God Class

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Re: God Class

Post by Anna »

Because the rest of us have taste. And 255R 0B 0G is SUPER HIGH SATURATION.

Did you specifically miss where I said low saturation looks best?

I've given you enough of my time. If you won't learn from constructive criticism then I won't waste the effort.
Think of it if you were to have to battle these things, as the fight progresses you would see that these are not just ships, but living things, so you would be confused and scared. And as you get close to what you think is destroying them, you find that under their bones they are nothing but concentrated binary code, naturally you should be terrified out of your wits as to how these being can exist, (unless your a scientist, then you would be fascinated).
In a real military situation, most people would not be scared by finding flesh and bone under armor. Confused? Sure. Scared? Flesh and bone are weaksauce.

The bit about concentrated binary code is stupid. Whaa matrix bullshit. Makes no sense.
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Re: God Class

Post by TheBuilder »

It's just so amusing. . . . .
. . . . .I think the reason you find my style unappealing is that you do not understand me, and for you to understand someone else, you must first understand yourself, not an easy task indeed.

Taste is a matter of perspective, is it not?

I thank you for the time you have put into your replies, weather or not you think them wastes of time is your choice.

(you may want to hold any more replies till I post the next ships)
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Re: God Class

Post by Anna »

Enough of this faux wisdom crap, you smartass little shit. Nobody here with an ounce of sense would be impressed by your pseudo-philosophy nonsense. I find your style unappealing because it is visually inconsistant (well, its poor quality is at least consistant), sloppy, and poorly thought out. I understand myself just fine, and I have a fairly good understanding of you. You think you're deep because you can spout snappy one-liners. You're not deep. You're shallow. When people offered you ways to improve the objectively bad quality of your work, you dismissed most of their arguments, saying it was fine as it was. When you were then shown the flaws in your work, and shown a way to do better, you came back with a long-winded response of false humility.

And when I give you some firm pointers, you throw them back in my face.

From this moment forth, I am ignoring your threads. I encourage everyone else to do the same. TheBuilder isn't worth wasting your constructive criticism on.
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Re: God Class

Post by TheBuilder »

Even thougk I know you ain't gonna read this Anna, I put it here anyway.
False wisdom? I say no more than I know, cause I know that I do not know everything.
I'm talking this way because getting angry would do nothing to help me, I have not rejected anyone's advice, I haven't even posted the next ships yet so how would you know if I did or not?
But you seem to overlook one thing. I'm guessing you think that I'm a complete noob on the internet in general? Well I've been here since January.
There's also my accounts at:
tesnexus.com - CreeperDaReeper, (I have made my own mod)
knucklecracker.com - thebuilder, (I'm a beta tester for this game, and have made plenty of custom maps too)
These are just the other two sites that I have made content for, I have accounts at, at least 4 other sites with forums, so don't I think I'm just some worthless pissant.

I think that's enough talking for now, I'm gonna go back to working on Hecate, laterz. lolz
Last edited by TheBuilder on Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: God Class

Post by jwa8402 »

I won't make any judgments about your actual intelligence, but I will point out your established behavior. On both this site and some other posts such as that in your signature, you try to express yourself in a thoughtful manner, which is fine. But when you put forth an idea and others disagree with it, or even allow you to hold your opinion but express their own as well, you come back saying they obviously don't understand. I think that is a mistake in general but it is especially rude on the internet. I respect that you have picked a style and decided to stick with it but you've posted what, two threads with one or two ships each?

Granted, its harsh for everyone to say what your doing is bad and you should change to a different style. Yet it is also wrong for you, with such minuscule experience, to discount them. I hope I am proven wrong by your newer ships but my point is that rather than saying their wrong, or giving in, ask how you can improve the ship using their methods while maintaining your style. The Hestia for instance could be somewhat fixed with a few sprite swaps and some neater section work. What I have not seen from you is the capacity to consider that there may be a better way even if you can't see that it could be better. Without that, everything else is just bullshit.

And to be helpful, the main part I would change on the hestia especially but any of your ships is the SS_prosectionax09.png. It truly detracts from the ship, both as an ugly sprite to begin with, in the places you used it, and for fitting in with your style as you describe it. There are better options that will accomplish exactly the same thing, trust me. If nothing else works, try sketching a ship, set it as the background, and keep swapping out different sprites to see which best matches the shapes while fitting together best.
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Re: God Class

Post by Preacher »

Right well so far Ive steered clear of this debate but as a friend builder i must say that Jwa's advice here is incredibly sound build something showing what you have learnt from the constructive criticism you've received is probably the best way of going about this. I personally like your idea but aesthetically it hasn't turned out to be particularly pleasing, and Anna gave you a great opportunity to learn from him with his interpretation of your work I suggest that you do.

And don't rise to Anna he has a blunt way of putting things, but its usually to help, everyone makes mistakes on this forum (well most people :wink: some internet ninjas just don't) but learning from them is the best way to progress as an active member in this community.

On a final note about improving your ship building, use a screenshot of one of the quality builders ships (STARSTRUCK, Anna, Crimson Flame, and anyone Ive missed) and use it as a background in shipmaker, attempt to copy it, this will give you insight on how to both depth and colour properly,and if its a good ship doodading as well, use what you have learnt from your copy in your designs and then apply your own style, as Anna said practice is the key :)


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Re: God Class

Post by TheBuilder »

I'm working on building something that shows that I have learned from everyone's advice, but since people keep adding more, it keeps taking longer, from making adjustments. lolz

EDIT: One piece of advice I took rather quickly was to change the color, since I wasn't even happy with it completely. I tried lowering the saturation on the colors, but now they look kind of pale and sick, rather than healthy creatures. :(
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Re: God Class

Post by TheBuilder »


Added the Hecate and the Thetis.
Changed the Prosectionax part to somethign similar from Kaelis' Shining pack.
Changed the colors to be less saturated, (but now they look sick rather than healthy).
Changed some armaments.

So, any better now?
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Re: God Class

Post by Da_Dooley »

Well... It's better, but it still leaves a lot to be desired.
Vidboi's sprites are more standalone... and stretching them... dear god...
The ships themselves have an alright shape, but the way you have built them, with the sections you used... bleh.
The colors really clash. Really, really clash. Going back to Vid's sprites... they look somewhat unsightly recolored.
The weapons... well, it's not Weaponspam™, but there are, IMHO, a bit too many. Also, be careful when mixing Svn's weps with HM's.

I will say this again, though: Your ships now are better that what you started out with. Keep improving!
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Re: God Class

Post by TheBuilder »

NONE of the sprites are stretched. The colors are as such because of what they are on, which is not just a ship, but a creature. I built these not with the intent of them just being ships, but being, living, breathing creatures as well. And as for the reason for so many different styles of sprites used together, check the story, they have gone through space and time for who knows how many millenia, so all of their components come from all across space and time.

Would someone please look at these as if these were creatures and not just ships? I'm serious here, they look frigin sick when colored this way. The way I had them in the first place made them look much more healthy.

I guess most don't understand them since they are the result of an idea so far beyond the outside of the box that it looks just plain wrong untill understood.

Anyway, I guess I'll stick with the coloring till enough people say otherwise, though right now I'm just deciding on which destroyer and which battleship to do next.
Till then, laterz.
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Re: God Class

Post by jwa8402 »

Hmm, well you did correct a few of the mistakes so good job. I also kinda see the organic nature behind the shapes though again I think poor sprite choice is the problem rather than design.
I went back and reread the back story several times and I can guess that one of the reasons people don't see the relation of the organic form is that your back story almost completely skips over it. There is no mention of the ships being organic, or even sentient, at launch. There is no mention that the jump system is a new technology so such extreme side effects seem unlikely, though I could believe advanced computers could develop sentience over time.
Putting aside the complete lack of explanation, or even mention of organic growth, I fail to see why the scientists would be puzzled to not find organs, or why all the controls would have disappeared. I've read stories where ships developed intelligences and used bots or something to expand their hulls, or where the pilot merged with the ship to become a biological entity. You just have them suddenly grow skin and nerves, but some how they don't need organs? And where did this mass, especially the organic stuff, come from? And they were lost out of control in this jump to the point they grew bored but yet they were able to travel back to their creators at will?
Seems like complete rubbish but I won't assume its not possible, just that you have a explanation but the writing sucks. If your going to do a story though, put some more effort into it, especially if your going to keep falling back on it to defend your ship design. Don't just assume no one read it :|

Also perhaps machine's sprites would be more useful?
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Re: God Class

Post by TheBuilder »

Actually I did explain all of this, mabye not in extreme depth, but at least some. Here is the second and third paragraphs from the backstory I made for them:

The ships did not simply vanish by an anomaly; they "jumped". This happened because of the remote ship control system. When it was installed on the ships, there were no errors. But, at some point between activating the system, and when they dissapeared, the ships gained a sort of sentience. The Alliance controllers, nor the sentient ships, knew that the order of orders given to control the ships would cause them to reprogram themselves to jump as they did. This jump sent them not just to a different location, but through space and time.

This traveling through space and time caused not only their "minds" to grow, but also their hulls. In this way, they transformed from simple space craft, into powerfull beasts. Though no longer the same as when they were first built, each ship still resembled their original design. As each ship became more self aware, they started examining themselves, the data their data banks contained, and each other. Eventually they examined all that was around them. Since they were hurtling through space and time uncontrolably, they learned little. As all sentient beings do, they became bored eventually. In this way they decided to try and return to where they came from, and speak with their creators.

I have bolded the parts that clarify the issues you posted of. Though short, this is what you were looking for.
As for technology, I assumed that the first fleet of ships, which become the God class in my story, are built during a period of time well beyond our own. At least something like the year 3000 or even farther maybe.

But also, they did not build the ships to have AI, artificiall inteligence, but they mysteriously gained full sentience. Now considering that I did not make this story to compete with other created factions or the like, I had them be peaceful.

This is also another idea I have had. Normally, with beings such as these they end up being dictators, killing machines, or just plain insane. I wanted them to follow a path that I have yet to see ANY story that I have read take. And trust me I read a lot, that is how I am able to make decent stories when I want to. I like reading just as much as I like playing any game, electronic, or otherwise.

The funny thing is though, if you were to know of my days in school, you would know that I hat to write essays, or anything even a page long. Yet here I type up rather long posts with ease.

Something else as well, it takes me a while to add ships when making changes to the style, because of how the sections are layered, and then to display them I have to take and upload new pictures.

Thank you for you comment jwa, I hope I have clarified enough for you, and anyone else that is curious.

Laterz. :)
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Re: God Class

Post by Anna »

Short version: TheBuilder's writing is as bad and as nonsensical as his shipbuilding.

Why oh why did I look in this thread?
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Re: God Class

Post by TheBuilder »

Its probably because you wanted to see if I had actually done what I said I would do and take other's advice. As you can see I tried at the least.

Though you should at least understand this. These ship are the first things I have put real effort into that I have had enough drive to finish. My custom maps on knucklecracker.com, a custom story that I have yet to finish if ever. My mod on Tesnexus, also unfinished. These ships however are finished, so, I have reason to be proud of them even if they arn't the greatest things to ever be on this site, nor do I ever expect them to be.

Thanks for taking the time to read the posts here though.

Laterz. :)
Not even death can stop the truly determined.

My goal is to build the most epic thing possible, PERIOD.

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Re: God Class

Post by Anna »

TheBuilder wrote:Its probably because you wanted to see if I had actually done what I said I would do and take other's advice. As you can see I tried at the least.
You tried!?

Here's the main advice I gave you:
Anna wrote:1) DON'T MIX AND MATCH SECTION STYLES. vidboi's sections do not go with SWA sprites, period. Using them together looks utterly horrible. It is a bad idea and you should never, ever, ever fucking do it again. They have completely different shading styles, completely different textures, and their visual styles DO NOT MESH. It's as bad as using Stock Sections with Shiny Sections.
You ignored this completely. Your ships are still covered in mismatching sprites. SWA sections, Vidboi sections, and Machine's Biosections are all visible and all ugly.
Anna wrote:2) The problem with your red musculature was that you made it too dark, and too flat, and too highly saturated. It's just a really, really, really dark red. It looked like a dark red smudge. For that sort of thing, you want to use faded, LOW SATURATION colours. I used a sort of pinkish-red for mine, and look how much better it turned out.
You also ignored this. I said faded, low-saturation, PINKISH RED and... you use a slightly different red. It's just as bad as it was before.
Anna wrote:3) Section variation is a GOOD THING. It's okay to tile sections in places, as I demonstrated, but don't do it ALL OVER THE SHIP. Don't use the same section repeated again and again for 90% of any part of anything. It looks like shit and demonstrates a severe lack of creativity.
And you ignored this too, continuing to tile sections all over the place. There's no section variation at all. You use sections repeatedly all over all of these ships.

So don't tell me you tried following the advice you were given. You completely fucking ignored all the advice you were given. Ugh. Why am I still wasting my time with you? God damnit.
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