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Solare: Factions

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:58 pm
by Silver Swordsman
In total, over the six story arcs, there are seven factions that appear. Some are the result of mergers, and others are the result of breakaways. While I am far from finishing, I will be posting as I type. Here you will find everything about each faction, from general historical background to weapon preferences.

Reunified Earthen Dominion (R.E.N.)

(Cynthia-class Destroyer after a kill)

The Reunified Earthen Navy is the dominant military force in the Solar System, as well as Alpha Centauri and Delta Aristotle. REN warships are perhaps the heaviest, as well as the most defensible ships ever known to man. The coveted and rare Neptunian alloys used as armor and frames add such integrity to the ship’s structure that any REN ship is a force to be reckoned with, even if slightly armed. However, due to their heavy weight, they are not the most nimble and agile of fighters, and are more inclined to rely on heavier ships to do most of the work.

The Reunified Earthen Navy was created around 300 years after the Fall to deal with the increasing ferocity and frequency of LSK pirate raids, and was the result of UWA military leaders mass-defecting to the rebel cause after realizing the futility of fighting a two-front war against pirates and rebels. The Navy hierarchy was strictly adhered to, with the top admirals looked up to almost as gods, whose orders were to be obeyed without question.

Initial fleets were comprised of old UWA warships, which initially succeeded in defending Mars, but the outdated maneuvers and protocols later proved impossible in stopping LSK mass-attacks and the ruins of Earth fell to pirates. With the ever-increasing industrial power of Mars, Venus, and 3rd Sector space stations, and the gradual decline of the hierarchal order, it was decided to allow captains to customize their ships at their own expense, greatly improving the efficiencies of each ship. However, this led to the rise “illegal” modifications, as tampering with engines and other vital components for power was not simply dangerous for the ship, but for the entire fleet.

Ship schematics for the REN show that Neptunian armor is their primary means of defense, which contributes to nearly 45% of the ship’s net weight. Weaponry, due to advanced technology capable of creating chemical-based explosions even in a vacuum, is usually projectile-area based.
Ship engines are prototype-assembled thrust reactors that run on solid hydrogen. Because of the volatility of the fuel, engines are not to be tampered with under any circumstances.

 Kinetic Cannon (NK-500): Capable of shooting projectiles weighing over 500 tonnes. Primarily, cannons usually use "Enke" nuclear warheads to achieve maximum performance.
 MAW (Magnetic Acceleration Weapon): Found on heavier ships in the Earthen Navy, these heavy weapons work by using super-magnets to accelerate Neptunian bolts at very high speeds. One well-placed shot is capable of completely severing a ship in two.
 Turbine Cannon: Modification of an engine to utilize its rotational kinetic energy to hurl bits of white-hot fuel rods at the enemy. Capable of decimating small ships with a few hits. This is usually found on civilian transports, as the Navy normally forbids such modifications to the engines.

 Kinetic Cannon (C-III): Identical in concept, similar in design, the smaller counterparts are designed to fire faster, and reload faster, at the disadvantage of having a smaller (but no less dangerous) payload.
 Torpedo: Homing missile. Useful for tracking down irksome harassers.
 Swarm-Rockets: Used on Interceptors, Cruisers, and Battleships. Interceptors use it to devastate targets in strafe runs; the sheer number of missiles makes defending against such assaults very difficult. Battleships and Cruisers utilize a slightly different version designed to shoot down strafing interceptors.

Tertiary (Defensive)
 Flak: Used on frigates and destroyers to disable incoming missiles projectiles.
 O2-Charge Rockets: Found on destroyers and cruisers. Rockets consist of a small Oxide charge that may detonate prematurely, but is generally successful in disabling missiles and projectiles.

Quandary (Infantry)
 A-2K Rifle: The standard weapon for light infantry units issued in 2000 AF. Weapon is fairly accurate even at 250 meters. Utilizes 5cm Neptunian-cased bolts.
 A-2K-A Rifle: Automatic variation of the A-2K. Compromises range and accuracy for higher rate of fire. Utilizes 3cm carbon munitions. Standard weapon for heavy infantry units.
 A-2K-Sniper Rifle: High-powered rifle used by professional sniper units. Capable of penetrating 2.5 cm non-Neptunian armor at 3000 meters. Utilizes 7.5 cm Neptunian bolts.
 V-Pistol: Small handgun issued to non-combat personnel. Highly lethal at close range. Utilizes C-shatter rounds.
 SL-RPG-2: Shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. Launches two anti-tank rockets.
 SL-RPG-4: Variant of the SL-RPG-2. Launches 4 Heat-seeker missiles. Used primarily against air units.

Re: Solare: Factions

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:07 am
by Silver Swordsman
League of Silent Knives

(LSK Hunter-class Frigate)

Some people called them pirates, barbarians, the Blackened Horde. Formed before the Fall, the League of Silent Knives, or LSK, proved to be one of the most tenacious powers in the Solar System.

As early as 2050, exiles from civilization found refuge in the inhospitable Asteroid Belt. In a weightless, lifeless, and limitless world of rocks, outcasts found hope. The League of Silent Knives started as any other pirate gang. Founded by exiles were determined to have a new start, the LSK grew powerful as its ranks swelled with its promise of a new life of adventure.

The LSK have been known to freely admit new recruits, going as far as to military crew members, but the oath of allegiance one swore was one breakable only by death. Their immense generosity is equally shadowed by their ferocity and cruelty. Infantry weapons were crudely designed, with victims usually dying from blood loss or massive trauma wounds.

As most members of the LSK were poor workers escaping from poverty, the choice of weaponry often reflected this, using improvised weapons made from factory tools or parts scavenged from raids. While the LSK has a scientific community dedicated to repairing parts and designing new weapons, LSK weaponry tends to favor the crude, favoring Vesuvian Bolts over cast bullets, deuterium over hydrogen.

LSK ships were usually small, carrying two persons or less, with occasional larger craft having a crew of up to five. Single-man ships are usually completely customized. Pilots graduate when they finish building their first scratch-built spacecraft. With most pilots favoring maneuverability and firepower over armor, LSK ships usually resemble piles of trash and are extremely light and agile.

LSK thrusters run on deuterium, which is less volatile than solid hydrogen, which allows pilots to extensively modify their thrusters without risk. The impurities in the fuel are constituent to the LSK’s jump system. The conversion of a large amount matter into energy in a very small space over a very short time creates “ripples” in the fabric of space, which the jump engine uses to “teleport” over short distances. Long-distance “warping” is also possible, but requires time to charge and ripple as well.

 EMP Torpedo: Given that the privateers still raid ships, it is paramount that the “fish isn’t moving anymore.” While more advanced systems can clear out an EMP strike by rebooting, the time to recover usually is ample enough to board.
 Sniper Cannon: Has limited penetrating ability, but is used to destroy crucial components of enemy ships to disable them (gun drivers… etc).
 Cluster Charge: Poor attempt by LSK technicians to create an “area of effect” weapon, but successful in its own rights.
 Thermite Cannon: Fires a stream of molten thermite from specially modified engines. Burning at well over 50,000 C, it can penetrate well into a ship’s interior, even passing Neptunian armor with ease.

 Spike Chaingun: Given that bolts were no longer effective against Neptunian armor, the only thing left to do was to drastically increase the bullet size and shape. Fires massive 0.75 meter long Vesuvian spikes that have a short penetrative ability.
 Charge Rockets: Cheap, deadly and efficient, these non-tracking missiles are devastating at short range.
 Deuterium Charge: The only successful AoE weapon created by LSK technicians, the Deuterium Charge features an unstable charge derived from hydrogen isotopes. Too dangerous to be used in missiles, they are usually deployed as mines.

Tertiary (Defensive)
 Flak: Wall of shrapnel in hope that it will destroy something.

Quandary (Infantry)
 Spike Rifle: Smaller version of the spike cannons used on ships. Fires 30 cm long spikes weighing .75 kilos each. Retains its penetrating power even at 3.5 km.
 Vesuvian-Bolter: Originally used by ship builders to drive in the bolts holding armor plates together, a worker strike found that a simple modification (removal of the muzzle) makes it quite a formidable weapon. The LSK have modified this weapon somewhat, but not extensively. Given that prototypes were automatic to allow workers to attain maximum efficiency, this weapon is capable of mowing down lightly armored troops with ease. However, given its weight, the only troops that utilize these are Juggernauts. Fires Vesuvian-cased bolts (similar to those used in the shipyards) 15 cm long (10 g. each). Fixed penetration of 12 cm.
 Needle-Handgun: Automatic firearm that fires 5 cm “Nael” rounds (3 g). Range is less than 300 m, but is nevertheless the most commonly used for boarding missions for its relatively small size and simple loadout.