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Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 2:27 am
by Atrum
Gabriel looked up from his notebook when his name was mentioned. Adirael got up and made his way backstage. Namaah. Another unfamiliar name. His irregular Court appearances and low profile, coupled with his lack of knowledge about politics amongst the Fallen was going to cost him. Whoever she was, she could probably make his life hell if he offended her.

He checked his jacket pockets before heading to the back of the stage. The gun was still there. As was his wallet and the two spare magazines of ammunition. Good. The investigation was important, but really, at the end of it all, what would it do? There would always be another nut, and another nut after that. Even if Abaddon was fully responsible and somehow stopped, then what?

Sometimes he felt that he could sympathize with those who prioritized blind obedience over individual thought.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 3:15 am
by Latooni
Merely blinking in surprise, Samekhel did not otherwise respond. As if his name passing between Naamah's lips wasn't unbelievable enough, to be assigned to a high-profile investigation..! And if there was anything the Cryptics took seriously, it was investigation and research.

While it was nice that she had free license to investigate, (at least in regards to present company, and not like the lack of it would have stopped her) the limelight and the possible oversight were not appreciated. Having other people around to possibly deal with the responsible party could be useful, though for some reason Danielle's remaining consciousness refused to hold the concept of terminating the host body for more than a moment.

Samekhel pushed through the crowd, the few who recognized him were spurned in his rush to get backstage and meet with Naamah. He managed to get there shortly before she actually came off the stage, though.

"Is there anything in particular I should be on the look-out for?" he murmured to her, though usually, it didn't actually matter if other factions overheard the Cryptics. While many groups didn't agree with their approach, almost nobody really cared that much about their schemes to uncover more information, because it didn't usually hurt anyone, or set back plans. At least, no schemes that have been tied to the Cryptics so far, have.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 10:21 pm
by kittenpillar100
Suzanna was bored, she had been sitting behind this dest for an hour, and nothing interesting happened. A boy and his parets walked up, they wanted to rent a book out called 'beasts of the deep'. Heh. They had no idea what those really are thought Nammu, the vicious hybrid demons of the deep she fought alongside during the war. Those were real beasts.

When the family was gone Suzanna yawned. She then got out from her bag a book on demons and rituals, there could be something useful in it. She skimmed through the pages until she came across a page on water demons. Interested, she started reading intently hoping to find something useful in there.

Suzanna reads the book, chapter 7: 'water demons'.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 11:03 am
by Anna
Naamah looked to Danielle and smiled faintly, "There are many things you should look out for. Be careful. One of the Earthbound may be involved. More than that, I do not know, or cannot speak of openly, at least," She said, moving to sit at a desk backstage. There were chairs pulled out for members of the investigative team, and as Danielle, Gabriel and Pia came backstage, Naamah gestured for them to take their seats. Another person came backstage too, a tall man with grey hair and an almost perpetual scowl, dressed in a sharp black suit that was probably worth more than everything Gabriel owned. He was Alexander Weston, the host of Nisariel, the Luciferan who'd contacted both of them this morning.

"Well, I suppose you all are wondering why you were chosen?" He asked.


Suzanna didn't find much of interest in that book she was reading. And why would she? It was a book written by ordinary mortal men, thousands of years after the Fallen had been cast into the Abyss. While she was reading, a man approached her desk, hands in his pockets, wearing loose jeans and a dark hoodie, the hood pulled up, hiding his face from view.

"Nammu, this is how you spend your day? How very dull." The man murmured, chuckling a little, "I've got a better job in mind for you, if you're interested."

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 4:22 pm
by kittenpillar100
Nammu looked up, who was this man? a demon? a mortal?

However she felt that this man wasn't too dangerous and replied: 'Okay, depends what it is, and if it pays better than this job.', she gave him a small smile.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 6:10 pm
by Anna
As Suzanna looked at the man, she realised that he certainly wasn't a Demon, but something wasn't quite right about him either. He didn't seem entirely comfortable in his skin, moving awkwardly as if he were merely a puppet having its strings pulled. His hood shadowed the upper portion of his face, but his mouth was visible, twisting into a grin that was practically frightening.

"My Master has a proposition for you. I assure you it will pay... quite well." The hooded man said, chuckling and pulling a hand out of his pocket, slipping a card onto Suzanna's desk. A glimpse at his hand revealed twisted muscles with six long fingers, each tipped with a two-inch talon, "I encourage you to accept my offer. The Master doesn't take rejection well."

He then turned and started to walk away, slow, unsteady steps, his hands tucking back into his pockets. The card sat there on Suzanna's desk, plain white card with only a handful of words written in a bold, black script. An address to a building in Downtown L.A., followed by:

Your presence is requested
Refusal is unacceptable

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 10:08 pm
by vidboi
Nathaniel woke in silence once again, with no welcoming alarm call. Groggily he moaned and rolled over again. Invariently he'd wake up in the midst of the night, troubled by fading memories of pain and destruction. 'What was the time now?' he wondered, 'four? five?' he opened his eyes slowly and blinked as he was dazzled by daylight. Not good.

After slowly pulling himself out from under the covers he reached out and grabbed his PDA from the table. Flicking it open he saw a bombardment of missed calls and messages filling his inbox. Yawning slightly and rubbing his eyes he began to skim through them. Most of it was pretty usual. Work enquiring if he'd be around today, updating him on meetings and reports. More worrying were the missed calls. All of them from an unknown caller, very odd. He flicked back to his inbox and checked again, finding a message from the same sender between a couple of dreary treasury reports.
'Court, the Hacyon, where the fuck are you?'
Ah, this could be bad. He checked the time sent, over 2 hours ago. Shit.

Nathaniel grabbed a shirt off the floor and pulled it roughly over his head, followed by a crumpled pair of trous- pants. He picked up far too many British idioms from his mother, he had to be careful not to alienate himself even more. Rushing out the house, he grabbed his jacket and satchel bag, pausing to pat down his pockets to check he had everything. Satisfied, he locked up his apartment and leaving the building strode off towards the main road, hailing a taxi as he went. 

After giving directions to the Halcyon he booted up his netbook and checked his usual feeds. Nothing big was going down at work today, so he could afford to skip most of the day. Tide timetable looked alright. He scrolled through his newsfeed, an item about a demon attack on a local church caught his attention. 'No wonder the court's up in arms' he smirked to himself. He had little time for demons whose most sophisticated argument was ripping someone in half, and began to theorise what might being going on at court. He didn't have to wait long though, as the taxi pulled up outside the place, the front covered in scaffolding. "Don't have a clue why anyone'd like to come here, whole place is deserted" remarked the driver, as he handed back the change.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:11 am
by kittenpillar100
That thing was spooky, even to Nammu. She didn't want to disobey that thing's master, she didn't want to befall the same fate as that weird puppet. Putting the book away she asked her co-workers if they could cover her, 'imporant buisness meeting' was what she came up with. They grunted, she took it as a yes and walked off.

She wasn't very good at the taxi summoning ritual, as many just seemed to go past her, eventually a taxi came and she told him to drive her to the building. Phew, if her patience was lower she may have had to stand by one ofthose summoning symbols that summon the huge long red beasts known as busses, they were very smelly.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:30 pm
by Anna
Desmond Price, the host of the Faustian Alendor, was waiting for Nathaniel when he arrived. Desmond himself didn't look like much, a young man with short, messily cropped brown hair, dressed in a cheap suit with a rather garish red tie. His face bore several scars that Desmond never spoke about, and he puffed idly at a cigarette, leaning against one of the walls of the Theater.

"Ah, there you are, Dantanian." Desmond observed, grinning at Nathaniel and taking another long drag of his cigarette, "Not like you to be this late. You sleep in or something? Well, no matter. I don't think you've missed too much. Long story short, you've been chosen to represent our Faction's interests in this latest mess that you've no doubt heard about."

He gestured to the door, where the two human bouncers stood waiting, "Head inside and go backstage. You'll have to work with Cryptics and Luciferans. I trust you can handle that, right? You always were good at being a sneaky bastard."


Nammu found herself outside a rather large apartment building that looked like it had been abandoned for decades. The architecture was old and rather gothic and ornate, almost seeming to crumble apart before Suzanna's eyes, the stone worn and darkened with age and decay. Something felt very wrong about this place, and yet here she was, holding that card informing her to be here in no uncertain terms. The large double doors that presumably lead into the lobby were open just a crack, revealing it to be dark inside the building, though Suzanna thought for a moment she might have seen the flash of yellow eyes within.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 3:56 am
by kittenpillar100
Okay, forget subtley creepy, this building was just haunting. But the letter did say refusalwas unacceptable, so, mustering up all the courage she had Suzanna walked through the door instantly expecting the worst.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 6:52 pm
by Atrum
"Why we were chosen... Nisariel, I was under the impression that Afriel went out of his way to get me involved in court politics. If you would provide another reason-?" Gabriel took his seat and folded his arms as he shot the question over. He knew his station was lower than Nisariel's, but he was never a sickler for stick-up-the-ass prim-and-proper etiquette. Luciferans were men- demons of action, not endless discussion and debate. It was best to get all the necessary information then get to work immediately, rather than discuss what-ifs every day until the Morningstar returned.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 12:57 am
Pia took her seat in a wiry manner, trying her level best to feel comfortable here.

"I... think you ought to give us the long-and-short of it", she suggested to Nisariel. "If the problem's as urgent as it sounds, then I think we should try to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible."
Though she knew she could trust a higher-ranking Luciferan, she didn't want to wait around and get swamped in details.

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 1:18 am
by Anna
Nisariel frowned and straightened his tie, "I'll get straight down to business. Both of you are loyal, and you're both good at what you do. This matter is important, and I want our faction to be well represented. I also want people who can see the bigger picture. This isn't just about furthering our own cause. A rogue demon killing in plain sight is something that we need to work together to deal with, regardless of our long term goals. The Cryptics understand that... the Faustians probably aren't looking at it that way." He said, "You're right, it is something you want to get to the bottom of quickly."

"Word is, once Archduke Abaddon may be involved in this. The Cryptics..." He looked to Naamah, who smiled faintly in return, "Believe it likely that Abaddon himself may be one of these Earthbound demons you've no doubt heard of. If that's the case, this could get very dangerous, and very complicated. Much more complicated than just one rogue Demon ripping through a Church in broad daylight."

He cleared his throat, "My point is, I want you to work together with Samekhel here," He gestured to Danielle, "And the other members of the investigation team, as they arrive. Regardless of their Faction. You don't have to like each other, but damn you if you don't work together for the better cause I'll rip both of your hearts out. Clear?"

Naamah laughed a little, "So serious, Nisariel. They know what they're doing. They all demonstrated quite a willingness towards the greater good during the War. I trust Samehkel implicitly. You should trust them too."

Nisariel grunted irritable, "Do you have any questions?"


Suzanna walked into the lobby of the broken down old apartment. It wasn't much to look at, really, but perhaps at one time in the distant past it had been beautiful. Quite a work of architecture, and that former beauty faintly shone through, but due to the blackened, broken down appearance of it, that former beauty seemed only to accentuate how decripit and broken it was. Cobwebs were strung thickly across the ceiling, and at the far side of the room, a hooded man puffed on a cigarette, held carefully in his taloned fingers.

"So you came. Good. Master will be pleased." He said, taking another long drag on his cigarette, the burning ember at the tip offering a glimpse of his face, just as twisted as his hands, his mouth wide and unnatural, almost lipless, his eyes a sickly yellow, "Come with me. He's waiting for you."

The hooded man rose from his chair, flicking the cigarette away carelessly and turned to walk towards a door, opening it to reveal stairs leading down, "After you."

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 2:36 am
by Latooni
Samekhel demurely pushed a lock of hair out of his face. "Questions. Yes, I have a few. What level of additional support can be called upon? Whom should we contact with findings? What is our deadline? And, are you working on contingency plans if we fail?"

Glancing at Naamah, he added, "Not that I expect to fail, but I don't intend to jeopardize the Fallen based on my pride alone."

Re: The Long Night - Demon: The Fallen (IC Thread)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:25 am
by Atrum
Gabriel looked straight at Naamah and Nisariel. This was going to be a very blunt question.

"Additional question. How expendable are we? You ARE sending us up against Abaddon, who is from what I gather... rather powerful."