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Current Headline: Republic of Eden Reformed, Borders Open?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:42 am
by Galactic News Network

After nearly two years of bloody infighting as a result of doctrinal disputes within the old Republic's ruling religious caste, the once precariously-positioned Republic of Eden has formally been reformed under its new leader, and is now a true Republic.

Rumour has it that the new leader has called for the re-opening of all Republic Border Checkpoints to travellers, merchants, workers, and immigrants; a motion that undercover reporters suggest was passed almost unanimously by the New Republic Council. The Border Checkpoints are large and well-fortified civilian stations that have not seen use in decades, as the Old Republic ordered them closed down and all non-Republic vessels trespassing within the Republic to be shot on sight.

Travellers are advised to wait for an official announcement from the Republic, and ensure that all of their papers and documents are in order before departing.