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0 player missions? AI EndlessBattle

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:18 pm
by ThumpieBunnyEve
Where can i find (or ask for) 0 Player based scenarios?
As in, custom games that spawn in fleets or random ships on their own, that blow the CRAPE out of each other. Like on the title screen, but without the title in the way. *^p^*

I'd like to set BsF to play a few AI based battles all on it's own, so i can sit back and watch.
Kinda like a screen-saver with like 2 million times the processor usage.
It's much more entertaining then staring at my fireplace, but questionable as to which is more destructive.

I can already sorta-kinda do this, from the min menu, but it's not the same with a fixed screen position, and a bunch of selection options filling the middle.

So please, where can i download 0 player skirmishes? AI only battles, EndlessBattles with a cloaked Player1, or something that lets BsF play itself while i sit busily sewing costumes for the grand galloping gala?

Please and thank you with powdered sugar kisses! ♥❤
*^⌔^* ♀tbe

PS: hope it's ok to ask for that here. >.>;;

Re: 0 player missions? AI EndlessBattle

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:31 am
by Anna
You can spawn allied (AI controlled) ships and enemy controlled ships in the sandbox. That can be used for this purpose. You can also do the same thing with the encounter maker, and you can then save encounters and load them.

Have fun with that.

Keep your powdered sugar kisses to yourself please.

Re: 0 player missions? AI EndlessBattle

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:25 am
by ThumpieBunnyEve
Thank you,
I'll have fun with it,
No. *^⌔^*