Convulsion: Legacy of Pirates Sign Ups/OOC

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Convulsion: Legacy of Pirates Sign Ups/OOC

Post by Temujin »

What, an RPG. You are probably wondering where its set and what its about. If you are not, clicking on the x nearby is a good idea.

Anyway setting:

The year is 2403. The Independent Systems Union has finally fallen to the ever growing Nexus forces. The Terran Alliance fights for its very survival, as the Goripultik Commonwealth is also destroyed. The Powerful Nexus fleets slam through defense after defense, battle after battle. The newly formed Alliance of Free Worlds attempts to comabt them at all fronts. At the Battle of Alpha Centauri, one Node Jump away from Earth, the Nexus is finally halted. But a bitter struggle still remains.

A short bit away, in the remnants of the ISU, Nexus battlegroups ravage indvidual systems, but at least they only come once. Rogue captains and notorius indviduals began to raid and destroy these systems. The devestated systems fight an infinite war against these forces, some succesfully, some not.

You have collectively come across an old Blade-class Corvette. Basically operational, you decide to inhait it, and turn it towards your own uses. The only clue you have to its history is a faint name across its hull, Convulsion.

This is your time.


FTL Travel: Node jumping is the only method of FTL travel. Ever system has several Node Points, and these points lead to other Node Points. Node Points can only be accessed with a Node Drive. Travel takes a few days to a few weeks depending on distance.

Weapons: BSF weapons. All of them.

Shielding: BSF, so deflectors and flux projectors, but nothing else.


Alliance of Free Worlds: A desperate alliance of worlds untouched by the Nexus, this Alliance devotes all its resources to destroying the Nexus. Having held them off at Alpha Centauri, they now look to the offensive.

Nexus: A hive race, the only contact has been watching their fleets rampage through known space, destroying all they find. They seem to have an endless supply of ships.

Races: Numerous races have been discovered. Be creative, but not too creative.

Character Template:

Name: (Name of Character)
User: (Name of User)
Race: (Make a wild guess)
Occupation: (What do you do?)
Bio: (Tell us about yourself)
Inventory: (Do you own anything personal?)

One character per user.

Anyway this is an attempt to create a ship based RPG. You guys are the crew, and can do whatever you want to an extent. I'll provide everything else. Ship picture coming soon. Basically it has 2 blasters that can fire to either side, 2 blasters that fire forward, 2 railguns that fire forward, 4 pulse cannons that fire forward, and 4 particle guns.

Here it is:Image

If you have any questions, ask. I reserve the right to annihilate or otherwise destroy characters. :twisted:[/img]
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Post by Barrage »

Name: Alex Michaels
User: Barrage
Race: Human
Occupation: Trader
Bio: Attacked by pirates and rescued by a small ship.
Inventory: Small piece of trader ship wreckage.
Last edited by Barrage on Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Arcalane »

Epic fail on the character there, barrage.

Also; epic hax on the ship, much?

Also also; "Convulsion"? What kinda name is that?
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Post by Barrage »

Better? :P
I'm not one for character creation. I click the randomize button.
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Post by Temujin »

Convulsion. You know like when you get shot and just start having a seisure. And I'm ignoring 1 liner Bio's. Lovely normal ship too.
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Post by Arcalane »

I know what a convulsion is, I was more curious as to why you picked that name.
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Post by Temujin »

Ahh why.

Well known space is being invaded by evil bugs. The area the players are in has been devestated and is now, well, convulsing.
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Post by derekiv »

Name: James Falconson
User: Derekiv
Race: human with bionic arm and a metal plate in skull
Occupation: currently trader/ mercenary
Bio: Previously a trader in the post war golden age, he owned a prosperous trading company: Atonas Shipping. When the war began he tried to stay out of it and continue trading. He managed to this for a long while. Occasionally one of his ships wouldn't return but otherwise everything kept going smoothly.

Then one fateful news returned that the ship carrying his finance had been destroy by the Nexus fleet for refusing to turn over all cargo for inspection, including passengers.

After this incident he started running guns for the Terran Alliance. Eventually he got caught by a bigger ship than his and it blew up his convoy. A ship searching for survivors found his mangled body in a
escape pod. The Took him in replaced his frozen body parts with prosthetics and put a metal plate in his head to replace the broken part of the skull.

Unfortunately there was some brain damage so he occasionally loses conscience . That is why they install an AI to take control of his body and keep him alive while he is out.

Inventory: (Do you own anything personal?)

I have to go now: out of computer time. will finish later
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