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Spootech Industries Second Fleet, Second Revision

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:20 am
by Spoot Knight
Little over seven and a half years ago, I made what I called the Spootech Industries fleet. I redesigned the ships with improved part organization and gave the ships color, which became the Second Fleet.

Then I made entirely new designs for the Third Fleet, with a new approach on design theory: ablatives, weapon bases, which at the time were fairly new in BSF ship design. The Third Fleet was revised to use less weapons and less organic shapes throughout their designs; this was the Fourth Fleet. Some time between the Third and Fourth Fleet, I had jumped the shark, and along with that, was running out of ideas.

A few months back, I was introduced to Reassembly. Since it too revolves around the creation and sharing of custom designs, I thought of my BSF fleets. Though it's been almost eight years, I remember it being said that my Second Fleet was among the best that I had made over the four. Ultimately, I would agree with that. They're simple, not too large, and not massively over-gunned.

And thus, Second Fleet (mostly) has been revised.

Some people may remember Second Fleet, some new people may have seen them. Using the design theories that I began using on the Third Fleet, this revision of Second Fleet is cleaner, uses fewer parts, and the MIRV/Meta builds provided enough weapons variety that they also have fewer weapons. Compared to the older designs, they probably have the least number of weapons per ship. But, quality over quantity.

Something to point out: These are not all Second Fleet ships. The two smaller ships are Fourth Fleet, built in the style of Second Fleet.

The ships - click the hyperlink for its origin screenshot
Top-left: Liberator. Lightly armed, the centerpiece of this destroyer is a quartet of ripple-fire, high-velocity missile launchers.

Top-right: Vindicator. An aged broadside battlecruiser, it has been refitted with pulse arrays (PULSAR) to compliment its other weapon systems.

Center: Sovereign. Notably armed with burst flak, MIRV batteries, and slashing beam cannons, this battleship has a weapon to combat most ship types at various ranges. Because I have decided to not remake the Judgment, the Sovereign has been promoted to Flagship again. It was also made in Reassembly.

Center-right: Curtana. A monitor ship, it consists of a single offensive weapon. However, that weapon is very powerful if it can bypass point defense or shielding.

Bottom-left: Schiavona. A corvette and the only ship in the fleet armed with particle-type weapons.

Bottom-right Prometheus. Despite a respectable number of blasters, this cruiser is best used in pairs flanking larger ships with its main beam and two pulsed beam cannons.

Like the previous fleets, this is mostly made to use team colors. To step away from the infamous all-blue of the other three fleets, the majority of the hull is grey for palette neutrality, with sections of the ship colored. For reference, this is the Sovereign loaded in the default ally and enemy team colors. All ships shown above were made with this in mind.

To note, these designs lack any sort of fancy transformation triggers or hidden components. I haven't looked in those functions at all and I don't plan to. This fleet revision was just something I did out of a whim and collectively took less than a day to do.

Re: Spootech Industries Second Fleet, Second Revision

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:27 am
by RipRob
the cyan coloring for one of the ships doesn't work well as an example, and i aint no expert but im pretty sure deflectors on ships built like that would look odd,and usally those have their alpha turned to zero so they don't stand out on ships made of more detailed sections, and i feel like for the large ship you used for the color example,the guns make up the majority of the surface detail or so,as usally theres like a bridge or something there,and the guns all look like they are on the same elevation level whitch doesn't seem fitting for a large vessel.
but idk.

Re: Spootech Industries Second Fleet, Second Revision

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:31 am
by ShizukaNekoShiki
(Ignore the Mews pls). mew- I love your retro ship designs Spoot Knight. mew- I`m currently building BSG ship much bigger than yours though, & its 5pcs sections. mew- & also have a smaller BSG lol its so big for my first attempt that the NPCs I spawned to attack it littlerly blown to pieces by just the anti-spacecraft guns them selves lol. mew- i`ll soon have it up for grabs in a little bit there still some editing to do on it. mew- If your interested in it then go here viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10799 FYI: if it still saying SkipForNow then press the backspace to go back. mew- I`m also going to start working on my UNSC HellBringer class Frigate from Halo with an operational MAC CANNON. mew- =^.^=

Re: Spootech Industries Second Fleet, Second Revision

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:19 am
by Doogie12
I pretty much like these. Only problems I have is the retro-styled modules (you can make them invisible by setting their alpha to 0). Otherwise, they are great, retro ships.

Re: Spootech Industries Second Fleet, Second Revision

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:23 pm
by Bad Boy
Holy shit spoot, didn't see this coming. Good on ya for bringing back a piece of forum history like this.

The ships look nice and are good remakes of your old ones, though I think it would be better if all the various winglets were above the colourful areas.