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Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:44 am
by InkFox
Probably been mentioned; but we need a good fighter base. maybe instead of drones have dots that represent fighters, with their kind of behaviors and maybe squadrons; possibly having them return to their spawner temporarily to refuel and reload. I think having the fighters set on a specific size would help the community's ships get on the same page as well; giving us at least one constant lets us put our ships on the same scale which will be extremely useful with the multiplayer coming into the picture.

and that's all I have to say about that.
for now.
like I might have something to say later.
but only maybe.
a lot of the good stuff has already been said.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:32 am
by Gisiebob
I didn't really want to read through all 300+ ideas, so I'm mostly hoping this one hasn't come up already, but I just thought of something that would make shipmaker so much less annoying: being able to tab through the different sections, weapons and modules that your mouse is hovering over.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:03 am
by AnnihilatorX
Although this is very unlikely but I sincerely hope that we maybe able to see the game completely re-done on a custom engine. Gamemaker is just too old and obsolete to scale with modern hardware. If in say 5 years time the development on BSF has ceased and the devs have no plans to support it, I hope the source code would be released to public domain. I am sure there are people willing and be able to port it or write an engine for it.

Heck if this game is re-made so that performance wise it'd be able to do 30fps consistently with thousands of sections on screen at a time, I would pay considerably for this game.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:40 am
by Kaelis
AnnihilatorX wrote:If in say 5 years time the development on BSF has ceased and the devs have no plans to support it, I hope the source code would be released to public domain. I am sure there are people willing and be able to port it or write an engine for it.
you're better of rewriting it from scratch rather than reusing the old code, trust me.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:54 am
by Arcalane
Kaelis wrote:
AnnihilatorX wrote:If in say 5 years time the development on BSF has ceased and the devs have no plans to support it, I hope the source code would be released to public domain. I am sure there are people willing and be able to port it or write an engine for it.
you're better of rewriting it from scratch rather than reusing the old code, trust me.
Mmmm, spaghetti!

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:30 pm
by jwa8402
Gisiebob wrote:I didn't really want to read through all 300+ ideas, so I'm mostly hoping this one hasn't come up already, but I just thought of something that would make shipmaker so much less annoying: being able to tab through the different sections, weapons and modules that your mouse is hovering over.
If I'm reading this right, what your asking for already exists. Just hold alt and click in the area of sections you want to sort through and it will cycle through each one under the mouse. Almost a necessity in a complex ship or one that has weapons.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:21 pm
by Gisiebob
yeah...somehow I knew something like that was going to happen, useually does for me...

but hey, now I have that tool today! probably better than having it tomorrow with my name written on it.

edit: this tool does not seem efficient for things like parenting or driving items, where you have to right click the desired section while retaining the original selection. if you could could cycle through them without having to select them, it would be much improved.
either that, or I am doing it wrong.

Challenge for the Developers

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:51 am
by parameciumkid
Someone might have mentioned this in the last 29 pages, possibly me, but I think BSF should be made into an MMO.
You should still be allowed to make anything you like in ShipMaker, but the bigger, more heavily armed, or otherwise better you make the ship, the more expensive it would get in the game.
I suppose you could earn money by finding treasure or killing pirates or something... whatever works out best.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:19 am
by god froggy
Two suggestions. They may have been suggested but believe me, I'd rather get shouted at for repeated suggestion than read through 30 pages of suggestions...

Missile that you can plot a course for like with the teller, just with normal ones.

Free roam mode

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:33 pm
by Silver Swordsman
Shipmaker: It finds all the pieces underneath the top section, but you can never select the top section unless there's nothing underneath it. Fix that, please.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:01 am
by AlphaDetisMegas
use control to shift through the pieces, then get the right one.

so its allready in shipmaker.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:23 pm
by Imaillusion
Couple of ideas...

Fog of War. Areas where if a ship moves into, it becomes obscured and no other ships can see and lock onto it. For this you would also need to give the ships some sort of vision range, so then if the entire map is under the fog, you would still have limited vision to be able to see other ships, which are also hiding in the fog. You could make it that a ship's vision can be restricted to the directions that a ship's turrets are facing.

Force fire (or blind fire). I think the game already has this, just done in a bad way. What happens is that you make the ships's weapons fire at a target or position of your choice. The thing is that only the weapons that have the target/postition within their arc range at that exact moment can fire. That way if - using the fog of war idea - if a ship decides to camp in a patch of fog, you can simply make your turrets blind fire at the position you think the ship is at.

Note: these ideas might have already been said, but I'm to lazy to check, so yeah.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:21 pm
by nemovc
So anyway, given that the last post was several months ago, is there still a BSF 2.WIN coming out at some point in the inevitable future?

If so, megaepicness shall be bestowed upon all.

Anyway, my fiftieths of a dollar...

Reverse the thruster system so that it doesn't decrease speed when destroyed, it increases it while still alive (so basically replacing a negative negative with a positive positive)... perhaps also introducing a "mass" system where each section has mass and the performance of engines (and kickback from exploding sections, weapons fire etc) depends on how much of the ship is left in a non-exploded fashion

A EMP field weapon that as well as draining module energy and slowing enemy weapon reload in an area (well actually maybe some other effects) also dumbifys for want of a better word homing projectiles, also make EMP'd ships have disabled modules and engines, as well as weapons

Weapons being set to charge each other... for example chaing 5 tesla guns to a laser and octupling its damage output... actually just thinking now i think i know how to do this with triggers but it doesn't actually work as the weapon will still fire at full capacity if some of its chargers are destroyed.. but whatever.

Multiplayer is essential, because otherwise any addition would really just be BSF .9e or whatever...

Also, on that vein, multiplayer... CoOp? A campaign you can play with a friend? The ability for co-op scenarios?

Different types of projectile that can be target by different types of PD... such as making Missiles in their own class so you can have missiledestroying beams, or anti-demeter missiles that don't target normal projectiles

I haven't had time to check this yet, but do sections with 0 alpha get targeted by the turret AI? If so, introduce some form of true invisibility...

Customisable section death - set how powerful the explosion is, in terms of both damage, AOE, and pushback. (pushback should be reduced, its kind of ridiculous seeing a battlecruiser being knocked backwards because a small armoured section at its front got blown up, when that section made up approximately 1/over 9000th of the total mass of the ship

An XP system? Like, the battlehorriblness that is fighting in space means that during a battle your crew improves, so if they kill an enemy that ship gets increased firepower etc... could be done over long terms with a campaign, or even XP unlocking ship upgrades such as replacing weapons with better ones, better modules etc, you get the gist.

I'm surprised no-one has mentioned it yet (in the large portion of this thread that i've read), but SHIELDS!
Almost every sort of space fiction ever has some sort of "energy shield" around ships, a sort of purple/blue/white barrier that stops meteors and projectiles, but is suspiciously prone to overheating at a critical point. My proposed system (feel free to shitdump)
Shields have a set health and regeration rate. Each time a projectile hits them they have a chance of absorbing the projectile. This chance is based on the percentage of HP of the shield left. e.g. shield a has 400 hp and 10 regen per second, projectile b does 50 damage and is fired 2 seconds apart. The first projectile b has a 100% chance of being absorbed and takes the shield down to 350 HP. By the time the next projectile b comes along, the shield has repaired itself to 370, but this time the projectile b has a 7.5% chance of bypassing the shield and hitting the hull itself.
Of course, there can be modifications to this... like lasers ignoring shields, or weapons doing bonus damage if they are intercepted by shields, or shields overcharging, or indeed the generator EXPLODING HORRIBLY if the shield ever gets down to 0 HP (which will be rare, I'm sure if you think about it you'll understand why)

These have all been mentioned before but I think they're rad, in the most literal sense of probably being good additions
-Multiparenting - self explanatory, would make large ship construction a lot less gimpy
-targeting modules - like booster but perhaps increases accuracy... or could be a targeting laser, so that any weapons on that ship which fire at the targeted ship get -25% accuracy (well, -25% accuracy value, so increased reallife accuracy)
-boosted movement - the ability to trigger some thrusters into coming into action temporarily (this would involve making thursters use energy)
-a power system, where each weapon system requires power... to go with this, a sort of hotkey system where for ships with limited/damaged power generation capacities, pressing "1" diverts power to the shields, "2" to the engines, "3" to the weapons, etc

Also, amusing (or serious, for that matter) voiceovers, like someone screaming "SHIELDS DOWN, CAP'N, WE'RE TAKING HEAVY SHITTAGE ON THE STARBOARD BOW!!" in a suitable space-y accent... and the ability to custom record these... Mainly so I can hear myself calmly say "Target eliminated" after tearing hell through a dreadnought.

Oh also the ability to alter projectile sounds and explosions...

Me, finniky? NEVER!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:26 am
by dgms17
I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but as I was browsing through the forum, I found a suggestion. Someone asked if the exhaust color of thrusters (and I suggest bullet color) could depend on the in game team-color.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:42 pm
by Imaillusion
*reads above post
exhaust color of thrusters
This will probaly only apply for the campaign ships, because everyone uses different colours for their ships, and they probaly don't want their thruster sprite colours changed because their ship is on a particular "team".
bullet color
same as above problem