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Elaborated History of the Saitek Empire/Vardaen Conflict

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:35 pm
by Veronw
Due to the scoring my back story received from the judging, I decided to add an elaborated version of the Nasarii Class's history and a slight detail of the previous generation. The entirety of the story is an actual book I am working on, so, I'm debating on what to put in here. I apologize for the pathetically crummy dribble I added to my ship, I did not know if I should have included more at the time or less, and to more or less uphold my abilities as a writer, this new story exists for your benefit. The ship itself is, like all of my ships, a constant work in progress.

Without further delay, I present a small sub-history of the conflict, and the battle itself, also summed up for ease of reading.

Within the Pinwheel Galaxy, or NGC 5457, there exists two supremely dominant factions. They exist within a single Galactic Arm, and only a small portion of it is under civilized command.

There is the Vardaen Empire, which is the older of the two and has maintained a galactic political hegemon of the other races for thousands of years.

The other is the Saitek Empire, who is a new species that discovered a series of immensely powerful and ancient artifacts deep within their territory that led to incredible technological leaps for their species. While normally, such hyper advanced technology unleashed upon such a primitive culture would have led to the eventual extinction of the species due to mishandling, the Saitek proved innovative enough to master it, and have contested the dominance of the Vardaen Empire.

Approximately a thousand years ago, a political schism was created between the ruling body that controlled the Known Galaxy and the new up-and-coming Saitek power base. This quickly escalated into open combat, and shortly thereafter battles were reported across the majority of Galactic Space. The objective quickly became for both sides to either conquer or to assimilate whatever species and factions they could onto their side to gain the numerical, technological, economical, and strategic advantage over the other. Naturally, a trench-line developed across the entirety of the NGC 5457 controlled arm, resulting in massive amounts of fortification, fleet deployment, and immense funding allocated to R&D to attempt to discover other possible artifacts from ancient bygone civilizations.

For a thousand years, technology, society, and existence itself within the Known Galaxy has revolved around war, and survival. The two huge empires have a collection of major species beneath their total control.

The Saitek Empire controls five major races, of whom are included the Daksh, the Finradoo, the Cekar, the Umoida, and the Majkellan Hegemon. These six races comprise the majority of Galactic Society, as it is known.

The Vardaen Imperium commands the allegiance of three races, the Hwii, the Lambada Colony Organism, and the Caidrin. These four races have managed to withstand the withering assaults of their enemies, and have taken upon themselves the name of the unified "Galactic Alliance", who supposedly uphold the ancient traditions set down by the originators all Known Species.

Regardless of the philosophies, both main species control their societies in such vastly different ways, as to make it nearly impossible after so much conflict to ever really mend the wounds each has suffered. This conflict will likely lead to the extinction of the loser, and all of their allies.

The Vardaen utilize as large inter-connection psionic network that is carried across space using a dimensional trigger system that is incorporated via psi-nanites. These tiny machines are partially organic in nature to allow a resonance with the psionic frequencies the Vardaen use to 'communicate' and to control their technology.

Likewise, the Saitek are the most similar to Humanity in terms of technology in that they possess absolutely no mental abilities, beyond high adaptability traits and innovate techniques for solving problems. They manipulate their machines either through direct nueral connections or through the typical visual interfaces.

The Vardaen developed a highly efficient method of production that involved the nanite construction process and the utilization of psi-building, which allows for the entity in control of the process to manipulate extremely heavy alloys within planet gravity fields, as well as to mold the molecular structure of the vessels to ensure maximum allowed density with designs. The best of the ship builders were located at the planet Nasaa Dakthun. This planet had been among the first extra-solar systems colonized by the species, and was the second most advanced world in their empire, with their Homeworld being the exception.

The engineers there attempted to produce a powerful new warship that would use the dimensional engine systems to move through space at the pace required by the psi-linked minds to better enable their forces to coordinate at speeds beyond light, giving them an edge over the ever 3rd dimensional bound Saitek. The first test runs of these cruisers proved fruitful, and they were put into production immediately, focusing on speed, range, and accuracy over sheer firepower.

During this massive conflict, the Saitek gained a considerable advantage over their adversary during a fortification conflict, in which the majority of the Vardaen fleet was obliterated by a brilliant strategic move by one of the lead Admirals commanding the Saitek Armada. Therefore, Alliance Command ordered the newest vessels, Vis Dakbshuu and her sister ship the Vis Sedaa, along with a slower but superior force,to aid in the evacuation of the key sector command base, which contained the most advanced AI, and rapid system analysis of all strategic assets on the front line.

The two ships immediately came under fire from the vanguard fleet that was bombarding the installation from maximum range. Using their dimensional communications technology, both commanders were able to coordinate perfectly during the battle to eliminate the enemy squadron without taking any damage, as their speed allowed them to out-flank the bulky enemy ships.

After passing through the debris field, both ships docked with the large installation and transferred or destroyed all machinery that could not be moved on board, and loaded all of the stations crew. Shortly after disengaging from the station, the Vardaen support fleet entered the sector and headed to support the two battlecruisers in their evacuations attempts. The Saitek Admiralcy, seeing the glorious victory falling apart (as the plan had been to capture the advanced communications tech) engaged with their entire force to attempt to destroy the pair of warships.

The two ships pushed their way through the enemy fighter screens and managed to do considerable damage to the picket line before breaking through to the main Vardaen battle lines. Despite considerable damage to the Vis Sedaa, all machinery and crew members from the station survived, and were transported to a nearby planetoid to further reinforce the shattered line. The live combat test of these hitherto unproven ships, reinforced the idea that bigger ships did not necessarily need to have a massive amount of overwhelming firepower, shielding, and armor to be successful. This innovation would change the face of the Vardaen war-effort for the next two-hundred years.

I apologize if this was incredibly long winded, but I just shrunk 15 chapters worth of information into this.
This story will probably be incorporated with the rest of the Saitek/Vardaen ship designs I build, showing how each individual ship helped to mold the war efforts of both major species.

oh, comments welcome