Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - RESULTS POSTED

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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s

Post by Preacher »

judging sophistication and organisation there :P

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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s

Post by Kiltric »

Preacher wrote:judging sophistication and organisation there :P
Hush you, and build more ships. :P
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s


Attention to the judges: I've made a update to some of my BP entries (how crazy is that?).

The Iris's ripstar now no longer stands out like the pitched tent on a horny berk wearing white corduroys. That is to say, it is now additively blended.

The Sweet Coronet SR2 now moves faster. The rear beams are also fixed.

To anybody who feels the need to slip in a new entry before Burning Pain Five comes to a close: Good luck.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s

Post by Destroyer #1 »

Here are my entry's:

If I did anything wrong with my post or entry's, tell me and I will
fix it as soon as possible
Edit: war ship:
shield runner:

Edit: to open the shields on the shield runner, select it, then press the "period" key.
war ship.sb4
and this one too
(14.43 KiB) Downloaded 1495 times
Shield Runner.sb4
other file...
(31.13 KiB) Downloaded 1522 times
and these too.
(66.01 KiB) Downloaded 1425 times
and these...
(70.37 KiB) Downloaded 1442 times
if the war ship is ineligible for limited realism enter it into the freeform category.

and you may need these sprites
(258.84 KiB) Downloaded 1440 times
war ship.shp
For limited realism category:
the war ship
(12.36 KiB) Downloaded 1462 times
Shield Runner.shp
For limited stock category:
the shield runner
(25.87 KiB) Downloaded 1500 times
Last edited by Destroyer #1 on Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s

Post by Rugdumph »

Use photobucket or imageshack for free to upload the screenshots and copy the links with [img]...[/img] code borders to get your images up in the post. Strongly recommended you do this soon, since your entries are invalid by the rules without a screenshot in shipmaker at default zoom. Just trying to help.
Ed: you also need to put up the sb4 files for download, should be in the same place as the shp files you've already got up.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s

Post by Destroyer #1 »

Am I in the contest?
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s

Post by Anna »


Entries have been closed, the ship roster has been updated. Judging is to commence shortly. Any ships that I find do not meet the rules, aren't packaged with the necessary sprites (especially with freeform ships) or just don't work will be instantly disqualified.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Submissions Close November 1s

Post by Raul »

Yay, can't wait for judging! incidently my ship was a limited realism catagory not freeform.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Judging Starts

Post by Anna »


Limited Stock Category:
--- Aesthetics: 9/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 10/10
--- Functional Appearance: 8/10
--- Playability: 9/10
Total: 43/50
Comments: One of the best stock styled ships, if not the best stock styled ship I've ever seen. It's got a beautiful shape and makes excellent use of all of the sections that were available. STARSTRUCK's use of triggers and other tricks is subtle but effective, and even simple little things like the maneuvering thrusters all over the ship add a lot of flavour. Great ship.

The Anabrou by Doogie12
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 4/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 2/10
--- Functional Appearance: 6/10
--- Playability: 3/10
Total: 21/50
Comments: There's a reason the outlining technique was never used that excessively, and that it didn't carry over once the new sections were came out. It was developed soley to fill in areas with unique shapes that the original stock sections couldn't, and to add a sense of depth. This fails at both. If it had been designed properly, with that shape and with proper colour and shading instead of the sloppy attempt at using the outdated outlining technique, it would have scored and looked much better, I think. And I have no idea why you put old-style thrusters on it alongside the new thrusters. That just looks nasty.

X-210 Loki Beam Destroyer by Icy
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 3/10
--- Functional Appearance: 7/10
--- Playability: 7/10
Total: 30/50
Comments: Fairly bland design with little that stands out about it, it's only when you see this thing flying around and shooting that you can appreciate it. It's not ugly, althrough the design is rather flat and dull, but the creative use of triggers and firing animations makes it a fairly solid entry into the competition.

Bufo-Bufo by Son Tzu
--- Aesthetics: 2/10
--- Originality: 4/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 2/10
--- Functional Appearance: 3/10
--- Playability: 1/10
Total: 12/50
Comments: This ship is bad. It's ugly, it's sloppy, there's nothing good about it at all. There's a decent attempt at firing animation triggers but ultimately that doesn't even come close to saving it. When you try to play with it, it flies around the screen at high speed with crazy manuverability spraying obscene, obscuring clouds of fire, and it's just... bad. Bad is a word that describes this well.

Delta Executor by Arcalane
--- Aesthetics: 5/10
--- Originality: 2/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 3/10
--- Functional Appearance: 6/10
--- Playability: 7/10
Total: 23/50
Comments: Ahhh, delicious nostalgia. If nostalgialiciousness was one of the judging criteria this one would hit the spot, but sadly it isn't, and under the criteria it falls pretty flat. By modern standards it really doesn't stand out aesthetically, especially slathered with guns as it is, and the section usage seems pretty much limited to the original stock sections. I think if Arca had taken the time to seriously update it and clean it up, this ship could have kicked ass. Since he decided to stick closer to the original design, however, I'm forced to give it a subpar score. Sorry Arca.

ADY-001 Heavy Leading Cruiser by Deltaflyer
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 4/10
--- Functional Appearance: 4/10
--- Playability: 5/10
Total: 25/50
Comments: A more creative and accurate use of the outlining technique than the display we got from Doogie, this ship is held back dramatically by the designers decision to use only the original sections. Ultimately it's just not memorable and nothing much stands out about it. But it looks pretty good compared to some of the other things entrants have offered.

Earth Coalition EC-HC99 Dawnspark-class Heavy Bombardment Cruiser by CheesyErwin
--- Aesthetics: 8/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 6/10
--- Functional Appearance: 7/10
--- Playability: 2/10
Total: 29/50
Comments: A tried and true design style revisited with some very nice touches here. I really like the look of this ship, and I wish Cheesy had put some effort into it being sort of playable. Sadly, I think he missed a zero on its turning speed, because it takes forever to turn, even though its engine speed and acceleration is fairly high. When the ship fires its weapons it's just a flat, obscuring mass of bullets and missiles spraying everywhere. Not much fun. No triggers or tricks to make it stand out, just a solid ship design, and I think in this case that's mostly enough.

Shield Runner by Destroyer #1
--- Aesthetics: 1/10
--- Originality: 2/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 1/10
--- Functional Appearance: 1/10
--- Playability: 5/10
Total: 10/50
Comments: Lurk more.

That's it for the Limited Stock judgements. I'll have the remaining Categories judged within the week.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Judging Starts

Post by Anna »

Limited Realism Category:
Guardian Mechs by Doogie12
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 6/10
--- Functional Appearance: 7/10
--- Playability: 8/10
Total: 32/50
Comments: Cute little robots. There's not really much to see, so there's not a whole lot to judge, but they're fairly well made and flying around with them in direct control mode is a lot of fun. Sadly their turning speed doesn't match their acceleration or engine speed, so flying around with them can be a bit tricky.

Yeomas Class Battleship by Icy
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 6/10
--- Functional Appearance: 7/10
--- Playability: 6/10
Total: 32/50
Comments: Interesting but not especially pretty design. Does it's job but there's little that stands out about it. It's just not very memorable. The thrust vectored engine is a nice attempt, but the execution leaves a bit to be desired. Missile spam everywhere is a bit meh.

Iris-class Beamcruiser by STARSTRUCK
--- Aesthetics: 10/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 9/10
--- Functional Appearance: 10/10
--- Playability: 10/10
Total: 45/50
Comments: I couldn't give this a perfect score, because the design is basically mimicing the design of another ship made some time ago by Eri. But god damn this is easily the best ship in the competition. Everything about it is class. The whole thing just flows together effortlessly and you forget that it's made up of individually fitted sections. Even the way it moves and fires its weapons is just top-notch. The attention to detail here, I think, is fantastic.

Netharis Heavy Destroyer by Crimsonflame
--- Aesthetics: -/10
--- Originality: -/10
--- Creative Section Usage: -/10
--- Functional Appearance: -/10
--- Playability: -/10
Total: -/50
Comments: Disqualified. I really really don't want to, but you used a non-standard HM weapon sprite and didn't package it with the download. HorseMonster_DetailedWeapons\hmwepdoublesupercannon0.gif is not a correct filename. I'm sorry Crimson. That said, this was probably my second favourite ship in the competition. It's a shame I have to do this, but I made it clear that if a ship has missing sections when judging starts disqualification will be immediate.

JS-01 Jiangsu-class Long Range Support Cruiser by CheesyErwin
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 6/10
--- Functional Appearance: 8/10
--- Playability: 6/10
Total: 34/50
Comments: Decent enough ship with a very rough, functional and chunky appearance which is ruined somewhat by all its guns being weapons sticking out from the side of the hull and exposing themself completely. Still a decent enough design with some nice touches here and there.

'Clear Sky' Vectoring Destroyer by Rugdumph
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 7/10
--- Functional Appearance: 6/10
--- Playability: 7/10
Total: 35/50
Comments: It's a flying armored fish. With really, really big arms. Most of the interesting parts about this ship's design seem to be borrowed from other people's designs, but ultimately it's still a fairly solid and creative design, even if I do think it looks silly as all hell.

Syracuse-class Beam Cruiser by Water_and_Wind
--- Aesthetics: 9/10
--- Originality: 9/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 10/10
--- Functional Appearance: 9/10
--- Playability: 8/10
Total: 45/50
Comments: Oh my lord I love this so much. I had forgotten about it completely, but now judging rolls around and I load this up and my MIND IS BLOWN. The way this baby transforms, the way it handles, the way it looks, the way it plays in the game, everything about it is just fucking gorgeous. I love it.

Maedhros-class Fast Attack Destroyer by ArcaneDude
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 5/10
--- Functional Appearance: 6/10
--- Playability: 4/10
Total: 28/50
Comments: One of the least interesting designs in the Limited Realism category so far. The engine glows are constantly burning and don't flare up significantly or even much at all when it flies, resulting them in looking ugly and tacked on. In-game it handles inconsistantly, with one of the main guns turning much, much slower than the rest of the ship and usually getting left behind as a result. The ship itself is an average design. Not bad, but not good enough for me to consider fantastic or to stand out.

FireFlower by Son Tzu
--- Aesthetics: 2/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 5/10
--- Functional Appearance: 2/10
--- Playability: 7/10
Total: 22/50
Comments: An original concept, with an original design and decent execution that completely misses the whole point of this competition. It's flat, bland and completely ugly with few features that stand out at all. However, its spinning firing animation for its missiles is a really cool touch. Everything else about this just sucks.

Cumulonimbus by Ryen
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 8/10
--- Functional Appearance: 9/10
--- Playability: 9/10
Total: 39/50
Comments: Despite being the traditional sort of blocky Terran ship, this thing is fantastically designed, with lots of really awesome little touches, and when you play with it and the middle portions open up to fire the massive missile swarm, there's something just... really powerful about it. It's a great little design.

Fleet With A Long-Winded Name by Deltaflyer
--- Aesthetics: -/10
--- Originality: -/10
--- Creative Section Usage: -/10
--- Functional Appearance: -/10
--- Playability: -/10
Total: -/50
Comments: Disqualified. The 'Night Watchman' is riddled with so many errors it practically crashes the game. It refuses to load at all. That said, the entire fleet seemed like boring, half-assed, unoriginal designs anyway.

Gaia by jwa8402
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 8/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 7/10
--- Functional Appearance: 5/10
--- Playability: 5/10
Total: 31/50
Comments: Solid over-all design, but the internal structure is fairly inconsistant and leaves a lot to be desired. Too many smooth flat bits without any interesting details to help them stand out or give the ship any flavour. That said, it's far from a bad ship. It has a pretty cool look and is in general fairly decent.

ICM Battleship by Raul
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 6/10
--- Functional Appearance: 7/10
--- Playability: 6/10
Total: 30/50
Comments: I came close to disqualifying this before realising that you didn't bother to repackage your sprites with the second upload. It's not very pretty, I have to say. A lot of it just looks like a randomly thrown together mess with a really weird shape. But I don't hate it either. Some parts are fairly well done, and I like the little drones that fly around the ship. The ship handles a lot better than it feels like it should, based on its size, but over-all it's fairly solid.

And that's Limited Realism done. Freeform's up next. I might do it later today, or I might wait a day or two. I hope the other judges will get started with their judging soon.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Judging Starts

Post by Anna »

Freeform Category:
The Crawler by Doogie12
--- Aesthetics: -/10
--- Originality: -/10
--- Creative Section Usage: -/10
--- Functional Appearance: -/10
--- Playability: -/10
Total: -/50
Comments: Two sections that were pointing in the wrong directory. Ship loads, I get errors, that means you're Disqualified.

Iron Mountain: Susini Class by Preacher
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 7/10
--- Functional Appearance: 7/10
--- Playability: 5/10
Total: 32/50
Comments: Above average in most respects. Nothing fantastic, but over all a solid design. I really enjoy the animation for the weapons, but fixed firing arcs making the ship difficult to use effectively and not much fun to play with. Still, generally a pretty good ship over all.

Vereor Messor - Cruiser by MuhhammedJihad
--- Aesthetics: 6/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 5/10
--- Functional Appearance: 6/10
--- Playability: 7/10
Total: 29/50
Comments: Would have scored higher if the parts that are black in your screenshot were custom coloured to be black. Instead they're team colours, so when I loaded the ship it was mostly stock green. Not very pretty. Otherwise it's a solid penis-brick style design. Done fairly well with some nise attention to detail, but ultimately just average. Handles well in-game and is fun to play with, though. Spits out weapons fire without being an eyesore.

Qui'zenon IV by Lord Aries Greymon
--- Aesthetics: 3/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 2/10
--- Functional Appearance: 4/10
--- Playability: 5/10
Total: 20/50
Comments: This is a bad ship. It is ugly, lacks any interesting features besides the rear wings, and the colouring is terrible. In-game there's nothing special about it. It doesn't perform badly in game, but there's nothing really good about it either. Ultimately this ship is just generally bad.

Qohelet by jwa8402
--- Aesthetics: -/10
--- Originality: -/10
--- Creative Section Usage: -/10
--- Functional Appearance: -/10
--- Playability: -/10
Total: -/50
Comments: Missing sprite! Custom sprites\Ixra\Ixra_BulPlasBLight.gif Disqualified.

Sweet Coronet SR2 by STARSTRUCK
--- Aesthetics: 9/10
--- Originality: 7/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 9/10
--- Functional Appearance: 9/10
--- Playability: 8/10
Total: 42/50
Comments: This ship is hot as hell. Reminds me a lot of Talhydras' designs. The animation of the legs is a bit wonky, but I know from experience how much of a pain in the ass it can be to get that shit just right. Ultimately, this ship is pure class, and there isn't a single other submission to the Freeform category that can match it.

Capellan Titan by calvin1211
--- Aesthetics: 7/10
--- Originality: 6/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 6/10
--- Functional Appearance: 7/10
--- Playability: 6/10
Total: 32/50
Comments: The large shield over it obscures everything, and the faux-aegised bits are just too dull and flat. Layering smaller what glows over the top of them could have made them look a lot better. The rest of the ship is fairly structurally sound, and looks pretty good, but there's nothing new or innovative or especially interesting here.

Angreb-Class Gharvengei Dreadnought by Areze
--- Aesthetics: -/10
--- Originality: -/10
--- Creative Section Usage: -/10
--- Functional Appearance: -/10
--- Playability: -/10
Total: -/50
Comments: You fucked up bad. Pretty much none of this ship loads. Most of the Custom Sprites folders in your download are misnamed and EMPTY. Disqualified.

Warship by Destroyer #1
--- Aesthetics: 4/10
--- Originality: 5/10
--- Creative Section Usage: 4/10
--- Functional Appearance: 4/10
--- Playability: 1/10
Total: 19/50
Comments: LURK MORE

I don't know if I should judge the Fanships or just scrap them. We'll see later, I guess.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Judging Starts

Post by Kiltric »

First Category, Limited Stock

RSP/K-9 Sakuri: 37/50

Aesthetics: For the most part, this was very pleasing to the eye, as well as interesting to look at. However, the top/brightest "layer" looked a little funny, as did the center glow and the orange weapons. Even so, I like how it feels vaguely alive. 7/10

Originality: There is certainly originality in this design. Although I'm not sure I'd call it exceptionally unique. Some aspects remind me of some other ships, though I can't quite place them. 6/10

Creative Section Usage: Here, I was very impressed. Pardon my not knowing section names, but the "antennae", "ribs/chunks", and the stripes were all very well used. Also your doodads were very well used. 8/10

Functional Appearance: Everything here made sense. It's nothing spectacular but there are no glaring oversights except perhaps the thin-ish connection between the main body and the outer struts. The engines placement and the beam covers were very nice. 7/10

Playability: This ship plays very well. It is balanced reasonably, moves normally, and fights very well. I also enjoyed seeing nothing but a glowing blue circle run away when it was almost dead. 9/10

The Anabrou: 19/50

Aesthetics: This isn't great. The shape passes for interesting and the colors aren't terrible. The stretching is ugly and the only depth is in the harsh white outlines with no shading. On a scale from noob to holy ship, this is closer to noob. 3/10

Originality: This isn't an obvious ripoff, and I can fairly call this orignal-ish. The style is reminiscent of Anna's work from SM 3 and way back when. 5/10

Creative Section Usage: Very little jumps out here. The stretching is inexcusable. There are a few places where sections are used in a way that isn't terribly "blobby", but there's a lot of jumble here. 3/10

Functional Appearance: This is iffy. It seems solid, and the structure makes sense in general. Also, the exhaust vents were nice. However, beyond that, parts of the ship don't really look like anything at all, just shapes. 4/10

Playability: The general agility and speed of the whole thing seemed a bit high. The weapons fired a wall of color that barely passes for realistic. Death proved occasionally game-breaking/computer crashing. 4/10

X-210 Loki Beam Destroyer: 28/50

Aesthetics: The color is a little too bold and the shading looks iffy at best. The shape is nice though, and the section usage isn't awful. 5/10

Originality: It's interesting and not cookie-cut. The shape feels a bit tired, but the execution feels new-ish. 6/10

Creative Section Usage: There's nothing astounding here. Some pieces are decently used, but there are also some iffy juxtapositions and nothing exceptional. 5/10

Functional Appearance: Everything makes sense here, and it's very "shippy". The doodads were a null point to me, they look alright, but the timing made them feel like useless pretty lights. The trigger for the "wings" looked good, but didn't really seem to have a purpose. 5/10

Playability: Everything here was fine. It was realistic and logical in how it worked. 7/10

Bufo-Bufo: 28/50

Aesthetics: This thing really needs a paint job, and I'm afraid that colors count for a lot. The actual shape/design is somewhat appealing, though not for something labelled a battlewagon. 4/10

Originality: It certainly is original and interesting in design. I like the (I hope they are) escape pods and the crew areas. 7/10

Creative Section Usage: There are a few places where section arrangements are interesting and decent. I'm assuming/praying the grey sections are the escape pods, because then they look alright. 6/10

Functional Appearance: It's a bit spindly, but since it's a flanker, I guess that "lightweight" makes sense. Even so, it doesn't really look like a comabt ship. Points for the crew areas, escape pods and clear engines. Points off for doodads which felt gimmicky. 4/10

Playability: Plays decently, though seems a bit unrealistically fast. It was generally fun and balanced, and functioned smoothly. 7/10

Delta Executor: 14/50

Aesthetics: Weapon spam, stock green against grey, major section repetition; really? The shape is decent and interesting, but mostly this is an ugly mess. 1/10

Originality: This is a direct rehash of an older ship, and shows very little change in design or quality in general. Ignoring that it's a ripoff, since you made the original, it is somewhat unique. 3/10

Creative Section Usage: Very little going for you here, very little at all. 1/10

Functional Appearance: As a juggernaut weapons platfrom, this is great. General form and function were fine, but on the whole, this thing is an arbitrary mess. 4/10

Playability: It played alright, there weren't any huge problems, though the missile arcs weren't good. 5/10

ADY-001 Heavy Leading Cruiser: 28/50 Image

Aesthetics: The colors are a notch above mediocre, and you left stock green in it. The rough outlines in the layers aren't attractive. You have a few interesting points here, but using only these few sections really hurt. The shape however, was interesting and makes up for it a bit. 4/10

Originality: It's nothing exceptional, but also not the sort of ship you see every day. The shape here really helps. 6/10

Creative Section Usage: There is so much ugly placement and repetition here it's barely funny. In a couple of place on the lower layers you did some nice things, but that doesn't make up for how few sections you used. 4/10

Functional Appearance: There was nothing great here. The engines worked fine, and there didn't seem to be anything egregious. 5/10

Playability: Points come back here. Everything worked fine and smoothly, and I was especially fond of the way the main laser fired. 9/10

Earth Coalition EC-HC99 Dawnspark-class Heavy Bombardment Cruiser: 34/50 Image

Aesthetics: The coloring is a little unpleasant. The shape is nice, the doodads are a good touch, and it is at least interesting to look at. 7/10

Originality: It isn't ground breaking, but well executed all the same. 6/10

Creative Section Usage: You have some nice and interesting arrangements. However, particularly in the "wing" area, it looks a bit haphazard, and the repetition is marginal. 6/10

Functional Appearance: It's decent enough, but nothing special. 6/10

Playability: Everything fine here. Watching that barrage hit enemies was interesting. 9/10

shield runner: 9/50 Image

Aesthetics: This is ugly, everyone knows why. 1/10

Originality: There doesn't seem to be anything here either. Every element is executed so poorly I don't see what to even evaluate. 1/10

Creative Section Usage: Again.... 1/10

Functional Appearance: I was about to give you points for the shield deployment trigger, but the return trigger is screwed up. Also, you have floating turrets. 1/10

Playability: Technically there weren't any serious problems. Though the movement seemed a bit nimble for something with this many weapons and only 2 engines. 5/10
Last edited by Kiltric on Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Judging Starts

Post by Kiltric »

Limited Realism

Guardian Mechs: 32/50

Aesthetics: They're pretty. There literally isn't a whole lot to look at, but the colors and general appearance are quite nice. 7/10

Originality: There are quite a few mechs out there and these don't really bring anything new to the table. 3/10

Creative Section Usage: Points up because it is a requirement for mechs to use sections creatively. Here, it is well done, though the arms could be a bit better. 7/10

Functional Appearance: Very straightforward and solid. The missile launchers on the shoulders are a nice touch. Birds eye view on mechs loses something though. 7/10

Playability: They played quite well. I don't use small fighter type ships, so these were a lot of fun. 8/10

Yeoma Class Battleship: 39/50

Aesthetics: This is lovely. It's interesting to look at. The colors are excellent. The doodads are tastefully adequate. All in all, it's quite pretty. 9/10

Originality: Quite original. Vaguely avian. Quite new to me in most respects. 7/10

Creative Section Usage: Not much to say. The good bits are self-evident, especially around the "cylinder". 7/10

Functional Appearance: Most everything makes good sense. The movement of the engine manifolds is especially nice. Doodads were a bit seizury. 7/10

Playability: Everything worked just fine. It all functioned well and logically. 9/10

Iris-class Beam Cruiser: 43/50

Aesthetics: This thing is beautiful. I think it would benefit from some doodad accent though. 8/10

Originality: This is quite unique. The execution and general design are great. 9/10

Creative Section Usage: There is an apparent shape and form to this ship. The sections are used very well to convey dimension in interesting ways. 9/10

Functional Appearance: Everything here was good. The arm bending was nice. The missile doors was a great touch. The firing of the main weapon was beautiful. It's all quite clear. 8/10

Playability: No problems. This was a lot of fun to pick apart nagaya with. I noticed it was possible to put the ripstar over an enemy ship and destroy it that way. 9/10

JS-01 Jiangsu-class Long Range Support Cruiser: 41/50

Aesthetics: The whole thing is interesting and nice to look at. The doodads are good and the whole thing has a good dimensionality to it. 9/10

Originality: This type of modern-ish craft has been done before, but this feels like a contribution to the style rather than a hop on the bandwagon. 8/10

Creative Section Usage: Sections were used very well though I think more meticulous care in choices could have made a better ship. 7/10

Functional Appearance: Everything here was good. You even provided a diagram. The missiles were especially nice. I would have liked to see some glow in the radiators though. 8/10

Playability: Played smoothly and intuitively. 9/10

'Clear Sky' Vectoring Destroyer: 43/50

Aesthetics: This is not only pretty but interesting. The glows are well done and the whole thing is a little alive. The prongs on the front look a little funny though. 8/10

Originality: I've never seen anything quite like it before. You've executed the style very well. 9/10

Creative Section Usage: You've got some lovely things going here, especially on the outer arms. The whole flow is great and there are section arrangements I'd never have thought of. 9/10

Functional Appearance: The way this thing moves is downright sexy. Weapons seemed a bit dull to me though. 8/10

Playability: It's quite fun to play. Just watching it swim around is great. 9/10

Syracuse-class Beam Cruiser: 41/50

Aesthetics: It is definitely pretty, though those "radiator" pieces look a bit out of place. The whole thing is nice, it just looks a bit funny. I can't put my finger on why. 7/10

Originality: Points definitely go here. This is a truly unique design. 9/10

Creative Section Usage: Points also go here, mainly for the primary weapon and everything about it. 8/10

Functional Appearance: Everything is well laid out, and that transformation is just beautiful. The fact that the beam turns though, when the whole assembly is straight within the ship seems a bit illogical though. 8/10

Playability: It plays quite well. It's especially fun to wear enemies down with the beam before moving in. 9/10

Maedhros-class Fast Attack Destroyer: 37/50

Aesthetics: Very nice. The shape isn't boring. The use of sections to give a feeling of depth is very good. 8/10

Originality: This definitely isn't a rehash. The ship stands out a bit as unique. 7/10

Creative Section Usage: Decent, not really spectacular. Everything down the center line is good and interesting. 7/10

Functional Appearance: It's decently straightforward, though it could have benefitted from a little something extra. 7/10

Playability: The ship plays well, if a little generically. 8/10

FireFlower: 38/50

Aesthetics: The shape is somewhat interesting, and the doodads are nice. The color is alright except for that red. Generally, it looks kinda meh... 6/10

Originality: Points for originality, as this is not the kind of ship you see often, or maybe even ever. 9/10

Creative Section Usage: The internals are a bit messy and generally there isn't a lot of interesting arrangement. 5/10

Functional Appearance: I was iffy when I loaded it, and then I saw it fire. 9/10

Playability: Watching this guy fly around was some of the most fun I've had in BSF. 9/10

Cumulonimbus: 36/50

Aesthetics: It looks fairly nice, the only comments against would be how the antennae clash a bit with the otherwise sleek design and that the asymmetry between two of the turrets doesn't look good. 7/10

Originality: The whole thing looks like a stripped down weapons' platform and is very well executed in that respect. 7/10

Creative Section Usage: There's nothing ground-breaking here, but also nothing particularly sloppy. The engine assembly is a plus. 7/10

Functional Appearance: For the most part, this was solid, although given the layout of the ship, I'm baffled about how any power generation could sustain the ship's output. The firing sequence was great, although it would sometimes go into periods of not firing for a long time. 7/10

Playability: It plays well, with logical maneuvering and weaponry, and was generally fun. 8/10

Gaia: 36/50

Aesthetics: The orange doesn't seem quite right, but the lightning and fire make up for it. 7/10

Originality: Fairly well executed and not an ordinary ship by any standards. 7/10

Creative Section Usage: Points definitely go here, especially for the lightning tubes, though certain sections, especially the engine area look a little mismatched. 7/10

Functional Appearance: This was fine. Most things seemed to have a clear purpose and location. 9/10

Playability: It played alright in general, although something with the beamers was seriously screwed up. Also, you seemed to have "god-ed" your ship with an aegised silhouette sprite. 6/10

ICM Battleship: 37/50

Aesthetics: It's very interesting, I especially like the "lazy eye". The bits around the bay doors are a bit too squarish though, just throws off the feng shui a bit. 8/10

Originality: This is very well executed. The doubled, top/bottom turrets on the outside are a very nice touch. 8/10

Creative Section Usage: There are lots of things here to admire. Particularly the subtle work in the framing is beautiful. 8/10

Functional Appearance: Things generally made sense. The maneuvering thrusters were a nice touch, as were the perimeter drones. 8/10

Playability: It was a little faster than reasonable, though for the most part fun the play with. It did seem a tad overpowered by sheer volume of bullets. 5/10
Last edited by Kiltric on Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Judging Starts

Post by Anna »


Hey Kiltric.

I know this might seem harsh, and that I probably shouldn't talk this way to my judges.

Founder and Event Coordinator for the BSF Beauty Pageant. Founder of the Pseudo-Chainship Project. Admin. Games Master.
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Re: Fifth BSF Beauty Pageant - Judging Starts

Post by LactoseTolerant »

Limited Stock

Graceful, smooth outer curves on the main hull (+3). Despite using repeating square sections, it’s well hidden and creates a good overall flow (+1). Good use of slight shading on the dark red and gray pieces, especially in the area between the arms (+2). All in all, very realistic and practical look. The ship flows well together, all the sprites are mostly the same size, and are placed well together (+2). Good use of gunwales (+1). Glows are soft and well spaced (+1).However, orange striping too highly saturated, seems rather “drawn on” than an actual part of the ship. Core glow does not seem to be on the ship, seems to be emitting a distance from the topmost z level of the ship.
Total: 10/10

Despite having the basic flying block and arms setup, the curves take the edge off of it (+2). Core glow is quite interesting, despite feeling as if it wasn’t on the actual ship (+2) Using the square as a retracting, workable hatch for the lasers is well done (+3).
Total: 8/10

Again, well done with the curved outer hull, and layered sprites without being too messy (+3). Other than that, nothing quite original or that has been done. The use of the center boxy sprites as covers for the superlasers is quite innocuous (+1), and well timed and done (+2).
Total: 7/10

Functional Appearance:
Feels functional, the tiered/layered dark red sprites give a feel similar to ablative armor (+3). Engine area is well protected, and sprite layering makes it feel thick and robust (+3). Very innocuous and deceiving in terms of weaponry, with only 7 turrets visible on a medium-large sized ship.
Total: 7/10

…okay, you got me here. When I loaded the ship into BSF, I expected what I saw. Piddly pulse gatlings and blasters. As soon as I placed down a stock pirate ship, the center ports opened up to BEAMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- er, sorry. While this proved to be an amusing surprise (+4), the damage of the twin hidden lasers outclasses all the weapons on the ship, decimating mostly everything before the other turrets can fire. As for the other turrets, very interesting combinations of weapons on all of them (+2), although the larger spinal cannons seem to turn a little slow. Aside from weapons, the engines are well placed (+1), but destroying them does not have any appreciable effect.
Total: 8/10

Grand Total: 40/50

Anabrou – Doogie12
Outlining = good. Outline spam = bad . Egregious use of outlining here; most of the sprites being outlined, making it considerably more messy than it could be . As for the shape, you had something there (+2), but you threw it away with the stubby arms and the back engine pods . With most of the ship coming off at angles, the engine pods stand out horribly at horizontal. After taking an extensive look and zooming in at the ship, it seems as if the sprites were placed there to fit the outline, not to serve some purpose. The best art of the ship is the front 1/3, the split nose design (+2). The rest is just a jumble. As for coloring, the ship is a flat, grey block.
Total: 5/10

There’s nothing original about a mess. Neither are any of the designs that are in this ship (engine sidepods, sidepods (+2), split nose (+1)) well done either to gain much merit. The shape itself is eyecatching (+1), but the internal work puts it to waste.
Total: 5/10

Barely any, the only qualified part would be the front nose area (+2). The rest is, again, a jumble.
Total: 3/10

Functional Appearance:
What is this? No description, no back-story, nothing. Gunwales are nonexistent or simply tacked on (+1). No explanation for the shape in combat either.
Total: 2/10

It’s weapons echo it’s layout. Spam. The red Weasel guns create an interesting effect when spammed together (+2), but there’s nothing to take advantage of it. Also, the red Weasel bullets come out of random sections, from no apparent turret. The missiles and normal gatling guns are quite boring also, no modification other than a range extension. Movement and rotation seem balanced (+1).
Total: 3/10

Grand Total: 18/50

X-210 Loki Beam Destroyer - Icy
Nothing too special, but it’s a pretty solid shape. The moderate use of alternating doodads is nice (+1). Subtle pronunciation of the purple coloring, but limited section shading depthing (+2). The rear is nicely curved, the fins come off at an acceptable angle (+1) Good mix of sprites, no gratuitous amounts of repetition. The Syn block flows nicely out of the WaW trapezoid (+2). However, the curved Kae piece above the Syn block stands out against the center Syn block, as well as merging into the outward angled rear piece at a strange angle. Side engines are slightly angled, flowing nicely with the rest of the rear purple fins(+1).
Total: 8/10

Pretty standard ship, but the rear fins are done and connected quite well (+4). Cooling fins are a nice idea, but there were a lot of other ideas that could’ve been added on to make them look more suited to their duty (+1). As for the laser, the retracting firing motion is a bit… gratuitous. It also reminds me of something I shall not speak of here...
Total: 6/10

Again, good work with the angled Syn block (+3). Engine compartment is rather well done (+1), but the front is somewhat flat. The connecting piece for the fins are workable. No bonuses for the stock mounted weapons however.
Total: 5/10

Functional Appearance:
Beam destroyer? I guess. Frontal gap for the laser is workable, but the weapon itself would’ve been better off depthed underneath its current parented piece (+2). Small, sleek, feels like a candidate for hit-and run operations (+2), suited to it being a destroyer. The cooling fins that pop out feel somewhat bulky, especially with the rounded outermost piece.
Total: 5/10

The main tesla laser is considerably overpowered. It’s damage outclasses all of the smaller side beamers, and does far too much damage. I thought this was a destroyer, not a juggernaut. Pretty high HP for a small ship also. However, the angled engine thrust is a nice idea, although not exploited to all of its possibilities (+2). Movement and turning seem balanced (+1).
Total: 4/10

Grand Total: 28/50

Bufo-Bufo – Son Tzu
Agh. Where do I start?
Barely a ship at all, just a needle of sprites. You could’ve gone for a modern/post modern look similar to how Horsemonster does, but… nope. Horrendous section repetition on the back sides and the front nose. Engines are slapped on without much layering to make them look connected. Random gas doodad coming out of nowhere, random spinning doodad on top of nowhere. Center sprites overlap.
You may ask why I didn’t use my usual point scoring system here. That’s because you’d end up in the negatives if I did.

Total: 1/10

Giant flying spire. Giant flying spindly spire with 1-piece sidepods.
Total: 1/10

Slapping the same sprite down, in a horizontal line, with the same color is not original. Neither are any of the sprite “combinations”.
Total: 1/10

Functional Appearance:
You said in your backstory that the Bufo-Bufo was supposed to be cheap. I guess I could give you that.
Total: 2/10

Wow, you totally… did not surprise me there. It turns considerably, considerably too fast. It moves absurdly fast for a ship of its size and “cost”. Weapons are boring stock, and you have a BLUE superlaser. C’mon, at LEAST make it green like the rest of the ship.
Total: 1/10

Grand Total: 6/50

Delta Executor - Arcalane
The overall shape is okay, but I cannot pick out finer details of the section work due to it being covered in MANLINESS. Despite being covered in MANLINESS, it’s still quite organized MANLINESS, where weapons are somewhat adequately spaced apart and show some semblance of organization (+2). Engine layering is decent (+1), and the support beams at the center meld acceptably into the rest of the frame (+1). Despite being weaponspammy, it’s still organized weaponspam. Engines are well done, as well as the placement of the Stock16’s .
Total: 5/10

Flying diamond, nothing too special or out of the ordinary here. Side wings extend from and go into sprite layers not on horizontal (+1). Engines and engine plate is acceptable, despite only using 2 different sprites (+1). Despite having obvious sprite repetition, the placing and selection of sprites somehow gives it an “old-school” feel (+1) fitting the Limited Stock category, probably because I’ve been browsing the older ships too much…
Total: 4/10

Again, engines have a tiered feel to them like contemporary rocket engine nozzles (+2). Sprite layering creates some appropriate gun decks (+1), but otherwise, not much else.
Total: 4/10

Functional Appearance:
Feels like it’s been designed by the admirals of the fleet, and not the usual designers, i.e minimalist and built for duty (+3). It’s heavy weapon loadout means business, but spaced out enough not to be general spam. Weapons arrayed at all sides of the ship adds on to its feel of a heavy capital ship (+2). Spinal mount of the heavier guns resemble modern day battleships (+1).
Total: 7/10

The Executor uses stock weapons, despite having a very high core and overall HP. When running tests against other ships, it would very often lose its modules and end up bumbling about. The Executor is a tough nugget, due to having deflector shields and a system of ablative armor (+2). Movement and rotation seem balanced (+1). Despite this, the Executor had far too much health, and the nanomatrices don’t help it much. As of finishing this review, the Executor has still not died, despite facing off against my entire fleet.
Total: 4/10

Grand Total: 24/50

ADY-001 Heavy Leading Cruiser – Deltaflyer
Now this is the stuff. Good use of outlining on the arms (+2). Varied section use and coloring that go well together. Gunwales are reasonably placed and meld into the shape (+2). The front curved split nose is superbly done, feels very natural and attached to the ship (+2). The outside back seems a bit fragile, where some sprites do not connect completely. Support struts well placed and at pleasing angles (+1). Good use of layering and light outlining down the middle and at the core of the ship. (+1)
Total: 9/10

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this, done like this. Front split nose and side curved arms meld well into the body. I can’t break it down into its subsequent parts, it’s just… so unique.
Total: 9/10

Use of Stock04 as curved arm pieces, with outlining is superbly done (+3). Outlining on the turrets are emphasized, but don’t take away from the overall look (+1). Interesting “generator” look at the insides of the split nose (+1). Great layering around the core and slightly behind the core; I thought you had cheated there (+1). Good mix of sprites, and no large hulking sprites visible. Engines could’ve been done better, though.
Total: 7/10

Functional Appearance:
Looks sturdy with the arm sections, seems to be fighting a bit more on the fear factor side (+3). Reactor and engines are well nestled (+1). It’s armament seems a bit light for a leading cruiser, but it has most angles covered (+1).
Total: 6/10

Not as interesting as I hoped it to be. Basic pewpew battleship (+1), although its spinal superlaser is albeit too high powered. Again, very high section HP makes it quite hard to kill, and the deflector modules give off a black colored glow. What? Movement and speed seem balanced (+1). No triggers or anything else special, however.
Total: 3/10

Grand Total: 34/50

Earth Coalition EC-HC99 Dawnspark-class Heavy Bombardment Cruiser – CheesyErwin
Very terran, robust feel to it. Sidepods are at a good position and length from the main body (+2). Core is well covered, outlined and “contained” (+2). Good use of sensor arrays at the front and the rear of the sidepods (+2). Weapons are well nestled and add to the ship’s aesthetics, rather than covering them up (+1). Engine nozzle is well done (+1).
Total: 9/10

The blue and gray contrast on “higher” and “lower” sprites is well done, especially around the nose and arms (+3). The large blue triangular sections flanking the core also add on to the effect, and gives depth (+2).
Total: 6/10

Top hexagonal shape looks good (+1), as well as the engine casing and nozzle (+2). Placement of the weapons is organized, and almost creates gunwales by themselves (+2). Repetition in the nose is appealing with the gray gaps (+1).
Total: 7/10

Functional Appearance:
Top hexagonal shape looks good (+1), as well as the engine casing and nozzle (+2). Placement of the weapons is organized, and almost creates gunwales by themselves (+2). Repetition in the nose is appealing with the gray gaps (+1).
Total: 9/10

True to its description, the Dawnspark gave the enemy bullet hell, albeit balanced (+3). Although each volley would mean instantaneous death, watching the enemy crumble section by section was fun. The front pointing rapid fire artillery was also fun to point around (+2), though the Dawnspark turned far, far too slow for a ship of its size. The PD was somewhat silly, as the flak would bathe the ship in flak explosions, but still fail to intercept some missiles. Nevertheless, the ship played as it would look like, a flagship of the fleet.
Total: 6/10

Grand Total: 37/50

Shield Runner – Destroyer #1
Argh. Block. Block with spindle. Block with a circumflex attached to the spindle. Spindle bad. Block bad. Flat outer wings bad. Weaponspam bad. All team coloring bad. Drain bamage betected.
Total: 1/10

Sprites used as filler. Flat back/engines. The side wings could’ve saved you, but nope, covered with weaponspam.
Total: 1/10

Minimal/no sprite layering whatsoever. Using the same sprite as the deploying shield is boring and bland. At least try hiding some of that aegis; all I see is a white blob of boring at the end of the spindle.
Total: 1/10

Functional Appearance:
Shield deployer? Maybe you should try covering your weapons if someone tries to flank you? And floating cannons? What? Perhaps try adding some sort of “shield generator”?
Total: 1/10

Using Aegis to protect the shield sections? Really? Giving it high turn, accel and speed? Really? Stock weapons?
Total: 1/10

Grand Total: 5/50

RSP/K-9 Sakuri - STARSTRUCK - 40/50
Anabrou - Doogie12 - 18/50
X-210 Loki Beam Destroyer - Icy - 28/50
Bufo-Bufo – Son Tzu - 6/50
Delta Executor – Arcalane -- 24/50
ADY-001 Heavy Leading Cruiser – Deltaflyer - 34/50
EC Dawnspark-class – CheesyErwin - 37/50
Shield Runner - Destroyer #1 - 5/50

Aaaand that's the last time I give in-depth reviews like that.
Edit: Curved to compensate for 1-10.
Last edited by LactoseTolerant on Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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