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Main Menu Ship Importing/New Campaign Ships

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:09 pm
by Arcalane
Yeah. As per the last two dev logs, I can import ships! Now that I understand how to do it, it's easy. I can even go so far as to allow them to be used in the campaign missions. :)

If you have any STOCK BALANCED suggestions (no, I am not going to put in your personal wankships), drop them in this topic. I'll need the sb4 of course.

Feel free to also suggest new ship types or throw out some ideas/concepts that you may not have time to build/experiment with. I intend on restoring and importing the Pandareus Destroyer (albeit with some CE guns), and possibly the Pirate Juggernaut;

Pandareus Railgun Destroyer

Pirate Juggernaut

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:42 pm
by lightstriker
alright, I might actually "dick around with" this myself, but...
I believe the pirates/ aliens need some sort of close range "patrol craft," basically a zelus, but pirate style (as they don't really have anything like that)

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:23 pm
by Darkship
I would like to suggest adding this:
something that bridges the Athena and the Hecate.
I know its not particularly imaginative since its role is already taken up but the two previously mentioned ships but I just think that both are too fragile for what they are meant for.

Anyway .sb4.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:06 am
by Arcalane
I've found that the "Razor Alien" (an unused set in the ini) colour scheme can also be used. I set my personal one to mottled blues.

First, I made them all razors, just for a test.

Then, I went a step further, and made it randomly choose between Razor and Pirate colours, whilst also randomly choosing one of the three section colours!

That's a Pirate Cruiser, based off Cherenkov's ship, by the way.

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:44 pm
by TormakSaber
*completely shamelessly promotes the ships he made in the stock pasck forever ago*

There's a few in there that aren't stock, the Augmented Pirate set. Granted they were made forever ago and they're not using any of the new weapons, so it's not a very good example of what the new stuff and do and so by virtue of that alone they aren't very good choices. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:02 pm
by Arcalane
The Augmented Pirates look like the default hybrid pirate ships to me. :? In fact, the only non-standards I've seen are in the Player Ships.

Ed: Nevermind, my lot were all out of date.


To be honest, a lot of those would be redundant and they'd just be pirate ships in alien colours, which is bad. Take in mind we only have a limited number of options to go on to my knowledge, so more unique stuff that we may not have seen before is better.

What I'd like to see also is some ideas for rebel ships, like that Rebel Battlecruiser. They can be slightly modified and refitted stock ships, that kinda thing.

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:23 pm
by Arcalane
Experimenting with stock-style ships. I figure the Rebels will name their ships after non-Greek deities, as a mockery of the FHQ system. ;)

So, here's the first test; the Loki. Norse trickster god!


The Loki is a fast and agile destroyer, with moderate armour. It has only a light armament, due to the space requirements of both a drive system, decent armour and a Dieterling Drive. It functions in a similar role to the FHQ Oenone Delta/Sinope, albeit it is more designed towards skirmishing rather than blitz assaults.

It may be renamed to the Uller at a later date.