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Reclamation - IC, active thread.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:40 am
by Dragontear
(I reliese that, as I'm relatively new (but lurked for a while), not many would know I rp... soo I present thee, my rp active post!)
Sieg's status wrote: [Location: West of mall.
[Health: Fine.
[Status: Returning.]
The city was not such a bad place, Sieg thought with some humour, possibly irony. It was either a paradise or a hellhole, depending on how high you were on the food chain. For anybody that possessed arms and the skill to utilise those, rather high up the proverbial ladder. The male on the other hand, had long known that some beasts would be far too concerned with their bellies to take such sagely knowledge to heart, and running from a fast moving pack of voracious, stubborn and stupid monsters proved thus. He was lucky enough to posess a strong, enduring body with a gift for speed and navigation, four wolf-like ears were flattened, aware as his cyan optics were. Lycanthrope-like body was stooped, evading what come may. Strong, hoof-like feet carried his body onwards, a sharp needle-plant ripped a small tear into his black and dusty leggings.

The softly crooning birds of the deep blue sky seemed to mock his attempts of retrieving a few essentials from a lovely little pharmaceuticals store. Beams of light simmered through the holes of the ruined car park’s structure. A small, dusty black case dangling from his clawed grasp as he ducked under beams, overgrown plant-roots and the occasional organic projectile. One needle whistled past one of four flattened ears, an inhuman bark and expletives in response, with hisses and garbled, hyena-like shrills and chattering foot falls of stick-like limbs against the cracked, concrete surface, the faded yellow arrows directing up the multi-tiered structure.

On the ground floor, moving up a sloping ramp and riddled with thick roots and un-natural flows that had a deceptive beauty, the sprinting wolf-like humanoid was avoiding them all the same, acidic spitting from some of the sources of motion and noise, hindering one antagonist and melting enough carapace to elict a hallowing shriek. Sieg’s sandaled feet would occasionally crush a hand-sized insect that was briefly mourned by a hiss, and then eaten by more that tended to other plants with the hundreds of tiny filaments bursting from crab-like and fragile bodies.

The supposed way he had been looking for was ahead, up another ramp and through a hole in the wall, created by a marauder that had been far too eager with explosives sometime ago. Grabbing at a vertical support to fling himself around the slanted corner, Sieg caught a glance at his pursuers, metre-tall, grotesque insect-like creatures with legs thinner than a man’s wrist yet strong enough to support the torso-like body, small, delicate and chitin -covered limbs hanging from the exposed rib-cages, topped by a worm-like maw that terminated in many mandibles flowing from within, shrapnel expelling from within and shattering against solid surfaces, yet capable of shredding soft flesh.

Which is how the retreating Scavenger found out, a single needle shot through and out the other side of his left lower leg, stumbling him in un-expected pain but some minor relief, as it had missed the bone easily but nether the less, adding another distraction to him. Relief was in the form of a telepathic 'ping' from the creature fused to his spine, giving him strength to continue without suffering in pace. The light of day poured through the human-sized gap in the concrete wall ahead, in a most whimsical manner that compelled him to duck regardless, knowing that the bright, flowered strands of flesh hanging from above was beauty and teasing death. He awkwardly slid forwards, falling from the hole and – grappling madly for some of the many roots spilling down the side of the building – Noted with glee that the parody of a Venus fly-trap like… thing above swung downwards, it’s head splitting open once inside and – from the resulting cacophony of shrills, shrieks and hissing – presumably gorging upon the hapless foes, at least distracting them. If not annihilating one or two as a bonus as compensation for their… inconvenience.

Too focused upon keeping to the roots and the fear of heights distracted his natural conscience, despite the ‘ping’ efforts to calm him down from the indifferent mind of his Deranger ‘accomplice’, that his grip upon the roots faltered and failed, for such convenient rope-like matter ended higher up then expected. Karma was unkind today, whilst Sieg had been wordlessly mocking the stupidity of the creatures, he had forgotten that the tilted trash unit was on the right side of the opening, which would have lessened his fall enough to prevent the dislocated leg and plentiful supply of discomfort he received for his troubles.


It took upwards of twenty five minutes, thirteen seconds to reach the rusted chain-link fence, another three and a bit to navigate around to one of the guarded entrances. Counted by the second, by ‘Jadket’, Sieg’s second… mind. The second partner of this symbiosis at least relieved him of the pain that accompanied multiple bruises and popping dislocated limbs back into place. Such manipulation of sensations was easy, however his pace was no better, a slight limp was still present, but bearable. I bloody hope they appreciate this… The Lycan-esque humanoid thought with a audible growl-like huff. With the dusty, dented black metal case in one hand, the other aching from the fall, he moved into the mall, never a heavily populated place and sometimes too quiet.
Sieg's status wrote: [Location: Entrance.
[Health: Lightly wounded.
[Status: Bruises, aches.]
(Don't need to post a second status or OOC here please, unless really needed.)

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:15 am
by Homer
Ok, so nice story, but are we allowed to post the start of our character here like you did?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:00 pm
by Silverware
Greyhorn's status wrote: [Location: Just Over 2 km ENE of the Mall.]
[Health: (Fine.]
[Status: Savaging.]
It was quiet in the derelict electronics store.
It was quiet in the city as a whole, it had been quiet for over 100 years now.
This store like many other places in the city was falling apart, the shelves had rotted away and the contents of cupboards and display stands had spilled onto the ground. Most of the stuff here was junk, either no longer usable or broken beyond repair. But you could sometimes find decent things in stores, so long as the store hadn't been picked over by someone else first. By the looks of things though this was a virgin find, the dust of the ages coated every surface in the store and it looked like nothing had disturbed it in at least ten years.

Stepping over piles of rubble and junk Greyhorn made his way to the counter slowly so as not to disturb anything. Sound carried a long distance in the city, and it was far from safe this close to the city's heart. leaving only small scratchy footprints as he made his way forwards, he noticed a few objects in decent condition. Picking up what looked like an almost functioning radio receiver/transmitter as he made his way to the back of the store, James started thinking about what he could do with the transmitter unit. A simple radio system for the guards at the Mall would be useful, or it could be used for a salvaging team to keep in touch, or even a radio system for the residents at the Mall to increase moral.

A gunshot brought James out of his thoughts and made him freeze in the process of taking a step. A gunshot was never a good sign.

The rattle of assault-rifle fire made James duck and hide behind the counter, pulling his rifle from its sling on his back he flicked off the safety and got ready for a fight.

More blasts from the first gun, followed by the rattle of the assault-rifle. These guys were forcing each other behind cover, and James still couldn't tell where they were, outside the shop was about all he could pinpoint. Lifting his blade out of his belt with his telekinetic powers and readied it to be slung at anyone who would enter the shop.

A few more blasts from each side before the sound of gunfire went silent. One side or the other was now either dead, or dying. James slowly and carefully approached one of the windows in the front, outside nothing could be seen but the rubble of the once proud city standing in the midday sun. No movement, no blood, nothing out of the ordinary. Slowly leaving the store keeping in the shadows James left with his Radio in his pack, all that he managed to recover from his savaging run before he was rudely interrupted.

Heading quickly and quietly down the the old road known as "Main Reef Road", one of the few roads that ran directly to the mall, James made good time and wasn't interrupted on his way back to the Mall. This day had enough excitement in it already. By the time he reached the Mall it was late in the afternoon, and James was ready to sit down in his shop and relax a bit.

Hailed by the guards at the entrance to a makeshift wall wrapping around the Mall James recounted the events of the day and made sure that the guards would be especially wary for outsiders for the next few days. Someone was stalking the ruins of the city, and that would mean trouble for the scavengers in the Mall.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:46 pm
by AlphaDetisMegas
[Location: 1 km SW of the Mall.]
[Health: (Fine.]
[Status: Walking towards a mall which seems to house several psychic ''pings''.]

Before proceeding down the alleyway , Sakura used a tiny amount of magic to send a small amount of conscience through the alley, and sensing no sentient beings in the alley , she moved onward. She was unsure what she felt, but she did know she was being watched, if she liked it or not

The city was silent, with occasional shrieks from animals, or even former humans, breaking the silence, it felt almost unnatural.
Sakura made here way to the rooftop of a nearby store, from where she could look in almost every direction unobscured by the relics from ancient times, as they had been burried by dust long ago.

She felt a strong stream of psychic energy coming from the mall, it seemed to be coming from a large collection of underdeveloped psychic animals, though she could not be sure from so far away, she jumped from rooftop to rooftop, ocassionaly stopping to rest and look around for usable supplies, hoping to find the source of the psychic emmissions, as it ussually indicated sentient beings being present.

Sakura heard a gunshot and reacted immediately, diving for the nearest piece of cover, and strengthening her defensive barrier, when she felt it was safe to move on again, she started to move towards whatever lay in that omnious mall.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:23 pm
by Homer
I suck at writing so don't flame me.
[location: 3km N of Mall]
[Health: slight armor damage]
[Status: heading to mall for parts]

Upon waking up the pilot of the B.A.S noticed he was covered in a small amount of rubble from the deteriorating building, annoyed he threw the rubble off promptly smashing a ghoul in the face. Walking torward the mall B.A.S noticed something odd the walls they seemed to be moving. New to these parts he made the regretful mistake of investigating it. Upon reaching out to feel the walls, he noticed a mutated bird land on the wall and get sucked in with a bloody puff. Not wanting to suffer the same fate he left the "walls alone"

Proceding to the mall the B.A.S pilot noted a odd amount of activity from a abandoned bank. Avoiding it to his best of abilities this time recognizing it as a Yagi nest he ran (more like clutzy jog) away from it noticing a Yagi dart out of the building yelling a warning cry.


B.A.M unloaded a couple rounds into the Yagi's head from his rifle and into the resulting crashing of Yagi through the buildings doors. After firing frantically into the Yagi he ran out of ammo, holstering the rifle and proceeding to grab his hammer. He swung it into a large support shattering it resulting in a wall falling on some of the Yagi with a large thud. Snickering with the odd irony he walked back toward the mall.

After finally entering a clearing B.A.S noticed the mall a couple hundred feet away. Walking toward the entrance a couple of the malls gaurds noticed the rather odd looking person with the armor suit, curious with inquiries they walked over to ask him questions about how he came to be this.
Encounter other players: [Y/N]

I want this to be a common enemy. Yagi: large bipedal cat like creature that run really fast and have a hive mind.

[location] Entrance
[health] Light: multiple strike marks on armor
[status] slight fatigue from long walk that required lots of detours.

EDIT: now fits the new character that got approval.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:48 pm
by Dragontear
(Good intro posts Silver and Alpha, but use the coding if you not already please. Homer, I didn't accept your bio, as I said in the planning thread if you checked so please don't post here. I ain't flaming you, I wasn't accepting mecha - the story isn't using accelerated technology. I'll post soon-ish, messing around with the new section packs.)

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:28 pm
by Homer
Mmk i'll see if i can change it. Sorry for not noticing

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:12 pm
by Droid
(I declareth that my first RP post is that of the backstory)
Sara's status wrote: [Location: Storm Raider Encampment, ~15 km from the mall]
[Health: Fine.]
[Status: Sitting in a tent, eating.]
Sara sat in Slave tent D, silently finishing her small evening meal. The sun was poised to set, and after the meal, the slaves would be taken back outside of a final round of work before being allowed to sleep. The tent was usually quiet, for there was only ever people inside during meals and nighttime. It was especially so now that the conical structure, large enough to accommodate twenty people, now only housed six. A small fire flickered at the center of the sparse circle the slaves sat in while they ate, heating the remnants of the thin stew they were now eating, and casting an eerie dark orange glow on the parched cloth of the tent walls.

Excluding time for sleep, mealtimes were the only time that the salves were away from the watchful eyes of the Storm Raider Overseers; the only time they were spared from the lash of their three-pronged whips. During this time, the Overseers would eat their own meals, throwing conversation in their crude tongue with their brethren. The intermittent guttural shouts and grunts were muffled by the fabric of the tent walls, sounding like sound effects for the play the shadows did as they danced along the the sides of the tent.

As Sara got up to refill her bowl, the sound of an artillery shell exploding sent the camp into panic. The ground shook, the fire went out, the shouts of the Overseers became more panicked, and the alarm sounded. The Storm Raiders prepared to fight back against the enemy.

As more shells impacted, Sara took a peek out of the tent. Much of the camp was burning, and in the distance, she could make out some of the slower Storm Raiders moving to reinforce their faster comrades. Carefully slipping out of the tent, Sara glances back at the other slaves while holding the flap open, they were still cowering, afraid to look outside. She motioned to them, telling them that the Overseers were not there, but they were too afraid to move, not believing her message. Sara, however, saw no better opportunity to flee from her captors, intent on not being taken to be a slave by the attacking group, whoever they were.

She walked slowly and carefully towards the main 'command tent' for the Storm Raiders, noting that it had caught on fire and was slowly burning down. As the shouts and gunshots gradually grew louder, Sara realized that the Storm Raiders are falling back in the face of a superior enemy. She slipped into the burning command tent, and saw a raider shaman lying dead on the floor, impaled by one of the many weapons on display that fell during the shaking caused by the artillery shells. Sara noticed a cloak hanging on a burning rack, though the cloak itself warded away the flames. She quickly snatched it, and picked up the closest weapon on the floor that she could figure out how to use, used it to cut her chains, and swiftly left the command tent.

Outside, Sara found that more of the camp was either flattened of on fire, including slave tent D, and that the battle was rapidly closing in. Spotting a food storage shack that was spared from the destruction, quickly darted in, and filled a sack hanging on the wall with provisions. Taking it with her, she ran out of the room.

She had taken a little too long however, as the battle had reached the camp, and she was sighted by a raider armed with a pistol. Sara did the only thing she could have done (raiders executed slaves trying to run away anyway) - duck and run as fast as possible away from the camp and into the desert. She closed her eyes and expected to feel the pain of bullets shredding through her scales, but she instead felt the occasional dull thud, as if the bullet had failed to penetrate, and indeed it had. Even so, it was enough to cause internal bruising, but not so much that it impeded her dash. After a few rounds, the raider ceased pursuit, likely killed by an enemy. Sara didn't stop running even after she stopped hearing gunshots. She kept running until the smoke from the burning encampment was nothing more than a smear poking above a sand dune painted against the darkening purple sky, the smoke of dying embers lit by the final rays of the setting sun.

Sara collapsed on the dune, with all her expended energy and damage taken finally catching up with her. Before passing out, she thought to herself, "I'm going to need to heal myself when I wake up."
Sara's status wrote: [Location: Middle of the desert ~ 10 km from the mall]
[Health: Lightly Wounded.]
[Status: Passed out from exhaustion, bruises.]
(not quite at the mall yet, so not everyone arrives at the same day)

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:46 am
by Dragontear
(Excellent intro post Droid, I'm liking how this is all panning out, especially since you're making things sound like their not revolving around Sara often, if that made sense.)
Sieg's status wrote: [Location: Entrance.
[Health: Lightly wounded.
[Status: Moving to infirmary and machine shop.]
While the Guardians of the Mall were understandably cautious, Sieg had not been here any longer than a few months, but he was well known enough by the patrolling Scavengers that lived at the mall, that word of mouth helped during his first weeks here. Frankly he was in no mood to mess about as he would sometimes with a fellow Scavenger or two, due to the healing wound in his left leg and the annoying problem with the battered Winchester rifle. His tail made a little flick while he moved through the mall, directly towards the infirmary which was originally just a small drugs shop. The outpost as a whole was cosy, well maintained with the plants that had overgrown being cut back to prevent them generally getting in the way, whilst still allowing some sort of natural appearance. Here and there were members of the mall, their professions as varied as their species.

Trudging around a corner, he gently rapped the old metal bell with the back of his knuckles, arousing the attention of the local medic, once seen to and giving the doctor the case of drugs, walked back out with additional gratitude to the Deranger permanently attached to his body, having a small wound sterilised was painful, no matter the pain tolerance, however it was hardly worth worrying over now that the creature numbed the pain senses. With another bandage added to his form, neatly wrapped around his left upper shin to keep it relatively clean from the air. A minute later he looked about, noticing a tall, grey and skeletal individual, ‘Greyhorn’ Sieg called him, either from the obvious or as a codename, a habit he guessed. Blinking, he reminded himself to go see the man, the rifle didn’t work as well as he desired, hence the speedy retreat from the insectoid pack.

Calmly making his way back through the poor example of a crowd, he kept an cyan eye out for anything out of the extra-ordinary, another habit from life in the wastes. He heard a few tidbits here and there, information being rapidly exchanged, some were menial, and other nuggets of knowledge were more valuable. Reports of gunfire and potential advisories had made their rounds, some of it coming from the very man he was about to meet.

Standing by the tall pillar by the entrance to the quiet mechanic’s shop, he tilted his head slightly, a gentle ‘ping’ from his companion urging him onwards, logically speaking, going back out into the city without a fully functional rifle was ill-advised, and tampering with it further would not yield favourable results, word-for-word. Frowning slightly, he slipped the rifle from the make-shift sling upon his back, holding it in both four-fingered paw-like hands; he advanced into the little place, surrounded by technology and uttered a guttural call for whomever was inside. If not, he didn’t mind waiting. “Anybody here? James?” He called out, curiosity evident as he looked at the metal objects here and there.
Sieg's status wrote: [Location: Entrance.
[Health: Fine..
[Status: Looking for the shop owner.]
(Annnnnd I’ll leave it to Silver to describe the shop in better detail if you choose apologies for the crummy post.)

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:33 pm
by Silverware
(Nice posts you guys, this is only short, I'll give Dragon a shot at leading this conversation around a bit.)
Greyhorn's status wrote: [Location: Mall, Tech. Workshop.]
[Health: (Fine.]
[Status: Resting.]
The Workshop in the Mall was littered with half-fixed items, they covered most of the benches around the room and most of them were covered with a fine coat of dust themselves. This was a room where many projects lay, either unable to be completed or forgotten about in light of other projects that are more important, or more interesting. The room had little light coming into it, and the only light source inside the workshop was a small lamp over the main workbench, behind which Greyhorn sat on an old wooden chair.

Greyhorn's latest find, a radio transmitter/receiver unit, lay in pieces on the workbench which was curiously clear of clutter unlike the other benches in the room. He was just fixing broken wires and tracing a circuit diagram on a leaf of homemade-paper, when a voice called out, "Anybody here? James?" James looked up with a start and noticed a wolf-like humanoid standing at the doorway, looking curiously at the half-completed projects around the room.

"Yeah. I'm James, who are you?"
"Sieg. I hear your the mechanic over here in the Mall."
"You heard correct, how can I help?"

Mod Edit: You could at least have the decency to use the fucking preview button so that you can see whether or not the speech is easy to read or not.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:51 pm
by Auriak
Rachmyre's status:
[Location: North of the Mall.
[Health: Fine.
[Status: Exploring]
Strolling like a giraffe on its four sleeping heads, Rachmyre eyed the blasted ruins of the city. Its wakeful head loomed over its small body, occasionally floating down on its long neck to check the stones for dropped food. The tough pads of skin at the back of the sleeping heads trodded over the crumbled concrete. All of a sudden, the creature stopped, active head rising from the crags of the street to gain the advantage of its 13-foot height. a scent was on the wind, and it didn't smell friendly. Agitated, Rachmyre continued southward, toward the blocky cave known as the Mall. Swooping its head around, it spotted what had set it on edge. The beast loping down the street was some type of deformed quadroped, with sharp teeth and rending claws. Rachmyre woke up a second head, which pulled its snout out of its pouch lazily and blinked sleep out of its sharp eyes. Both heads screetched and Rachmyre backed away on three necks. The quadroped continued to advance, taking a swipe with a mutated paw. Rachmyre dodged fluidly on its three standing necks, and nipped at its enemy with both heads. One bite caught the predator on the tip of the tail, provoking a fierce counterattack which cut the skin on one of Rachmyre's active heads. Rachmyre headbutted the beast in the upper body, sending it sprawling down the street. The five headed creature battered the quadroped until it lay panting and drooling on the middle of the road, mostly broken, then put one head to sleep and trudged off toward the security of the mall.

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:55 am
by Droid
Sara's status wrote: [Location: Middle of the desert ~ 10 km from the mall]
[Health: Lightly Wounded.]
[Status: Passed out from exhaustion, bruises.]
The cool midnight breeze blew silently from the east across the parched dunes, sending wisps of sand spiraling in front of the crescent moon. The stars, a myriad of points of light shimmered over the desolate landscape where the creatures of the night went about their business.


Sara groaned as she got up and spat out sand while shaking her head in a daze. Looking up at the night sky, she snapped herself to alertness. The night in the open desert, as quiet and serene as it was now, was a dangerous place. As she attempted to get up and walk, Sara was interrupted by a sharp pain from her back. "Right...healing...", Sara thought as she sat back down, took a deep breath, and started he healing spell, something she had often done after a hard day of work.

As Sara performed self-healing, the night wind slowly shifted, carrying with them an ominous scent. The lesser creatures of the night retreated into their hiding places, the larger ones moved to take their business in a less dangerous elsewhere. Heedless of this, lost in concentration, Sara concluded her healing spell.

As Sara got up, the greater sand wurm erupted from the sand dune, a large, multi-segmented creature, almost eighteen meters long, resembling a combination of equal parts snake and tapeworm. The beast let out a short cry, turned and dove towards Sara the moment half its body cleared the surface.

The sound prompted Sara to turn to face the wurm and spread her wings in preparation to jump. She took to the air moments before its great head crashed into the spot Sara was standing moments before. Not long after, its long body followed the head and disappeared beneath the shifting dunes, waiting for the next lunge. The air was not the domain of the sand wurm - it would wait until its prey had tired itself out and then finish what it started. The creatures are, however, cowards only daring to attack solitary travelers foolish enough to traverse the dunes at night, never daring to go near camps or other settlements.

Sara's knowledge of that fact would be attributed to having learned it from a fellow slave. It would be the knowledge of this that prompted her to search for a place of sanctuary. She would have had to find one eventually - her food supply would not last forever, and now she had the ultimate incentive to do so.

The world from the sky appeared even more desolate than the world from the ground. Desert stretching far into the distance in one direction, and the ruined remains of a city in the other, everything in between being exactly that. Deciding that the city ruins would be a better choice, Sara headed in that direction, gliding to use as little energy as possible, occasionally stopping for rest. The sand wurm relentlessly followed, but was content to wait until its prey had stopped completely before making another attempt.


Sara slowed down as she approached the mall. The wurm had backed further and further away until it no longer appeared to be tailing her while underground. The first rays of sunlight of a new day were beginning to peek over the horizon as Sara steps onto the property around the mall, looking around for others.
Sara's status wrote: [Location: Outside the mall]
[Health: Fine.]
[Status: Looking for people. Tired.]

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:51 pm
by Dragontear
(REVIIIVE! Great posts people, Droid - I assume your character's catching up time-wise, it's afternoon from what I first wrote. X3 Excellent stuff nether the less.)
Sieg's status wrote: [Location: Entrance.
[Health: Fine..
[Status: Talking with the shop owner.]
Inspecting Greyhorn's latest technological find, the Scavenger tilted his head and noticed out of the corner of his eye, layers of dust upon multiple unfinished heaps of stuff, most of which made no recognisable shapes to him. Blinking, his catlike cyan optics focused upon the shop owner, his responses piquing Sieg's form to cross over and gently lay the slightly bent Winchester rifle onto the clear side of the work desk. "I dropped from a carpark close by, 'think some of the firing mechanisims are busted, usually I'd do it myself..." He trailed off, turning his head and breaking any eye-contact with the skeletal humanoid to briefly scan the transmitter unit's debris.

"...but my working hand ain't too shabby today, still bloody hurts. You up to it?" He admitted, grumbling the last word out and frowning. Assuming James was open to repair another piece of post-human tech, Sieg tilted his head slightly, long, half-insectoid tail flickering behind his slightly hunched and covered form.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:56 am
by Homer
(character interactions?)

[Location: Mall lobby
[Health: Tired
[Status: Looking for shops

As B.A.S entered the mall the mall's guards gave him a few stares with interest and fear in their eyes. Upon entering the mall B.A.S was greeted by a young child.

Child: Mr. Whats your name?

B.A.S: .....I don't.. think I have one.

Child: Well thats awfully odd, dontcha think?

B.A.S: Sure, whatever.

Child: well. . . your suit does say Sandr

B.A.S: Call me Sandr then.

After B.A.S's encounter with the little child he proceeded down the malls many areas until reaching a store that seemed quite active. And with excitement, saw some old firing mechanism mounted on the wall, along with the owner of the store and a rather odd looking creature bartering with the owner.

[Enter store]

Upon entering the store B.A.S took off his heavy helmet and proceeded to look at various goods.

(Is it okay?)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:19 am
by Silverware
(Basics look, okay, just make that post a bit longer, flesh out the conversation a bit. And maybe use a color around B.A.M's speech.)
Greyhorn's status wrote: [Location: Mall, Tech. Workshop.]
[Health: (Fine.]
[Status: Bartering.]
"Hmm... Okay let me take a look at it."
Pushing aside the transmitter/receiver unit still in pieces, he lays down Sieg's battered rifle and proceeds to strip it down.

"Its just out of alignment, here this should do it."
Putting the rifle back together, cocking it and firing, even without a round in the chamber it was obvious that it would now fire again.
Handing the repaired rifle back to Sieg, he noticed a diving suit standing in his doorway. Cocking his head to one side wondering about it.

"Thanks James, what will is cost me?"
"Nothing, its a simple fix, and if your in here you can't be an enemy so keeping you alive should be a good thing."

"Hey you, guy in the diver's suit, what you after?"