WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Closing the noose

"They know we are here sir" snorted a navigator-lieutenant.

Rem'lk winced at the sound of his rasping voice, it was a sound he was becoming too familiar with in recent days.

"The 'Hologrid' tells me that, I don't need you repeating everything"

The navigator glared up at the commodore for a moment before returning to his works. One more excuse and Rem'lk would have him executed, it wouldn't have been the first time. The endless clattering of machines continued on the bridge as the 'Servitor' crews went about their business. Indeed the 'Ratai' knew, but how? No sensor installations were found in the initial 'auspex' scans and there were no enemy contacts in lightyears. Using his neural implant, Rem'lk called up the 'auspex' display to his command throne. The reports showed nothing. He opened the Rad-scan report, still nothing.

"I doubt that" he smirked. Rad-scans never read 'nothing'.

Digging into the 'auspex' data further, he found the scan readings. There was a blip over the systems star. Rem'lk's shallow smile broadened into a grin.

"Auspex, re-scan reference 843928V." The commodore said into the comm.
"Yes sir."
"What do you see, officer?"
"A large sun-spot sir." came the response after a few seconds.
"7540 leagues above its surface, there is an aberration you have failed to report"
"Yes... ...Sir". Rem'lk relished the fear in the voice.
"Give me the visual of that reference."

A 'Holo-screen' flicked into existence in front of the command throne, instantly submerging the commodore in the stars light. His optical implants quickly compensated for the harsh glow. There was something solid in the top right corner of the screen, no bigger than a mine.

"Sae'ak, alert the fleets. The Ratai scum have bugged the whole sector" Rem'lk snarled.
"yes, sir."
"And have the starboard las cannon deck fire on this reference" jabbing a scaly finger at the 'Holo-screen'

Moments later, a single bolt of plasma arced across the void toward the distant star. Like a molten comet it burned its way into the system for several minuets before hitting its target. The device was hit dead center, a clean hole went straight through exposing its intricate components.

"Just as predicted" sighed the commodore.
"You wish they were not?" questioned the annoying navigator.

Rem'lk fixed him with a cold stare, the last he would ever see. The Navigator quivered as he realized his final mistake.

Unclipping his pistol from his belt the commodore growled: "No, I just hoped that there would be more variables."

Novian 1st fleet: Valdo x> Combining with 4th fleet at [Unnamed system] New designation: Ur'gan
1x 'Atheist' Battlecarrier
5x 'Sanguine' medium frigate
4x 'Spather' Medium corvette

Novian 2nd fleet: Fau'zk -> Union
1x 'Atheist' Battlecarrier
2x 'Salvation' Heavy cruiser
7x 'Spather' Medium corvette

Novian 3rd fleet: Xain'lk -> Fau'tu
5x 'Salvation' Heavy cruiser
2x 'Sanguine' medium frigate

Novian 4th fleet: Sav'auk x> Combining with 1st fleet at [Unnamed system] New designation: Ur'gan
3x 'Salvation' Heavy cruiser
3x 'Sanguine' medium frigate
4x 'Spather' Medium corvette
1x 'Freighter'

1st and 4th fleet combination: Execution fleet

Updated map
Updated map
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by R0ni »

(lol. The contrast between Ratai commanding bridge and Novian is enormous XD)

The past.
"How does it feel?" -The old major asked, his question obviously directed to Yirui, whom in turn was this time sitting near tactical board, watching the fleet icons move and reading the information that was pouring to the desk. Contrast to the previous ten minutes was clear, the XO now in turn doing something else than his supposed job, and commander doing both. Possibly there was some unspoken turn of tasks Yirui and Feren shared.

"What feels?" -Yirui raised his brow.. or the muscle on his face that was closest to human resemblence, briefly taking look on the major who was now watching out of the window, following the ships that kept floating past, and in particular, the sleeper ship Unix. Commander soon understood. "oh that.. well..."

"Well?" -The major turned towards the commanding board and made his way to tactical. "How does it feel to sleep in one of those pods?". Obviously the question was about the sleeper ship and cryo pods where Yirui had slept 38 years. That time both Feren and him had been around same age. Now the difference was clearly visual.

"Thats the thing.. nothing really. You don't dream at all, nor do you sense time passing by anyhow. Actually, you are basically dead, just very well preserved." Yirui tried to pick any detailes he could think of. Cryo sleep had been one of his emptiest experiences of all.

"So you hop into pod and next thing you know, come out, saying "man that was boring" and thats all?" The major pushed, wanting to know little more about one of the wonders Ratai had. He himself wanted to go into cryo sleep once his time of service would be over - to wait the day Ratai once more had planet to call home - far better place to retire than one of those forest ships.

"Well.. yes. Imagine you open door, walk through and close it and suddenly you are 38 years in future and everyone you have known is either dead or older. Add to it that you have short term memory issues, especially with heads (means face by ratai terms) and names. I could not for example remember how you looked like." The commander replied, seeming somewhat buzzled, even uneasy.

"WHAT? Not remember me? Not even this?" -The major pointed at what seemed some sort of scar or battle mark on the side of his head structure. It was hard to tell if the major was actually shocked or just appearing so.

"The bite mark, yes I remembered you - and it - once I saw you again. Its not something I forget easy. Still feeling hellava quilty about it." -Commander murmured, trying to focus on the tactical board again, while Feren propably took the opportunity to needle Yirui again from the old fight they had once had back in days they were little kids.

Amazingly the Major did not follow the habit, but simply smirked, for a moment staring at Yirui, whom obviously avoided gaze at this moment. The two had been talking far too much again while on duty, although it did help the morale - not just for the two, but for the whole commanding bridge, that knew the two commanding officers had stronger bonds than just that coming from branch of service and station on same ship. Everyone felt little more ease and the atmosphere was not as formal as in most ratai warships. Yirui and Feren both still demanded formalities from everyone else, but were not that harsh officers.

Feren had razor sharp sarcasm he sometimes unleashed upon the crew and when Yirui was not on the bridge, even extended that to level of trolling. He was experienced veteran though, and at the time of need could give his much needed tactical input. Rest of the time however, he appeared as semi scary, semi mad old grump with amazing battle scar he had optained from god knows where - depending on story.

Yirui in other hand was little more practical officer, still following the code book little more than his friend - also due to different training he had recieved. Yirui had studied and been trained into the rank he was. His previous combat experience was nowhere that of Feren's, whom had got his rank through field promotions but interestingly the two had served under same fighter squad as interceptor pilots over 50 years ago, before splitting into their seperate paths. Yirui was little more serious than Feren and was known to be more calm..

"WHOOA WHOOA WHOOAA, WHAT THE FUCK!?" Feren suddenly shouted, snapping Yirui from his toughts. The probe #14 had been destroyed - or then it had suffered massive malfunction, which would had not been surprise. Yirui noticed, and then whistled across the bridge, catching attention of soldier manning intel board. Without any words, Yirui somehow signaled full message to said soldier and then pointed at the tactical board. Body language was still as much used among Ratai as was vocal.

In moment number of files appeared to the archives of tactical board, which Yirui then took and began to examine. It did not take long for him to tell what had happened. It was not malfunction, and the partcle link was still active. Feren noticed this around same time, and after brief look to the commander, letf the commanding bridge. While it was virtually inpossible to detect sub atomic particle link, Ratai wanted such communication method not to be discovered by Novians. Feren was heading to the com array station to manually separate the link while Yirui was already giving new orders to probe operator to prevent this from happening again. Hide the probes - better.


It was now confirmed to Ratai that Novians indeed knew that Ratai knew. It did not change the rules of this deadly game however, and thus Ratai continued on their already pre plotted pattern.

-Section Kilo (k) >>>> TO Calvan
1x White star battlecarrier.
1x Guardian CA
1x Dragonfly CL
4x Mover Civ-CL
5x Teus DD
6x Hammerhead MK2
1x Supply ship
1x Sleeper ship (small)

Section Echo (E) >>> TO IK01020
1x Overseer Battlecarrier.
1x Guardian CA
1x Dragonfly CL
4x Mover Civ-CL
5x Teus DD
9x Hammerhead MK2

Recon fleet (R) >> LYRA
1x Angel DD
~Civilian ships + fighter patrol.
Battlemap CIV.png
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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Captain Ur'kor surveyed the medicae center through blurred eyes. His optical implants were still off-line and would take a few moments to boot up from the EMP treatment. A surgeon servitor fitted with a drill and scalpel tool stood silently at the door. The air stank of oil and blood. This was his third 'Peripheral extension' unit since being promoted and each one still felt just as sore. Ur'kor reached back to run his fingers over the new device installed in his cranium. It's frame was half a degree off from the two identical machines in his scalp.

"They've made a mess of this one." He muttered in a dry gargling voice.

Suddenly, with a kick of adrenaline, the bionic parts of Ur'kor's body awoke. They boosted his thinking capacity and vitality in seconds like a breath of real air. The Captain stretched his legs off the side of the bed before fastening his 'Terra boots'. The new implant became active last. The Novian original range of sight was only 103 degrees but using a micro sensory array the peripheral vision could be boosted. The latest 'Peripheral extension unit' was capable of 360 degree vision. It would have cost a fortune for civilians.

"Bridge, report".
"Ah, your awake sir. Commodore Rem'lk has ordered us to battle, we cut the drives in 2:05.5 minuets sir." replied the helm.
"dispense with the pleasantry's, they waste time. Send me the data log, i'll be there in a few moments." Ur'kor cringed.
"Right away sir."

Ur'kor received the data burst through his neural implant just before the link was cut. He made his way out into the stark corridor and towards the central elevators. 'Atheist'-Class battle-carriers are big ships but there was little to see, all the 'armoglass' view ports were shuttered whilst the plasma drives were in use. Not that the 'Obscuritas' had many view ports. A general alarm sounded for the weapons overseers to take their posts but other than that the journey to the bridge was uneventful.

"2nd fleet report in full battle readiness, sir." stated the helm as Ur'kor entered.
"Good, I want the bombers to launch the second the drives are cut."

The captain made himself comfortable in the command throne and began cycling through the fleets statistics.

"30 seconds to destination." blurted a servitor.

The main 'Holo-screen' now displayed the countdown next to the main chronometer along with the current battle predictions. Ur'kor frowned It didn't look good.

"20 seconds to destination."

"always out-numbered." sighed the captain. His hand went to the back of his scalp again, still sore.
"Sir?" asked the helmsman.
"Nothing. Bring up the comm to the whole fleet"

"10 seconds to destination." interrupted the servitor.

"yes, sir." The comm crackled to life, it had trouble working whilst the fleet was in mid jump.

"2nd Fleet...." Growled the Captain over the comm.
"2...plasma drives cut."

The bridge became a hive of energy and life as thousands of data packets were absorbed and processed. The view port shutters lifted letting in the light of an alien star. Across the bridge displays tactical reports of the enemy dispositions unfolded and hundreds of maneuver predictions where generated.

"...Engage at will!"
Novian 2nd fleet: Union ->> Engaging 'Section kilo' at Calvan
1x 'Atheist' Battlecarrier
2x 'Salvation' Heavy cruiser
7x 'Spather' Medium corvette

Novian 3rd fleet: Fau'tu -> [Unnamed system] New designation: Or'tar
5x 'Salvation' Heavy cruiser
2x 'Sanguine' medium frigate

Novian Execution fleet: Ur'gan -> [Unnamed system] New designation: Va'kal
1x 'Atheist' Battle-carrier
3x 'Salvation' Heavy cruiser
8x 'Sanguine' medium frigate
8x 'Spather' Medium corvette
1x 'Freighter'
Updated map
Updated map

It's still a bit laggy with all those ships, but not as bad as 'Urema'. Do you want to split fleets again?
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by R0ni »

Up to you. I guess we can go with all ships present if you want. What fighters does your carrier use? Bombers? Just so that I know to set it correctly. Since this is actually escort fleet of Ratai, it lacks bombers, so carriers only launch interceptors. If there again appears the no launch bug, I guess we could remove the lauch ability (from encounter settings) and just spawn set number of fighters in advance. Up to you.

And.. since you are attacking - or jumping in, I presume you set up ships first?
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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

The battle-carrier has one hanger for 'unity' fighters and one for 'legacy' bombers. Yes I'll set up first and if the hanger problem persists we could have 5 ships per hanger maybe.

I'll post the enc. file tomorrow.
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by R0ni »

Alrighty then.
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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Here tis:
(6.59 KiB) Downloaded 410 times
Maxrange is preset.
Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by R0ni »

Got this! D: !!!
action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1097:

Error in code at line 67:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1097:

Error in code at line 67:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1097:

Error in code at line 67:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1097:

Error in code at line 67:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1097:

Error in code at line 67:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1098:

Error in code at line 44:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1098:

Error in code at line 44:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1098:

Error in code at line 44:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1098:

Error in code at line 44:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Create Event
for object __newobject1098:

Error in code at line 44:

at position 14: Unknown variable ThrusterDx

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 0
for object ctr_Testroom:

Error in code at line 27:
image_angle = l_owner.image_angle + l_arcoffset

at position 24: Unknown variable l_owner

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 10
for object ctr_Turrets:

Error in code at line 1:
if (dc_group != -1 && l_owner.dc_controlled) ||

at position 23: Unknown variable l_owner

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 10
for object ctr_Turrets:

Error in code at line 1:
if (dc_group != -1 && l_owner.dc_controlled) ||

at position 23: Unknown variable l_owner

action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 10
for object ctr_Turrets:

Error in code at line 1:
if (dc_group != -1 && l_owner.dc_controlled) ||

at position 23: Unknown variable l_owner
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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Few questions:

.Are you using the latest BSF build (fighterbays)?
.Have you tried removing the thrusters from the unitys and legacys (I seem to remember you had this problem before)

Deus Est Mechanicus

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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by R0ni »

No, I am not yet using the fighterbays. And I shall try removing the thurstes. (o. o )
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Re: WFTU - Novian ambush, Target: Ratai Sleeper-ship

Post by Anna »

Well you should switch to using the fighterbay version. Anything else is out of date.
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