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Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:56 am
by Happycake
@Everyone Else: Sorry for another long post. I have an aversion to tech/science-heretics.
@GATC: Good sci-fi material doesn't have to be excessively complex or creative, but it needs to be plausible. Tokamaks, ion/plasma propulsion, and plasma-armature rail-guns are perfectly valid sci-fi material. Make it easier on yourself.

Science Stuff:
1). Helium has an extremely (as in very tiny) small neutron cross section; you would have to shoot somewhere around 10^14 neutrons at a single Helium atom to have any real chance of splitting it. Even if you could somehow increase the neutron cross section of Helium, splitting it would still be counter-productive. Fission relies on the potential energy gap between the initial nuclei and product nuclei. The potential energy gap between the initial nuclei and its fission products is large when you have unstable elements, like U-235 (The most common Uranium isotope used in fission reactions). However, this energy gap is very small between Hydrogen and Helium (Even H and He isotopes), making fission useless as an energy source. In addition, helium isotopes don't even have the ability to form neutron pairs, preventing a chain reaction from happening. (This means that you have to constantly bombard the fuel sample with neutrons). Besides, fission actually converts a small portion of the element's mass to energy, so unless this "Psy Power" violates E=mc^2 AND the laws of thermodynamics, you will lose energy per cycle. By the way, fusion can generate reasonable amounts of energy until iron, so there's really no reason to split helium in the first place.

2). The fact that your "hard light" exerts force at all almost certainly means that its mass is >0, since normal photon pressure is too weak (as detailed in the last post) to be noticeable. Having "massed" photons would mean one of two things:

a). Your photons no longer travel at true C, making them redundant. Accelerating a beam of charged particles would be far more efficient.

b). Your photons have mass, but travel at true C, meaning they have an infinite amount of mass and energy. Since p(momentum)=mass (m) * velocity (v), propulsion via massed photons would generate an infinite amount of momentum, which would mean that your ship also travels at C. Besides making Einstein angry, this would also mean that your ship, (or your engine, rather) will undergo a very large acceleration. It is likely that the engine block will go straight through your ship, probably vaporizing it in the process.

c). Make it easier on yourself and use a ion/plasma drive.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:31 pm
by Lukasmah
Briefly: Plasma=Ionized gas. Plasma=/=Thermally agitated particle
I thought it was vice versa.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:02 pm
Happycake wrote:so unless this "Psy Power" violates E=mc^2 AND the laws of thermodynamics
GATC wrote:this generator put Lavoisier law in the graveyard
So, yes it does ^^
Happycake wrote:In addition, helium isotopes don't even have the ability to form neutron pairs, preventing a chain reaction from happening. (This means that you have to constantly bombard the fuel sample with neutrons)
Unless you use a Magitech particle fission device that "absorb" the atomic force between subatomic particle (and after that, pairing correctly the electron to his proton). Generating power and helium from hydrogen.
But you are right, it can (maybe) be more efficient to "fission" the iron atoms.
a). Your photons no longer travel at true C, making them redundant. Accelerating a beam of charged particles would be far more efficient.
Except that it far more easy to "produce" photon out of nowhere than most of the other one ^^ (And when I say easier, it because Equestian use rather often pure energy (Electro-magic) to atom synthesizer, but they are quite power hungry)
So, what's more effective? A "simple light source" and a power-efficient photon "solidifying" device? Or a complex and energetically hungry synthesizer?

BTW! Some of you think that Equestria is a peaceful place, here is a list of the thing that can kill you:
-Hydra: multiple head with maw the size of a pony
-Manticore: claw + maw + giant scorpion tail (and it can fly)
-Cockatrice: Eyes that can turn you into stone
-Changeling: Shape-shifting "bug-pony" that feed on positive emotion, and can easily back-stab you
-Dragon: no-comment
-Minotaur: sentient and civilised, but rather warrior in behaviour
-Griffon: sentient and civilised, but rather warrior in behaviour
-Diamond Dog: sentient and "civilised", but rather warrior in behaviour
-Draconequus: a chaos being with powerful magic power and with who the word logic disappears (For example, it can kill you with a cotton candy cloud that produce a rain of hot chocolate milk... Explosive and nitroglycerin like hot chocolate milk!)
-Parasprite: a self replicating, cute flying stomach that ravage any food supply
-Quarray eel: giant territorial troglodyte eel
-Timberwolf: big wolf made of wood, extremely resistant and capable to reconstruct themselves
-Ursa: a colossal (8 story high) bear
-Windigo: a "spirit" that feed on discord and hate to produce strong blizzard

And that's only the thing that we have seen in the show XD
So, still a peaceful and not dangerous place?
I will add some new ship soon ^^

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:21 am
by Happycake
1). If it violates the laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy, then it's really no longer sci-fi

2). You can't "absorb" atomic force. The strong force acts at extremely small distances between subatomic particles, so it is practically impossible for you to interfere with it in any way. What I'm ultimately trying to tell you is that it's pointless to include fission in your reactors in the first place. It's inefficient, due to the tiny neutron cross sections of most fusion-generated elements. Wouldn't mining an asteroid/comet for water (to electolyse) make more sense? Note: Electrons aren't even involved in nuclear fusion. They actually get in the way.

3). The reasons why you should use a particle/ion drive:

a). You could pump nuclei and protons from a fusion reactor directly into the drive, so you don't have to waste energy re-ionizing particles. It's more efficient than using electricity from your reactor to power some kind of photon thingy, since energy will be inadvertently lost in the generation/conduction process.

b). Superconducting coils are probably more reliable and cost efficient when compared to your physics-violating photon engine.

c). Magnetic acceleration is extremely efficient, especially in a vaccum. Superconducting materials will allow PE-KE conversions to approach 100%. Lasers on the other hand, are extremely inefficient. Chemical lasers generate excessive thermal energy, and other types are hampered by complex circuits, which indirectly causes energy loss.

d). Particle beams can be easily collimated, meaning greater engine efficiencies and lower risks of passive detection.


Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:50 am
3 new ship
MK2proto Horscan Battlecruiser "Odyssey"

MK1 Hoscan Patrol Cruiser "Constitution"

MK3 Equestrian Stardock "Innkeeper"
(this one use my new "tech" of "self deploying shield")

Spacial Happycake ^^ (but you can read it too if you want ^^
Happycake wrote:1). If it violates the laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy, then it's really no longer sci-fi
Since when? O.O
(I can show you many sci-fi stuff that violate physic law XD, (just look at Star Wars. They got plasma sword that can make other plasma sword and plasma bold bounce, fighter that are not really affected by gravity nor inertia, a way to travel faster than light, Force based tech...))
Happycake wrote:so it is practically impossible for you to interfere with it in any way
Keyword her ^^
When you are able to generate anti-gravity field, it's not a real problem (if you figure how) to generate a field that "absorb" the strong interaction, the weak one, and electromagnetism, thus having your 2 protons flight in two different direction trough a micro energy field that mimic for a extremely sort time the strong interaction.
Happycake wrote:b). Superconducting coils are probably more reliable and cost efficient when compared to your physics-violating photon engine.
Keyword again ^^
Happycake wrote:energy will be inadvertently lost in the generation/conduction process.
Happycake wrote:Superconducting materials
Do you know that you counter yourself here? (>1 efficiency generator and "up to +100°C" superconducting material)
It's not a laser engine, it a "solid photon" stream engine, thus the most difficult task is to "push" the photon with the gravitational wave.
Happycake wrote:d). Particle beams can be easily collimated, meaning greater engine efficiencies and lower risks of passive detection.
Wait! What????
If you collimate the end of your particle beam, you don't move, right?
And if you let it flow (even in a limited direction), you can easily be tracked by your particle emission, no?

You know, you can do better with the light rider: the solid photon will get back to his normal state of multiple normal photon that flee in every direction after a short time.
At low power, the solid photon will travel a (relative to the ship) sort distance, staying in the ejection tube, thus still pushing the ship, but be only detectable if you are right behind the ship (because every other photon will "hit" the interior of the tube)

Some Equestrian ship use special long tube to be stealthy the other use a low power mode.
Don't think I didn't think about my tech system ^^

Happycake wrote:Wouldn't mining an asteroid/comet for water (to electolyse) make more sense?
Not if you want to use ship that don't need to rely on any kind of fuel, or can stay operational 70 year without ANY resupply (except for heavy repair)
(Equestrian ship are produce to stay about 70 year in active services with very few need to stop at a station to stay operational)

Extract of this site:
TL Era Timespan Signature technologies
0 Stone Age Prehistory and later Counting; oral tradition.
1 Bronze Age 3500 B.C.+ Arithmetic; writing.
2 Iron Age 1200 B.C.+ Geometry; scrolls.
3 Medieval 600 A.D.+ Algebra; books.
4 Age of Sail 1450+ Calculus; movable type.
5 Industrial Revolution 1730+ Mechanical calculators; telegraph.
6 Mechanized Age 1880+ Electrical calculators; telephone and radio;
7 Nuclear Age 1940+ Mainframe computers; television.
8 Digital Age 1980+ Personal computers; global networks. <== Humanity is here
9 Microtech Age 2025+? Artificial intelligence; real-time virtuality.
10 Robotic Age 2075+ Nanotechnology or other advances start to blur distinctions between technologies and magic <== BF is here
11 Age of Exotic Matter ??? ???
12 ??????? ??? ???

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:30 am
the new ships are okay albeit lacking in the sectionwork dept


Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:23 am
by Happycake
1). Nothing in star wars comes close to violating conservation of energy or the laws of thermodynamics. The magnetic containment field in a plasma-based light-saber could have enough strength of bend/deflect/absorb a charged particle/plasma beam.

2). Look, the strong force acts at somewhere around several A0s (Angstroms). When you plug that into the work equation W=Fd, you get a very small number, even if the force is very large. Since work equates to usable energy, your strong force explanation does not make much sense, practically. Besides, it's actually impossible for you to intercept a field boson, like a gluon. Besides, you're missing the fact that you need a very, very high energy plasma (far greater than what you can obtain using fusion) for individual protons to actually start flying apart. In order to reach these temperatures/energies, you will have to expend a lot of energy.

3). You never explained your tech in detail. Until you give me working equations, I'll have to qualify my statements. Superconducting magnets are solid state, and can accelerate charged particles at nearly 100% efficiency. Even if a photon driver could work at perfect efficiency, there would still be energy losses just from the circuitry involved. Why are you using extremely complex gravitational acceleration on a charge neutral particle in the first place. You can get similar or superior results through a much simpler super-conducting setup.

4).Okay. Your statement regarding the collimated particle beam nearly killed me. The goal of a engine is to direct a lot of thrust in a single direction, so any particle scattering is detrimental, since it introduces momentum in a lateral direction. (Which often cancels out anyways) Having a diffuse thrust beam decreases the amount of acceleration, since some of the energy used to accelerate the thrust beam/column cancels out laterally. Thus, having a stream of collimated particles (moving in the same direction) moving away from an engine is the most efficient. Do the geometry with some physics and it'll make sense. Particle engines do this well, since charged particles are easily collimated by magnetic fields. Uncharged particles (like photons) however, often cannot be collimated in this manner, since they (obviously) are not influenced by magnetic fields. You COULD use gravity to collimate such particles, but it simply makes more sense to not used uncharged particles in the first place. The simplest solution is almsot always the best one. Just so you now, a particle beam can be collimated to a width of three nanometers with little to no distance-based dispersion. This means that someone tracking my ship will have to be located in a very, very, very small angle behind me in order to pick up my engine signatures. You could do this with photons, but keep in mind that photons also interact a lot more with other particles compared to protons or nuclei. A particle beam may tunnel through a gas cloud unnoticed, while a photon beam of the same size will light it up. In addition, you can't restrain a photon inside a photon drive while stil expecting thrust. That's the same as lifting yourself by pulling on your heals. And having photons that "flee in every direction" is a dead give-away to a ship. A good fluid-based detector can detect a single photon from background noise. Thus, turning on your photon drives will easily allow detection, likely followed by a swarm of long range missiles and several rail gun rounds.

I'm not talking about thinking it over. I'm saying that you should head over to some legitimate website to check your science. Physics forums also works too.

Look. Warships are built for war, not exploration. Cramming extra life support and recycling facilities on a battleship does nothing more than waste space; If you have warp drives, there is no practical reason for you not to resupply. Besides, you can't violate conservation of energy. Your ships have to follow the laws of Thermo and energy conservation at least.

Your ships look a lot better, by the way. You may want to experiment with some other sections, though.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:40 am
by calvin1211
Violating ourarecurrent laws of physics (as we know them, which may not be 100% accurate anyways) doesn't automatically make you not sci-fi, it just means you're (probably) soft sci-fi.
And there are reasons to shove life support and logistics stuff onto your space battleships. Having an increased operational range means your ship can go further into enemy territory and operate for much longer without resupply. And every moment your battleship is resupplying or running back to resupply is one spent not wrecking the enemy's shit. There's also the pertinent matter of "what if the enemies blow up my supply ships?"
Also, life support is kinda neccessary for your crew. Unless you want everyone to fly TIE fighters.

That said, the rest of happycake's analysis is pretty spot-on.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:09 am
by Happycake
1). No...that's not the problem. I don't mind minor violations of the laws of physics, but you shouldn't violate the fundamental laws. Violating conservation of energy/Laws of thermodynamics is basically a way of saying that you can get infinite energy. Even the most Over-Powered sci-fi universes don't violate these these two rules, since it makes all other tech/progression pointless.

2). I was thinking about the warp drives. Most ships seem to have an inbuilt warp drive (J), so I thought that they could warp back to a station for resupply and back, rather than go the entire distance. Then again, I may be wrong. Seventy years of active service does seem a bit long, in my opinion. When I mentioned the life support, I was trying to refer to recreational facilites/habitats/medical facilities. (Things that would be needed in the long term) Sorry. I should have been more specific.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:53 am
Happycake wrote:Nothing in star wars comes close to violating conservation of energy or the laws of thermodynamics.
So, a guy who can pull down down a Star Destroyer though "The Force" without being itself affected don't broke some of the fundamental law?
Sword fuelled though Dark Side that can parry blasted bolt to, and resist lightsaber.
Giant tank that adsorbate life-force of any non Dark Side user.
Space station that eat sun to produce starship.

Happycake wrote:Besides, it's actually impossible for you to intercept a field boson, like a gluon.
Since when?
When you have tech that can manipulate gravity, flight WAY faster than light (Hyperspace/Galactic grade Teleportation/Warp space itself), or fuss atom to generate any kind of material (Star Trek), what is a "simple" modification of a field boson?
Happycake wrote:Besides, you're missing the fact that you need a very, very high energy plasma
Except if your protons already don't have any interaction with their peer, thus only a small energy is necessary to separate them from the proximity of other photon, and "link them back" to an electron
Happycake wrote:Why are you using extremely complex gravitational acceleration on a charge neutral particle in the first place. You can get similar or superior results through a much simpler super-conducting setup.
Simply because the gravitational manipulator is already inside the ship (providing gravity to it)
And it a more easy way to manipulate element with this method (When you have multiple particle to direct in a single direction while "fussing" them though a gravitational-magical field, it's WAY more easy)
Happycake wrote:And having photons that "flee in every direction" is a dead give-away to a ship
(Everything before if notion that I fully understand)
When a solid photon is "ejected" by the engine it provide trust and after that quickly explode in normal photon (as said previously), thus all the photons that will get "back" to the ship will push it again (yes, I know, this second amount of trust is ridiculous -.-)
But! When in the tube, there is a single exit, far away from the "explosion point". Because of that, only the photons that will go in this direction will exit the tube, generating a kind of light ray. The remaining photon will either:
-Bounce of the tube wall (99.9% reflection capacity)
-Hit the other end of the tube (providing a weak new trust)

Warships are built for war, not exploration.
The Equestrian navy do many of this kind of thing for their allied Galactic forces.
But they are also warship
(Thing a little more of the Equestrian Navy as a Starfleet like force than the Imperial Navy)
Cramming life support and recycling facilities on a battleship does nothing more than waste space;
2 things:
-When your main resources are limited to a few star system. The Equestian Kingdom is "only" 100 light year wide due to the fact that Equestrian are rather weak without access to a Magic Field and that Celestia's Sun produce a 10 light year wide field. Magic cargo do daily travel to refill the outer core colonies with magic energy. The production of Arcanite is extremely long and often limited to starship generator because they don't have the tech to produce city sized generator, nor the resources, and nor the will to do so in the near future. Magic cargo are way more efficient to refill a planet that don't move.
-When some of the ship have to do a 15 year operation in outer-space, or keep a key position for LONG time, it's better to be fully autonomous.

(I don't say that they can't or don't some refuel, but only if time is running or the ship can not do it itself.)
Happycake wrote:Besides, you can't violate conservation of energy. Your ships have to follow the laws of Thermo and energy conservation at least.
I follow them, I have just a bigger equation that take Magic in count ^^
Happycake wrote:Until you give me working equations, I'll have to qualify my statements.
Just for fun, give me the equation and schematic of a working lightsaber/warp drive/gravitational generator ^^

calvin1211 wrote:Also, life support is kinda neccessary for your crew.
Except for the Kindness and the Generosity, the crew is often 6 member...
-The galactic navigation and science Operator (Galactic teleportation and science analysis)
-The conventional navigation Operator (Move the ship and fire the weapons)
-The engineer Operator (Manage the shield and repair drones)
-The tactical and security Operator (Analyse military situation, manage security breach, fire the weapons, play chess with the advisor, and read the network for news...)
-The AI advisor (keep the crew entertained when not in operation, advises the captain if necessary, play chess (and other games) with the Tactic if there is no battle ahead)
-The captain (the captain)
(The four first are in command pod and leave it only a couple of time through the whole ship life and thus don't need any food nor sleep when they are inside it)
(The fifth is an Magic-AI and thus don't need anything beside power)
(The sixth is the only one who breath, eat, sleep an get out of the ship a little more than twice a year (on average))
(Yes, been in the Equestrian Navy as operators is quite a commitment XD )

calvin1211 wrote:"what if the enemies blow up my supply ships?"
BTW the worst fear of the Equestrian and other native of their planet

Warning! All of this is only for the Equestrian (and Horscan), not the other faction that use more conventional engine and crew

Seventy years of active service does seem a bit long
They operate about 35 year as the last class available to the fleet and 35 year as back up and outer world ship, but are often put in retreat once they reach the 50 year since the newest generation is fully ready.
They got minor upgrade through they whole "life" (made in fight), and a major one once in a while (At Stardock to accelerate it but can be done in fight).

Happycake wrote:You may want to experiment with some other sections, though.
Other shiny? Or totally other style?

Even the most Over-Powered sci-fi universes don't violate these these two rules, since it makes all other tech/progression pointless.
It's not because you have a >1 efficiency generator that you have to stop your progression. Even more if your generator is difficult to produce!
And a >1 efficiency generator don't mean either that you are godlike.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:23 am
by Doogie12
This is hilarious. Because this faction premise deserves to be taken seriously.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:11 am
by calvin1211
Typing this on a phone is a nightmare. I''ll write more later.
GATC wrote:
Happycake wrote:Nothing in star wars comes close to violating conservation of energy or the laws of thermodynamics.
So, a guy who can pull down down a Star Destroyer though "The Force" without being itself affected don't broke some of the fundamental law?
Sword fuelled though Dark Side that can parry blasted bolt to, and resist lightsaber.
Giant tank that adsorbate life-force of any non Dark Side user.
Space station that eat sun to produce starship.
Worth noting is that anything to do with the force in Star Wars isn't science, but rather falls under the realm of "fucking magic" which has lead to some people arguing that Star Wars is "fantasy" or "science fantasy" rather than "science fiction" though some of that is the gratuitous use of fantasy tropes.
And the Star Forge doesn't actually violate any of the said universal laws of physics, and doesn't need to. It just requires sufficiently advanced technology (namely, matter-energy-matter conversion, which is pretty common in sci-fi) and a source of energy and mass, like say, a star.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:50 pm
by Happycake
Okay. Look. I'm way too tired to argue these points in detail, so I'll just give you an outline. Using a wider variety of Kae_Shn sprite would probably make your ships look better. They are improving, though. The station could use better section work. Try integrating some smaller sections.

Note: Read some 40k, GATC. The stuff in Equestria will appear VERY tame in comparison.

More Physics Fluff:
1). That's why I hate Star-Wars. Besides, you're jumping onto a bandwagon.

2). You MORO...Ah person...It's physically impossible to intercept a field boson because the universe prevents you from doing so. Any interaction that can do anything on the sizes and timescales of force-carrying particles (excluding photons) would be utterly hampered by quantum fluctuations. Magic is NOT going to help you. Bending space time is completely different than modifying an elementary particle. You can't change the spin/charge/mass of a gluon, since a). it has no base components b). it would decay immediately even if you did. Until you show me exactly HOW you plan to do this in detail, I'm assuming it's impossible. Warp drives can be described with equations, and star treck synthesizers actually follow e=mc^2 (matter-->energy)

3). Once again, do some research. The strong force binds protons together very tightly; it only breaks at very, very, high temperatures. The strong force is also omnipresent, meaning that it always acts, regardless whether it's a single proton or a large atomic nucleus. It's also unimaginably powerful, especially in the pre-Actinide series. This means that atomic nuclei can break apart only at ultra-high temperatures. By the way, why do have to add an electron? It's completely useless when it comes to both fusion and fission. In order for an electron to "link" and enter an orbital, there has to be a relatively low amount of thermal energy. Any attempts at artificially attaching an electron to an nucleus at a higher temperature will cause it to escape almost immediately.

4). NO. It would take a very, very, very large gravitational field to accelerate massed photons (or any other particle) to a sizable velocity. This is also problematic in execution. You would have to have an ultra-singularity type object moving at an constant acceleration ahead the engine exhaust. Otherwise, the photons would decelerate to their initial velocity after passing the artificial gravity field's center of gravity, possibly even getting stuck in a gravity well, meaning little to no thrust. Look up "ion drive". Study the diagrams a bit, and it makes sense that it is an elegant and efficient thrust mechanism. It's solid state and has excellent efficiencies in terms of both fuel and energy consumptions. What is "fussing". You said that your drive relies on hard light, which to my limited understanding, appears to be a somewhat stable self-reenforcing complex of photons. Just so you know, nuclear fusion with anything other than protons and neutrons is impossible, if that was what you meant by "fussing".

4). Photon pressure is negligible, unless your ship is a dedicated solar sail. The secondary thrust from decaying hard light particles would provide very little acceleration. I outlined this in first post. p=KE/c. The speed of light is a very large number. Trying to increase the number of ejected light particles would do little to help this; your ship will be vaporized long before you could actually produce a reasonable acceleration. The backscatter from the photons re-hitting your ship would still be easily detectable, through thermal radiation and backscattered particles if not visible light. Where was I? Right...Arming the Railguns....

5). Fine. I won't debate over what your fleet is built for. It's ultimately your decision. I detailed the life support bit in the previous post. It's unclear whether or not reliable FTL is commonplace in the BSF universe, so ignore that point.

6). Your using the "special pleading" fallacy. Your reply is an excuse, not an explanation. Unless you tell me what magic is made out of and it's physical properties, I will hold on to this viewpoint.

7). Equation for Alcubierre warp drive: Image This describes the geometry of the warp drive, relative to time, which is constant. Most of the other variables in the equation are factors, meaning that they are substitutes for functions. (aka..Lorentz factor)
Here's a link to the original paper:

A working light saber is a self contained plasma lance. In other words, a longer and more efficient plasma cutter. Work it out for yourself.

A equation/theory for a gravitational generator has not been created at this time. I never even mentioned most of the above mechanisms, even on my own ships. Why are you trying to force the burden of proof on me?

8). I'll take your word regarding the lifespan

9). I'm just telling you that you're crossing into fantasy if you have a e>1 generator.
Do some physics research, please.

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:52 pm
by Necrontyr1998
Well, this is educational 0.o

GATC, why couldn't you have just gone with some generic spaceship features instead of infringing on the laws of the universe?!?

Re: Equestria's Finest

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:24 pm
by calvin1211
Right, continuing on.
GATC wrote:snip spaceship crewing
So the ponies are pretty much permantly wired into their ships then. Communual Daleks, except with ponies instead of tentacle blob things and spaceships instead of pepperpots.
Also, being wired into your ships does not eliminate the crew's need for food (of some kind, even if it is soylent whatever) unless you're going the CORE route and uploading people into microchips. And even then, you still have to do mantainance and all. And it'd probably be kinda bad for morale.
Seventy years of active service does seem a bit long
They operate about 35 year as the last class available to the fleet and 35 year as back up and outer world ship, but are often put in retreat once they reach the 50 year since the newest generation is fully ready.
They got minor upgrade through they whole "life" (made in fight), and a major one once in a while (At Stardock to accelerate it but can be done in fight).
70 year service cycles for warships are really really long. Hell, 50 years of service for equipment is stretching it, since damage (you can't perfectly repair anything), bugs and glitches and the like will accumulate, and there's that nasty issue of material degrdation due to age. There's a reason why military equipment tends to get scrapped after 10-20 years if it hasn't been mothballed.
There's also the nasty implication in this passage that there is a 35 year procurement cycle, which means that tech is likely going to be horribly out of date most of the time since you're getting major gear changes only once every 35 years. You could wind up doing the equivilent of fighting WW2 as Britan with Mark 1s because you decided to wait for the Centurion to be ready and didn't bother with Matildas and Churchills.


On a less sciency nitpicky front, you shipbuilding is improving.