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Imperia Terra Navy ^^

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:23 am
by seiji09
Hey guys! I finally decided to post a ship, I don't have a color scheme for my fleet so far, so I used the usual team colors for them. And so, it'll be cool if you guys can help me with the color scheme, as well as looking at the ship ^^

Re: Imperia Terra Navy ^^

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:57 am
by Ninja-Scar
Well for your first posted ship it looks good. The section work looks great and the only error I can find(if i'm not mistaken) is on the rear it looks like either a mirroring error or a overlap, I also love the core because it makes it look like a super weapon that could charge up and release a giant super wave.If you need an idea for a colour scheme try to think of 2 colours that you like and try to re-colour the ship and see if you like it,The last thing is when using colours is depth(using light and dark colours to make it look less flat).

Overall its a very nice ship and I hope to see more.

Re: Imperia Terra Navy ^^

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:44 am
by seiji09
Oh yeah! I didn't notice the overlap until just recently! ^^; Anyway, thanks for the comment! ^^

Re: Imperia Terra Navy ^^

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:44 am
by Icy
you can hit "f9" to take screenshots ingame (it makes it look better).

Try not to strech sections, it makes the sections look horrible, but for a first post this isn't that bad though. Take a look at some of Anna's or STARSTRUCK's stuff for examples. You can also get some of the new shiny sections in the "custom sections" portion of the forum.

Re: Imperia Terra Navy ^^

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 3:34 pm
by jwa8402
Ya I gotta say that even with the stretched sections its a pretty good design with alot of interesting details. The sectionwork is quite good. If you avoid stretching, and start working on shading/coloring it, you could turn out some good stuff!