War for the universe - Darkness

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War for the universe - Darkness

Post by R0ni »

The Darkness.

Although Ratai first encountered the Darkness over 500 years ago, even to this date, very little of this specie is known, and most knowledge Ratai have are simply speculations based on limited information available. The first contact with Darkness was made in year 6032 (Ratai calendar) at the edge of Ratai control zone Tuva II - corner of space beyond wich Ratai had not really found anything worth interest. This part of space was basically the galactic edge, only few small, isolated stars scattering the sector withing several hundred light years.

This area was widely unmapped, due to low importance of systems, and only few vessels ever made jump this far. The initial contact was made by freighter hired for scientific purposes, observing rogue planet (an planet without star system) flying through this sector. The planet was tought to be dead by all means of logic, but to surprise of Ratai, certain level of activity was detected both in surface and orbit. At first Ratai believed the planet had number of small asteroid moons, and the heat signatures on planet were work of volcanic activity, but closer observations proved otherwise. The planet was buzzling with machines, like ant nest would be with ants, and the "asteroids" in orbit proved to be grude space ships.

All the sudden, this dead unimportant corner of space became rather interesting for Ratai, and withing days more scientific vessels joined the study, to begin determing the origin and purpose of the strange automatons withing the planet. At first everything went without incident and for many days Ratai vessels were ignored by the machines. Initially Ratai observings suggested the machines were not even self aware, but simply following some pre set program, for their actions seemed functions seemed highly limited. It was determined that the machines upon the planet were gathering resources at staggering rate, but seemed not to make any use of it. Instead enormous piles of refined medals and high value minerals laid in huge fields that covered large percentage of the planet. It was calculated that the machines would strip mine the planet from all of its resources withing just decade.

It did not take long before it was concidered possibility to use the resources gathered by machines for Ratai's own end. It seemed these things were some tools with pre set mining program installed, and left to work on their own. Several attempts to contact were made, but no reply was ever recieved. It was deemed unlikely the machines would even notice if resources were taken. This was where Ratai were wrong.

When first cargo hauler landed on the planet and took its cargo, behaviour of the machines changed dramatically, both withing surface and in orbit. The hauler was approached upon its departure from the planet, by several ships that previously had remained mostly dormant, but the freighter easily destroyed them before any of them got close.

Upon the planet the machines had began to suddenly increase in numbers, taking the resources they had gathered into use. No further attempts to land were mady by Ratai for every approach towards the planet was met by approaching machine ships. Instead Ratai decided to wait and watch from distance. Withing 12 hours, the machines had alrady tripled their numebers (now in billions), and new variants were detected. Ratai became increasingly concerned when the ships in orbit began to group, and then approach the Ratai vessels.

14 hours from when the freighter had landed and took the cargo, remote Ratai military outpost at Tuva IV recieved first distress call from the scientific vessels. This remained as last message sent by the said ships...
Ratai - Darkness war.
In a early years what would be known as Ratai - Darkness war, it very much seemed like Darkness (still called machines on that time) were just simple mining drones that for reason or another had major glitch when Ratai interrupted them. The ships built by this entity posed no actual threat to Ratai military ships - wich on that time were vastly more powerful than current day Ratai ships. Two destroyers for example that responded to the distress call of scientific vessels first attacked could easily wipe the several hundred ships meeting them over the orbit of planet. The Ratai deemed Machines to be malfunctioning AI, and decided to destroy it. Several days later, several Ratai fleets began massive orbital bombardment, systematically wiping the entire planet clean sector by sector. Obviously something failed, for when dust settled, the machines had already rebuilt much of what had been lost. The durability of Machines was what would eventually turn the tide of this war - for no matter how much Ratai would destroy them, they could always rebuild - faster than Ratai could cover their losses.

For next several years Ratai and the Machine fleets clashed withing the system, Ratai still scoring most of the victories, and regularly bombarding the planet. The system was isolated and massive fortress stations were constructed to protect the jump node - building projects wich were no big deal for empire that had over million warships and 6018 planets under its influence. It was perhaps the distance of the threat and sheer size of empire that made Ratai leaders too slow to respond to the machine issue properly.

Six years after the contact, Ratai decleared the system "lost" and pulled off their fleets to guard the jump node instead. On that time Darkness ships had not been recorded to have any jump capability, which effectively would limit the spread to only sublight speed. With how isolated the location was, Ratai decided the Machines would not pose a threat to other Ratai worlds. Even if Darkness could construct jump capable ships, the jump node would be the only access to Ratai space, which was protected by massive fortifications. The "war" now entered into more silent phase, Ratai having no contact with Darkness for years. On a tenth year, the fleet guarding the node was disbanded, leaving the guard duty of node to the fortress stations and their support craft only. It was not until 19 years of silence when Darkness came again. By that time Ratai had already forgotten the threat and thus were very slow to reply. The fortress stations did vaporize whatever the Darkness could throw at them by ease, but since the last engagement, Darkness had developed quite deal of new tricks - one which eventually would give name for them, the "Darkness".

During the brief engagement with Darkness ship getting very close to the battlestation, the fortress reported system failure and then went dark, the station dying by itself. The crew soon reported that they had been boarded and in matter of minutes, last contact with the station was lost. It was not recorded that Darkness would have boarded the station at any point, which great deal puzzled the military strategists of Ratai.

By the time the Ratai fleet responding to emercency call from the stations reporting "about to be overrun" arrhived, they found no ships - Ratai nor Darkness near the nobe. Just dead, dark stations sitting in their posts with not a single sould alive in any of them. When boarded, Ratai Marines found entire crew slaughtered, sometimes utterly torn apart and spread across the corridors, but no enemy.

The fleet took a position near the node...

Now, Ratai - Darkness war lasted for nearly 300 years, Ratai time after time underestimating their enemy in early years. It was not before Darkness had invaded several systems from Ratai when this colossal empire realized they were actually facing enemy to be concidered real threat. Darkness continued to adapt and amaze Ratai time after time, adopting new strategies, tactics and improving engagement after engagement. In 30 years, Darkness had caught up with Ratai in terms of technology and firepower, now evening odds great deal for its ships. This showed in battle of Oruos II, a key planet in the far reach space of Ratai and also regional capital Ratai wanted not to let fall to their enemy. The Ratai deployed their largest fleet yet to the battle, over 400000 ships strong to protect the planet. Darkness deployed less, which presented rare scene in this war - Ratai for once outnumbering their enemy. The fleet battle in orbit of Oruos II lasted for 8 days and eventually resulted in victory for Ratai. It was costly victory however, and counting the fact that Darkness could cover their losses in matter of weeks, while it would take years for Ratai, it was as much of a defeat. Oruos II was lost just several months later, as conciderably larger and more upgraded Darkness fleet took over the planet, destorying much of the already battered "grand fleet" of Ratai. Remaining ships retreated to the edges of central systems.

The battle of Oruos II was the turning point of war, where Ratai began to loose more than win, and the destruction of empire began to seem more and more real. Attempts to communicate with Darkness were made, but only replies were uploaded virus into systems. Ratai turned into defensive, bunkering up jump nodes under their control, trying to protect the remaining 5000+ worlds they still had under control, and epspecially the central worlds. It effectively took remaining two hundred years for Darkness to eat Ratai empire bit by bit and crack through each of the bottlenecks constructed to defend worlds of Ratai. One great example was the siege of Ratai homeworld, the planet resisting attacks for over seven years. Ratai had hauled every single god killer cannon from every corner of their empire to protect the world, and it indeed seemed like impossible to penetrate such fierce defences. This was in fact only time in war when Darkness did not directly comfort the defenders, but isolated the world, leaving it alone and continued their conquest. It is likely Ratai homeworld lasted way longer than 7 years against Darkness invasion, but as it was cut from rest of the empire, it remains uncertainty.

289 years to the war, and final Ratai controlled moon fell to Darkness. Orbiting this moon were the "hope" shipyards, which had constructed sleeper ships for over 30 years for journey Ratai knew were ahead of them. More than billion Ratai took off in their ships and fled way before the moon fell to the enemy, to begin journey they still continue this very day. On that time, the fleet had near hundred thousand ships, most civilian, but Darkness have cut the numbers whenever possible.

It is uncertain why Darkness continue to chase Ratai even after all this time. Machines most likely do not feel hatred, so whatever function elimination of specie serves.. remains up to speculations. It is to be said however that any contact with Darkness, whatever specie it was, will certainly not lead into anything good...

Ships removed. Dedicated community however has made few very good examples. Just scroll down along the thread.
Last edited by R0ni on Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by R0ni »

Few things to be noted about this faction. Although I originally made it, I believe this could be joint community faction, everyone able to do some input if they wish. I am especially interested in making one super ship as community project, everyone adding something to it bit by bit till we have it.

Secondly, this faction is meant to be ridiculously overpowered. It is the ultimate bad guy for the comic of mine, and enemy to everything it will encounter. I was hoping that perhaps - as the War for the universe progresses further, defeating darkness will become united goal of all factions. Of course, as I cannot decide what other factions do, it remains only as suggestion.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

So the darkness are kinda like the 'reapers' from mass effect 3 (evil overpowered, sentient robots).
Wait, in fact if I substitute the race names for mass effect races, you have just explained the whole story line of mass effect 3. -great game too-

Good to see that it's a community thing, we wouldn't want you to strain your self on 2 war for the universe fleets!
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by R0ni »

Well, Reapers in a way too. Or then Shivans from FS2. Matters not really. They sure resemble those two known baddies, but I try to make them unique enough. Im sure that once community adds input, it will become quite interesting.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by Necrontyr1998 »

Thinking up ideas right now. Might be a good idea to use Horsemonster's robot_bits sprites. Hopefully will have something tomorrow, too late and too tired right now. I go sleepy, then I make shippy.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by calvin1211 »

...This is likely too overpowered. Caually blowing up battleships (or multi-cruiser fleets) is probably something that should be left to the big capital ships, not to any two-bit frigate. The other factions should still have a chance after all.
Doesn't hurt that the ship itself is really meh as ship designs go. It's kinda just a black diamond with red bits.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by Doogie12 »

As legit as The Darkness is, I would have to say that we should slash their might by quite a bit. I never did want to stray too far from the original Laser Wars stuff..
Also, Necrontyr, Mass Effect totally stole that idea from the Borg.

Edit* I kind of envisioned the Darkness to be like the Voids from Galaxy on Fire. Powerful because of a single, powerful, technology but once it is reverse-engineered they are little more than minor annoyances.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by R0ni »

I sense some nerfing is required. xD
maybe I got bit too exited. If smallest of their ship could wipe out small floatilla then... Yeah.

And Doogie, yes, that is how I also tought them to be. Their numbers are basically so high already and their ability to reproduce that conventional warfare does not work on them. There should however be some way to defeat them. Preferrably way that requires co-operation of number of factions here.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by CryoSleep »

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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by R0ni »

Tosses the tiny Darkness ship into trash can and starts to make another, less op, but bigger one*

<> \(>o< \)

( o. O)/ a moment please.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by Deltaflyer »

Concept design. Feel free to mess about with it as you see fit or scrap it if it doesn't fit into how you see the Darkness appearing.

Darkness Small.zip
Here's the download. .sb4, .shp and sprites needed for it. Convienient, no?
(14.43 KiB) Downloaded 217 times
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by calvin1211 »

I like very much.
Looks a bit like a Cylon Raider, which is kinda ironic considering that Roni probably originally intended the Darkness to take the narrative role of the Cylons.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by R0ni »

Cylons, reapers, shivans, you name it. Im sure that little craft can be put into use. There is also the Doogie's darkness ship Im going to use as a base for mah next one. Lets see how that works.
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by CryoSleep »

Wait delta is shinies not your thing because whenever you use flat sections it turns out to be awesome
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Re: War for the universe - Darkness

Post by Deltaflyer »

I do use Kae_Shn sometimes, I just prefer TSA sprites over Shiny for some reason.
Not enough Delta in your life? Have a look at https://twitter.com/Deltabacon1 - I do a fair amount of casting and esports analysis which may appeal to some of you who are that way inclined!
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