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Re: Battleships Forever Info | 0.90d released 14 Apr

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:32 pm
by Anna
th15 wrote:Yea I went back to school, I'm studying at Digipen Singapore now, taking a degree in Real Time Interactive Simulation (it's computer science for game development basically; half my professors were nintendo lead programmers).
That is cool as hell. Hope things are going well for you. That sounds, if nothing else, like a really interesting degree.
th15 wrote:So what it boils down to is that it'll take time, but at some point I'll just do BSF properly in my own engine. That's at least a few years coming though (I'm taking an accelerated course so I'll graduate in mid 2013). I do want to emphasize that making BSF properly is definitely one of my goals in life, its just become somewhat of a long term goal.
I'll be honest. I can wait for it. Even though I don't play with BSF or Shipmaker much at all anymore, both of them are still something that I love, and if you ever do recreate it, I promise I'll be the first one to try and break it with ridiculously huge and complex ships. :lol:
th15 wrote:P.S: Arca/Anna, would you do me a favour and split this off into it's own topic, we might as well discuss things properly there.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:31 pm
by bien4500
This is awesome news! Best of wishes to th15 and his course. One question though, would it still be free?

ED: Sorry if I sound like an asshole. And if it isn't, I guess it's time to save up on money. Also, I guess this news was enough to make me come out of hiding.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:01 pm
by jwa8402
It better not be free! We want him to make money on it so he will continue to improve it! Personally I like buying a game in beta for a cheap price then not having to pay once its officially released, like minecraft. That way players of the original can get a good deal but you'll already be making some money before its released.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:33 am
by Hege
Free or not, for a newly made BSF I'd shout "Shut up and take my money" Regardless.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:44 am
by Da_Dooley


And yes, I would SO buy that.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:34 am
by Tokalu
Hey guys (I think ive only posted once I can't remember).

But erm what if BSF became a iphone app? sell for a cheap cheap price (one doller?) you can make a small fortune this way.

It may need to be done in Flash though (I think the newest Flash has something that automaticly converts it into a app format im not too sure) but this could help fund things.

Just chucking an idea out.

BTW good luck on the course.

Oh and I might not show up on here for maybe a year or two more (im doing a course too and I will be trying to start up my own Game company starting with Flash :) ) so don't expect me to respond lol.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:38 am
by Serithi
Perhaps, but that's up to th15, not us.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:00 pm
by Anna
That is a terrible idea on so many levels.

Flash is horrible, for one. In many ways it's just as bad or worse than Gamemaker, and it chews up resources like a bitch. Having too much shit in a flash game just causes massive framerate loss and results in tons of RAM use. And also the iPhone doesn't support Flash, iirc. Also, selling BSF as an iPhone app is a terrible idea period.

Re: Battleships Forever Info | 0.90d released 14 Apr

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:22 pm
by AnnihilatorX
th15 wrote:I guess I do owe you guys some explanation.

So what it boils down to is that it'll take time, but at some point I'll just do BSF properly in my own engine. That's at least a few years coming though (I'm taking an accelerated course so I'll graduate in mid 2013). I do want to emphasize that making BSF properly is definitely one of my goals in life, its just become somewhat of a long term goal.
th15 you are awesome, good luck with your studies and I hope your dream comes true.

My only problem with BSF on gamemaker, apart from the glitches here and there, is it runs onto a crawl with custom ships at modern hardware that definitely needs an custome engine to fix. I'd buy the game at A+ title prices if it comes out with a modern engine even if everything else are the same.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:39 am
by MageKing17
Wow. I've been lurking in these forums for several years, occasionally coming back to see if there's been any progress towards a new release, and this time I was becoming grimly certain that the only way I'd see progress on BSF would be if I started making my own remake. I'm glad to see that you've still got plans for BSF, th15. It almost makes me want to upload a few of my Shipmaker creations... but I'd probably start to feel woefully inadequate in this crowd.

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 8:15 am
by Doogie12
^ No I actually want to see your creations. Advice from others is what made me the builder I am today.
Anyhow, I'm also quite glad that I'll get to play a new variant of the game I love (in theory) after college...when I'm free from the rule of others...sweet freedom...

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:48 pm
by Stryder

When the day comes that you need help (advertising - word of mouth, playtest, level & ship design, buy the game, etc.), please put the word out. We'd be glad to assist, and you must know, that you have quite a few professionals (in all sorts of useful fields) who like to see you and the game do well.

still loving the game (and now my 4 year old son does as well),
* * * * *
(Member 34, i.e. Old school BSF)
The Beginners Guide to Encounter Making
The Beginner's guide to ship building viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1282

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:37 pm
by Preacher
we will all quite happily support you in anyway th15 you have made a cracking game that we all enjoy, i still play BSF on a semi regular basis, i love building ships, i try my best when i have internet to come on the forums, it sounds like exciting things are happening in your life and im glad for you good luck :)

Re: The Future Of BSF

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:58 am
by Nebuchadnezzer2
looks like i'll needa keep an eye out over the next couple of years for updates/remakes of BSF then :lol: aside from havin a camera movement issue impairing my ability to play it's quite a good game, and free or not, i'll be getting any remake made of it.

P.S. @Arcalane, soz about the forum necro-post, kinda hadn't noticed how old some of the topics were :|