blue Terran force, old carrier shown.
Worst possible image of the yamato cannon.

One problem I have is that when my ships lose their engines, they fling all over the place, is there a way to make a ship just halt when they lose the engines?
Last edited by Empty on Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Not bad, not bad at all. I have a few complaints, though.

On the battlecruiser, the section 16's you're using for the neck aren't layered properly. On the same ship, there is a mirroring error in the sidepods, and the structure of the body is repetitive.

All the smaller ships look nice, though.

I believe I have seen this fleet before. Did you post it on FacePunch?

EDIT; if a ship looses all thrusters, it doesn't have any thrust anymore and will thus just bounce about. If you mod the thrusters, you can set the amount of thrust lost when one is destroyed, so that the ship will be capable of moving after these thrusters are destroyed.
Last edited by ArcaneDude on Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Empty »

Yes indeed I have.

The BC is getting a redo, that was the first completed while we were still unfamiliar with the editor, the next version will have the mirror bugs fixed [Question Mark didn't know the joys of mirror at the time, he literally built both sides by hand] nad the depth problems redone. There are also several parenting issues that are going to be fixed.

EDIT: In relation to thrusters, I want my ships to be dead in space when they lose their engines [Unlikely for the wraiths and valks, since they pretty much die when the engines do] but on the BC there is an issue since the engines die fast, I REALLY want it to just halt when they're down and take it like a man [Ship?] unfortunately as soon as this happens it just flies around much faster than it can normally travel pinging around like a pinball.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Unfortunately that's not possible. BSF relies on realistic physics, meaning that if a ship with 0 thrust still has momentum, it will keep floating at the exact same speed and heading, untill it bounces up the map edges. Explosions will also give a ship momentum, of course.
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Post by Empty »

Yeah, yeah. But I find it's rather unrealistic the way it behaves without thrusters, sure having a piece explode will lead to the ship being forced in one direction, but when the BC gets bashed it just flies all over the place, flying around quite literally like a pinball.
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Post by Bad Boy »

Make the thrusters so they lower the speed to .01, the acceleration to 1 or higher, and the turning to 0. That way it will barely move, even when it's hit. Note: I'm not sure if this works perfectly and I don't have time to test it. If it doesn't work, fiddle around with it a bit.
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Post by antisocialmunky »

Use three sections for the neck instead of four. I think most of your ships need a little refining though.
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Post by Barns »

For the yamato cannon you could mod a mega-beamer to have a really long reload but really powerful attack
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Post by LordGarcia »

for the speed thing you should set the max speed kind of low and with the trusters blowing off simply lower that, not the accel. that way it won't move aswell but be able to stop, I think. (now to look up what the max speed and the accel. where, I'm shure they have a nother name)

*edit: show us the carrier plz! also what about some downloads?
Himura.Kenshin said: What kind of pure, absolute [i]retard[/i] would run a bomb by Windows?
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Post by antisocialmunky »

Barns wrote:For the yamato cannon you could mod a mega-beamer to have a really long reload but really powerful attack
But its a Giant Glowing Ball of Stuff(TM).
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Post by lightstriker »

maybe try to do something like what the hammer of god was?

look it up in the ship database, you'll see what i mean.
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Post by xphoenix87 »

Hammer of God

Basically, use a pulsar with a large clipsize, 0 spread, 0 deviation and have them decelerate to a standstill immediately. You can shrink it horizontally to make it near invisible, and stretch it vertically to make the projectile bigger. Not that hard, and it looks pretty cool. Would make a pretty good Yamato Cannon.

For the ships, I agree with what everyone else has said. The small ships look pretty good. The battlecruiser needs a lot of work.
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Post by Empty »

Heh, sorry for lack of replies.

Anywoot, the BC has had a huge revamp, it's sexy as hell now, thanks to my dear friend Question Mark, he's also done blank hull for a scout and a corsair, I've given them some guns and they're kicking ass.

And I've already finished the Yamato gun, I'm quite happy with a huge Beamer that does massive damage, it's not true to the original, but it looks awesome. Screenshots of that soon, first I have to arm my new BC hull :D

I'll be uploading the files soon, but for now, I'll tempt you with this screenshot.


A nice squabble between a raiding party of Wraiths and Valks, unfortunately they didn't count on the BattleCruiser having Protoss backup, the Corsairs and Scouts ripped through their motly formation and the day was won, few casualties were suffered.

EDIT: Ignore the carrier, that's going to be changed, BIGTIME.
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Post by jwa8402 »

Bout to say, the carrier was my only real complaint. The BC has improved noticeably, and the smaller ships aren't such a big deal. Am I the only one that wishes they would put that giant ape mech that laying trashed on several maps as a usable unit in SC2? Not that there won't be enough wicked units...
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Post by Arcalane »

New battlecruiser looks a lot better. Nice work. :)
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