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New idea for tournement

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:24 pm
by Lloyd16
Had a brainwave, why not make a set of point systems for tournements, then some people could build fleets for these rule sets(proper shipyards)
then when a tournement is starting, people can choose to build they own ship(s), or borrow a ship made from these shipyards.
but anyone who uses a ship from a shipyard would have to give credit for it's original maker. To keep it fair they would be a rule that they have to change a bit of the point setup, then put them points back somewhere else (like take 2 points off accelection, and put them on armor, or 2 railguns for 4 tachyon cannons) for a slighty customerized flag ship type thing(a lot of games have high rank commanders have modificated designs, to amke them stand out.)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:50 pm
by Captain Trek
I really don't have a clue what you're getting at. Could you please elaborate? :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:57 pm
by Lloyd16
sure. in short, we make a few sets of points for ships final, then some of us make fleets using 1 of these systems, when someone makes a tournement using that point system, someone might ask if they can use one of your ships, modify it(to make it unique) and enter it, but would have to give some credit to shipyard for it's design. maybe make it so only 1 person can use a ship from you per tournement, for example, i am making a fleet using the assualt the mothership 2 rules, and am using one as my entry(team delta) this would give people and shipyards comperation, to see who can make the best ships, maybe with a hall of fame for the best modded designs.
link to my fleet

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:37 pm
by Captain Trek
I... I still don't get it... :|

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:48 pm
by Lloyd16
A set of point systems for tournements made official. Shipyards make fleet for point system. When tournement starts, one person can use 1 ship from fleet for that tournement. They mod it a bit(unique flagship) and they give credit to shipyard(more then 1 person running a shipyard?) then they enter it, and see if they chosse wisely. Best modded ships would be put on a hall of fame on sy. Both user and sy owners/designers get credit for it. is this any easier to understand. If not, would someone else try, cause i can not make it any easier.
Edit: have added capitals. and it is not my fault i got a E in gcse english.
This is not a point system for tournements(we have a lot all ready) it is more of a "i have lost my mood for this at the moment, but am entered in a tournement, and i have no ship entered, so i will use 1 made by someone else" type thing.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:26 pm
by Anna
Firstly, use proper english. Please, for the love of god, reading your posts is goddamn painful.

There have been systems made for Tournaments before, by people smarter than you. Your idea is inferior to those, and frankly, just reading it makes my brain hurt, but that may just be due to your horrendous lack of capitalisation.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:48 pm
by Captain Trek
Anna and myself may not always see eye-to-eye, but I wholeheartedly agree with him in this case. You know, it sounds to me like English may not be this guy's first language...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:09 pm
by Lloyd16
I am english, and i live in england, i just have a problem with writing the lanaguge. sounds like this idea is dead now. still not sure if anyone understands this idea. While i am here i would like to point out my fleet
feel free to tell me that everything is wrong/right about them.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:01 am
by Normandy
Formatting. Friend of eyes. Passionate lover of sanity.

The basic idea isn't too bad, but then you take it down a few notches... There's no 'middle-way' option, so I voted the fourth choice.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:11 am
by Boba Fettuccini
I'mnot sure I quite understand it... but what I think I got was have people build tons of ships with a standardized point system and then duke it out...?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:14 am
by Lloyd16
What bits did you like, and what is wrong/should be changed?
note this message was written on psp during half time. Go united.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:44 am
by Bad Boy
Okay, what I think Lloyd's trying to say is that people make shipyards that are tournament legal. People who want to join the tournament download the .sb3 files, change the ships a bit, and then field them in the tournament. Credit for these ships is given to both the person who entered them in the tournament, and the person who made the shipyard. (eg. Say I make a fleet and one of the ships in it is called destructor. Someone wants to use destructor in a tournament. That person downloads the sb3 file, changes a few things, and then sends it up for the tournament. The credit for creating the ship is given to both me and the person who used it in the tournament.) He also wants a hall of fame for really good ships.

Re: New idea for tournement

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:44 am
by Latooni
Lloyd16 wrote:brainwave


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:12 am
by Lloyd16
Bad boy has it figured out. also for anyone who lost some sanity reading this, i got the world's luckiest E in english language :shock: :shock: , and a G in literature, so writing well is not one of my strong points(i have the wrost handwirting in my school, with 800 kids and tecahers(took crown from a teacher :lol: )) and you are lucky i can not show you(really, it has been called egytian hyographics, and some teachers still can not read it, after 6 years at the school)

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:49 pm
by Game_boy
Lloyd16 wrote:Bad boy has it figured out. also for anyone who lost some sanity reading this, i got the world's luckiest E in english language :shock: :shock: , and a G in literature, so writing well is not one of my strong points(i have the wrost handwirting in my school, with 800 kids and tecahers(took crown from a teacher :lol: )) and you are lucky i can not show you(really, it has been called egytian hyographics, and some teachers still can not read it, after 6 years at the school)
For those of you not familiar with the GCSE system, it is practically impossible to get a G. The "pass" grades are A*, A, B and C. To get a C requires you to retell the story of the set text and make some points about why it is how it is. To get a D all you have to do is retell the story. An E requires something relevant written; an F requires something written at all. To get a G is a marvellous achievement, you basically have to write some sentences in the correct language that are partially legible.