Hege's factory, Perfect ships, for blowing up that is.

Archives for ships and fleets. 'nuff said. Most of the ships here are very very old and will not work in current versions of BSF or SM. You have been warned!

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Post by Bad Boy »

That looks a lot better. It looks more likely to stand up to a heavy fusillade of shots (which it undoubtedly can) and less likely to be destroyed in a couple of well aimed blaster shots. I can't wait to see those upcoming massive ships.
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Post by jwa8402 »

very much improved. Note that you can use Shift+arrow keys while selecting a piece to move it in smaller increments that your mouse can't handle when zoomed in. Its excellent for the fine detail and will make a good looking ship beautiful. Also Im glad your taking criticism so well, not everyone gets this much attention, both good and bad, and then manages to learn from it. In fact Arcanedude is one of the only other players I've seen who responds to comments the way you do, very nice.
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Post by Hege »

very much improved. Note that you can use Shift+arrow keys while selecting a piece to move it in smaller increments that your mouse can't handle when zoomed in. Its excellent for the fine detail and will make a good looking ship beautiful. Also Im glad your taking criticism so well, not everyone gets this much attention, both good and bad, and then manages to learn from it. In fact Arcanedude is one of the only other players I've seen who responds to comments the way you do, very nice.
Hey thanks, that shift trick helps a lot as I earlier had to detail stuff using the coordinates.. which wasn't too enjoyable. <<

Anway, the second big ship that I've been building during the week..

Download here

ACRP SpineBuster

This ship of the ACRP uses two heavy beam guns as its main weaponry. The beams themselfs are not long range, thus it also has rapid rail machine guns to help out. Thise rail guns don't do much damage though.
On the spine shaped far ends, this ship carries two mine field weapons that shoot every now and then depending on if there are any fighters near the ship, thise mines do heavy damage but are in accurate and random.

Now if you wonder where the name comes from... You can pretty much guess that yourself.

Can do a quite even battle with Steel btw.

Next up, I'm gona do some smaller ships for ACRP before the Mothership..
Also a quick unrelated sketch of what a Ritplatic looks like (in this case a A-class troop
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Post by Bad Boy »

Very nice! You forgot to colour a few sections, you should probably fix that. Anyway, the ship design is awesome, well done. What are your glow settings and do you have gradients on? You should probably have the Glow at either black or white and gradients should be off.
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Post by Spoot Knight »

That looks like the standard (Default) glow to me, but it's fitting to that color scheme.
The United Commonwealth Military and Spootech Industries joint fleet.

[url=http://www.wyrdysm.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1854]Spootech Industries - The Third Revision, upgrading to the Fourth Revision.[/url]

[url=http://www.wyrdysm.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2273]How Spootech Industries came to be as it is now; the history of Spootech Industries ship making.[/url]
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Post by AidanAdv »

The only thing I don't like about the Spinebuster is the placement of shockbeamers on the back. But thats just me and the ship looks nice besides that.
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Post by Bad Boy »

That's true the glow does look good with the colour scheme. Gradients should be off though.
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Post by Hege »

Very nice! You forgot to colour a few sections, you should probably fix that
Actualy those were suppoused to be some sort of charges or something to mark the main weapons placement but it failed a bit, and yes I forgot to turn the gradients off even though I did place a custom fade color to it though.
I'mma return to it on some point to fix those minor mistakes.

But for now.


Fighter DL
Leech DL

ACRP Fighter and Leech.

ACRP Fighter is a hightech fighter ship made to seize and assault enemy ships with its fast movement and armor piercing fast beam weapons.
Its also armed with a close range area attack which can do suprisingly lot of damage.

ACRP Leech is a small, weak but fast ship that is made to run to the core of the enemy ship ignoring anything that would possibly go to its way. The Leech can destroy an enemy suprisingly fast with one fast kamikaze attack if done right.
The Leech, how ever, is expensive to build due of the high power teeth of it so its rarely seen in more then groups of 3. They work the best against low weapon stations and slow big ships, as they need a slow or a static target in order to "fire" their teeth weapon.
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Post by Hege »


"Your crew cannot grasp the true form of Giygas stations attack!"

Still working on the shapes.. having hard time making it all round and yet scary in the way..

if you want, you can download the current version here
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Post by Bad Boy »

Meh. It doesn't look very good. I appreciate what you were trying, and you kind of succeeded, but it just doesn't look good to me. I think you should either forget about this, or remake it but that's just me.
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Post by M123 »

I would say that the center area is the worst part, especially those 'L' shaped sections (they make the center look like a complete mess). Otherwise, the shape is alright.
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Post by Raul »

I really like the design from a distance, and I'm not sure of the referance so I can't comment on accuracy. I would suggest doing detail work on it because it does look somewhat messy up close but its a great design and probably just needs some nudging or minor section changes.
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Post by Hege »

Eh, I might try fix it, and I didnt notice how awfull the L shapes were till later, it kinda failed I give you that. I mostly made it to make an awesome reference on this one forum which had a big craziness over Earthbound for a while.
This is what I was trying to make (skip to around 4:12)

Anyway.. Its finally complete.


download here

Ship based on endurance more then fire power, even though it has very good weaponry aswell. Its main weapon is nearly invisible radiation shot by the very shielded glowing spheres around the core of the ship.
If someone would ever get the outer cores destroied out of the ship, the Mothership still has two very high power rail cannons located near the core.
The center of the ship has the main computer which contains all the data and communications of the ACRP race and fleets. Its more important to ACRPians then lifes of their leaders.

The gradients are off, but I took the sceenie before turning them off. <<
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Post by Exethalion »

I love the 2 glowing circle thingies near the front.
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Post by Bad Boy »

Holy shit that thing's awesome, it would look fragile if it wasn't too busy looking awesome. I have but a few questions:
1)Are the weapons modded?
2)How many pieces does it consist of?
3)Are the wing armor pieces modded in terms of health? Because if not, they look a bit clippable from the sides.
Anyway, the ship is awesome, is it the last one for the ACRP fleet?