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Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:02 am
by kittenpillar100
Woooo my ships are entered!
on the tag team my energy corvettes will swarm the cruisers like pirahnas :3

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:46 pm
by Ggngunner
Participation Time.
Anargia Class Corvette

Mass Allowance: 3600/3600

Power Allowance: 1120/1440

Armor: 1760 Mass

1 Heavy Static: 100
2 Heavy Mobile: 200

1 Chemical Engine (Mounted on Heavy Static Mount)
Mass: 800
Power: 320
Speed Output: 8000
Acceleration Output: 200
Turning Output: 3200

2 Plasma SRBA: Mass: 270 Power: 400 (Mounted on Heavy Mobile Mount)

Durability: N/A
Recharge: N/A
Dozori Class Cruiser

Mass Allowance: 14400/14400

Power Allowance: 4800/5760

Armor: 7510 Mass

2 Medium Static: 150
1 Heavy Static: 100
10 Heavy Mobile: 2000

1 Fusion Engine (Mounted on Heavy Static Mount)
Mass: 800
Power: 400
Speed Output: 12800/0.88
Acceleration Output: 160/0.01
Turning Output: 1600/0.11
2 Chemical Engine (Mounted on Medium Static Mount)
Mass: 500
Power: 200
Speed Output: 5000/0.35
Acceleration Output: 125/0.01
Turning Output: 2000/0.14

4 HVWG Cannon: Mass: 305 Power: 400 (Heavy Mobile Mount)
6 Plasma SRBA: Mass: 270 Power: 400 (Heavy Mobile Mount)

Durability: N/A
Recharge: N/A
Current Download
Fixed the Excel sheets, I think.
New pew systems mounted
Beam spam removed

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 5:41 pm
by vidboi
downloaded and waiting for approval, i'll try and get it done soon

ed: about that... i may have a problem, when removing a pesky virus from my computer, despite specifically telling it not to remove battleships forever (which for some reason it's highlighted as "high priority") it's gone and done exactly that...

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:22 pm
by Anna
:lol: How the fuck did that happen? Well, lucky thing it's easy enough to replace, huh?

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:00 pm
by vidboi
the main problem is it's also gone and deleted my entire bsf folder =S luckily i do have a backup from a while ago so i won't have lost too much. if anyone would be nice enough to provide me with a set of the meta2_0.47 version of bsf and the flakbranch shipmaker i'd be greatful as well

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:13 pm
by Anna

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:30 pm
by vidboi
ok, thanks Anna, overall it appears i've only lost a couple of ships, so all's good

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:28 pm
by vidboi
ok ggngunner, i've checked the anargia and it's approved, but the weaponry actually uses less mass and power than you've stated. for explosive weapons, such as plasma torps, the "damage" in shipmaker is actually explosive damage, and they don't do any direct damage. the HASM launchers are also lower than the stated cost, you've set the arc range in the calculator to 90, when it's 0 on the ships. despite those mistakes, both ships are within the rules so are approved, although you might want to improve them to make them more powerful

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:13 am
Hey. Hey. Vidboi?

You think you could add like a 2v2 team category? Some of us here might be more inclined to join if they could pair up with somebody they liked. I know I would.

Just making a suggestion, is all.

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:35 am
by kittenpillar100
Sounds like a good idea, also, on sheilds you said we could only choose sheild 5, I think we should be allowed to choose whatever hexagon-ee shield we want, as long as it's one of the half ones.
just a suggestion

Edit: Kittenpillar ships: sleek shiny alien faction
Ggngunner ships: Industrial, blocky terran armada

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:38 am
by vidboi
i like that idea, and i think i could implement it. i'd like to leave this tournament pretty open ended, so people can upgrade their ships if they like and have them face new challenges. having 2vs2 (or even 2vs1) battles would be interesting as it'd introduce different styles of play. there's even talk of having a chainship mothership challenge

and kittenpillar, that's fine as long as it doesn't give you an advantage, the shield name was just to give an indication of what to use

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:57 am
by Bad Boy
Figured I shouldn't derail this thread since it's actually going somewhere now.
Anna wrote:No, it's because I know how evolution works and the Spore Game is so unlike evolution it makes me want to punch everyone involved in the throat.
But wouldn't evolution have been better if it did work that way? None of that natural selection shit, just picking the things that seem fun and are affordable (based on how much you've eaten) and evolving them in a couple of minutes.
Anyway, joking aside your point is absolutely valid. I tend to just ignore/forget about the fact that it's trying to simulate evolution and take part in it for the game. Besides, it could be worse, it could be a creationist rp no?

Edit: Herp derp, fail on my part, I meant to pm this not post this hence the bit at the top saying I wouldn't derail the thread further. Not entirely sure how this happened but sorry for continuing the derail.

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:15 am
by vidboi
a creationist rp would be hilarious sheerly because you could decide to do anything you want :P

but on topic, i've decided on a minor edit to the weapon rules, as explosive weapons with increasing explosion size tend to be extremely overpowered, so the cost of the increase is now doubled (so far this only effects Ggngunners plasma cannon)

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:40 am
by Corporal Jomn
I'm gonna be a participant, but at the exceptionally slow pace I expect to go, will there be a deadline?

Re: BSF Tournament

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:52 am
by vidboi
there's no specific deadline, but i'd like atleast 8 entrants. after 8 entrants are confirmed i'll allow another week or two for any other submissions, or if less than 8 submit within about 2 weeks (i'll give it some leeway if i know other people want to submit) i'll fill it out with npc ships, although other players can join at a later date. building the ships themselves doesn't take that long, i'd say around about an hour or two for both if you include some experimentation and testing