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Re: Random acts of violence with shipmaker

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:29 pm
by jwa8402
Ah well that explains it...I'll work on the color.
BFG Marine Battle Barge, or so I assume. Wanted to do a dark green color scheme but it looked awful. Still swapping out some sections.

Re: Random acts of violence with shipmaker

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:14 am
by jwa8402
Merry Christmas bitches, its download time - over 9000 edition :lol:
This is the final version of this fleet. That is not to say I won't go back and fix stuff if people catch a problem or I remember something so expect a fix release possibly but this is pretty much complete. There are 130 ships in this download, give or take. A few are incomplete like the zerg and Magog world ship so I deleted the .shp files to avoid spawning them in game. Feel free to finish or change them. Let me know if there are any problems with the download.
A few important notes about these ships.

Make sure to completely delete any earlier copy of this fleet. Ships are now filed by series and faction so a simple overwrite won't work.
This fleet requires the Mirv version of BSF.
Several of the ships have special abilities. Some are automatic, some you need to trigger. In a few cases this probably makes them OP but thats ok. Andromeda's nova bomb doesn't work so ignore it for now. B5 Excaliber's super laser fires with space bar, but doesn't line up sometimes.
Almost all ships use invisible self repairing shields. Their strength and recharge is based on class/size. You can see how much shield you have in the HUD window. A few like the battlestars just use armor.
For fighters space bar fires guns, right mouse button fires missles/bombs.
For the battlestar columbia, I recommend attacking a point near it to activate flak field, then targeting an enemy. Ignore the battlestar A because its a leftover I forgot to remove from the download.
For the cloaked ships, I made a user friendly version that you can see, and an enemy version that you can't. *Cloaked ships work best without planets and such in the background.
Several ships launch fighters. I didn't do extensive testing on numbers or recharge, so let me know if it bugs the game. Fighters tend to distract bigger ships targeting since min/max targeting doesn't work. If the game is ever fixed, I will modify the weapons.

A few ships aren't armed at all and are meant to be protected. These are mostly shuttles/frieghtors, ect. If I release a fix version, they will probably have longer range so they 'run away'.
I included Doogie's Schimitar with his permission since it is to scale and I've since balanced it to my fleet.

This will be my last project with BSF, at least for the time being. Thanks to all those who took the time to comment on this project, and all those who have taken the time to help or even criticize my shipbuilding over the years. It would be great if we someday had multiplayer to use these because they really are fun to play with, but I hope people enjoy them regardless. Thank you.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:03 am
by Bad Boy
Jwa, I will give these the time they deserve when I can. It's kinda Christmas at the moment (good present by the way) so I'm a bit busy. When I'm free I'll go through em to see if I can find any errors and probably make some encounters for them.

Thanks a lot man for all these ships and such. Only one word can describe this rather epic undertaking, but to be honest I'm not sure of what word to choose. So thanks man.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:37 am
by AlphaDetisMegas
Holy, nice work, will take these for a spin when its not christmas, thanks for the download man.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:39 pm
by Corporal Jomn
Great work jwa, this is a really great Christmas gift.
Only one word can describe this rather epic undertaking, but to be honest I'm not sure of what word to choose.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:34 pm
by ArcaneDude
Your thoroughness is an inspiration to us all. Great job, jwa. *downloads*

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:58 am
by ArcaneDude
Allright. After a few plays I have a couple of remarks.
- You're continually using the Plasma Ball (I think) as a primary weapon. This is LOUD. There is almost no sound except the 'DUNG DUNG DUNG' from the plasma balls. I recommend varying between blasters, pulse cannons, particle guns,...
- The custom sprites you've used for most beams tend to glitch and don't hit sometimes, even though they're right on target. Standard sprites might be more effective.
- The Rebel Blockade Runner could use an aesthetic rework, I've also noticed that it doesn't fire at any bigger ships, it just floats there.
- Most energy weapons travel really slowly. This results in StarDestroyers not hitting the slow Nebulon-B frigates. At all. Except if they're caught in a corner or something.
- The balancing could use some rework. A Borg Cube could at least destroy a few ships if it's fighting a fleet.
- Next to that, the Lucrehulk battleship is in 'reality' bigger than a StarDestroyer, not smaller. (Minor nitpick here)
- A giant purple beam on the Aurora? Why is that?
There may be more, but I haven't played with all the ships yet.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:25 am
by jwa8402
Thanks for trying them! Happily almost all of that is stuff I can work with.
-A few versions back each ship used different weapons but some like autocannons only fired so far before the bullets expired, while others would keep going, giving some ships distinct advantages. Happy to mix them up but honestly haven't been using sound so I didn't realize about the DUNG DUNG DUNG :lol:
-Hmm, didn't catch the sprite problem. They all use one of horsemonsters because it seemed prettiest for the trek ships but I didn't notice it skipping. The problem seems to be that I shrunk some weapons which i didn't initially realize makes the default bullet size smaller too. Easy fix.
-The problem with the blockade runner was that I made it too small. It doesn't qualify for more than one weapon since its one of those meant to be protected. I need to adjust the smallest and the largest ships to have more weapons, which should fix the borg cube problem as well. Originally it was the largest of a smaller class but I think I'll restat it so its the same as the SSD, which doubles its weapons and stats. I was saving that for the borg dreadnought which is to scale, but it crashes the game :lol:
-The bullet speed is something I'd noticed but an easy fix I can make in a half hour maybe. Like half again or twice that speed ya think?
-I could try to build the Lucrehulk bigger but that was the biggest convenient size. I could certainly make it more powerful... There were a few ships like the Aurora that I gave the super beam because they were supposed to be really powerful but other series ships, sometimes smaller, which had 'super weapons' were kicking its ass. I think I'll just make the ancient drones more powerful.

Thanks again! I'll start fixing this stuff and if other people notice problems I'll add those before I release it again.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:38 pm
by ArcaneDude
Jwa and I have agreed to work together to take this project further. For now, I will concentrate myself on a couple of Halo ships. The first of these is a ship I tried building a long time ago, but I had to give up due to the constraints of that day's section palette. Now I've finally managed to complete it. It's not armed or shielded yet, but it will be soon. I will also implement a few aesthetical changes for the final version, mainly added shading.
Covenant Assault Carrier
Covenant Assault Carrier
The multi-kilometer long Covenant Assault Carrier is the bane of the UNSC fleets. With it's powerful shield, thick armour, and multitude of precise and devastating weapons, this is a tough nut to crack. In addition, it can carry an entire swarm of starfighters and even small capital ships in it's gaping hangars. The Assault Carrier serves as a flagship for the Covenant fleets, and it's Sangheili Shipmasters consider it a great honour to captain this awe-inspiring vessel.

Covenant Assault Carrier flanked by two CCS class cruisers.
Covenant Assault Carrier flanked by two CCS class cruisers.
These two are largely complete. I'm having a problem with the plasma torpedoes, though. I'm using Flashbolters, and they don't seem to be doing any damage, even though I set it at 400 points...

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:45 am
by jwa8402
Wow, arcanedude comes out of retirement, builds something like that, and still no comments? Didn't think the nails were pounded in quite that far.

Well in any case, decided to finish a few of the organic ships I'd been having trouble with. Moya is kinda boring but pretty accurate I think. The Kluth Mandible class dreadnought will probably only be appreciated by a few like Rhiawhyn or Deltaflyer if their still around, but it was something I'd wanted to build for awhile. Still fooling with the rear and the spiking then I get to throw on as many beams as I can :lol:

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:51 am
by Anna
Amazing work, both of you.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:31 am
by ArcaneDude
Thanks Anna.
@jwa: Moya would probably look even better if you made her a little rounder on the sides. Another idea might be to create a pattern of lighter brown lines using custom doodads to recreate the intricate latchwork of it's hull.

Next up, Covenant Corvette. Oh and working plasma torps. Flashbolters are great aesthetically but for some reason they don't deal any damage when I test them against the other Star Wreck ships. Is anyone else having this problem?

EDIT: Jwa, please check your parenting. I am getting seizures from this. :shock:

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:02 am
by Exethalion
Great work guys, and a very cool project overall. It's unfortunate this will be jwa's last project though. Hope to see some more good ships come out of this.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:55 pm
by ArcaneDude
Covenant Fleet 2.png
Not entirely certain about the recolour. Torpedoes still don't work and the Seraphs are a little overpowered. The Corvette is balanced to a Nebulon B and performs perfectly.

EDIT: problem solved! HV rockets don't have the same plasma-ish quality as the flashbolter but they're the only non-AoE guided weapon (except for missiles, and they have trails). It appears it was indeed the AoE nature of the flashbolters that was causing the problem. Odd.

Re: Star Wreck Uber download pg 24

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:43 am
by vidboi
i think it looks better with colour. before, some of the sectionwork around the outside of the assault carrier lookes supect, but the colour covers that up by reducing the contrast. very nice work overall