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Technology of the Ancients!

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:09 am
by Arcalane
Stuff that belonged to the race that inhabited this area of space several millenia prior to the rise of mankind.

Anti-Matter Power Generation
Normally, I hate gratuitous use of antimatter, but I think it fits the ancients much better. This would provide huge amounts of power for relatively little space used, but if a ship was destroyed? BIG badaboom. Great for installations. Ships? Not so much. Also, bloody expensive.

Fission Bows
It looks like a motherfucking ballista and it shoots gigantic bolts of light. Oh, and they explode on impact. What's not to like?

Gravitic Drives
No thrusters needed! Ship has a drive core section near the core, but otherwise has no vulnerable thruster sections or modules. Expensive, but worth it?
