SWA 2.0

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SWA 2.0

Post by TheShipwrightArms »

Hey BSF Community, it's been a while. What's shaking? New board functionality = Awesome.

I didn't think I would be coming back to BSF, but a few days ago I had a little time and figured I'd swing by - check out what's been happening.

The thing that had bothered me (and partly the reason I went inactive) were the TSA sections. They were flat, and they took colour poorly, everything had a greyish cast. Maybe my shipbuilding wasn't up to scratch but I couldn't get anything to look the way I wanted.

For me SWA-style needed another interation - SWA 2.0

And so I started work again, creating built to purpose micropacks, each one intended to service the construction of a particular generic gunship design. Collectively they sit under the folder moniker of 'TSA_Ablatives'. So far 2 packs are done.

MothWing Configuration
HawkMoth.png (16.94 KiB) Viewed 6660 times
MothWing Colour Variant
HawkMothVariant2.png (17.76 KiB) Viewed 6660 times
Dual-Arm Configuration
DualArm.png (16.89 KiB) Viewed 6660 times
Dual-Arm Variant[/b]
Putting the Eh? into Asymmetry...<br />This is the first asymmetrical ship I've ever done. Asymmetry confuses TSA.
Putting the Eh? into Asymmetry...
This is the first asymmetrical ship I've ever done. Asymmetry confuses TSA.
DualArmVariant.png (10.92 KiB) Viewed 6660 times
There are a few more classic/generic designs on the schedule, although I am yet to decide which to work on next.
If you have a strong order preference or have other designs to add to the list please state.

The list is currently as follows:

Pointy Anime Thing

It's good to be back,

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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Nachus »

Oooh pretty, I must say a really like the way you used the colors on these, especially the second two. They don't look very big so I like that you added as much detail as you did, especially the cockpit on the Duel-Arm ones. The shape on the first two works very well, the third looks like the middle section could be a little bigger and I don't know what to make of those thruster they look just a bit to... bulbous I guess, and the fourth...I want to criticize it, but it works in a way that I don't fully comprehend. Overall these look very well done and extremely thought through, well done sir.

Also, the crescent sounds intriguing.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Anna »

Well, these are new. Pretty nice too, I must say. Any plans to release the sections any time soon? The ships are nice, and I look forward to seeing what else you make, but the sections are what we truly hunger for.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Kiltric »

These are fantastic, both the ships and the sections. As always, you have provided something interesting and unique to ship making that I think we all want to see more of.

As much as I would love to get my hands on these sections, I hope you don't run off after releasing them. We need ship makers of your caliber around.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by guilee186 »

Awesome. When can we see more of these kind of things? You're like Santa. You don't drop by often, but when you do, you give PRESENTS!
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Silverware »


Tts the only word that describes these ships really. God must be in Awe of you ships.
Even the bright orange and purple somehow work, which is rather odd, but really cool.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Corporal Jomn »

He's back! :shock: Anyways, great stuff as always, I really love 'em. Of course, like everyone else, I want them sprites.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Droid »

The HawkMoth is giving me serious GTF Ulysses vibes.

Awesome stuff as usual :D
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by TheShipwrightArms »

Anna wrote:Any plans to release the sections any time soon?
It's unlikely I'm afraid. I'm not a fan of incremental releases and there is much work to be done.
Having said that, incremental releases aren't such a pain now I don't have to worry about external hosting.

However I wouldn't expect any updates at all this week, time is always the problem for me.
Silv wrote:Even the bright orange and purple somehow work, which is rather odd, but really cool.
Check your colour wheel dude.
guilee wrote:You're like Santa. You don't drop by often, but when you do, you give PRESENTS!
Hmm...TheSantaArms. Interesting image.
Kilt wrote:I hope you don't run off after releasing them. We need ship makers of your caliber around.
Nah, this is how I roll.
Besides, you wouldn't want Santa hanging round your living room handing you presents every day would you?

Seriously? Oh ok then.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Skull13 »

Nice job. I don't particularly like the orange and purple, but its a good shape, and I do look forward to the sections being released.
Droid wrote:The HawkMoth is giving me serious GTF Ulysses vibes.
From someone who just spent the morning playing FSPort, I kind of have to agree. Just... The resemblance is uncanny! Look!

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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by TheShipwrightArms »

I wanted to see what happened when you combined TSA Ablatives with Kaelis' Shinys (TSKae Shitives)?
The answer is that they go together tolerably well, not perfectly, but they work ok.
My test ship is below.
MWP.png (30.77 KiB) Viewed 6249 times
Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking Hey, kae_shn026 looks different in this pic.
Indeed. With Kaelis' kind permission (although he may not remember this) I have ablativised it.

See, Kaelis sections are great, but some tend to be both large an complex. For non-experts this makes them tricker to use and to disguise their use.
Ablativisation is a process which breaks up sections into component parts, making them more flexible to use, allowing more varied re-colouring...the possibilities are quite literally >1.
'Ablatives' because they fit like plates over the original section.
'Ablatives' because they fit like plates over the original section.
Kae_shn026_Ablativised.png (3.24 KiB) Viewed 6249 times
It does mean that Ablative section packs get kinda bloated with loads of tiny seemingly pointless sections, but meh.
More is better than less imo.

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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by jwa8402 »

Glad to see someone doing this. A lot of the current sections are awesome but are as you said, way too complex to be very versatile or blend well. Simpler, even plainer, sections are better to me since I'd rather add the detail bit by bit, but they still need to fit together cohesively to form larger shapes, which most packs except the shiny one lack. The electricity arcing from the various contacts is a nice touch as well.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by TheShipwrightArms »

By the way lady and gents, please indicate on this thread whether you'd prefer to see an Alpha release of TSA_Ablatives or more ablativised Shinys (if Kae is happy for me to release).
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by Kanosint »

Hmm, Ablatised Shinies if Kae is OK with 'em :3 They're very nice, I found myself a bit stuck with the current shapes. Of course, TSA 2.0 is something I'm looking forward to <3 If it's anything like SWA the first, it'll start a revolution.
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Re: SWA 2.0

Post by TheBuilder »

Why not just release both, one set of your SWA, and one set of Kaelis" shining.

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