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Post by Darkship »

nevertheless, the summoning worked. :D
[url=][color=BLACK][b]Assorted Randomness[/b][/color][/url]
[url=][color=Red][b]The Tal'Vorah Fleet[/b][/color][/url]
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Post by Arcalane »

[Wed 27th] [01:37#26pm] [Siber] And also that I could steal Sean Connery's voice for a day
[Wed 27th] [01:37#31pm] [Siber] And didn't have to sleep
[Wed 27th] [01:37#36pm] [Anna] I wish there were twelve more of you for the amusing conversations that would result.
[Wed 27th] [01:37#45pm] [Siber] Heh
[Wed 27th] [01:37#51pm] [Anna] Having Sean Connery's voice for a day would be pretty awesome.
[Wed 27th] [01:38#08pm] [Arcalane] Jamesh Bawnd.
[Wed 27th] [01:38#19pm] [Siber] One ping only.
[Wed 27th] [01:38#29pm] [Anna] Sean Connery is an oddity. He got more attractive as he got older, and his accent got even sexier.
[Wed 27th] [01:38#33pm] [Anna] :P
[Wed 27th] [01:38#35pm] [Arcalane] XD
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Post by Gkug »

[22:46] <AppAzi> im back!
06[22:46] * _Lizzie_ shoves App out a window "No your not"
06[22:47] * AppAzi falls to his death below
06[22:47] * Ai_512 stabs AppAzi as he falls.
03[22:47] * AppAzi was kicked by Anna (Splat.)
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Post by AppAziplock »

AppAzi returns with tuna fish, a can of mixed nuts, a new playlist, and a keg of beer.
<Anna> If you're going to be drinking, you can leave right now.
* Swamp_Fox eats the tuba
<Swamp_Fox> *tuna
* AppAzi opens can of mixed nuts, and paper snakes jump out, scaring him into a coma
* _Lizzie_ steals the keg, drinks it all up, then goes on a drunken rampage
<DoubleThink> Anyone care to (ideally civilly) fill me in on what's going on?
<darkkai> all that is normal
* AppAzi recovers from previous coma, wondering what happened to all his food.
[quote]=-= Mode #BSF +v Siber by ChanServ
<AppAzi> who is ChanServ, and where did he get all this power?
<_Lizzie_> ..........
* Swamp_Fox facepalms
<_Lizzie_> Goddamn are you actually that retarded?[/quote]
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Post by Aralonia »

[22:23] DoubleThink: Hey guys. Let's play a game of soccer.
[22:24] DoubleThink: Kick Mazling back and forth between channels.
[22:24] DoubleThink: Camp vs. Main.
[22:24] MiriHawke: :|
[22:24] *** DoubleThink has been kicked from #BSF by _Lizzie_: DoubleThink
[22:24] *** DoubleThink has joined #BSF.
[22:24] *** DoubleThink has been kicked from #BSF by MiriHawke: I think I win this one.
[22:24] *** DoubleThink has joined #BSF.
[22:24] MiriHawke: WHOA
[22:24] MiriHawke: COMBO
[22:24] * _Lizzie_ highfives Miri
[22:24] MiriHawke: THAT WAS AWESOME
[22:24] Anna: Except that would be retarded, and we don't allow that shit here. :| Also, awesome combo, you two.
[22:24] DoubleThink: :|
[22:25] * MiriHawke high-fives back and tosses some good liquor at Lizzie


[05:00] Anna: Hrm. It's quiet.
[05:01] MC: It is? :|
[05:01] *** Hades_Sleeping has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
[05:03] Anna: Don't be a smartass. :P
[05:04] *** gkug has signed off IRC ().
[05:04] arasleep: I love how every time MC speaks, someone leaves
[05:04] arasleep: don't talk, dumbass
[05:04] MC: lol
[05:04] MC: Why not?
DPUO wrote:<+AirHippo> Funnily enough, folks who abide by the law and try to make something of their lives don't appreciate the rich kids of rich parents getting away with murder and skimming through life.
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Post by Anna »

[03:10] <Lightstriker> hm... so +pope finally got locked huh?
[03:11] <DeathsHand> yay...
[03:11] <Anna> Only locked? :|
[03:11] * Arcalane locks Anna. :|
[03:11] <Lightstriker> so you're into that stuff huh arcalane?
[03:11] <Lightstriker> that didn't come out the way i meant it too...
[03:11] <Anna> How'd you do that, Arca? Did you stick your "key" in me? ;D
[03:12] * Lightstriker was kicked by Arcalane (No, but I bet you are.)
[03:12] * DoubleThink is disturbed.
[03:12] * Lightstriker ( has joined #BSF
[03:12] <Arcalane> and I'm sure you'd -love- that, Anna.
[03:12] <Anna> So am I.
[03:12] * Muug ( has joined #BSF
[03:12] * Anna flutters eyelashes.
[03:13] <MC|Busy> o_O
[03:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Muug
[03:13] * Arcalane sets the eyelashes on fire. :|
[03:13] <Lightstriker> good timing Muug...
[03:13] <Anna> XD
Anyone would think I was making you guys feel uncomfortable or something!
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Post by BoVinE »

Anna wrote:Anyone would think I was making you guys feel uncomfortable or something!
[13:30:00] <MC> Seraph what the hell?
[13:30:06] <Anna> XD
[13:30:08] <Anna> Unbanned.
[13:34:58] <Anna> If it weren't totally illegal in most places, I'd kiss you, MC. :P You're so much fun.
[13:35:49] <MC> So much fun?
[13:35:54] <MC> I presume that was sarcasm.
[13:36:15] <Anna> Sarcasm? Wut? No, you are fun.
[13:36:25] <MC> liek how
[13:36:45] * @Anna shrugs.
[13:36:51] <Anna> You're not as dumb as ** and ****.
[13:38:33] * MC|Busy ( Quit (Quit: Yeah, thanks for the fun today guys. :P)
[13:42:06] <BoVinE> creeeepy
[13:42:28] * @Anna snickers.
Oh no, not at all my good man!
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Post by T-002 »

* You were kicked from #BSF by Anna (On mine, too.)
#BSF unable to join channel (address is banned)
#BSF unable to join channel (address is banned)
I suppose there is some reason I am not aware of for my ban?
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Post by Anna »

I'm an asshole.

That is all.
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Post by lightstriker »

just for the record "oh, i was ____ first" can mean that ______ happened before ____ , not just that it was the first thing to happen :roll:

edit: ahnd in retrospect... that made no sense. it's the thought that counts though!

right? maybe? no? alright... w/e...
Last edited by lightstriker on Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JaffaJoke91 »

how do you get on server
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Post by T-002 »

Anna wrote:I'm an asshole.

That is all.

In that case I'm surprised it didn't happen months ago. I wasn't suprised Muug wanted me banned, seeing as we're like water and fire.

Ah, fuck it anyways. It's not as if I wanted to be there for any other reason than talking with AD.
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Post by ArcaneDude »

Don't worry, you'll probably get unbanned the moment Anna's guilt reaches his crotch.
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Post by JaffaJoke91 »

can somebody please tell me what the server and such is?
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Post by antisocialmunky »

ArcaneDude wrote:Don't worry, you'll probably get unbanned the moment Anna's guilt reaches his crotch.
And sigged.
Don’t worry it has airbags.