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Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:50 am
by Droid
Ablative armor isn't that good anymore anyway, it'll get shredded by vulcan fire.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:51 am
by Arcalane
Yeah no.

Silverware wrote:im not sure, if i were trusted with the code i could probibly turn out one with the change needed to the armour to show the idea off...
but meh
Alright Einstein, here's the part where bullets hit armour;

Code: Select all

if round( / 100) <= l_damage then
    if <= l_damage then 
        with (
            if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
                l_owner.l_syshp -= l_hp
       with (
           l_hp -= other.l_damage
           if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
               l_owner.l_syshp -= other.l_damage
That first line is the current armour system.

Go crazy. For the enemy-bullets-hitting-Ally/Player armour, replace ctr_EShip with ctr_Ship.

Everyone else is welcome to try their hand at this too, if you know how to work with GML.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:55 am
by Water_and_Wind
I guess you could do something like this: (never used GML before, but seems easy enough)

Code: Select all

if round( / 100) <= l_damage then
    var l_threshold = 0.1 // I'm guessing that the "l_" represents local variable?  A weapon must deal at least threshold * section HP to deal full damage
    var l_exponent = 1 // determines how much scaling down of attack damage should be done, higher equals more severe scaling
    var l_reduceddamage = l_damage * min(1, power(l_damage / ( * threshold), exponent))
    if <= l_reduceddamage then 
        with (
            if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
                l_owner.l_syshp -= l_hp
       with (
           l_hp -= l_reduceddamage 
           if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
               l_owner.l_syshp -= l_reduceddamage 
In this example, for a section with 100 HP, any attack doing damage equal or over 10% of the section's HP (i.e. 10 damage) will deal full damage, and any attack that deals less than 10% damage will have its damage reduced linearly. For example, a Vulcan, dealing 4 damage would only deal 40% of its normal damage (i.e. 1.6 damage), and a Heavy Vulcan will deal 80% of normal damage. I don't know if weapon damage will be rounded, but if not then as long as the damage is over 1% of section HP, all weapons can do very minimal damage at least.

For non-linear scaling, you can change the exponent to something other than 1. If the exponent is 2, then Vulcans will only deal 16% of their normal damage on a 100 HP section, while a heavy Vulcan would do 64% of its normal damage.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:29 pm
by Silverware

Code: Select all

tmp_ratio = l_damage/
if (tmp_ratio)>0.75
// If damage is at least 75% of the section hp then it will give 100% damage in
  with (
    l_hp -= other.l_damage

    if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
    //Not sure about this section on either side.
    //Have little idea what this actually does
      l_owner.l_syshp -= other.l_damage
//If the damage is less than 75% of the section hp then if will be reduced in a sort of S shape
//at about 30 - 40% the damage is reduced to about half
  with (
    l_hp -= -cos((other.tmp_ratio)*pi*(4/3))/2+0.5

    if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
    //This may have to be edited Im not sure what its supposed to do,
    //I think its supposed to reduce a portion of the SYS Hp whatever SYS is.
    //if so then instead of l_hp use ((-cos((other.tmp_ratio)*pi*(4/3))/2+0.5))
      l_owner.l_syshp -= l_hp
This "should" provide some defence against medium damage even to smaller ships. while no gun will do 0 damage to the armour, because even a pee shooter will "eventually" break through armour.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:50 pm
by Arcalane
Well this certainly seemed to do something for a test ship's survivability, but it also made said test ship report a Total HP value of -4774%, which may be because I didn't change that last syshp thing. Making the suggested adjustment seems to have fixed it.


Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:43 pm
by Silverware
I think i made an error...
will recheck my code in the morning and reassess the situation.
I saw a section with 50 hp drop to 0 hp then not die. So i will recheck my code when my brain gets back to 100% awake.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:06 pm
by Arcalane
In my own tests (using some of the AA's designs) I've had no problems with invincible sections. This may have been because of the use of artillery and vulcans.

Artillery shells explode and ignore armour rating entirely, and vulcans are still using the old armour system it looks like.

In both cases, they have this part, following on from a check whether or not the section's HP is less than the damage, namely, this part;

Code: Select all

if <= l_damage then 
        with (
You left that part out, which is part of the problem.


I fixed the 0hp=invincibility thing, but anything that doesn't do enough damage to instantly kill or is not armour penetrating or explosive is basically useless against armour (read: everything besides artillery and weapon types that we aren't even using yet), the Del display shows them doing only tiny amounts of damage. This is on cap-to-cap guns, namely powerful weapons that aren't available to you yet. I think you need to doublecheck your math.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:05 am
by Silverware
yeah... I think I may have put the values around the wrong way...
Nope... Im a dip-shit for forgetting this.

Code: Select all

tmp_ratio = l_damage/
if (tmp_ratio)>0.75
// If damage is at least 75% of the section hp then it will give 100% damage in
  with (
    l_hp -= other.l_damage

    if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
      l_owner.l_syshp -= other.l_damage
//If the damage is less than 75% of the section hp then if will be reduced in a sort of S shape
//at about 30 - 40% the damage is reduced to about half
  with (
    l_hp -= other.l_dmg*(-cos((other.tmp_ratio)*pi*(4/3))/2+0.5)

    if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
      l_owner.l_syshp -= other.l_dmg*(-cos((other.tmp_ratio)*pi*(4/3))/2+0.5)
I forgot to multiply the ratio of damage by the actual damage itself...
so if the damage/hp was less than 75% you would only get the ratio of damage...
Combat should be much faster than the older SilArm but slower than without it

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:17 am
by Kal Adama
Love the idea, Arc. Wish I could've posted earlier. I'm gonna test this thing out now.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:19 am
by Arcalane
That fixed it, yes. Incidentally, this has made a test/experimental Old Empire Destroyer completely immune to autocannon fire.

Ed: It seems that the damage can be reduced past half. I'm afraid I can't release a testing version until you actually make this shit work.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:20 am
by Silverware
Yes i was looking at theoretical stuff for and it seems that the hp regen or the armour needs to be toned down

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:29 am
by Arcalane
It's not even that. I just edited my last post.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:54 am
by Arcalane
A little ugly, but it seems to have done the trick;

Code: Select all

tmp_ratio = l_damage/

if <= l_damage then 
    with (
        if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
            l_owner.l_syshp -= l_hp
else if (tmp_ratio)>0.75
// If damage is at least 75% of the section hp then it will give 100% damage in
    with (
        l_hp -= other.l_damage
        if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
            l_owner.l_syshp -= other.l_damage
//If the damage is less than 75% of the section hp then if will be reduced in a sort of S shape
//at about 30 - 40% the damage is reduced to about half
    with (
        if other.l_damage*(-cos((other.tmp_ratio)*pi*(4/3))/2+0.5) < other.l_damage/2 then other.l_damageactual = other.l_damage/2 else other.l_damageactual = other.l_damage*(-cos((other.tmp_ratio)*pi*(4/3))/2+0.5)
        l_hp -= other.l_damageactual
        if object_get_parent(object_index) != ctr_EShip then
            l_owner.l_syshp -= other.l_damageactual

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:01 pm
by Arcalane
Here's the non-derp version: ... hfixed.exe

Orelius wrote:Example: have different classes of armor, ablative, light, medium, heavy. Each piece of armor has a specific durability and size constraint. ex, ablative pieces can be no larger than X by Y pixels, etc. This would make it so larger ships would have to have larger pieces of armor. In addition, it would make ablative armor less of a problem since it'll take up less space.
I feel I should clarify my "yeah no" from earlier.

Armour: It will be possible (in the full game) to improve the effectiveness of your armour in a roundabout fashion; upgrading armour increases the hp you get for each point of mass spent. For example, the current system is 1:1 hp:mass, but later on you might be able to increase that significantly.

Weapons: Of course, that's not a huge benefit; there are plenty of counters, both instantly available (beams, arty) and researchable (torpedoes, armour-piercing ammo will be an option) during the course of the game.

Re: Preliminary Armour System

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:27 am
by Water_and_Wind
With improved damage control, powerful PD, and damage scaling to armour, larger ships take forever to kill. The changes will also benefit ships with few sections but high HP spread between them; i.e. the opposite of ablative armour.