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Re: Some newb ships I made + other stuff

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:52 am
by AzureCrow
well i meant low fire rate as in the value being low lol like 5 or something well anyways I noticed that in some battleships like high angel or cathedral of stars its crazy hard to destroy and the parts get destroyed little by little (unlike mine where they get destroyed fairly randomly lol) how do I set an HP value for each individual part or make a section really strong you know what i mean?

Re: Some newb ships I made + other stuff

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:33 am
by flabort
He meant a low value. Like, 1 is low, 9999 is high?
In that context, yes, you want a low rate of fire.
Here's a clue: The game, at proper speed, runs at 30 frames per second. The Rate of fire is how many frames between shots.
People here refer to a 'low rate of fire' as something that fires once or twice every second or two, that has a high value under rate of fire, such as 40. Super cannons sometimes even warrant a Rate of fire in the 120 range, but not often.

Strong sections? Well, most builders here (the experienced ones, anyways) tend to start with a skeletal structure. They click on the parts, and you know the place where you set the stuff like rate of fire for the guns? well, while a section is selected (if I remember right), that same tab should have a location to set the individual part's hp. They don't set them too high (I don't have a value), but a higher hp is more durable.
After putting together the skeleton, they then get to work on covering it with 'functional' parts, setting hp as they go along, and then finally armored parts overlapping but sticking out past the functional parts, and decorative parts. The functional parts should completely cover the skeleton, and the armor almost completely cover the functional parts.

Don't forget to make sure the correct part, to which you want to parent the next part, is selected when you create a new section. That "poor parenting", as it is called localy, is what causes the random destruction. This may be the most important advice I have.

Re: Some newb ships I made + other stuff

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:34 pm
by AzureCrow
I see, i get it now, thanks.

Re: Some newb ships I made + other stuff

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:20 am
by Bad Boy
An addition to flaborts post, if you want to avoid the hassle of individually giving life to each section, change the core hp.
When you place a section it is given 'default' hp, which is calculated based of the ship's core health. A higher core health results in tougher sections. Sections get slightly weaker the farther they are from the core, this effect is stronger if they're behind the core to make flanking big ships more effective.
The core health can be changed where you change ship names (the box right below modules).

You can have a mix of default hp and selected hp sections.

All that said, all of your previous questions (and probably most or all you might ask in future) can be answered with a bit of screwing around with shipmaker. As you go on you figure things out. Load up other people's ships and see what they've done, then work backwards from there. Keep in mind that you can edit ships while playing. For example, if you make a ship then start sandbox you can edit it then when you start a new sandbox after changing it the ship will have whatever changes you made to it.

Edit: Thanks arc and sorry for the false info. It's been a while since I've made ships and far longer since I actually paid attention to the variance in default section hp so I wasn't entirely sure. And though my info was checked quickly by moving a section around a bit I guess I went too far forwards to catch the spike in section hp.

Re: Some newb ships I made + other stuff

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:58 am
by Arcalane
Sections do get slightly stronger than the core towards the front of some ships, though I think it starts to fall off again after peaking, and you'll only see it on really big ships.

Yeah, flanking is pretty important.