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Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:54 am
by Normandy
I spelled it wrong intentionally. Educate thyself on the internet culture.

Also, where exactly do you come in? You didn't exactly make a proper constructive critique of my guide. I'm not sure what you're saying. State what you feel is wrong with my guide.

Do you feel that I have not informed the people enough? That you must give more examples? I'm pretty sure I was thorough with my explanations of constructive criticism. If you feel that I did not, perhaps you should provide an alternative.

Lastly, that you left the forums because of all the insults and foul language building up is unrelated information. Highly unnecessary and it detracts from your actual criticism.

You provide nothing to build on, and have failed at constructive criticism. Please, Lern2Constructive Criticism pwhk.

Also, fix'd some things.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:34 pm
by ArcaneDude
Oh jolly, there we go again. :roll:

Pwhk: if you left the forum because you thought it was a bad environment for your insignificant little self, why do you bother still making remarks on it? And yes, that was meant as an insult.