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Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:04 am
by Superpsychol
unsunghero10 wrote:Actual thruster use, and mini thruster thrusters for turning.
I think this one is a good idea but one should be able to choose whether his ship will use this or not - there are some people that don't want to place thrusters all over their ships.

And I second the idea of cannons with settable recoil, or a module that will, in certain cases (or just an on/off turnable module with energy use), make ships faster.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:34 am
by DSMK2
Formation creation:
Select ships you want to put into a formation, create a formation from those ships, then the entire formation acts as one unit, unless the player chooses to break up the formation.

This would allow me to micromanage less and free up group keys.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:43 am
by Aralonia

e.g. point -150/+20 degrees for turrets that generally point forward but are really supposed to mostly traverse left.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:01 am
by Nutcase
I don't know/care/have time to check if it was posted already: Ammo.
So I can keep clips and still have a limited supply of bullets.
Supplyships too of course.
Oh and an AI that would always stay at max speed and prefer a U-turn over stopping (Think Freespace). It's something of a bitch when your surviving strike craft get vapourised seconds after their attack run.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:24 am
by unsunghero10
2 things

M.A.C. (magnetic acceleration cannon)
Like the railgun, but much bigger and is a single mass. Would run half of the length of a cronus. The shot can only pass through a section by destroying it.

Targeting Laser
Links to a weapon like aegis to a section. Improves accuracy 2X, non-stackable. Only activates when main weapon has acquired a target.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:51 am
by Danny420Dale
Warheads (for weapons that use them) that can be set as 'conventional' or 'nuclear' independent of the gun or missile system used, e.g. autocannons and minimissiles that fire very tiny nukes or a 'Nuke" gun that fires bigass conventional shells. You could also get Nuclear missiles and torpedoes, as well.

A nuke could have the option of projecting a short-duration high-intensity Teller beam on detonation for your Bomb Pumped Laser effect. Any conventional explosive warhead could optionally propel a short-range Railgun shot submunition to get a shaped charge or submunitions for ye old Shrapnel, or both. Electromagnetic (Frosch) effects could also be set for conventional or nuclear warheads regardless of any other submunition options set.

I'm also wondering how difficult proximity fuzes would be to make? :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:42 am
by Nutcase
To be honest, I'd like to see a module (or weapon) that would vapourise an entire ship. (Like beamed nukes in Stargate).
Oh and an option for certain sections to be destroyed rather than detached upon being deparented from the core(blow up rather than fly into space).

Oh and I know realism takes a second place in here but would there be a way to make a weapon with an area of effect that wouldn't translate thrugh space? As in it only damages the ship it was touching when it blew?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:41 am
by Bad Boy
The ability to turn on or off knockback physics, that is ships being pushed back when they lose a section. Preferably for specific ships (ie editable in shipmaker).

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:32 am
by Danny420Dale
Muzzle Flash sprite. Could make it work just like a pulsed ThrusterEx (and maybe even push the ship!) when the gun fires.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:37 am
by Omicron
yes that's right boys and girls!
sections and weapons cost credits ( and you could also use metal and stuff you can mine and buy this!)
you use them to build ships just like you would in shipmaker mode and you can make shipyards spit them out!
you begin with a couple of lame as blaster defence stations, a research lab and a singular shipyard containing one bay to produce frigate sized ships (limits on sizes)
use it wisely to make ship fleets then you can build constructing & repair bots and make more defence stations storage stations and stations to produce ships! you need to research to gain weapon tech, drive tech, ship tech, hull tech and warp tech!
occasionly you can get attacked by criminal pirates and scavengers untill you are bigger then you get attacked by aliens!
when you have a fleet you can 'Transport' to another alliances command base or shipyard (maybe research lab) and attack it or send out an alliance treaty type thing! you can then freight stuff to them or destroy them!

very similar to the metagame with ability to do RTL joint attacks! (im sorry it incorporates multi player and we all know what TH15 can do in that department :cry: )


Custom effect with aegis (fade rather than glow, change colour rather than glow and stuff like that)

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:30 am
by se7en
Omicron wrote:RPG BSF!
This is a pretty cool idea, but it probabally would be better to use stock ships instead of making your own, this would make it way easier to implement and better in the way of balancing, even if this was only singleplayer it would be a welcome addition imo.

and an option to have the railgun fire a shot that looks somthing like a blaster shot instead of it's current style of shot (maybe this could be a new type of weapon? gauss cannon?), because i'm not exactly the biggest fan of how the railgun's shots look, and this would make rapid fire railguns/fast ships with railguns look better.

also having knockback as an option on weapons would be nice EG: your ship fires it's guns your ship gets pushed back slightly, and/or when your shots hit the enemy ship it get's pushed back a bit.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:33 am
by hydraneth
An optional addition to shipmaker to limit the number of sections, weapons and modules that can be used to create game balanced ships would be nice

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:51 am
by Nutcase
But it would kill it's freedom.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:52 am
by Arcalane
He did say optional.

But it seems pointless to me. If you want to make stock-balanced ships, just do it yourself. Do you really need the computer to help you?

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:07 am
by unsunghero10
"power junctions" and connecting wires, if these are destroyed, all modules and weapons will power down. Would add another level of detail in ship designs, and could possibly help balance uber-weapon ships. Causes minor damage if destroyed.

'Power nodes" supplies power junctions, and directly connects to aegis devices. Affected by lancet. Causes major damage and can overload/destroy connected junctions if destroyed.

"Anti-matter missile" Single use, very big, make-the-game-crash weapon that simply blows everything into quarks, even if intercepted. For those of you wanting to get closer to god, very quickly.