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The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 2:56 am
by MoltenM
Hi all, i am trying to improve and tried to build a first race! If it catches your eyes, i might convert them for the metagame! :D Doodads are still missing, i need to completely figure them out!

The Zegru are a race of small and strong arachnid creatures who live on rocky landscapes. During the centuries the Zegru have encountered alien visitors on their own planet, but these visitors called the Zegru "noteable wildlife" and left shortly. This event changed the arachnid society forever. The Zegru have a very unique culture as they quickly adapt to new animals, species and natural events.

Venturing slowly into space, the careful and overall friendly Zegru are encountered as beehives. They move slowly and establish up small camps with each expansion into space. Zegru ships are very defensively formed, meant to travel in groups and swarms. Every "swarm" is rumored to have a very large herd vessel, which could be seen as a multi-functional mothership (resource operations, command, production) but none of these has been seen yet.

It is rather uncommon to find a Zegru ship travelling alone.

The TT is a common swarmcraft, armed with 2 torpedoes with no spare ammunition. The TT is mostly a scout craft checking around the enviroment, mining areas or possible enemy locations.
In battle they mostly serve as bomber craft, preferring damaged vessels with their single torpedo attack before returning to carrier craft.


The TTL is a very large, armored front assault unit. With bomberd behaviour this corvette sized bomber unit can hunt and kill enemy frigates and corvettes on its own. The TTL is only seen in combat and so dubbed a "strike craft". The front mounted cannon together with a pack of torpedoes makes this a fearsome bomber, but very fragile for anything else.

The GTL trades heavy weaponry for armor and defensive weaponry. Nearly a frigate in size and the same combat behaviour, the GTL is a defensive unit defending important assets and hunting strike craft. It's armed with 4 fast tracking turrets firing small rounds in a rapid storm.

Coming into larger craft, this unit is a FFL being a frigate sized unit. This is mostly a leader unit of the smallest exploration groups, serving as a supply carrier and tactical command vessel. With 2 medium cannons and 2 fast small turrets, it can hold on its own against minor enemies. the FFL also formes the backbone frigate in minor battles.

DFF vessels are defensively oriented, protecting large assets with their reasonable array of 3 single medium turrets, but 4 small tracking turrets as the GTL.

DFD units are the offensive versions of the DFF vessels, less armor and defensive turrets have been traded for slightly more speed and 2 dual medium guns. The medium guns are reinforced with multiple (3) torpedo launchers make this a deadly destroyer unit, designed to deal off with many types of frigates or similar sized ships.

As promised, i have begun working on my own sprite set for this game, as it is lots of fun! :D
Thanks for many section designers to figure out the shading of this game.


More is on the way, hope you guys like how i made them. Tried to improve and lurk around these forums :D

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 3:08 am
by Zalausai
Spider people? You mean like the Drider from D&D or something different?

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:04 am
by Corporal Jomn
Oooooh me likey. Looks pretty good, I can't find too much wrong with them.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:40 am
by Necrontyr1998
Wow, all of these are acctualy pretty good indeed (how long have you been playing/lurking?).

The sprites look good to, if a little ordinary.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:11 am
by MoltenM
ive been looking around i wouldnt know, there weren't even shaded sections back then :D

i will try and draw a Zegru in free time, i have to get some surgery first this weekend.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:44 am
by Corporal Jomn
Good luck with the surgery.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:25 am
by Deltaflyer
^ +1 for good luck with the surgery.

On the ships, I like them but I think the weapons are too detailed for the locations you put them in, and so lead to a certain amount of clutter. Still, really good ships.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:49 am
by Doogie12
I love these. They aren't DGW at all, are they? Cause I would absolutely love to have these beauties in our metagame. Yes, they're that good.
And I'm imagining the Racnoss from Doctor Who

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:30 am
by CryoSleep
Very pretty.
Where should i put the sprites?
If possible i'd like to invite you to our metagame thingy.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 10:59 am
by calvin1211
Have to agree, these look fabulous.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:52 am
by Majicnanas
These are beast.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 7:50 pm
by MoltenM
hi all! surgery went well but i have to slow down a bit.

When sprite pack is done i will make a download release!

thanks for the comments! gotta say my ships are still kind of grey tho

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 1:07 pm
by CryoSleep
Congrats to your surgery and i'm looking forward for your sprite pack.

Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 12:36 am
by MoltenM
Some more weapons!


Re: The Zegru Section

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:14 am
by Flowrellik
You sir have a superior gift in spriting :3
I hope the guns can be animated in later time and I wish you best of luck to your future works.