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Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:38 am
by lightstriker
that's well within size limits :) Remember, all the pixel estimates I gave were radii, not diameters

edit: ALRIGHT. A clarification. I was ASKING whether I should require team colors. As well, they could be displayed with... well, something as small as a doodad or two. PLEASE give an opinion on the subject?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:56 am
by Exethalion
Team colours as in one of the shipmaker standard colours or as in a custom colour which is the scheme of the entire faction/fleet? TBH I agree with both. But the latter would be better.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:24 am
by lightstriker
standard colors. Feel free to use the latter if you wish of course.
edit: Yeah, IRC conversations have basically confirmed that using at least SOME default coloring is going to be required. Sorry for everyone that's inconvenient for, but... it's helpful.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:05 am
Can you use custom sprites, like the fraxy ones?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:19 am
by lightstriker

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:46 am
by Jafo
OK, I am worried that I am not interpreting the rules/intent correctly... According to the first post we should be using the 'template' ships to balance our firepower and survivability of ships of the same classification (red emphasis is mine)...
lightstriker wrote:Alright. Due to my failure at coming up with a standard, and me getting overly technical, this sorta... failed. I'm trying again

What these are are extremely basic, simplified ships, designed purely to be balanced against. The size scale is more "close enough" than truly precise, with the cruisers being closer in size to the dreads than I would have liked, but it is simply their respective power levels that really matter.
Therefore, for balancing I am simply giving out these "Template" ships,
So if I understand correctly, we should put our ships up against the template ships to see if we are at least close to making it a fair fight for other ships of the same class.

I was worried that my initial stab at creating ships for this were too powerful. Taking on the two template dreadnoughts I lost 1/4 of one ship and the other ship lost several sections but mine did destroy both the template ships in a 2 vs. 2 battle. I was lurking to see if anything more was going to come of the suggestions for relative fleet balancing or testing methods.

I have to say Exethalion, at first blush, given the impressive sounding armament on the ship below, it doesn't seem possible that it is power balanced against the template ships (unless you have modded the damage way down). Since there are two template Battleship/Dreadnaught ships, do two of this ship actually make it a fair fight against those two template ships (in a 2 vs. 2 battle)?
Exethalion wrote:I've decided to have a whirl at this. I started with the largest ship in order to get some size/power maximum but admittedly went a bit overboard, so tell me if it doesn't really belong. Anyway, from the RNS...

Aberconway class Superdreadnought


8x Anders & Jenkins CX120 2x275mm Dual Salvo Battery - (dual autocannons)
6x Anders & Jenkins CC74 275mm Linear Salvo Gun - (blasters)
4x Supermarine Astronomical G25 180mm Autosalvo Gun - (autocannons)
6x KRStevenridge KSS12G1 6' Compression Gun - (mining beams)
2x Supergalactic Ballistics L1/B7 18' Linear Compression Cannon - (plasma cannons)
2x Pieterson Type 800 JA-60 Capital/SBM Missile Array - (mini missiles)
4x Vickers Adv 2123T Supercapital High-Yield Torpedo Launcher - (torpedos)
2x Anders & Jenkins EC205 75mm Deadrange Flak Cannon - (flak cannons)
2x Anders & Jenkins EC216 2x68mm Deadrange Flak Cannon - (flak cannons)
6x Pieterson Type 320B AFHAWK(ALW) Missile Array - (pd missiles)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:28 pm
by Darlos9D
I think I'll go ahead and hop in this bandwagon, since it will be useful to have something to balance against, rather than trying to figure out if I'm killing the vanilla enemy units faster than I should.

On the subject of colors, perhaps a balance can be struck? Have some parts unique "faction" colors, while other visible parts get default team colors. 50/50 should work out.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:46 pm
by natan_j
Team colors can be done using default colored doodads, there's no need for compromise.
Oh, and I'd think no re-coloring of cores, so that the minimap dots show up as team colors.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:08 pm
by lightstriker
@Jafo: no, you're right. Those ships are used to balance (roughly) the firepower and survivability of ships.
However...they are all designed to be somewhat on the lower end of the spectrum. Going slightly stronger is fine. However, unless you are making a flagship, your craft should not be going 1v2.

@Natan: Agreed. Remember, if you want to use a core as part of your ship, you could just make a .png of it.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:20 pm
by TheBlueEcho
Whats wrong with using core Parts as they are? I realise that you get a abnormally wide section area with Gifs but thats not a issue.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:21 pm
by lightstriker
oh, they're already in the folder? Just didn't realize this, not saying you had to change them :?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:24 pm
by TheBlueEcho
Yeah there in Misc Folder, silly. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:04 am
by Lloyd16
this is a good idea. gives us something to work on for a long time. spent the day working on ships, only have cruisers left. my flag ship(only a battleship) just about survives wave 10 in the grinder still looking like a ship. that sounds about balanced for fleets of this size(maybe way to balance everything). can't wait till people finish and start posting finsihed fleets.
Edit to post below: yes. the temperate dreadnought sadly spams too much deflectors to beat it using my current flagship. but the rest of my fleet(minus the cruisers, which are still to be built) is reasonably balanced.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:19 am
by lightstriker
did you balance to the templates?

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:44 am
by Jafo
Ok, here is my fleet. I think they are balanced fairly close (but slightly above) to the template ships (if not, I will re-balance them as needed to keep them in line with everybody else's ships).

*edit* Download link removed as ships not up to standards & no point holding onto thread space with a picture that is no longer of use * :(