Let's Play Fallout! (Will Be Image Heavy)

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Let's Play Fallout! (Will Be Image Heavy)

Post by Anna »

Intro Movie
War. War never changes. The romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic super power. But war never changes. In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons. Petroleum, and uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into bickering, quarreling nation-states bent on controlling the last remaining resources on earth.

In 2077, the storm of World War had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise. A few were able to reach the relative safety of the large underground Vaults. Your family was part of that group that entered Vault 13. Imprisoned safely behind a large vault door, under a mountain of stone, a generation has lived without knowledge of the outside world.

Life in the Vault is about to change.
Okay guys, this is the Let's Play Fallout thread! I know what you're thinking, "What about the Let's Play Space Empires V thread? Aren't you spreading yourself a bit thin?". To answer... well, yes, I am a little. But this LP will be quite different from the other. While posts in the SEV LP are short and fairly frequent, with lots of voting, this LP will consist of long posts full of exposition, character thoughts, dialog and character interactions. All that fun stuff. I'll endevour to update the thread once or twice a fortnight, or hopefully more if the mood strikes me. I will call on audience participation on occasion, but it will be somewhat less frequent than the other LP.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Fallout, shame on you. It's only one of the damn best RPGs ever made!

First thing, though, is our character! This, I will let you guys vote on. I have here four characters premade by myself. Vote for the one you'd most like to see me play through the game.

First is Anthony Stark
At twenty years old, Anthony -- or as he prefers to be called, Tony -- Stark is something of a rebel. An extremely gifted but laid back gentlemen who enjoys drinking and gambling far more than he should. He's roughly 6'2", with a well toned figure, a black buzzcut and a van-dyke, and can often be seen shooting a cocky grin at just about anyone. Especially the women. What most people comment on, however, is his uncanny luck. The dice always fall the way he wants them, a one-in-a-thousand chance for others becomes a one-in-ten for him. He's also fairly skilled at bartering, and has a little training with firearms such as pistols and rifles, and hand-to-hand combat.

Alison Summerfield
Ah, what's there to say about Alison? She's a smart, bright, and very charismatic - not to mention beautiful - girl of seventeen years. She's highly athletic, also. She's skilled in many areas, but combat isn't really something she's good at, prefering to talk or think her way out of situations. Her skills as a field-medic are unparalleled in Vault 13, and she's a natural born leader, able to rally people to her cause without much difficulty. She's a uniquely suited candidate for leaving the Vault.

Jay Cobb
Let's get this out of the way; Jay's a goddamn psychopath. We're not sure what caused it, maybe he was dropped on the head a few times at birth, but he's absolutely 100% certifiably insane. More over, he's a well oiled killing machine. He can mow his way through men like a soldering iron through warm butter without even breaking a sweat, and while he's more than capable of using a gun, more often than not he likes to take his time knifing his foes to death. Suffice to say, we're sending him out partially because he's the person most likely to survive in the harsh, post-apocalyptic world outside the vault, and partly because he scares the shit out of us.

Julia Verne
Julia's brilliant. It's that simple. She's super-smart, super-smooth, and she's not a bad shot with a sniper rifle, either. Her people skills aren't great, but she's well trained in survival skills, science and in light arms. She's not exactly the prettiest girl around, but on the other hand she's far from ugly. She's also a little on the eccentric side, and can sometimes be short-tempered, not to mention that occasionally she's quite unlucky. It almost seems like anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, whenever she's around. But she's highly skilled, highly qualified, and once again an excellent candidate to send outside the Vault.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Pick the character you would most like to see me play. It will likely be a very different experience based on the character chosen, but all should be fairly entertaining, so feel free to pic whichever you like.
Last edited by Anna on Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lightstriker »

edit: Julia.
Last edited by lightstriker on Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aralonia »

DPUO wrote:<+AirHippo> Funnily enough, folks who abide by the law and try to make something of their lives don't appreciate the rich kids of rich parents getting away with murder and skimming through life.
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Jay Cobb.

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Post by Lizzie »

Julia Verne
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Post by Cycerin »

Jay Cobb

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Post by Gkug »

Jay cobb.
You are no God to me
You are nothing to me
This is a reckoning
Enjoy this while it lasts
It won't be long before it dies.
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Post by T-002 »

My heart says Tony, but ah well.

Jay Cobb.
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Post by Swamp Fox »

I'm gonna go ahead and say Julia on this one, because well, rocket-powered bathtubs flying through portals are awesome.
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Post by Arcalane »

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Post by Himura.Kenshin »

Warcraft III (U.S. East) -~-~- [( Aequinox / DACI-Equinox / Equinox]4[Lyfe )]
XBox 360 LIVE (Mostly CoD:WaW) -~-~- [( EquinoxXenom )]

[quote="Wyrdysm Games"][i]Stop quoting the line above in your sigs![/i][/quote]
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Post by Danny420Dale »

Julia. Pair her up with Stark to cancel her unlucky streak.
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Warcraft III (U.S. East) -~-~- [( Aequinox / DACI-Equinox / Equinox]4[Lyfe )]
XBox 360 LIVE (Mostly CoD:WaW) -~-~- [( EquinoxXenom )]

[quote="Wyrdysm Games"][i]Stop quoting the line above in your sigs![/i][/quote]
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