Yet another guy's first fleet

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Yet another guy's first fleet

Post by bunnytob »

Fleet Pic 1.tif
Sorry about the picture. I had to zoom out to screenshot, then I doubled the size in MS paint.
Fleet of
(28.99 KiB) Downloaded 1074 times
As the title says. I've had BSF for at least a couple years now, and I recently decided I was going to build a fleet of my own. This is done solely using the 24 26 stock sections, with no fancy stuff and almost no section HP changing (though there is some) and no ridiculous weapon stat changing (the only one I won't note is that Double Blasters (should, if I forgot on something) have had their damage reduced from 25 to 17) so the ships are actually relatively balanced in the regular game - or at least to each other.

I actually have kind of a backstory for this fleet: It's the remnants of a once-large battlefleet that got wrecked by the enemy. Now it does hit-and-run raids inside enemy territory because it has no contact with the rest of its allies.

So I guess this is the section where I go through the ships, so, from (roughly) largest to smallest:

A large Prototype Battleship. The Unicorn is a sluggish but bulky ship that is fairly underarmed for its size; however a battery of long-range Teller Beams in side modules and the ability of the ship to repair light damage make it invaluable to any raiding fleet.

HP: 900
Armament: 1 Particle cannon, 4 Quad Blasters, 4 Dual Blasters, 4 Single Blasters, 2 Dual Teller Beams (Teller Torpedo stats adjusted to a Beamer), 4 Machineguns, 16 Particle Guns, 8 Point (Defence) Beams (PDBs), 2 Flak guns, and 2 heavily nerfed Nanomatrixes (500 range, 0.02 heal and 0.1 energy regen as compared to 200, 0.1 and 0.4 stock)
No prizes for guessing which Battlestar this took inspiration from. Although this thing is uglier. Much, much uglier.

A Support Battlecruiser and the fastest ship in the fleet. The Kathyonara has also earned the colloquial nickname of 'Katyusha' from the Earthen crewmembers.

HP: 500
Armament: 4 Multi-rocket launchers (stats changed, don't ask me how because I don't remember :P ), 1 Dual Teller Beam, 2 Dual and 2 Single Blasters, 4 Particle Guns, 6 PDBs and 2 Flak.
I kinda just wanted to include rockets. This thing is fragile, but it has a good concentration of PDBs. It was also the last ship I made in this lot, so you'd expect it to be the best. I doubt it is.

The Sentinel Class of Cruiser is a general expansion of the Arbiter class. It possesses more offensive and defensive weaponry than the Arbiter as well as two Teller Beam weapons in rear mounts.

HP: 600
Armament: 1 Particle Rifle, 2 Teller Beams, 2x4, 2x2 and 6x1 Blasters, 6 Particle Guns, 4 PDBs and 2 Flak.
This thing has really good weapons for its size because of those teller beams. Don't worry, this is the last time they come up.

The Arbiter Class Cruiser is a fairly durable ship focused on blaster firepower at range. It also posessed possesses point-defence beams on exposed wing-like mountings.

HP: 375
Armament: 2x2 & 4x1 Blasters, 4 Particle Guns and 2 PDBs.
Durable for its size, anyway. I could see this being a real ship in the game if it were modified a bit.

The Carol class are a decent class of Corvette possessing two Dual Blaster turrets. It has great firepower for its size but is lacking in armour.

HP: 125
Armament: 2x2 Blasters, 1 Particle Gun
I don't really think I need to say anything here.

The Itinerary class of Fleet Tender is the mainstay throughout all allied fleets. While having no ability to repair light damage to ships the Itinerary is preferred because it can take the role of a light carrier in combat.

HP: 150
Armament: 4 Demeters, 2 Flak
Yep, I made a fleet tender.

From top to bottom, Grinona, Harriet and Privaldi.

HP: 175 each

The Grinona is a requisitioned light freighter adapted to a point-defence role. It is vulnerable at close range but is capable of providing interception support for a small group of warships.
That impeder only affects 3 projectiles. The Plasma only shoots one projectile in the time that it should take to shoot three. The 2 Particles and 1 Flak are unchanged.

The Harriet is a requisitioned light freighter adapted to a Fire Support role. It is fragile and sluggish but can do its job. (N.B: This is what it's meant to say. I think it says something different. Two typos, wow!)
2 Blasters, 1 Weasel, 1 Flak.

The Privaldi is a requisitioned light freighter adapted to the role of a Fleet Tender. It is fragile but can be considered the most important ship in the fleet.
The 2 Demeters have 1.5x the reload time, the Particle is unchanged and the Nanomatrix… it only has 0.1 regen but has 750 range. This thing is a mobile repair ship, hence why it's so important. It also has reinforced frontal armour (Which is present in other places on other ships - distinguished by the third colour instead of the first or second in the Shipmaker.

So... what do you think? Good? Bad? Ugly? All three? Let me know! :)
Battleships... Will last... Forever...
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