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D.A.T Faction

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:23 pm
by Kendom
Hello Everyone, I bring to this community my first faction with lots of new ships raging from fighters to a capital ship.
More detailed ship information included in the Winrar.

History(Awesome English incoming!):The DAT was a Human race that rose with the trading events in the galaxy; But when the war happened and the race saw their prosperity go away, they decided
to make the DAT Corporation to secure their wealth.
The corporation made a committeemen to accomplish three objectives: Defend, Attack any being that threatened or attacked their empire. Ally: Try to ally any
form of life or intelligence to secure their trade routes and finally: Trade, find any possible source of money, and try to achieve it.
They accomplished all these rules to become, a nice, trusty but vengeful faction in order to secure their technology and wealth.

Now to the ships:


Normal Fighter:

Attributes: Fast, accurate, great at dog fighting.


Attributes: Not that fast, good damage, can deploy mines for fighters or bombers(kind of).

Fighter Bomber(Mk2 Fighter/Bomber)

Attributes: Fast, mixed weapons, armored, a lot of sections.



Attributes:Can make a shield wall, the core is exposed, you can laugh at it's fire power, useless without a deflector.

Normal Frigate

Attributes:Medium Speed, Medium armor, mixed weapons(both long and short range), balanced(kind of)

Anti-Patrol Frigate

Attributes:Less armor than normal one, has burst weapons, great in killing fighter ships. Also has a long range weapon.

Mobile Missile Launcher



Normal Cruiser

Attributes:Nice Armor, good damage, perfect for clearing smaller ships.

Demolisher Cruiser

Attributes:More armor than normal one, slow as ****, doesn't know what is the turning speed, perfect for killing larger ships, packs a lot of fire power, it shoots NUKES!


Attributes:Deploys 4 fighters, 4 bombers, 2 Mk2 fighters/bombers, Crap armor.

Titan Sized

Capital Ship

Attributes:Really big, really strong, really slow, nuff said.
Fun fact:My biggest ship so far, isn't that awesome?


M.R.U(Mobile repair unit)

Attributes:Can Repair other ships, armored for it's size, slow as ****, without it's propellants it can't even move.

Mobile Shield

Attributes:Looks bad, really strong and useful, without it's shield it's next to useless.

Mine Placer

Attributes:Can place mines on the battlefield that can get destroyed by interceptors and do about 300 in damage, slow, I tried to give them triggers but it didn't worked pretty well...



Attributes:Doesn't move, has boosters, packs some firepower, no long ranged weapons.

Missile defense turret

Attributes:An upgraded version of the turret, long ranged(or so), has E.M.P rockets, might be bugged, noisy.


Attributes:Really big, really strong, a city armed to the teeth, nuff said.(might be bugged).

I hope that was all of them, if you liked them(or not) download them and have fun with them with your sandbox, I tried to make them balanced, but sometimes it doesn't make up for the targets.
I given buffs and debuffs in some weeks, I hope you enjoy them, but first here's the must read(also included in the winrar.):
1-I tried to make the ships as balanced as possible, but that might not be always the case.

2-My grammar is bad, but I try hard, suck it up!

3-No texture packs outside the game were used so no question marks.

4-Some ships use parts of the game that are still in development, as a result they might be bugged, the ones that might give you that issue are:
Carrier,Missile defense turret and Starbase. Use them at your own risk.

5-Whatever you do don't take them out from the original DAT folder, bad things might happen.

6-Have FUN!

The Arrival of the Existence awaits...


Re: D.A.T Faction

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:49 pm
by calvin1211
My complaint for the main line ships is that you're using too much of the highly-detailed sections. It ends up looking really cluttered as a result.

Re: D.A.T Faction

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:56 pm
by Kendom
yea... I think i will stop using them since I don't get around really well with more than 20+ sections to use...

Re: D.A.T Faction

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:48 pm
by Necrontyr1998
Sprites look a bit cluttered and that shield one is (let's face it) horrid. Although the shapes are ok and.... Um.......inventive.

Re: D.A.T Faction

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:47 am
by Kendom
Hey... I also want to know if they pwn good!

Re: D.A.T Faction

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:23 am
by Doogie12
Pwnage means nothing in bsf. Your ships suffer quite severely from weapon spam. Weapon spam is redundant when you realize you can edit the values. The shapes you use are interesting, and I see no terrible mistakes other than the weapon spammage, so I recommend just looking around and seeing what some of the old veterans have done, especially if you want to work with stock sections.

Re: D.A.T Faction

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:06 am
by Kendom
I'm done with this faction, It won't get any updates unless there are complains about their performance inside the game.


Re: D.A.T Faction

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:16 am
by Doogie12
Performance? You mean like, guns and such? To be perfectly honest, no one truly cares.
Aesthetics always comes first.