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Post by Danny420Dale »

You'll definitely want to gather as much intelligence about the Radscorpion threat to best maximize your success in battle against the bastards.
BlkRdgPharmPRSTAFF wrote:Get a BIG GUN.
But not one you can't handle.
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Post by antisocialmunky »

Make a run for the military base and whore your way to the top.
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Post by Gkug »

Get a rifle, and rob the raiders.
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Enjoy this while it lasts
It won't be long before it dies.
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Post by T-002 »

F, D, DF, punch

Alternatively, find some weapons.
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Post by Danny420Dale »

T-002 wrote:F, D, DF, punch

Alternatively, find some weapons.
You're doing it wrong. It's obviously up up down down left right left right B A select start!
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Post by Arcalane »

Hone your combat skills on the radscorps before moving onto the raiders.
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Post by FIREST0RM000 »

hmmm, Rad Scorpions. creative. sounds green, glowy and threatening. probably make good targets too. besides, if it will make these people happy, all the better.
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Post by Anna »

osilus wrote:and get a rifle.
BlkRdgPharmPRSTAFF wrote:Get a BIG GUN.
Master Chief wrote:Get a rifle!
Atrum wrote:Get a rifle
Gkug wrote:Get a rifle
Okay. I'm losing it. There are more voices now, and almost all of them are repeating the same mantra. Get a rifle. Get a rifle. Argh! I look to the north and see Seth standing guard at the entrance into Shady Sands, holding a rifle in his hands. Somehow I doubted he would hand it over willingly, but maybe if I -- no! No, killing people is bad. Especially innocent people. What the hell am I thinking? At least some of the voices are also saying things that are less insane. I need more information on these Radscorpion things.

Although one of the voices was telling me to "find the military base" and "whore my way to the top". I don't know where that came from, as I'm not aware of any military bases around here, and Alison was more the type to do the latter.

Anyway, remembering what Aradesh said, I made my way towards Doctor Razlo's house, in the south-west corner of the town. On the way there, however, I encountered a young boy with some rather strange ideas.
"No!" I explaimed with a shocked expression.

The boy pulled a face and gestured to my hand, "Then you shouldn't carry around a weapon like that."

I glanced down and noticed the pistol gripped tightly in my right hand, wincing slightly in shame and tucking it away. What in the hell was I thinking, carrying around a gun like that? I swear, I'm starting to lose my marbles. Muttering to myself, I made my way down to Razlo's cozy little house and stepped inside, glancing around. There wasn't much to see. A makeshift stove, a table, some bookshelves and some more of those rather flimsy-looking walls that I saw in the Town Hall. But at the same time, it looked like a rather nice place. Maybe I might settle down like this, one day. It certainly had some appeal compared to the Vault. Then I glanced down and notice a roach crawling around my feet. Then again, maybe the Vault had its benefits.
This must be Razlo. He seems a nice enough fellow, a wizened old man with wire-framed spectacles and a shaggy beard, though his clothing was much the same as that of everyone else I'd seen so far in the waste; brown and tattered and largely unremarkable.

"Good day, Mister... Razlo, isn't it?" I asked, and when he nodded in the affirmative, I continued, "I'm Julia. I've heard from Seth and Aradesh about these Radscorpions, and I thought I might help out, but I'd like to learn more about them first, and I heard you could be of assistance, in that regard."

He stroked his beard thoughtfully, "Ah, yes. Well, I really don't know too much about them, sad to say. They seem to be extremely large version of the north American Emperor scorpion. Contrary to my medical knowledge, their poison has grown more potent, not diluted, as I would expect. Seth has been hunting them, which helps some of my tests," he coughed a few times, taking off his glasses and rubbing at his eyes, "And how such a large creature can even be possible by natural evolution, or even radiation induced mutation is beyond me."

I lofted an eyebrow, "Just how big are we talking here?"

He offered an expression that said all I needed to know. Very big. Wonderful, "Is there anything else you can tell me?"

"Well, they seem to be sensitive to light. Nocturnal," he mumbled, cleaning his glasses on his shirt before putting them back on, "If I could get a sample of their poison, especially the venom production sac located in their tail, I could create an anti-venom."

"I see. Well, that's good to know. I hope I'll be able to help with that. Say, you seem fairly well educated. What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to ignore the voices, which were now urging me to run off and start killing some gigantic scorpions.

He frowned in response to the question, "Doc Morbid in Junktown taught me some. And just because we live in stone huts, does not mean we are less intelligent or educated. Have a nice day."

Those last words had a ring of finality to them. I gave a small nod and offered a mumbled goodbye, but on my way out I casually brushed by his bookshelf and pilfered whatever I could as quickly as I could, without being seen. There were a surprising amount of useful things there. It's okay though. I may be stealing, but it's for a good cause, right? Of course it is. Among the loot was a first aid kit, a doctors bag filled with all sorts of goodies, as well as a First Aid Guidebook which might be useful and five stimpaks -- drugs that rapidly boost the human bodies regenerative capabilities for a short amount of time. They would be quite useful. Excellent.

Stepping out, I pull out the First Aid book and start skimming through it, humming to myself as I move up out of town. I found it quite interesting, and I think I picked up a few things that might be useful in the future. All in all, I think that was quite an educational visit I had with Razlo. A little to the north I found another home, this one empty. And another bookshelf, with another interesting book! Today is a day for learning, and I do so love to learn. This one was a Scout Handbook, detailing a wide variety of methods for survival in the wildness, something I was already fairly well versed in, and this definitely helped. After that, I was pretty sure I was ready to set out. I went to where Seth stood at the gate, but then I remembered the woman standing on the other side of it.
As I approached her she looked up at me, offering me the first genuine and warm smile I'd been offered since I stepped into Shady Sands. I introduced myself, and she told me her name was Katrina, and that it was her job to greet strangers, and help them to understand the village. She was a very pretty girl, surprisingly so, considering the rather hostile environment she lived in.

"Tell me about yourself, Katrina." I asked, very casually.

"Oh, there's not much to say. My life was very boring. I was raised in a Vault." Aha! That explains it, "I lived there for many years. Unfortunately, we were crowded and life was very bad. There was a schism, and many people left, taking with them the best equipment. Still, some of us tried to stay in the Vault. But then we were attacked. I was hurt, and I ended up here. Now I try to help people..." She trailed off, sounding a little sad.

I nodded and sat down next to her, pulling out my water flask and taking a sip before offering it to her, "And where was this vault of yours?"

She accepted the flask and took a long gulp of the contests, sighing, "It was Vault-15. It's due east of here. We tried to make contact with some other Vaults, but we always failed. I think it was the raiders who attack me fellow dwellers. You need to be careful!"

"So then, if you're from a Vault, then you'd know about water-chips, right? Do you know where I can find one?" I asked.

She smiled a little, "Yeah. My old home, Vault-15, had one. That's the only place I can think of. I haven't been there since I was hurt, but you might find what you're looking for there. Someone said that they tried to go to the Vault to have a look around, but it was dark and the elevator was broken. I hope you're better prepared."

I thought about this for a moment. Vault-15 could have a water chip! This was all too easy. I could be there and back to Vault-13 in about a week, assuming everything went well. But then again, I had this nagging feeling that everything wouldn't go well. Indeed, I'm fairly sure that things are likely going to go to hell, but I don't know exactly why.

"Well, before I head off, can you tell me much about the rest of the world out here? You can never know too much." I asked.

She shook her head sadly, "I know very little of the outside world. After I escape Vault-15, I was very hurt, and don't remember much of what happened. But Dharma was watching over me, and I was found by the people of Shady Sands. I live here now. Have you spoken with Ian, yet? He's a merchant guard who was here. He's recovering in the guardhouse over there." She said, pointing at a small building to the east, "He's more widely travelled than I."

After that, there wasn't much to say. We talked a bit more about some everyday sorts of things -- she told me that trade around here was usually some form of bartering, and that old bottle caps had become common currency -- before we said our goodbyes, and I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I certainly didn't steal another two stimpaks and a few dozen bottlecaps out of Katrina's pockets. No sir, I'm no thief! Okay, so I'm a little bit of a thief, but hey! Greater good! I'm saving up for a rifle.

On the way to the guardhouse that held the guy Ian that Katrina had told me about, I casually brushed past Seth, offering him a flirtacious little smile as I pilfered another fifty bottlecaps off him, and a long length of rope. You never know when rope could come in handy! I might be able to use it to get down the broken elevator in Vault-15 that Katrina had mentioned. After that, I stepped into the guardhouse, and easily spotted the Ian she had spoken of. He kind of

stood out, wearing a thick, black leather jacket and a pair of surprisingly clean blue jeans.
I walked up to him and he greeted me catiously. I introduced myself, and he told me he was Ian. After a brief conversation, I found out he used to be a guard for the merchants in a place called "the Hub", but that he'd been shot during a raid by bandits, and that he'd been staying here in Shady Sands since his recovery. He was kind enough to give me some directions to the Hub, as well as Junktown, and then I had a brilliant idea.

"Say, Ian, maybe you could come with me? Your experience would certainly be helpful to me." I asked in a casual, conversational tone.

Ian rubbed his chin a little and smirked, "Hmm. Tempting offer, since this place does get boring. I'll tell ya what. Standard rates. One-hundred caps, and you've got a deal."

I didn't have a hundred caps yet, and I was saving up for something special, so that was out of the question, "How about a piece of the action, instead? You'll get a cut of everything we find."

He nodded in agreement in grins, "All right. Yeah, that works for me, I'll help you out in exchange for my share of the loot."

Excellent. Now at least I wouldn't need to do all the hard work on my own. He already had a gun of his own, and plenty of ammo, and he was evidently a fairly good shot with it. I'd say that together we'll be quite capable of taking care of those troublesome Radscorpions. Heading back out of the guardhouse and approached Seth, with Ian standing at my side, and asked him to take us to the Radscorpions lair.

It's time to kill us some mutant arachnids!

[Sorry to stop it there. I had intended to include the attack on the Radscorpions and ther raiders, but the post was getting kind of long, so I though I'd better save that stuff for the next update. Sorry, guys. On the bright side, next update will be in a day or two, and then once that's done, I'll likely move on to a once-weekly schedule.]
Last edited by Anna on Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Atrum »

Now all you have to do is get the poison sac, sounds easily enough. Try not to cut yourself, EHEHEHEHE
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Post by Master Chief »

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Post by FIREST0RM000 »

It's time to kill us some mutant arachnids!
no! bad dog. get a rifle then kill mutant arachnids.
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Post by Arcalane »

Just because I can;

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Post by Danny420Dale »

With WUT RIFLE, dork!? :lol:
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Post by Anna »

Now then, where was I? Ah, yes. Ian and I went to Seth, and asked him to take us to the Radscorpion caves.
He seems a little nervous, but I'm not too concerned. They're just really big bugs, right? Easy enough to take care of. A few bullets or a knife in the face should do the trick. I nod and follow his lead, glancing to Ian every now and then, who grins at me and spins his gun. He seems to like his gun. That works for me, though. I could always use some extra firepower on my side. Speaking of which, the voices in my head are still telling me to get a rifle, but that's out of the question, for now. There aren't any rifles to be found around here. There may be some at the raider camp, but I'd best look into the Radscorpions before dealing with the psychopaths with guns.

After a short work, Seth leaves us at the rather large mouth of a dark cave, and I step forward cautiously, with Ian trailing behind me. I pull out my pistol and raise it, thumbing off the safety and glancing around. Not much to see, yet. Just the well decomposed Brahman carcass, and lots of rocks and dirt. The Radscorpions are probably deeper inside. Wonderful. Did I mention I was claustrophobic?
Carefully, and as quietly as I can, I make my way into the cave, Ian trailing not far behind. Looking up, I note that this entire entry would probably collapse with some well-placed TNT. I recall one of the people in Shady Sands saying that they always seemed to come back, regardless of how many were killed. Well then, if all else fails, I'll have to find some high explosives and blast the cave's entrance. That could be entertaining to watch, as well.

The deeper we went into the cave, the darker it got. On the bright side, though, things also got cooler, which was a nice change from the blistering desert heat, I must say. I had a feeling we wouldn't need to search very hard to find the Radscorpions, either; I could faintly hear them, the sounds of their chittering echoing throughout the caves. It was quite disconcerting, I must say. And I was right. It didn't take long to find them. And holy SHIT.
These things were huge! Easily eight or nine feet from end to tip, and that's not including their curled up tail! Damn, I knew from what Razlo said that they'd be big, but I didn't think they'd be this big! One of them chittered and turned towards me, dashing forward. Fortunately, I was faster, raising my gun and letting off a shot as I ran backwards. I heard it make an inhuman squeal as the bullet pierced its hardened exoskeleton, splattering it with green gunk, but it didn't drop! Ian swore and pumped another two round into the thing, severely injuring it, but not killing it. And it seemed the gunshots and drawn the attention of another of the Radscorpions. Wonderful!

I span around and took aim at the first Radscorpion again, aiming carefully before firing another shot. I hit it cleanly in the head -- at least, what I think is the head -- and it went down. Then I turned my attention on the other, stepping back. Ian, in what I can only call either extreme bravery or gross stupidity, ran straight up to it and fired at point blank range. Once again, it was wounded, but far from killed. Indeed, it was just pissed off. It lashed out with its barbed tail twice, but fortunately Ian was able to avoid being stung. I fired again, scoring only a glancing hit off its exoskeleton, and Ian did the same, two shots hammering into its thick body, spraying him and the creature with green gunk. It hissed and collapsed, and I let out a sigh, lowering my gun.
With Ian's help, I was able to amputate the tail of one of the creatures and stuff it into my backpack, wincing slightly at the weight. Damn! Just the tail alone easily weighed twenty-pounds! Nearby I saw an old body with a case of 10mm magazines, and went to loot it before heading out of the caves. I had no intention on wasting ammo killing any more of these critters. I'd come back when I had some TNT. For now, though, this tail could help Razlo with developing a cure for the creature's poison.

It was a short and uneventful trip back, although I was rather tired. Ian, on the other hand, seemed fine, grinning from ear to ear as he wiped the green scorpion gunk from his black leather jacket. Upon arriving in Shady Sands, I went straight to Razlo's hut, stepping inside and hauling the scorpion's tail -- poison sack and all -- out of my bag, laying it down on the floor in front of him.

"I believe you were looking for one of these?" I asked with a sigh, wiping at my forehead.

"Aha!" He exclaimed excitedly, "Let me see the sac... hm, yes, I can do something with this."

He quickly rushed off, and began doing something, although I wasn't really paying much attention, just glad to get a few minutes of rest. After about half an hour he returned to me, carrying a large bottle full of red liquid. I accepted and looked up at him, raising a brow as I pushed myself to my feet.

"Take it. It's a free sample." He said with a grin, "It seems to work well against radscorpion stings, of course, but it also shows much potential as a general anti-venom and poison cure."

That was intriguing. The radscorpion poison must be fairly potent to be capable of producing such an effective anti-venom. I thanked him and looked at the bottle, swishing it back and forth. I really had no intention of ever getting poisoned by one of those things, and in the back of the house I could hear groaning. It was Seth's brother, the one who had been wounded by the Radscorpions. I uncorked the bottle and stepped towards him, leaning down and telling him to open up as I poured the anti-venom down his throat. It was almost miraculous how quickly he recovered. After mere minutes, the colour started to return to his pale features, and slowly he pushed himself to his feet.

He thanked me, and we sat around chatting for a while, and I felt... I don't know. Different, I guess. Like I'd become stronger.

I wonder why.
After that, I set off to the Raider's camp. It was a short distance away from Shady Sands, and they may have some weapons that could be of use to me. I somewhat doubted they would share those weapons of their own free will, but I'm sure I could think of a few ways. It took us another two days for Ian and I to get there, but thanks to the kind people in Shady Sands, we had plenty of food and water to last us the trip.
I arrived at the edge of the camp at about three in the morning. There were lots of tents scattered around, and a larger building further ahead. I stepped into one of the tents and glanced around, and one of the Raiders looked up with a scowl on his face, brandishing a rather menacing looking spear.

"What do you want!?" He spat.

I jumped a little in surprise, "I was just looking around."

He scowled, "Well go do it elsewhre. Get the hell outta my tent!"

I carefully stepped back, resisting the urge to reach for my gun. These Raiders didn't seem like very nice people. I really hoped that one of them had a rifle. I made my way up to the large building, where another ruffian with a spear guarded the doorway. I moved to speak with him, putting on my best look of innocence and smiling naively, much like what I had seen Alison do numerous times in the past, but he didn't seem interested in small talk, he just waved me in, swatting my ass as I stepped by. I should have just shot him right then and there.

I made my way inside, through another door, and into a room where a man in metal armor sat, lazing around. It was a mess. There was a filthy, tattered bed in one corner, an old battered-up desk, a dirty old chair and a bookshelf, not to mention an old refridgerator. In the corner near the bed, a pair of bruised and battered, dirty women huddle up together, with frightened looks in their eyes. Another raider - a woman - guarded the door. I had a feeling the guy with the metal armor was the one in charge. How dispicable.
"What do you want!?" He spat as I approached, waving around a gun.

I thought about it for a moment. I could tell him the truth, but I got the feeling he'd probably just shoot me for that, so instead I put on my best ruffian attitude and said, "What do you think I want? I want to join!"

"You?" He asked, barely restraining a laugh, "You want to join us? Whatever for?"

"To kick some serious ass, of course." I replied with a grin. I could see Ian out of the corner of my eyes, looking at me like I'd gone insane.

The big guy, who had introduced himself as Garl, grinned in return, stepping forward to pat me on the shoulder, "We Raiders only accept the meanest and toughest SOBs around. You have to be bloodthirsty, violent, extreme. I don't think you can handle that. Can you?"

"Of course I can." I said.

He smirked, gesturing to the women in the corner, "I grow tired of these women. Kill them."

I felt sick. I knew if I refused that I'd probably get killed. I certainly knew there was little hope of me saving the women from these raiders, and that they would probably be killed anyway. Perhaps it would be a mercy to kill them. It would certainly save my ass. Finally, I just nodded my head and pulled out my gun, pointing it at the two women. The broke into tears and started sobbing, but I didn't let that affect me. Two shots to the head was all it took, and they fell to the floor, lifeless, their blood and brains splattered against the walls behind them. I had to resist the urge to throw up. What was worse is that I think I got a thrill out of killing them. God, I'm losing it.

"Hah!" exclaimed Garl, grinning from ear to ear, "I like your style. A little sloppy, but it works. Consider yourself a friend of the Raiders. Now leave my sight."

I nodded mutely and fled the room. It was all I could do to restrain myself from splattering his brains all over the wall. Oh, I had every intention of doing so soon enough, but right now, these Raiders could be of use to me, and more over, I'm not to keen on the idea of taking more than a few bullets just to kill the son of a bitch. Over the course of the next day, I relaxed in the raider camp. Some of them were actually fairly nice people, but most of them were low-lives and psychopaths. Most disconcerting of all was the discovery that none of them had a rifle. Oh well. The voices in my head would have to wait.

I'd be back to take care of these bastards, but in the mean time, I decided to set out for Vault-15. If the Water Chip I need is there, then I'll be back home and out of this filthy desert in no time.
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Post by Atrum »

You don't know what's going to happen...You're going to DIE! DIE!

...Be careful out there...

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