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Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:18 am
by BoVinE
I'm thinking we need a small ship, with mucha deflectors, low AI range, flanking, and some high damage weapons. It'll distract the boss, and give other ships a shot.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:45 am
by antisocialmunky
lightstriker wrote:it's not a fleet situation. It's 8-1, not 8-8. That's my point. I would rather have the extra range than the 360 degree coverage, because if the boss get's behind you YOU"RE DEAD ANYWAY

edit: very true droid, and that could be cute. Is there anyway to get the boat to warp right on top of the enemy? also, my one worry is that that might be a ship that's nigh worthless against all but the aegis, which doesn't seem like it'll be one of the harder ones...
also, does a range calculate based off of the core? because, if so, wouldn't it be a valid plan to create 8 dieterling boats that all warp right onto the core...? that could be fun...
probably reaaaalllllyyyy stupid though.
The range is the same. And this is fleet. One of the primary disadvantages of the beamer is turning. This cuts its DPS a fair amount.

However, these things turn fast so I can just forget about the turning statistic and sink the extra poitns I get from not doing that into armor or speed or whatever. I like them because I've built several beam ships for past fleet tournies that have dominated. I KNOW what I'm doing and what I'm talking about when refering to beams. :wink:

I'm not talking about using these things on regular ships anyways. I'm talking about using them on fast and small 0 turn ships.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:47 am
by Droid
I would imagine a single suicide tyachyon boat would be sufficient to at least knock out the Aegis generators on the Neon Light Illusion. The rest of the fleet (composed of beamer boats, pulsar boats and just dps) should be able to take it down at that point. Eight suicide tachyon boats is just superfluous, since the tachyon boat is most likely going to DIE.

Setting the AI range to zero should theoretically make the dieterling warp as close to the enemy core as possible.

We could also use a bait ship like the cuddlefish from the mothership tourney, except with a larger selection circle (add section 16's to the back). That should effectively lock the "boss" onto that ship which is designed to survive. :P A small ship will NOT work as a distractor due to the fact that the enemy targets the largest ship in its immediate vicinity.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:54 am
by antisocialmunky
Actually, as Natch's ship proved last time with TH15's comments. Its a function of both proximity and target size.

I'm also going to say that we should discourage the use of suicide tachs. They don't do enough damage to big ships.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:07 am
by lightstriker
@antisocial- sorry, i was operating under the (mistaken)assumption that the tracker had less range, but just had more angle coverage. Didn't read the stats (misinterpreted an earlier post)
@Droid-The main problem with that is that you are literally 1/8 of our points to possibly hinder the strength of (what seems to be) one of the easier battles. Unless that thing has stupid stats, just a couple of accurate shots should be enough to kill it, FAST. Also, if you stuck the small ship right on top of the enemy, wouldn't it pull the targeting? if you watched the old destroy the juggernaut videos, by letting a mini ship pull up ahead they pulled, and held, it's attention.
@Lightstriker-please ignore everything i post from now on :oops: Well, not really, but my idea with the 8 suiciders would be to see if there was a way to literally just chain dieterling jumps, so that we could literally have 8 ships all targeting the core at once. Probably a bad idea, but w/e.
@BoVinE- what types of weapons were you thinking of? i have the base of a ship that could probably pull that off (4 deflectors that can more or less negate all weapons fire, as well as being pretty fast) still a WIP, but currently armed w/ 11 railguns (for exactly 100 points). Would prolly work as a distraction.
seriously, i'm posting this because
1. i need criticizm...
2. if you steal this that's a)sad and b)a bad idea, cuz it's a bad ship.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:28 am
by lightstriker
um...i just noticed this, but... on the "neon light illusion (aegis whore ship) there's an aegis targeting somthing invisible in the front opening...
that's interesting...
unless i'm seeing stuff...

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:45 am
by antisocialmunky
... 2 weapons per section and no overlapping stuff.

Man... if you could over lap... Dusks would be amazing Arbalest style.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:12 am
by Ixranin
lightstriker wrote:<pic>
seriously, i'm posting this because
1. i need criticizm...
2. if you steal this that's a)sad and b)a bad idea, cuz it's a bad ship.
The sections you're using for ablative armor are too skinny. Faster moving projectiles will go right through them, even when they're shielded.

Also you've got Railguns ontop of each other, which would disqualify the ship. (And what appears to be 6 weapons/modules parented on the two Section 16s, but I can't be sure since there are no parenting lines.)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:28 am
by lightstriker
missed that part of the rules (so... tired...)
also, wasn't 25% overlap the rule?
edit: alright, scrapping that (it was a piece of junk) just wanted to know: should the concept of layering the front like that work? or no. also, what weapons should i arm it with?
good thing i posted it, huh :wink:
edit2: yeah, rather ironically, looking back it turns out i did the parenting right. so, uh, 1/200 at least.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:35 pm
by Droid
Don't layer the armor like that, either use larger sections, or just use an Aegis. The way that its set up right now, a shot to the middle will seriously mess up your deflector placement. I'd just use 26's as bunker sections in front. they work better.

I would arm it with blasters/twin cannons, since dusks are now restricted. You should be able to spam quite a few blasters. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:02 pm
by BoVinE
I was thinking like the cuttlefish, close enough to dodge most weapon fire.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:57 pm
by lightstriker
do you know where we could find the cuttlefish?
edit: alright, made one more revision. This seems to work better. The one problem is i have 4 points left over, and no room left for weapons. Should i boost the hp of the deflector targets?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:49 pm
by antisocialmunky
BoVinE wrote:I was thinking like the cuttlefish, close enough to dodge most weapon fire.
If you want one, you should build one. I'd like to see how someone else improves on the design. Personally I think a ship like Natch's is better. I don't want to really build a distractor this time anyways. ... leinfo.htm

- I think I'll build a pile-o-blasters

They have the best DPS/point.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:57 pm
by lightstriker
i just wanted to see what they were talking about :)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:57 pm
by lightstriker