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Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:26 am
by Caesius
(The following post does not actually talk about how to pirate, only its consequences or lack thereof. Furthermore, I am against piracy for similar reasons that a rich politician would be for taxing the rich.)
Lord-General Thunder wrote:
Caesius wrote:I don't think they're going to require that you pay for; if they do then that'll attract a wave of pirates that'll make what EA's DRM brought about look like a splash in the kiddie pool. Rather, they'll probably add stupid status crap like avatars and backgrounds, similar to XBLA. However if they make in-game unlockables like new weapons only available to those who pay for them then that's just as bad and Blizzard will have finally surpassed EA in absolute slimeball greediness.
As much as I hate that possibility myself, I feel compelled to mock you. :lol:

"Oh dear, poor little pirate. He can't get the full game for free." :roll:
Unless you're pirating a purely single-player game you accept that you won't be able to play online unless you get some friends together and go on Hamachi. So as it is, unless you don't know how or you're scared of getting caught, there's only two real reasons to buy a PC game: You want to play online, or you want to support the developers (or you want a physical copy for your collection, or some other meta-reason). If you wouldn't pay to go online even if you owned the game legitimately, then you lose nothing if you just pirate the game in the first place. And that's why if Blizzard has even the slightest clue they won't turn into a pay-to-play system, and also is why for as long as piracy is as easy as it is now no PC game with a single-player mode has had or will have such a system.

Then again, it's really hard to read what Blizzard is planning to do. They could be planning to churn out the Disappointment Of The Decade and make millions doing it, or SC II really is going to be so epic that it'll be worth $150. If it really, honest-to-Science is worth $150 then they will make so much more money than screwing people over ever will and nobody will have any reason to doubt Blizzard ever again. Otherwise I'll wait for the triple bundle when it's down to <$75.


Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:18 am
by Squishy
I'm a cheap ass gamer and even I payed for the orangebox/HL2 episodes.

If SC2 is good, and there's a good chance it will be, I'll pay for it.

I skip some meals if I have to.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 2:11 am
by Caesius
Squishy wrote:I'm a cheap ass gamer and even I payed for the orangebox/HL2 episodes.
Are you kidding me.

The Orange Box was like $60 and it had HL2, Ep1, Ep2, Portal, and TF2. That's all worth at least twice what you paid for.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:55 am
by Squishy

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:31 am
by jwa8402
I'll most certainly buy the first one, unless it requires monthly subscription which I very much doubt.
Actually what I would pay for is a starcraft version of WOW... Since its pretty much lost it's glitter and they made a buttload of money off it,
they could probably get a significant amount of former wow players to come back for that, assuming it didn't suck.
And starcraft actually lends itself to a mmorpg as much if not more so than warcraft did. Especially if it has vehicles and building.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 2:53 am
by Bodyless
While you could make 3 campaigns worth the money in theory, i doubt they can make them epic with quality out of a single story line. At least not without some massive recycling between them.
So i am certainly not buying even one if i won't get free multiplayer too.

In case they charge for it anyway, the sc2 is probably going to be dead or close to it since they would just be giving the players another reason to stay with the old sc. Just look at Counter strike, the old one is still being played a lot despite of CS:Source.

And making the old pay to play would be illegal since the boxes of the games(at least of wc3) had "free acces" written on it. Which is even more worth than its eula.