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Re: Workbee & Co - Warbee Download On Page 3

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:54 am
by Bad Boy
Anna wrote:
Bad Boy wrote:I can't say much about the body of the minibee (hard to see), but I'm sure it's fine, and the wreckerbee (and others) are great.
Um... you did see that a posted a screenshot of the Minibee a few days ago, right? It's plenty easy to see.
Derp totally missed that cause of the spoiler. The body looks nice but I'm still not really a fan of the outside arms, but there's not much you can do so I guess I'll just live with it :D

As for the station, it's awesome, great asymmetry and style and the glowy hexes are neat. But yeah, it doesn't really work as a the bee hive, the style is too different.
Edit: Forgot to answer your question.
Way I see it, there's two ways about it. If you want to try and make it blend in with the bees (ie. you're deadset on using it as a beehive, a feel I definitely don't get from it) then slapping on other sprites could potentially do it, but it also looks fine as it is, just as a station that's not affiliated with the bees.

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:18 am
by jwa8402
Hmm, hard to decide about adding other sections. First glance I'd say a hard no because dst/horsemonster sprites are pretty clean and compatible whereas, and no offense to any sprite-makers here, most other sets aren't. That said, there is room for a number of sprites from other sections provided your picky. For example, its nice to see those hex pieces being used but the tops are rather boring. Sorry if that doesn't help but you may have to just try incorporating some stuff and see how much it screws with the look.

I'm not sure how far along in your visualized design you are, but if anything bugs me its the simplicity. Not that you didn't add enough detail but I mean the overall design is basically two connected hubs with various attachments, which while nice looking, is not indicative of 'hive'. I trust you know that though and have a specific plan. I love the hub design so it would be interesting to see more used to make a more complex overall design. Hope that makes sense :lol:

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:02 am
by Doogie12
Perhaps put some Kae mech sprites in there? You could also have like a small area where a minibee is under construction. But yea you could create something interesting with mech sprites.

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:52 pm
by Anna
Some of you seem to think that just because it's called "The Hive" it's actually meant to look like a Beehive. This is entirely inaccurate. Do the Bees actually look like bees, beyond the fact they have arms? No, they don't. The Hive is a mining station, for god's sake, where the bees work out of. I made a few stylistic decisions to give it the name "Hive", like the hex main cores and the glowy orange honey-comb hexes, and that's all I really felt I needed. I was asking specifically if I should add SWA sections over the top of it, that's it. Kaelis thinks I should, Talhydras thinks it's fine as is, and I am conflicted and feeling like it'd be too much effort. :lol:

Anyway, it's still very much unfinished, so don't make too many judgements on the over all shape. It may end up being significantly larger by the time it's complete.

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:33 pm
by Anna
Minor update:
jwa8402 wrote:I trust you know that though and have a specific plan. I love the hub design so it would be interesting to see more used to make a more complex overall design.
Plan? Me? :lol: I don't plan, I just slap stuff together and see what comes out!


The asteroid itself is subject to alteration, change or outright replacement.

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:15 pm
by Rugdumph
In my opinion that asteroid is an epic touch. Very well implemented, doesn't look like it was just slapped on there. I particularly like the scaffold going round the bottom right side of it. My eyes are straining to find something to critique as well as praise...

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:36 pm
by vidboi
the asterois is a really nice touch, all i can think of to make it better is to take the asteroid sprite and reduce the contrast a bit, as it's just a bit too bright next to the hexagonal section

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:28 pm
by Anna
Rugdumph wrote:In my opinion that asteroid is an epic touch. Very well implemented, doesn't look like it was just slapped on there. I particularly like the scaffold going round the bottom right side of it. My eyes are straining to find something to critique as well as praise...
Glad you like it!
vidboi wrote:the asterois is a really nice touch, all i can think of to make it better is to take the asteroid sprite and reduce the contrast a bit, as it's just a bit too bright next to the hexagonal section
I tried reducing the contrast on the asteroid, earlier. It made it look really faded and washed out and all around rather bland, tbh.

Anyway, I'd say this thing is getting close to completion:

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:19 pm
by Corporal Jomn
Now that is just pure awesome! Perhaps put in some small asteroids from BSF? I'd love to see the final product.

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:05 am
by vidboi
the extra bit you've added at the bottom is nice on it's own but i think the positioning is making the station look a bit lopsided, especially as it's pointing in the direction of another part of the station which makes it look a bit odd. i'd either move the whole thing so that it's coming straight out of the parent boom, or perhaps shorten it and keep the observation section (the bit at the end) in that direction and the cargo and docking mechanism on another boom coming straight out of the main boom from the asteroid, if you catch my drift... :? this would be easier with a diagram

EDIT: diagrams (of slightly poor quality) now provided :D

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:58 am
by Anna
Sure, sure, I could do it that way.


I could do it that way. :lol: And that way I would leave the other bit, the bit you added the cut off beams and docking mechanism to, free for further expansion, which is planned, by the way. I wasn't just going to leave it as it is. :P

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:42 am
by vidboi
fair enough, although moving that boom all the way over makes it look a bit off... half way is the best bet i reckon. i did reckon you were going to put more on, i just needed somewhere to stick your lovely craftsmanship...

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:13 am
by ArcaneDude
This is looking fine. With a thing like this you can just keep expanding on and on. To be frank this is the first station I've seen that I really like. And the first you've built, IIRC. Thumbs up.

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:29 am
by 25000st
Nice job. I really like the detailing you've done.
IMO the dark side of the asteroid is too dark though.
the dark side
You need to bring balance to the force. :) jk

Re: Workbee & Co - Wreckerbee and Minibee Downloads On Page

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:19 am
by Anna
I am going on a hiatus from shipbuilding indefinitely. I will post up what I have of the Hive tomorrow, so you guys can do whatever you wish with the .sb4, if that's what you want.

EDIT: Removed me being a dickhead, thread unlocked.