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Interactive player campaign!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:45 am
by LongcatX
okay. so, i had been working on a sort of campaign type thing for BSF. It involves an up gradable player ship and many enemies with differnet abilities and strengths; as well as bosses. however for the time being i have given up with it and am now handing it off to the community to hopefully be finished someday.
that is a download for EVERYTHING it contains, except sprites.
but don't worry it uses kae's shiney sprites which i would assume everyone has.

there ARE a few customized text sprites, but, that isnt really important

if you are wondering how it is setup look below
upgrade system-
a base level is created and then modified withe each player ship upgrade
and saved as 3 different levels.

ship types-
tank= a beefy ship with not too much damage to do.
spam= a small ship with average firepower, but almost no defense
statics= structures that do not move and can annoy the player by spawning ships or simply adding a gun to the enemy
bosses=hard enemies with a structured system to take them down.

the rest is up to the community since i will be DELETING this from my hard-drive.
good luck community :)

Re: Interactive player campaign!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:30 am
by shamrocksoldier
I'm a little confused on how this works....

Re: Interactive player campaign!

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:49 pm
by ZombieBane12
I Agree i too don't get it it feels like there is no story