Raithah Systems Inc. Arena (inquire within)

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Raithah Systems Inc. Arena (inquire within)

Post by Raithah »

Be wary traveler, the Games are afoot.
Warning - this thread is IRC active. During weekends and some evenings, the author may be found in the #BSF channel.

"... so welcome, contestants, to the annual Raithah Systems arena !"

Your eyes snap open as thousands of avatars burst from their seats applauding and whooping their virtual limbs. You; however, are not thrilled by the fire dancers and the pyrotechnics displayed on the grand stage occupied by none other than Raithah himself
(that dashing devil),swinging his cane and prancing in circles to the utter joy of his employees - if this band of of drunk hackers and pilots could so be called.

Every year, the digital division of Raithah Inc. puts on this event to boost morale. It's, in essence, next generation paint ball - though rediculously more complex.

The cane slams against ground. The crowd goes silent.

"All that is required are your weapon, your class and a will to fight !"

The applause begins anew. Thoroughly unimpressed by this display, you get up and begin making your way to the server exit - a golden, glowing archway fifteen feet high and wide.

"And, as always, we will be allowing any participant entry be you experienced or ... less so. Please send your applications to-", a rush of static overwhealms his voice as you exit.

The information super-highway is quite literaly a highway. Simple, avatar controlled AIs (spiders) whiz across a virtualy projected, semi-transparent, ground. Gravity obviously has no meaning in this world; to your left a violet spider is flying up a wall at an impossible angle. Through the ground, you can see pathways running perpendicular to where you stand.

A pop signifies the creation of yet another spider somewhere to your right. It speaks in a distorted virtual voice;

"Hello there valued employee ! I see you have urgent business to attend to elsewhere in the corporation, due to your hasty depart. As you will miss the entry portion of the meeting, may I bother you with portable datapad ?"

You sigh. What harm could it do ?

"Thank you for entering, sir ! Please press the large purple button when finished."

"Now ... how did this go ?"

"Excellent question, sir ! Press the '?' button for more information."
Applications Form wrote:Name:
Age: ?-Please be aware that the Raithah Annual Arena has been rated M for Mature.
Occupation: ?-On an unrelated note, entrants who are not paid employees of Raithah Inc. will be detained for questioning as to why you have not yet joined our wonderful organisation.
Build: ?-I am build 72-a of the 'Dementer' line of questionaire spiders. Pleased to meet you.
Other Physical Traits:


DJD-P Characteristics ?-The Digital Junk-Data Projector is our gift to you for joining. It is a fully customizable projection of it's real-life counterpart.

Rate of Fire : Accuracy ?-Rate of Fire is measured in shots per cycle, while accuracy is measured in percent of success. Choosing a variable on one side necessitates the selection of it's opposite, ex. 1/8 & 12.5%, 1/2 & 50%.

"1/8-1/4-1/2-1 : 12.5%-25%-50%-100%"

Caliber : Magazine Size ?-The caliber of your weapon denotes the damage it will do to your enemy's buffer upon collision. Bear in mind that magazines are of a limited total size, thus a higher caliber will result in a smaller number of projections per magazine.

"512gb-256gb-128gb-64gb : 2-4-8-16"

Attachment : Concealibility ?-An attachment is an additional grenade compartment; though with this increased size brings a detrimental attribute to your sneaking ability. Bear in mind you can only carry one grenade on your person without.

"None-1-2 : 90%-60%-30%"

Range ?-Unlike other attributes, range has only a single variable. This variable determines the effective range of your device; if your target is beyond or below it you will receive a mark against your accuracy.



Class ?-Ah, the class. An important choice, this. A class is decided based on the specialisation of its Scavenger-class drone. The three classes implemented in v1.3 of the Raithah Annual Arena are as follows : Support, Scout and Strength.

The Scout class is outfitted with flash-bang equivilents. These incur massive lag on whomever it lands by (effective up to one unit distance, requires LOS), temporarily debillitating them. When stumbling upon unpartitioned data, such as that found in lockboxes scattered across most maps, the drone can convert it to a camuflage buffer. This buffer, when fully charged, permanently reduces your network signature while optionaly cloaking you from detection. Please bear in mind that full invisibility both expends energy at an advanced rate and has it's ability hindered by your weapon's concealibity rating. Your drone comes standard with enough charge for two turns, and can store up to five (after gathering from storage containers). It will also be interrupted by any amount of damage.

The Support class is outfitted with a special signal flare. This activates the map-specific device and targets it to the signaled location; though, depending on where you play it may be a positive or negative effect - from rezzing a bubble bath to dropping a tactical nuke. The drone converts to Boosti-Us, the Raithah Mega-Mart brand sports drink. It will temporarily increase the capabilites of your DJD-P, as well as begin the regenerative cycle of your defensive buffer.

The Strength class is outfitted with a fragmentation grenade; the blunter cousin of the DJD-P. Maximum damage is 512gb, though this is from direct hits only. The drone converts to one extra clip and grenade.

Sneaking, a skill common to all classes, is similar to cloaking, however; it hampers your range and is less effective than an actual cloak.

Defensive Buffer Tint ?-This transparent barrier comes in uncoloured, green, purple, black, white, red and light red (not pink). The barrier itself absorbs the impact created from many places in the 'net. By including patented Total-Cover© technology, the buffer absorbs perfectaly and efficiently - it even regenerates !
"That's about all I'd like to volunteer right now. Hmm ... I wonder where that purple button is ... ah, right th-".

Hello and welcome all to my promised battle thread :). I slaved long hours in front of Notepad working this system and the simple calculations behind it to perfection - so pay me back by submitting some profiles ! What I've written here isn't even the complete story; if there's enough interest in this I'll elaborate on anything anyone asks and more.

On that note, please post any questions or comments you have. I've never hosted one of these so it's a learning-process.

Well. Whatcha waiting for ?! POST ! :D.

Edit: It occurs to me that an example character would go a long way in explaining this wall of stats - so here you are.
Mr. Exam Plechar wrote: Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Structural Fungineer from the Raithah Marketing Dept.

Height: Six foot one.
Build: Fairly muslced; not ripped but not lanky.
Other physical traits: Totes a rockn' goatee, has blond hair and tinted sunglasses.

ROF:Accuracy (1/4:25)

Caliber:Magazine Size (256-4)

Attachment:Conceal (2-30)

Range (2)

Class: SCOUT.

Defensive Buffer Tint: Bright red, damnit.
"Y'know, I'd like to know a little more about this 'Defensive Buffer'."

"I am sorry sir, but I do not comprehend the question. Please press the '?' button for more information."

'?' Defensive Buffer

The Defensive Buffer, a Raithah Cyber Warfare Dept. creation, was developed in response to increasingly legal operations that brought with them increasingly dangerous situations. To save their Cyber Marines from constant virtual assault, an automatic virtualisation system was implemented. This routes all incoming data, be it benign or otherwise, through a secluded computer mainframe at Raithah Holdings. Here, it is run through a series of data scrubbing algorithms to remove unwanted interference.

The system is rather over-zealous; however. If a certain amount of trafic is intercepted in a certain amount of time, it will cut out the connection as a safety feature. This prevents the data stored with marines to be stolen. Since it was implemented, the barrier has become popular with contractors system wide - so get your's today (only 159.99$ !).

"Huh. I've got one of those ..."

Displaying current Buffer statistics :


Warning: Your barrier has intercepted malevolent data.


If, at the end of your cycle you have incurred damage, the filters will automaticaly reduce your availible data to the next (lowest) closest level.

After three turns of no damage your barrier will increase by one power of two and every proceeding turn until it reaches maximum.

"... alright, I've been waiting here for four turns."

4gb-8gb-16gb-32gb-64gb-128gb-256gb-512gb-1024gb-2048gb BUFFER FULL.

Edit: Here's the first map. Please note that you always occupy one unit (square) on the map at a time - and if you go and occupy the unit of an unfriendly unit you may melee attack him/her.

Extra rules : I will calculate the match from the top of the page to the bottom; e.g. if Player A shoots Player B, then Player B shoots Player A butPlayer A's shot ejects Player B, he never gets to shoot. So it's first come, first serve.

White unit is walkable, grey unit can be fired over and walked over, while black units can only be fired over.

When you bunker behind a grey block you're (partialy) prevented from being hit. If you're in the white you receive no such bonus.


A new feature to v1.3 is the ability to walk diagonaly across the map. This allows for quicker point-to-point transport than the traditional methods. Please be aware that weapons still have their maximum range decided horizontaly (imagine a square in that one radii is your range).

In addition to this, please recall that every cycle you may make one movement, one drone deployment and as many shots as you can make.

On that note your drone is returned to you at the begining of every turn - combined with a one cycle data retrieval time, you may deploy it to work while you move to a safe location.

In our todo list is the inclusion of data storage. With the growing popularity of the arena so comes a growing use of GB at headquarters. What this means to you, the player, is that your DJD-P's magazines will be limited, but refillable in game.
Last edited by Raithah on Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:59 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by Atrum »

I was the one who suggested the combat RP. WHERE ARE THE KUDOS!?
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Post by Raithah »

Ah. Would you like to co-run the RP, then ? You handle all of the calculations and I'll handle all of the story :D.
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Post by doc525 »

Hmm... this piques my intrest...
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Post by Raithah »

Well post a question ! Post a profile ! Post something other than a post vaguely stating that you may or may not, someday in the near future, probably present a modicum of interest :D.
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Re: Raithah Games Inc. presents ... a Battle RP Production .

Post by Arcalane »

Raithah wrote:Occupation: Structural Fungineer from the Raithah Marketing Dept.
Please tell me that's meant to be Fun-gineer, because I totally had a mental image of people using mushrooms to build skyscrapers (Fungi-neer) just then. D:

EDIT: I might think about joining this one. I'm guess it's a turn based thing with a square grid?
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Post by Atrum »


I ish saiz, I r liek, be teh upgradar d00d or sumthinnz oolololol.
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Post by T-002 »

Okay, can the profiles be put up already? I wanna be in this.
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Post by Raithah »

Why yes, the profiles can be put up :D. Now that I'm sure at least two people may be joining, I'll go ahead and edit in all the nitty-gritty details I wanted to do but didn't have the time. Like more info on those shields.

To Arcalane, yes it's supposed to be a Fun-gineer. Whalers of the moon, 'eh (cookie if you get the reference)?

It is supposed to be a turn based battle run on a square grid (one u). However I am considering changing it to a hexagonal map, though this may make mapping slightly harder.

To Atrum, go ahead and join if you'd like :). The more the merrier.

Ooh, and final point : there is no limit to applications right now. I'll be setting this up as a tournament so it's fairly scalable. Heck, even if every single forumite joined it'd still be possible. You'd wait a while for your; though.
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Post by T-002 »

Name: Ivan Raikoff
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Occupation: Advanced Programmer for the Raithah IT Department

Height: 5'9
Build: Slender, leaning towards skinny
Other physical traits: Short spiky hair leaning towards the right, red transparent glasses

ROF:Accuracy (1/5-20%)

Caliber:Magazine Size ( 128-8 )

Attachment:Conceal (1-60%)

Range (6)

Class: Support

Defensive Buffer Tint: Green (would it be possible to get it in yellow, by any chance?)

That's my profile, although I should ask you about the DJD-P, I don't quite understand that.
Last edited by T-002 on Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Raithah »

DJD-P is just the title for that section :). Don't worry, you aren't missing anything.

And I'm assuming that you mean 128-8, correct ?
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Post by T-002 »

O.o Yes, that's supposed to be 8. Fixing it now.
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Post by Raithah »

Okeydokey, a 'buffer' section has been added.

On that note, I'm noticing that I've a fair vocabulary built up refering to some fairly odd things. Would anyone like a glossary of terms added ?
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Post by Himura.Kenshin »

What odd things?
Warcraft III (U.S. East) -~-~- [( Aequinox / DACI-Equinox / Equinox]4[Lyfe )]
XBox 360 LIVE (Mostly CoD:WaW) -~-~- [( EquinoxXenom )]

[quote="Wyrdysm Games"][i]Stop quoting the line above in your sigs![/i][/quote]
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Post by Raithah »

So far, I've got spiders, buffers, projections, bariers, Marines and departments. If anyone would like clarification on any of these terms, you're always free to ask :).
The preferred outcome of war, is peace. Ironic; huh ? -[citation needed]
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