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Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:11 am
by Artman40
Maybe a NUD which could be useful if placed on a location where other NUDs would fail. For an example, out of the invaders' path and main purpose of that nud would be supporting other NUDs.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:14 am
by Warpman
or a sawblade nud......saws all that passes by...with 1% chance to cut the health 4 times but turn one enemy into 2......

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:16 am
by Artman40
Well, but care must be taken that all NUDs have their purpose and combination of all of them is a way to success.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:30 am
by Warpman
yep. but there always is some particular "best" combo. On different levels it is different but in most cases it is same. lancet + warp, shrapnel + warp....

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:37 am
by Artman40
Well, when thinking up a new NUD, it should be researched where current NUDs are the most useless from where new one could come in handy.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:11 am
by Warpman
we have : simple turret
2 sniper turret
3 Line Attack turret
4 Debuff turret
5 AoE turret
1 chain attack turret [tesla]
2 flame\poison turret [DoT effect]
3 saw tureret [close combat]
4 teleport turret [warps enemy back at 2-5 squares]
5 hypno turret [makes enemy stand. effects only 1\2\3 enemies at a time]
6 grenade turret [ranged AoE damage]
7 minigun turret [takes time to warm up but acts like 2\4\6 lancets when warms to limit]
8 wall turret [csts 20 doesn't attack]
9 spike turret [enemies pass through it. costs 10 but gets damaged every time someone steps on it]
10 support turret [3x3 zone of effect. gives everyone in it 1\2 of all stat bonuses.]

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:06 am
by Artman40
Well, I found out that in Bifurcation, you'll most likely have tiles where it's near-useless to build since some of the tiles are too far away from the path of creeps. Maybe if we'd have a NUD which would benefit from that distance?

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:09 am
by Warpman
grenade turret \ hypno turret.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:16 am
by Artman40
I think the damage and explosion radius of GrenadeNUD's projectile should be calculated by a distance the grenade is thrown and the number of NUDs the projectile flies over. So in order for it to be useful, the projectile should fly over at least two nuds.

[EDIT] Better idea. That grenadeNUD's damage should be calculated by the minimal number of tiles (horizontally or vertically) it is away from path of creeps.

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:27 am
by The Boz
MagNUD! An awesome NUD! Takes a corpse of a dead invader and flings it at some other invaders! Damage depends on the max health of the dead invader, upgrades increase range and rate of fire. Critical hits cause AoE instead of increased damage.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:56 am
by th15
New Version Released
Download here:

More tweaking to the balance of the game. I'm actually quite happy with how the NUDs are balanced in this version, what do you guys think?


Code: Select all

-Capped the max interest payout to 15 per second.
-Reduced interest rate across the board.
-tweaked Roundabout difficulty.
-Lancet and shrap nuds do much more damage.
-Game now resets game speed when you load.
-Tweaked mono and glow nuds upgraded damage to be slightly lower.
-You can now cancel lancet nud placement by pressing RMB.
-Lancet NUDs now show their proper firing lines when placing.
-Warpnud lvl 3 upgrade cost increased.
-Fixed some help text not displaying.
-Game now resets to normal speed at the end of a level.
-Added a small explosion sprite for dying invaders.
-Fixed a bug that prevented glownuds from critting.
-Improved the look of glownud beams.
-Various graphical improvements.
-sped up menu buttons slightly.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:53 am
by Aaganrmu
Still one little bug (a very small one): when selecting a NUD, it still says 'SPD' instead of 'RLD'.

But besides that, NUD sure is improving a lot! I really like how the NUDs are starting to become more and more balanced. In previous versions basic NUDs were enough to stop all comers, but now I really need to use every NUD somewhere!

I haven't tested every difference between .08 and .09 yet, but I'll sure do.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:20 am
by The Boz
Yeah, I still can't find a use for Shraps...

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:05 am
by th15
Arg, some links to the game were wrong. Make sure you guys get the file labeled

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:18 am
by Artman40
Roundabout is a toughie now.

I wonder if a sandbox mode could be implemented where you could experiment with different layouts?

Oh...what is an approximate money value where interest reaches at its maximum?