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Normandy Rising - 2.13.08

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:54 am
by Normandy
*Begin Epic Narration*

–adjective, -er, -est.
Without hope or encouragement; depressing; dreary.

–adjective, -lated, -lating
Having the feeling of being abandoned by friends or by hope; forlorn.

Loss of hope; hopelessness...

The darkest hours have dawned...
Utter blackness envelops the land...
What is the price of suffering..?

The great evil, it's iron grip;
Unwilling to go, holding on with futile resistance...
Vice-like grip, draining.

The bell hath tolled.
The seed of light has taken root,
Growing... Growing...

And so it shall begin...

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:55 am
by Normandy
That post was too awesome to be cluttered by information and statistics.

(the download is the last line of poetry, I wanted you to read the entire thing. It took me 5 whole minutes to come up with just the right words.)

This is a teaser of the eventual campaign of mine, Normandy Rising. It tells the epic rise, and fall, of the Norman Confederacy/Empire. Included in the archive is a single mission:

Mission 003 - Unwelcome Homecoming
The mission begins shortly after Mission 002. Having retreated to the nearest safe spot, you and your new found friend (well, the rest of them most likely died in the previous battle) scramble back to the relative safety of the outpost your friend has come from, only to find that your jump signature was traced and you watch as those hundreds of people, innocent civilians, are blown to bits by Ypsilon Super-Lasers.

Not very fun eh?

I didn't think so.

(Note: This mission is incredibly hard for first-timers, but advanced players will find it far too easy to beat. However, you do have to keep your main ship alive, instead of letting it just be cannon fodder, an objective that can't be implemented right now, so just pretend that if your main ship dies you lose.

Tip: Asteroids block the huge 300 damage/second MegaBeamers the big scary ships fire at you.)

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:48 am
by Captain Trek
You know, that was pretty easy... :)

I used one of the two tiny missile armed ships to attract the attention of one of the super-beam ships and from there is was a piece of cake... your ships (even the largest one) are plenty small enough and fast enough to stay under the cover of the rocks, that is if the super-beam ships even get into range of course... :twisted:

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:14 am
by derekiv
Where is missions 1 & 2?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:01 am
by BoVinE
derekiv wrote:Where is missions 1 & 2?
Sekrit, I presume.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:30 am
by Normandy
but advanced players will find it far too easy to beat.

Missions 1 and 2 require far too much of the current encounter system. This is simply a teaser.